惠州市2018届高三第三次调研考试(英语) 下载本文


marks to create an image that can be confirmed as having the same appearance.

Apple says the system is also designed to continually learn. Each time the face is used to unlock the phone, it is supposed to note any changes, such as facial hair or the person getting older. The system can then remember the changes to keep recognizing the person over time.

Reviewers reported successful tests in which the phone recognized the face in different situations and unlocked the device. But most reviewers also said the feature did not work perfectly all the time.

One fairly common failure was that the Face ID sometimes did not unlock the iPhone X if the user wore a certain kind of sunglasses. Not surprisingly, wearing any kind of disguise – even one covering just part of the face – caused Face ID to fail. It was found to work correctly when the user was wearing headphones or a hat.

Apple has also admitted that Face ID could fail when used with young people who look very much alike. But Apple says its research shows there is only a one in a million chance of another person being able to unlock someone else's iPhone X with Face ID. The company has promised the system will become \28. How can users unlock an iPhone X?

A. By using a fingerprint. B. By taking a picture.

C. By looking at the iPhone X . D. By recognizing user’s faces. 29. From the text, we know the new Face ID recognition ________.

A. will recognize users by reading the dots projected on their faces B. will recognize users by using the dots on their faces C. won’t recognize users when they get older D. is no better than the Touch ID technology

30. Users can’t unlock an iPhone X if they wear ________.

A. glasses B. masks C. hats D. headphones 31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Young people can’t use the Face ID successfully. B. The system has become “the new gold standard”.



C. A million people are using the iPhone X. D. Apple thinks the Face ID system is very successful. D

When ordering food only takes a few minutes using a smartphone, it’s only natural that food deliveries have become part of college life. However, a university in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is trying to put a stop to this trend on its campus.

On Nov 1, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages banned food delivery services and disposable food boxes, both to its campus and dormitories.

The ban immediately received fierce criticism from the university’s students, as well as internet users. Some complained that the ban made campus canteens very crowded. “There are not enough seats in the canteen, which forces us to eat standing up or squatting,” a student in the university surnamed Tan told Guangxi Television.

The crowded canteens also mean that extra time is spent dining, which could have been used to nap during the lunch break. Some even complained that the canteen only provides a few dishes, most of which don’t taste so great.

Su Junlv, from the university’s student affairs office, explained that the ban was carried out because off-campus food posed safety risks for students. It’s believed that take-away food had created a serious garbage problem, as there were often a large number of used food boxes found in campus garbage cans after students had finished their meals.

According to Su, the ban was also brought in to help students develop a healthy lifestyle. “While food delivery services bring convenience, they let students form some lazy habits,” Su told Xinhua. “They spend a whole day in the dorm playing video games, watching TV soap operas and ordering food online.”

However, in the eyes of Liu Junhai, a professor at Renmin University of China, there are other approaches that universities could take to improve their students’ meal times. “Universities should explore how to improve the dining experience in the canteens, such as the queuing and variety of dishes,” he told Xinhua. 32. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The convenience brought by food delivery. B. The effect of crowded canteens on students.



C. A solution to stop students becoming lazy. D. A ban on food delivery in campus.

33. In students’ opinion, what would be caused after the ban was carried out?

A. It would take students less time to eat in the canteen. B. Students would enjoy various tasty dishes in the canteen.

C. Some students may have their meals without seats in the canteen. D. Students would have a longer nap during lunch break. 34. According to Su Junlv, the ban is intended to ________.

A. tell the students all off-campus food is unhealthy. B. rid the campus of used food boxes.

C. force students to spend less time on entertainment. D. improve the dining experience in the canteens.

35. What can we infer about Liu Junhai’s attitude to the ban?

A. Negative B. Supportive C. Indifferent D. Skeptical

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


From the ice-covered Arctic to the tropical waters of the Pacific, all of Earth’s oceans share one thing in common: plastic pollution. Abandoned plastic bags, cups, and bottles make their way into the sea. ___36___ When people litter, or when trash is not properly disposed of, things like plastic bags, bottles, and straws (吸管), get carried to the sea by



winds and waterways. ___37___ The rest comes from marine industries such as shipping and fishing.

One of the biggest impacts of plastic pollution is its effect on sea life. Seals, sea turtles, and even whales can get caught in plastic netting. ___38___ Or the plastic can cut into the animals’ skin, causing severe infections.

Plastic can even make it into our own food supply. Eating fish from the ocean means eating plastic too. In larger fish, chemicals from plastic may seep (渗透) into their muscles and other tissues that people consume.

___39___ A lot of plastic waste caught in ocean currents eventually washes up on beaches. Removing it can prevent it from blowing out to sea again. Cleanup efforts can’t reach every corner of the ocean. That means it’s important to cut down on the amount of plastic that reaches the sea in the first place. Individual actions make a big difference. Disposing of plastic properly for recycling is a key step. And simple things like reusable water bottles and bags really cut down on waste. ___40___

Ocean pollution can seem overwhelming, but it’s something everyone can help solve. This is a problem we can really do something about.

A. In today’s world, plastic is everywhere.

B. Skipping plastic straws or using paper ones helps too. C. About 80 percent of ocean plastic comes from land. D. Many of these bottles and bags are made of plastic too. E. One way to keep the ocean cleaner is through cleanup efforts. F. Today, it seems that no part of the ocean is safe from plastic trash.
