2017届高考英语二轮复习 第3部分 阅读理解 完形填空 语法填空 短文改错限时规范训练9 下载本文





Before you hit “submit” for the Nov.1 Early Decision (ED) deadline (截止日期),think about this: Early Decision is binding (必须遵守的).That means if you are accepted,you have to go.

ED is a great option if the college you're applying to is your dream school and you are 100 percent certain that you can see yourself on its campus next fall.But if you're having any doubts about whether or not this college is the perfect place for you,think again about your ED application.

Applying ED definitely has benefits.One of them is that you will know where you're going to college before Christmas if you are accepted.While your academic performance needs to be kept up,the stress of standardized tests,meeting college deadlines,getting letters of recommendation and so on will all be behind you.

On the other hand,one of the biggest difficulties is that next March and April,ED students will not be able to compare one college with another.This lack of choice also means that students can't use offers from other colleges to ask for better financial aid.

Susan Goodkin,owner of the California Learning Strategies Center,said,“From fall to spring of the last year in high school is a long time and students' ideas might change.”

“Some families are so ready to be done with the college application process that they make themselves believe they're in love with a school so they can apply ED.I advise all families to apply ED only if it is for the right reasons.”

Here's a tip for thinking about ED: Don't say you're applying ED and then decide where.Figure out which college is the best fit for you and then find out if they offer an ED program.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A.How to get into top American universities. B.How to apply ED.

C.The admission policies of American universities.

D.The advantages and disadvantages of ED programs. 2.According to the article,ED applicants . A.get financial aid easily from the college they apply to B.must attend the college they apply to if they are accepted C.can apply to several colleges under an ED program at a time D.needn't have great academic performance to apply to a college 3.ED applicants are informed of the college's decision . A.in early November B.before Christmas C.around January 1

D.in the following March or April

4.What does Susan Goodkin advise college applicants to do? A.Not to change their idea of their preferred school. B.Not to apply ED because of its lack of choice.

C.To apply ED and decide where to study as early as possible. D.To apply ED only when it's offered by their dream school.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了美国高中生申请提前录取的好处与坏处。


2.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Early Decision is binding(必须遵守的).That means if you are accepted,you have to go.”可知,申请提前录取,一旦被某所大学录取,你就必须上这所大学。故选B。其余三项与文中细节不符。

3.解析:选B。细节理解题。由第三段中的“Applying ED definitely has benefits.One of them is that you will know where you're going to college before Christmas if you are accepted.”可知B为答案。

4.解析:选D。推理判断题。由最后三段可知,Susan Goodkin并不建议所有人都盲目地去申请ED并急于把就读学校定下来,再结合“Don't say you're applying ED and then decide where.Figure out which college is the best fit for you and then find out if they offer an ED program.”可知本题选D。


Parents are fuelling bad behavior among their children by attempting to “buy” their love with expensive gifts nowadays.

Over recent decades we seem to have created a “must have” culture among our

young people.Many mothers and fathers believe they are “failing as parents” if they are unable to ensure that their children have the latest toy,electronic devices (the lap-top,cellphones,Game Boy,etc.) along with their friends.In many cases,families also feel pressured to enroll (使加入) children in “every interest club or after-school activity that is available” to fill up their time like most of the other children.

But experts warned that the move might affect “precious family time” negatively.Graham Gorton,chairman of the Independent Schools Association,said that parents spent too much time filling their children's lives,which had a series of negative effects on “the very precious family time that exists”.

“It seems that those times when a whole weekend without planned work was seen as a luxury (奢侈) and a perfect opportunity to spend time together and share those valuable moments of childhood are long gone,” Mr.Gorton said.“As a child I only once said that phrase that parents feared ‘I'm bored’.Immediately my mother took action and produced a list of jobs and then insisted that I complete every one of them.Though I didn't think cleaning all the floors could really get rid of my boredom,I enjoyed the feeling of staying at home with my mother and brothers.”

Earlier this year,some researchers suggested that relatively wealthy parents were sometimes guilty of failing to teach basic social skills to children.“Often,it's the rich middle classes that buy off their children through the computer and the TV.That then sets them apart from their family,and then the parents are surprised when their child isn't coming to school.”

5.The second paragraph mainly tells us that . A.today's children have little time to play

B.today's children depend on electronic tools too much C.today's parents feel pressured by the “must have” culture D.being qualified parents becomes harder for today's young people 6.What does the “must have” phenomenon refer to based on the passage? A.That children must have what other children have. B.That children must have proper pressure to work hard.

C.That children must have special skills to ensure a better future. D.That parents must have patience to know their children better.

7.Which of the following is the best advice you could give to parents based on Gorton's statement?

A.Plan fewer activities for their children to improve family time. B.Buy their children fewer things that they are fond of. C.Give their children more housework to do.

D.Leave their children alone when the kids feel bored. 8.From the passage we can infer that .

A.wealthy parents don't like teaching basic social skills to children B.parents should be much more strict with their children at home

C.children should not be brought up in a wealthy and pleasant environment D.only satisfying children's material needs is not a good way of parenting 【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,属于教育类短文阅读。文章介绍了现在普遍存在的“must have”现象,孩子必须拥有与其他孩子一样的东西,父母对此感到很有压力。专家建议可以减少孩子的活动时间,提高家庭生活质量,不能仅仅满足孩子的物质需求。

5.解析:选C。段落大意题。根据第二段中的“In many cases,families also feel pressured to fill up their time like most of the other children.”可知,这段讲的是今天的父母对于“must have”这样的文化感到很有压力。

6.解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Over recent decades we seem to have created ...along with their friends.”可知,“must have”这种现象指的是孩子必须有其他孩子有的东西。故选A。

7.解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Graham Gorton,chairman of the Independent Schools Association, ...of negative effects on ‘the very precious family time that exists’.”可知,根据Gorton所说,你能给父母最好的建议是为孩子计划更少的活动来提高家庭生活。故选A。

8.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Earlier this year,some researchers suggested ...to teach basic social skills to children.”可以推断出,单是满足孩子的物质需求不是为人父母的好方法。


THINK “ADDING VALUE” (and you'll get more money)

Most people either “like” their job,“love” their job or “hate” their job.Everyone wants to make more money regardless of how they feel about their job.The secret to making more money is,focus on adding value.Think less of what you can have or acquire.1. You don't always have to do more though we always can do more.What you might consider is “doing different”.Let me explain.

(1)Do you choose to be happy at work?It's a choice.And you can do it.It's a

lot of“mind over matter”.Mind what's important and the rest doesn't matter.2.