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其次是知识面太窄。翻译的内容涉及方方面面,你的知识面广,那么面对任何翻译内容你脑海中都有背景知识,不仅理解不会有偏差,翻译也会更容易。正如王蔚老师所说的“know something about everything”。




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[8] 李艳琳, 王振国. 2007. 新英汉翻译教程[M]. 高等教育出版社.

[9] 李怡嘉. 2013. 浅析科幻小说翻译过程中的读者影响力--以小说《银河系漫游指南》的汉译为例[A]. 海外英语.

[10] 李运兴. 2011. 英汉语篇翻译[M]. 清华大学出版社.

[11] 任东升, 袁枫. 2010. 清末民初(1891-1917)科幻小说翻译探究[A]. 上海翻译.

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附 录

附录1 原文

“He hasn?t told you anything, has he?”

“What? And break the habit of a lifetime?” Benny managed a tired smile. “He looks bloody terrified.”Ace let her voice sink to a low whisper.

“You should have seen him when the lights went out. I told him he hadn?t fed the meter in a while and we?d been cut off.”


“He didn?t laugh. Do you think we have a crisis?” Benny sounded tense and cheerful.Ace found she didn?t want to answer.

“What do you think?”

Benny hummed softly, before replying. “I think we should panic.”

“Don?t panic now.”Ace shook her head. “Save it for later.”

The console room was dead, crypt-dark and sepulchre - silent. The console was lifeless, its central column motionless. Even the tiny lights built into the internal structure of the column had been extinguished. These were the pulse of the TARDIS. If they were dead, so was the ship.

Without the activity of the console, the room seemed empty. It was a massive room anyway, but now it seemed cavernous. It was the burial ground for something ancient and incomprehensible.Ace felt like she was disturbing hallowed ground. Their footsteps echoed off the walls.

The Doctor didn?t seem to feel the heavy atmosphere. Either that or he was doing a good job of ignoring it. He made for the console.Ace and Benny edged uneasily along the periphery of the room, watching the Doctor work. Ace enjoyed getting involved in the mechanics of the TARDIS, but this was one time that the Doctor could have the centre to himself. Benny was watching the Doctor with clinical detachment, one professional in one field observing another. When she moved, it was stiffly, carefully measured.Ace could see that she was one step from panic.

Grudgingly,Ace admitted that she was too.

It depends, she thought, on what the Doctor does.

He was a small man, but as he leant over the console to study the dead instruments, his silhouette contracted. His head shrunk into his shoulders as he leant further forward. A ghostly torchlit reflection of his face appeared in the central column, twisting in the curve of the glass. There was something about the inhuman silhouette that Ace found eerily familiar. It was just like normal. The Doctor working in a well-lit console room, bent over the console, his face set in concentration, head lowered to display a receding hairline. He might have been setting co-ordinates or reading from a rare first edition。It was a massive room anyway, but now it seemed cavernous. perched on the console top, taking readings from delicate instrumentation, thumping the delicate instrumentation whenever he didn?t like the readings. It was one of the regular features of Ace?s life. The difference now was the darkness and the desperate atmosphere.

He worked faster than usual. Normally he was careful. Now, he circled the console, fruitlessly trying to find something - anything! - that worked.Ace watched his frustration grow. After a few minutes, he straightened up to stare stone-faced at his companions.

Almost in unison, they moved to join him at the console.

“Everything?s dead,” he said softly. He leaned forward again and tapped on the console top. He straightened up and Ace was surprised to see his smile.

“Phenomenal power…” he said, slowly and softly.

ace felt herself smile too, involuntarily. The real Doctor was back, magical and lively as ever. Nothing had been explained - but that was further proof that the Doctor was back.

“Pardon?” she heard Benny distantly.

“Sorry, no…” the Doctor mumbled. “This reminded me of a sticky situation I?ve been in before. Daleks perhaps. No, this is different.” Please,Ace wanted to scream, don?t say that we?re perfectly safe.

“We?re perfectly safe,” the Doctor continued.Ace scowled.