2019高考英语一轮复习练习题 Unit 2 English around the world(含解析)新人教版必修1 下载本文

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈你好好啊Unit 2 English around the world



Restaurant chefs, home cooks, and foodies — people who love good food — often say that we eat with all of our senses.

First, we use our sense of sight to appreciate how a meal is presented, either on a dinner plate or a dining table. Our sense of touch can also be important when preparing or sharing food.

Next, with our sense of smell, we breathe in the mouth-watering aromas (香味) rising up from the meal. Finally, we enjoy the food with our sense of taste.

But what about our sense of hearing? Does sound also affect our dining experience? A new report answers, “yes, it does. ”

That answer comes from researchers at Brigham Young University in the United States. They found that hearing is important in the eating experience.

Hearing is often called “the forgotten food sense, ” says Ryan Elder, “if people notice the sound the food makes as they eat it, they might eat less. ”

On the other hand, watching loud television or listening to loud music while eating can hide such noises. And this could lead to overeating.

The researchers admit that the effects may not seem like much at one meal. But over a week, a month, or a year, all that food can really add up.

But besides not overeating, there is another upside.

Hearing the noises of your meal as you eat, could help you to be more mindful of the experience and perhaps help you to enjoy it more.

【文章大意】 本文告诉人们享用食物时, 会用到五种感觉: 视觉、触觉、听觉、嗅觉和味觉; 并着重说明了听觉对人们进食量的影响。

1. How many senses are involved in enjoying foods? A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 5.

D. 6.

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段、第三段和第四段可知: 人们享用食物时, 涉及五种感觉——the sense of sight, the sense of touch, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell和the sense of taste。故C项正确。

威特沃特我依然 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈你好好啊2. The underlined phrase “such noises” in the seventh paragraph refers to ________. A. the noises food being eaten makes B. the noises people hear while eating C. the loud music people hear while eating D. the noises from TV while people eat

【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据第六、七段的内容可知, such noises指上一段中“people notice the sound the food makes as they eat it”中的the sound。故A项“食物在被食用时所发出的噪音”为正确答案。

3. Which sense does the passage mainly analyze when it comes to appreciating food? A. The sense of taste. C. The sense of touch.

B. The sense of hearing. D. The sense of smell.


Ⅰ 教材与语法填空


Since people began to move from England to other parts of the world, more and more people have begun 1. (speak) English as their first, second or a foreign language. But English 2. (change) over time. The English 3. (speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different 4. the English spoken today. As 5. matter of fact, it was based 6. (much) on German than present English. Then it became less like German because those 7. ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. One big change in English happened when Noah Webster 8. (write) The American Dictionary of the English Language. Today the number of people who 9. (learn) English in China is increasing 10. (rapid). Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell. 答案:1.to speak 2.has changed 3.spoken 4.from

5.a 6.more 7.who 8.wrote 9.are learning 10.rapidly Ⅱ 教材与话题写作


1.如今,英语变得越来越流行。我们应该利用每一个机会来学好英语。(at present; make use of)

答案:At present, English is becoming more and more popular in the world. We should make use of every opportunity to learn it well.

2.掌握单词的拼写是很重要的,我们还应该学会很流利地去读。(spelling; fluently)

答案:It’s very important to master the spelling of the words. We should also learn

威特沃特我依然 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈你好好啊to read English fluently.


答案:Only when we master a lot of vocabulary can we read easily.

4.记一些语法及单词的用法,慢慢地我们就会用英语来自如地写文章了。(usage; gradually)

答案:Remember some grammar and the usage of some words and then gradually we can use English freely to write passages.


答案:Actually, if you want to learn English well, you should practice more. (Ⅱ)将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。


The murmur of the audience had just faded into silence.This was one of the most __1__ days in five-year-old Patricia McKee's life:the Kernot School Concert.She stood __2__ the curtain with her schoolmates.Yet she was not __3__ because everyone had been practicing for weeks and knew their __4__ by heart.

Being in a remote country town,Patricia knew that everyone would __5__ for the big occasion-everyone!Yet,it was this awareness that added a sense of __6__ to her excitement.There were two people who couldn't be in that __7__ that night—her mum and dad.

Patricia's parents __8__ the local general store,which was __9__ for business 24 hours.So it was simply __10__ that Mum and Dad could never attend community activities.It had been this way with her sister,so why should it be any __11__ for her?

Still,Patricia couldn't help __12__ that her parents could be there to see her on such a special day,so she decided to __13__ the subject with her mother.__14__,she had to face the facts.At such a young age,Patricia couldn't really understand the deep __15__ in her mother's response:“I'll try to be there,sweetheart,but you know how __16__ it is for us to get away from the store.”

Yet as the curtain slowly opened, little Patricia got the __17__ of her life.There,sitting four rows the front was her mother with a big smile on her face!

This powerful image __18__ one of Patricia's most treasured memories.“Words

威特沃特我依然 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈你好好啊cannot express the pure joy we both __19__ at that moment,” said Patricia.Her parents have passed away, but what a wonderful legacy(遗产) they've left us:when someone really __20__ you,be there for them.

1.A.difficult B.important C.sad D.perfect 2.A.before B.under C.beside D.behind 3.A.excited B.moved C.afraid D.lost 4.A.parts B.relations C.jobs D.forms 5.A.join up B.prepare C.drop in D.turn out 6.A.happiness B.sadness C.willingness D.eagerness 7.A.audience B.store C.play D.movie 8.A.bought B.got C.sold D.ran 9.A.easy B.open C.still D.closed 10.A.recognized B.denied

C.accepted D.incredible 11.A.different B.satisfied

C.personal D.wise 12.A.thinking B.talking

C.learning D.wishing 13.A.hand in B.go through

C.bring up D.put away 14.A.Surprisingly B.Happily

C.Obviously D.Sadly 15.A.pain B.meaning

C.understanding D.thought 16.A.awful B.hard
