【中小学资料】宁夏六盘山2018届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题 下载本文


the webs, no matter what hard they try, they can’t escape. One day, there was a stronger wind, and the webs were broken, but the spiders still went on to building their “bridges”. They are not afraid with difficulties. As students, we should learn from it.


今年11月23日为感恩节,我校要举办一次以“Be Grateful”为主题的演讲比赛,请根据以下提示写一篇演讲稿参赛。

主要内容包括:1:为什么要学会感恩? 2:要对谁感恩? 3:感恩的实际行动(例如给父母泡杯茶或者洗洗脚,给老师做感恩卡谢谢他们的教导,对同学朋友的帮助表示感谢等等) 4:可以适当增加细节使行文连贯流畅 5:词数:100词左右。

Be grateful




1-5 BBABC 6-10 ACCBB 11-15 CABCC 16-20 BCCBB 阅读

21-23 DBB 24-27 BCAD 28-31 CAAD 29-35 DCDA 36-40 FDBGE 完形

41-45 ABDDC 46-50 CDABB 51-55 CCDAA 56-60 BDABC 语法填空

61. excited 62. to do 63. known 64.anxiety 65. where 66. but 67. extremely 68. waiting 69. in 70. the 改错

1. interesting - interested 2. for quite a long time 3. beautifully- beautiful 4. between branches 5. built - build 6. no matter how

7. stronger - strong 8. went on building 9. afraid of 10. learn from them 书面表达: 中小学最新教育资料

中小学最新教育资料 One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I am so glad to have a chance to deliver a speech here. Today my topic is “Be grateful”. The Thanksgiving Day in this year is on November 23rd. How shall we welcome it? Who shall we give our thanks to? I’d like to share my ideas with you. I always think if everyone is grateful to our society, it will be more harmonious. If everyone has got a grateful heart to our parents, teachers and friends, love and happiness will greet us every day.

Gratitude is so important and necessary that we should take action right away. Let’s start with small things - give our parents a hug and make them a cup of tea, design beautiful thank-you cards for our dear teachers and send thank-you emails to our friends, etc.

Don’t hesitate. Just do!

That’s all. Thank you all for your listening.
