2017届高考英语二轮复习 第3部分 阅读理解 完形填空 语法填空 短文改错限时规范训练9 下载本文

When you choose to be happy,you will affect others in the workplace.

(2)3. Michael's definition of a “drag” is,a person who “drastically reduces all good.” Of course,they have a bad attitude.If you're this kind of person,you can change.Start being positive.Start by giving subtle and honest praise to co-workers.Just start looking for authentic reasons to give others some praise.It will set you apart from everyone else.People will recognize you as being more caring and more interested in them.Your influence will skyrocket especially if you're in an environment where there is little praise and encouragement.

(3)CHOOSE what you are going to think.Most people have given in to CNN,ABC,NBC,“the way things are”,society,drama,negativity and the like.It's time to take back charge of your brain.Get your focus directed.Like Paul said in the bible,“Think on these things.Things that are true,are of a good report,are honorable,are positive.”

4. If you have nothing to read that is positive,send me your email address and I'll send you a free copy of my “Powerful Attitudes” ebook.Read a little every morning.It will positively and powerfully affect the rest of your day.

When you change yourself,you will add value in your workplace.Like the late great business philosopher,Jim Rohn said,“You can take out the garbage at McDonalds and earn minimum wage.But if you take out the garbage and whistle as you do it every day,you're likely to earn 50 cents more per hour.” Add value to your workplace by controlling your own attitude.5.

A.Start your day by reading something positive. B.Think more of what you can do,produce or create. C.Just be yourself and create a strong self image. D.Are you a “drag”?

E.Your attitude and your happiness is important. F.Fall in love with it.

G.You will advance faster and in time,make a lot more money.

【解题导语】 赚钱的秘密在于增加价值。1.选择快乐的工作;2.要学会表扬和鼓励;3.选择你想要思考的事情。改变了自己,就会有进步,最后就会赚很多钱。







Dear fellow students,

May I have your attention,please?Now I'd like to make a speech here.As we know,waste 1. (become) a common scene on campus recently.Some pour the remains

of a meal where there is still much 2. (leave); others 3. (simple) walk away after washing hands,leaving the water 4. (run); students leave the classroom every day 5. noticing whether fans are

switched off.Has thrift (节俭),one of the national traditions 6. developed from our long history gone?7. so,find it back!

We don't have to take great pains to control waste,but action and a grateful heart are needed;thank the water that runs through our fingers,and save it for poor Arabian or African countries struggling in water 8. (short); thank the light we enjoy because in poor areas,children share 9. dim lamp

reading; thank all the paper we are able to use,for trees are cut down 10. (satisfy) our needs;thank everything nature can offer and everything we can own.

Live and act,so the tradition of thrift will never fade.

【解题导语】 本文讲述了我们日常生活中的很多浪费现象,并号召大家要心存感恩之心去节约日常生活中那些东西。

1.解析:has become。考查动词的时态。句意:最近校园浪费现象很普遍。根据recently和句意可知,用现在完成时。waste是不可数名词,所以用has become。


3.解析:simply。考查副词。句意:一些人洗完手就径直走开。用副词修饰动词。 4.解析:running。考查非谓语动词。句意:让水一直流着。leave后面动词的-ing形式做宾语的补足语,表示动作的延续性。


6.解析:that/which。考查关系代词。句意:有着悠久历史的节俭之风从我们的生活中消失了吗? developed from our long history是定语从句,修饰先行词tradition,用that/which代替物tradition引导定语从句,在从句中做主语。

7.解析:If。考查连词。句意:如果是这样,就把它找回来。根据句意可知填if。 8.解析:shortage。考查名词。句意:我们不需要花大力气来控制废物,但行动和一颗感恩的心是需要的;感谢水穿过我们的手指,并为那些挣扎在严重缺水的贫穷的阿拉伯或非洲国家而节约用水,用名词形式shortage。


10.解析:to satisfy。考查副词。句意:我们要感谢我们能用纸看书写字,因为树木被砍伐掉做成了纸。用动词不定式表目的。