中考英语单选精选300题附答案分析 下载本文

290 . ---alice, you__ on the phone ---I am coming. Thanks

A. want B.Are wanted C.Are wanting D. have wanted

291 . The boss made them___ ten hours a day.

A. worked B. working C. work D. to work

292 . My watch doesn’t work. I have to __ it__ right now

A. make; repair B. have; repair C. make; to repair D. have; repaired

293 . I don’t think he’s ever been to the monkey Island, __ ? A. isn’t he B. hasn’t he C. is it D. has he

294 . This kind of books __ well and__ out in the bookstore.

A. sells; has been sold B. sells; sells C. is sold; sells D. is sold; has been sold

295 . You__ a used car__ as little as 500 dollars last month. A. paid; of B. bought; for C. spent; for D. cost; to

296. I really can’t see anything.His head is ___of my view.

A.on my way B. by the way C. in the way D. out of the way

297.---How often do you have history lessons?

---____,Monday,Wednesday and Friday.

A. Every day B.Every other day C.Every three days D.Every few days 298.----The cake looks___.

-----Yes,and it tastes even___.

A.well;good B.nice;better C.good;worse D.better;best

299.---____will you come back? ---In an hour.

A.How soon B.How often C.How far D.How long 300.---Did you find the small village yesterday?

----Yes,without any difficulty,for it has___changed over years.



1.B 考点分析: kates 以及 them 都说明是复数,因此用none 2.A 考点分析:

3.A考点分析: 因为come,arrive是瞬间动词,在用于现在完成时时,不能与表示一段的for,since构成的时间状语连用。

4.A考点分析:(1)tell told told 几种说的区别(2) It is important for sb to do sth (3)It is important for sb that+从

句 强调句(4)be careful with/ about sth 当心,小心

5.A考点分析: (1)有连字符的名词全部用单数2)see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(3)辩析a; an; the 6. B考点分析:(1) sound (v) 听起来 辩析 sound hear listen(2) 辩析 interested interesting

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7. D考点分析:(1) take拿走; bring带来; (2)carry随身携带; fetch派人去取

8.A考点分析:(1)there be 句型be 看其后的名词单复数(2) smoke 不可数n(3) very 修饰形容词原级 9.A考点分析:(1) on the left 在左边; 靠左边(2) 本题考情态动词的疑问句和have to这个重点词

10. B考点分析:(1)keep是中招重点词汇之一.(2)keep sb doing sth 使某人一直做某事(用持续性动词)(3)keep

on 保持; 维持 (4) keep sb/sth adj 使某人/某事保持某种状态

11. B 考点分析:(1) not(需掌握各种否定句)…until…直到…才…(2) I am afraid not 恐怕不行

12. C考点分析:(1) in two days 两天之内(2)finish doing sth(3) will + v将来时的基本结构,谓语必须是行为动


13.A考点分析:(1) have 是中招重点词Have sth to do有…事要做 (2) enough是中招重点词

enough, adj , adj+n to do… eg:I have enough food to eat我有足够多的食物吃。形容词正常修饰:形容词前放置修饰名词a red rose ; enough food(adj)(3)当adv讲时,修饰句子I played the game enough我玩这个游戏足够多地了。副词正常用法:副词前放置修饰形容词 very good;good enough(enough 做副词;后放置修饰形容词)

14. C考点分析:回答must 开头的疑问句,用needn’t(基础题)

15.A考点分析: look 的搭配:look at看; look around四周环顾; look like看上去象;look forward to期待; look up向上看; ook out of…从…向外看; look out当心!look for寻找

16. B考点分析:词型易混quite (ad)很,十分; quiet (a)安静的; quick (a)快的,迅速的 17.A考点分析:固定搭配 sb named/called …叫…名字的人 18. D考点分析:回答may 开头的疑问句,用can not(基础题) 19. C考点分析 :keep的用法(参阅第十题)

20. D考点分析:基础题: hate sb doing sth 请联想其他此类词

21. C考点分析:how引导的一系列特殊疑问词(必考题)how soon ; how far; how often; how long; how

many;how much; how.关于how的用法:1)How+形容词+句子!(感叹句)It is hot.天气热;How hot it is!天太热了 2)特殊疑问词(表方式或程度) How did you reach there? I got to there by bus.

how many ;how much ;how far;how long; how soon; how old; how tall ; how often 22.A考点分析: Many+可数 many books Much+不可数 much food Too+adj too hot Too many 进一步修饰 Too much 进一步修饰 Much too 进一步修饰 I have too many books He needs too much food It is much too hot. 23.A 考点分析: used to和 be used to 的区别(不是use―使用‖) used to 情态动词 过去常常 It used to be thought that the earth was flat. He was quite used to the Paris’s traffic. 他已习惯于巴黎的交通 be used to+n/ving To在此是介词 习惯于.. 22 / 33

24.A考点分析:(1)two more candles = another two candles(注意two的位置) (2) pass …to sb 把…递给某人 25. D考点分析:介词+宾格except (prep)除…之外

26. D考点分析:不定代词是各类考试中必考的内容! 常考some; any的两层含义;常考不定代词+a(即:形容词


27. C考点分析: not to do sth(不定式的否定);tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事

28. B考点分析:(1)名词所有格: n’s (2)名词所有格的单复。eg:Jim and Tom’s watch(两人共同的手

表);Jim’s and Tom’s watches(两人各一块手表)

29. B考点分析:细节题(注意forget 的用法和整句在汉语中的含义)。(1) Next time提示将来时 (2)是就

是 “是”,不是就是 “不是”

30. B考点分析:(1)see sb do sth(不是to do)(2)enter (vt)进入 (再加into意思重复) 31. C考点分析:1)Either?or?或者a或者B(两者)。 Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you.2)

Neither?nor..即不是a也不是B(两者)。Neither you nor I like it.3)Not only…but also既是a又是B。I like not only banana but also orange.(4) neither adj两者 一个也没有 代词 两者都不 neither…nor. 既不..也不.. adv 也不 Neither sentence is correct 两个句子没有一个是对的 可单独用,也可和连用,后接复数名词或人称代词us, you, them.eg:1.Neither of my parents is a teacher. 2.I have two hats but neither fits me. 句子谓语要与邻近的主语在数上一致 Neither the teacher nor his students know how to work out the problem. 用在句子开头,其后用倒装语序 Jack didn’t like the party. Neither did we. 32. D考点分析:1)begin doing sth/ begin to do sth.2)at the age of ?= when sb is ?. Years old 33.A考点分析:固定搭配(the job is to do …某人的工作是…) 34. B考点分析:1) 介词+ving 所以排除 a , D;2) by通过…方式 with 本身就有 ―戴‖的意思, 意思重复,

就象enter不能和 into连用:protect our environment from pollution 35.A考点分析:on+具体某天 morning ;a cold morning也是具体某一天 36. C考点分析:常考题. 记清join的搭配

join the Party / the army/ 入党/参军 please join us请加入我们 Join vt 常接 “ 组织,党派”Join the army

Join in vi 参加某种活动 they all joined in the singing. 37. B考点分析:1) a number of (很多) 与the number of (?的数字);2) time常考词(可数 “次”) (不可数 “ 时


38. C考点分析:又是考make的用法 make sb do sth 主动语态不加to sb be made to do sth 被动语态必须加to He made the boy clean the room every day. The boy is made to clean the room every day. 39. B考点分析:1)information 不可数名词;2)请写:一条消息

40. D考点分析:1)连字符不用复数(参第五题);2)译:这个5岁的女孩被她外婆照看的很好。 41.A考点分析:1) 考时态 2) 考take place 无被动语态3)常考题, 要背这个句子 42. B考点分析:1) look like 看上去象… 2) 翻译此句:你的兄弟看上去象什么?

43.A 考点分析:又是some any关于的区别somewhere else 其它的某地Anywhere else 其


44. C考点分析: the other ; another; the others; the other+ ns;others 必考

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another (单数) (三者) 另一个 I have 4 apples. One is red, anther is green. I have 2 apples. One is red, the other is green. One… the other(单数) (两者)一个…另一个 Some…the others(复数) (多分两类)一类…另一类 I have 4 apples.One is red, the others are green Others(复数) The other + ns= the others(复数) (多数分多类)其他的 I have 4 apples. One is red, one is yellow, others are green. I have 4 apples. One is red, the other apples are green 45. D考点分析:1) see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(强调正在) 2) see sb do sth看见某人做某事3)sb was

seen to do sth/ sb was seen doing某人被看见做/正在做某事(被动语态v? to do)

46. B考点分析: 考定语从句(定语从句可还原成两个简单句):all the students like the teachers, the teachers

make their lessons interesting.

47. D考点分析:1) had better do sth/ had better not do sth最好做(不做).. 2) surprising sth让人惊讶的… 3)sb

be surprised at / with … 某人对…感到惊讶

48. B考点分析: because与 because of的区别(单选和完型常考题):because +从句

because of+单词

49.A考点分析:1) tell sb not to do ?(不定式的否定, 基础语法知识)2)bring 与take的区别

(常考题) bring 带 ; take拿走

50. D考点分析:sometime某个时候 sometimes有时some times几次 some time一段时间

51.A考点分析:1)又再考hear ; listen to的用法和区别(参考第三题) : hear 听到, listen to 听的动作 52. C考点分析: 本题考基本的从句分析(if 引导的条件状语从句; ―是否‖的意思) 53. B考点分析:再考other的用法和区别(参考43题的讲解)

54. C考点分析:1) 非常明显有过去时的标志;2) 再考happen 的用法(无被动) (参1题讲解) 55. D考点分析:1)eight 元音开头, 所以冠词用 an;2)the child was kidnapped( 被动语态)

56. D考点分析:1)anything 用在否定和疑问句中;2)anything/ something + adj (参考26题的讲解);3)不定代


57. C考点分析:1)sb be interested in … 某人对…感兴趣;2)prep+ ving ( in skating)(基本语法) 58.A考点分析: need 的两种用法. need 及物动词, 完全v使用 He needs some water 情态动词,完全情态动词使用 He need have some water. 59. C考点分析:1)考enough做副词的用法 (参考13题的讲解);2) live和house的关系.live in the house 60. B考点分析:1)ask for 要求;2)再考another 的用法 (参考43, 53题的讲解)

61.A考点分析:1)区分介词有动作含义,和动词用法the cake with nuts有坚果的蛋糕;

2)in/ on /of 三个介词本意的区别

62.A考点分析: 考同义词的词性区别1)can,情态动词 :He can do that 2)be able to动词词

组 He will be able to do that. 63. C考点分析:常考题 cost v值… sth costs….:某物值… The car costs 500 dollars Worth adj值… sth be worth钱:某物值… The car is worth 500 dollars pay v花费 spend v花费 sb pay钱for物 sb spend钱on物 He paid 500 dollars for the car. He spent 500 dollars on the car. 64. B考点分析:常考题 so的用法

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