高一英语必修一知识点 下载本文


15. change over time 经过一段时间

16. follow the fashion of the day 跟随时尚 17. lay the table 摆桌子 18. serve the dishes 上菜 serve the people 为人民服务 serve in the army 服役

This restaurant serves Chinese food. (供应)


19. mix…with 把…和…混合 be mixed with

20. extra information 额外信息 21. leave out 省略

22. wish you all the best = best wishes for you.

Workbook Exercises

23. look forward to +n./doing 盼望;期盼… 24. stare at 盯着看

25. pay the bill 买单;付帐单 May I have the bill, please?

26. behave oneself 注意自己的言行举止 behavior

27. It is certain that… 肯定…


It is uncertain whether/when, etc….

Sb +be sure/certain to do sth 一定会做某事

Sb +be sure/certain about/of... 对...有把握 Sb +be sure/certain that... 相信...

Sb +be not sure/certain whether/what... 28. fairy tales 童话

29. belong to 属于 (不用被动、进行时) 30. direct the traffic 指挥交通

31. produce / make /generate electricity 发电

32. hang (hanged/hanged) oneself vt. 上吊;绞死

hang-hung-hung 悬挂;vi. & vt. 33. The Hope Project 希望工程

Good Manners in the World

34. communicate with 与…交流 35. shake hands with sb 和…握手

36. look right into sb's eyes/face 直视着 37. blow one's nose 擤鼻涕

38. in public 在公共场所 make ...public ; the public

39. think…to be… 认为…是…think



40. at home and abroad 在国内外

41. give sb. some advice on sth / doing sth/how to do sth 给某人提建议

take/follow sb's advice 听某人的劝告 42. lead sb to do sth 导致某人做某事 lead to sb doing sth

43. pay a visit to sb/a place 拜访,参观 call on sb / call at a place drop in (on sb) / (at a place)

44. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑; 讲笑话

play a joke on sb ; have a joke about

have a joke with sb ; joke with sb 和...开玩笑

tell jokes 讲笑话

make fun of 取笑 laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑

Unit 7 必会词语 A CITY OF HEROES

1. cultural relics/sites 文化古迹 2. in one's opinion 以某人的意见


3. Where there is a river, there is a city. 4. on the bank of a river 在河岸/畔 5. during/in one's lifetime; in all one's life;

throughout one's life 在某人的一生中 6. look like something out of a fairy tale 像是从童话种走出来的一样 7. in history 在历史上

8. under attack/fire 被攻击 (under=in the process of)

under arrest; under discussion; under construction;

under consideration; under control; under examination; under investigation; under observation; under repairs;

9. give in (to sb) 让步,屈服 give up 放弃

give out 发放; 发出(光;热;气等);用尽

give off 散发(光;热;气) give away 抛弃;捐赠

give over 转交,移交=hand over

10. in ruins 废墟 bring…to ruin 使…变成废墟=ruin sth