新世纪大学英语一级学业测试 下载本文

SFLEP New Century College English Achievement Test (Band One) 11

Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: In this part there are two short passages taken from the texts of Integrated Course

Book. Each passage contains 10 blanks. Fill in each blank with the word from the texts (the first two letters of the word have already been given). Then write the words in the corresponding place on your Answer Sheet. (0.5×20=10 points)

Passage One

I su________ (1) my last years of high school until finally I turned eighteen. The next fall I

en________ (2) in college. I chose to at________ (3) a school far from Enosburg, a place where nobody called me ―Doctor Eppley’s son.‖

On night at college I sat with a group of students in the do________ (4) as we shared stories about our lives. We began to talk about the things we hated most about our ch________ (5). ―That’s easy,‖ I said. ―I couldn’t st________ (6) growing up in a town where everybody always co________ (7) me with my father.‖

The girl sitting next to me fr________ (8). ―I don’t understand,‖ she said. ―I’d be pr________ (9) to have a father who’s so well respected.‖ Her eyes filled with tears as she continued, ―I’d give anything to be called my father’s child. But I don’t know where he is. He left my mother when I was only four.‖

There was an aw________ (10) silence, and then I changed the subject. I wasn’t ready to hear her words.

Passage Two

Last year at Christmas time my wife, three boys, and I were in France, on our way from Paris to Nice. For five wretched days everthing had gone wrong. Our hotels were ―tourist tr________ (11)‖; our rented car br________ (12) down; we were all restless and irritable in the cr________ (13) car. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a sh________ (14) hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas sp________ (15) in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a boring looking little joint carelessly de________ (16) for the holiday. It smelled greasy. Only five tables in the restaurant were oc________ (17). There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. In the corner a piano player monotonously played Christmas music.

I was too st________ (18) and too tired and mi________ (19) to leave. I looked around and noticed that the other cu________ (20) were eating in stony silence. The only person who seemed happy was the American sailor. While eating, he was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face.

12 外教社?新世纪大学英语系列教材1级学业测试

Part V Writing (15%)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic College

Students’ Part-time Jobs. You should write at least 120 words, basing your composition on the outline given in Chinese below and write your composition in the corresponding place on your Answer Sheet.

1. 越来越多的大学生在做兼职工作。 2. 大学生是否应该从事这样的活动。 3. 结论。

SFLEP New Century College English Achievement Test (Band One) 13

Answer Sheet

姓名 ______________ 学号_________ 院系_________________ 任课老师_____________

Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)

Section A 1. ___ Section B 8. ___ Section C

15. _______________ 16. _______________ 17. ______________ 18. _______________ 19. _______________ 20. ______________

21. ____________________________________________________________________________ 22. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ___ 9. ___

3. ___ 10. ___

4. ___ 11. ___

5. ___ 12. ___

6. ___ 13. ___

7. ___ 14. ___

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (25%)

1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ 11.___ 12. ___ 13. ___ 14. ___ 15. ___ 16. ___ 17. ___ 18. ___ 19. ___ 20. ___ 21.___ 22. ___ 23. ___ 24. ___ 25. ___ 26. ___ 27. ___ 28. ___ 29. ___ 30. ___ 31.___ 32. ___ 33. ___ 34. ___ 35. ___ 36. ___ 37. ___ 38. ___ 39. ___ 40. ___ 41.___ 42. ___ 43. ___ 44. ___ 45. ___ 46. ___ 47. ___ 48. ___ 49. ___ 50. ___

Part III

Section A

1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___ 10. ___ Section B

11. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 12. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 13. ____________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension (30%)

14 外教社?新世纪大学英语系列教材1级学业测试


14. ____________________________________________________________________________


15. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Part IV

Passage One 1. _________ 6. _________

Passage Two

Cloze (10%)

2. _________ 7. _________ 3. _________ 8. _________ 4. _________ 9. _________ 5. _________ 10. _________

11. _________ 16. _________

12. _________ 17. _________

13. _________ 18. _________

14. _________ 19. _________

15. _________ 20. _________

Part V Writing (15%)

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________