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Unit4 Great ideas

1 academic adj not connected to a real or practical

situation and therefore not important 纯理论的,空谈的

e.g The whole thing’s academic now---we

can’t win anyway. 现在一切都是纸上谈兵----- 反正我们赢不了

2correspondence 1 the letters a person sends and receives 来往的信件,来往的书信

e.g private correspondence 私人来往


the correspondence column/ page


2 (with sb ) the activity of writing letters 通信,通信联系 e.g we have been in correspondence

for months 我们通信几个月了

3 a connection between two things; the fact of two things being similar 相关,相似

e.g There is a close correspondence

between the two extracts 这两段摘



3correspondent n a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a news paper or a television or radio station记者,通讯员

4 correspond v (to /with sth) to be the same as or match sth 相一致,相符合

e.g your account of events doesn’t

correspond with hers 你对事情的陈述与她不符合

v to be similar to or the same as sth else


e.g The British job of lecturer

corresponds roughly to the US associate professor 英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。

V( with sb) to writer letters to sb and

receive letters from them 通信

5cultivate 1v to prepare and use land for growing crops

and plants 耕作,开垦

e.g The land was too rocky to cultivate 这



2 v to plant and take care of a particular

crop 种植,培育

e.g We cultivated maize and watermelons


3 to work hard to develop a particular

skill, attitude, or quality. 逐渐形成

e.g The company has been successful in

cultivating a very professional image. 公司成功的树立了一个非常专业的形象

6 diversify vi (especially of a business or company), to

develop a wider range of products, interests, skills ,etc inorder to be more successful or reduce risk 增加… 的品种,从事多种经营,使扩大经营范围

e.g the company is planning to

diversify into other mining activities. 公司打算将经营范围扩大到其他采矿业务。

Vt to change or to make sth change so that


there is greater variety 使多样化

e.g Patterns of family life are

diversifying 家庭生活模式正在变得多样化

the culture has been diversified with

7 diversity 8 extend

the arrival of immigrants 随着外来移民的到来,这里的文化变得多元化了。

n the quality or fact of including a range of

many people or things 多样性,多样化

e.g cultural/ ethnic/ linguistic diversity.


v to affect or include people, things, or

places 影响/包括(to/ beyond)

e.g my duties at school extend beyond just

teaching .我在学校的职责不只是教书

the offer does not extend to

employees’ partner 这项优惠不包括雇员的伴侣

v extend sth to sb , to offer or give sth to