(完整word版)苏教版译林版四年级英语上册unit1-4练习 下载本文



1.菠萝 2.葡萄 3.芒果 4.香蕉 5.some 6.any

7.make 8.色拉/沙拉 9.水果 10.cool 二.短语(英汉互译)


2.how many 3.一些葡萄 4.三只芒果 5.看那些香蕉 6.一只苹果和两个菠萝 三.句型

1.I have some apples.(改为一般疑问句) 2.Do you have a banana?(否定回答) 3.I have a toy panda.you have a toy panda too.(合为一句) 四.阅读(完成对话,每空填写一词) A:I have an __________.Do you like oranges?

B:No, I________.But I have _______mangoes. Would you _______a mango? A:No,_________. 五.翻译句子

1.你有一些葡萄吗?是,我有。 2.你有一只菠萝吗?不,我没有。

3.我有一些玩具马。这只是给你的。 4.咱们制作一块蛋糕吧。好的。 六、写出下列要求词形式

1.Mango复数 2.don’t完全形式 3. I’m缩写形式 4.yes反义词

5.apples;grapes...总称 6.horse;monkey;dog.......总称 七.短语(完成下面翻译句子)

1.__________(多少)animals can you see in the picture(图画)?


2._____________________________(你想要)a pie? Yes,please. 3.I________________________(有一些玩具猫) 4._______________(看)this lion.Do you like it?

5._________________________(咱们制作)a fruit salad. 八.句型(选择题)

( )1. Do you have_______toy animals? A some B any C a D an

( )2._______you like a big pineapple?Yes,please. A Do B Are C Would D Is ( )3.___________you _______an toy elephant? Yes,I do. A Do have B Do like C Would like D Are have

( )4.How many________do you have? I have five. A mangos B monkey C grapes D cake ( )5.Look at these_______ .They are sweet. A tiger B bananas C apple D horses 九.句子改错(只有一处错)

1.This is a elephant. ____________ 2.What’s this over there? ____________ 3.A bird is on the tree . ____________ 4.Do you have some grapes? ____________ 5.I like you toy horse. ____________ 十、语音


1.horse----he ( ) 2.hi----hot ( ) 3.elephant----here ( ) 4.what---have( ) B选择发音不同的那个单词序号填写在前面的括号里

( )1.A.dog B English C orange D go ( )2.A grape B have C cat D pineapple 十一词汇(根据句子意思填入合适水果单词) 1.I have a big p_______________.It’s sweet.

2.They have some g___________in their hands(他们的手里) 3.Monkeys like b_______________.

4.Some m__________are big.But some mangoes are small. 5.An a__________a day(一天) is good for you. 十二.短语(英汉互译) 1.

多少猴子 2 .that toy elephant 3.would like 4.Let


s make a cake 5.some mangoes 6.a fruit salad 十三.阅读判断(对的用T错的用F)

My name is Helen.I’m a girl.I’m nine I have many toy animals.

I like my toy horse. I like fruit .I like mangoes very much.I would like to have a toy mango. ( )1.Helen is a boy ( )2.Helen is nine

( )3.Helen has(有)many toy cars. ( )4.Helen would like a toy man. ( )5.Helen likes mangoes very much



( ) 1. Look these toy animals. A. is B. at C. it ( ) 2. I like cat. A. these B. that C. those ( ) 3. Do you like this ? A. a lion B. lions C. lion ( ) 4. Do you like ? X|k | B | 1 . c |O |m A. a lion B. lion C. lions ( ) 5. I have five . A .book B. a book C. books ( ) 6. Do you have rubbers? A. some B. any C. a

( ) 7. 当你告诉别人你喜欢小狗时你应该说:

A.I like a dogs. B. I like dogs. C. I have a dog. ( ) 8.当你想说自己喜欢这只猫时,你可以说: A.I like cats. B. I like this cat. C. I like that cat.


( ) 9. 当你告诉别人你有一个苹果时你应该说:

A.I have a apple. B. I have an apple. C. I have apples. ( ) 10.当你想问别人是否有一些橘子时,你可以说:

A.Do you have any orange? B.Do you have some oranges? C. Do you have any oranges?

二、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(5分) ( )1. Do you like cakes? A. Yes, it is. ( )2. What is that? B. Thanks. ( )3. Here you are. C. It’s cute. ( )4.Look at my dog. D. No, I don’t ( )5.Is this a monkey? E. It’s a toy monkey. 三、根据情景,完成英文句子。(10分) 1.你喜欢狗吗?不,我不喜欢。

______you _______ _________?No, I _________. 2.那是一只狮子吗?不,不是。它是一只老虎。

Is _______a lion? No, _______isn’t. It’s a_____________. 3.我有一些葡萄。你有一些葡萄吗?

I have _______grapes. Do you have __________grapes? 4.看我们的芒果。

Look at __________mangoes.