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such as 和for example的区别: such as后面跟的是一个短语,而for example加的是一个句子。

3 Standing a little behind her ,two “assistants” held her hair to stop it from falling on the ground.(p 22 p1)

Standing a little behind her 是现在分词短语作状语,hold up 意思是 举起 抬起 如: She asked her assistants to hold her long hair. Stop form doing 相当于 prevent…..from doing

4 She said her hair measure 5.2 metres , longer than anyone else`s.(p22 p2) anyone else`s 在这里意思是 任何别人的 注意,不能说成anyone's else

5 care for(p22 p3)

care for 照顾 care about 关心 care for 和 take care of 区别

一、care for 中的 care 是动词,表示“把...放在心上”,以下是它的引申意思: 1. 把某个东西放在心上,引申为“喜欢”,如:

I didn't care for the movie I saw yesterday. 我不喜欢昨天看的那个电影。 I don't care for music. 我不爱好音乐。

2. 把某个人放在心上引申为“关心、关怀、照顾”,如: He cares for no one. 他不关心别人。 3. 把某件事情放在心上引申为“介意、在乎”

Would you care for another helping? 你还介意得到帮助吗?

二、take care of 中的 care 是名词,表示“承担对...的责任”,其引申义如下: 1. 承担对人的责任引申为“照料,赡养,关怀”,如:

My mother is ill. I must ask for a leave to take care of her. 我母亲病了,我必须请假照顾她。

It is your duty to take care of your aged parents. 赡养年迈的双亲是你的义务。 2. 承担对物的责任引申为“看管,维护,保养”,如:

There was something wrong with the machine and the manager asked him to take care

of it. 那台机器有点毛病,经理让他维护。

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. [谚]节约每一个

铜板, 财富自然会积累起来。



三、care for my son 和 take care of my son 的区别:

1. care for my son 着重于把儿子放在心上,从问寒问暖、关注成长的角度对儿子给


2. take care of my son 着重于承担的义务和责任,从物质供给到精神安慰对儿子进


Speaking and writing

1. recommend

a. 给某人推荐…, recommend … to sb

为某物/某人推荐 recommend … for sth./ sb. Can you recommend a good lawyer to me? Which type of oil do you recommend for my car? b. 劝告,建议

Doctors strongly recommend that fathers should be present at their baby’s birth. 2. scissors n. 剪刀 A pair of scissors

a. 由两部分以上组成的物品的名词常以复数形式出现 glasses, stairs, shoes, shorts, pants, trousers, chopsticks

b. 有些名词以s结尾,形似名词复数形式,实际上却是单数名词, news, maths, physics 3. ring

a. 给…打电话,常用搭配:ring sb./ sth. up We shall tell you of the results after they ring us up. b. 鸣,响

The telephone is ringing. 【拓展】ring n. 戒指

4. base 基于,以…为根据,以…为基础 be based on / upon

This song is based on an old folk tune. Scientific theories must be based on facts.


1. I had my hair done yesterday as well. 我昨天也理了头发。 Have sth done 意为“请别人做了某事”



My bike is broken. I’ll have it mended this afternoon.

2. How often do you have your hair cut? 你多久理一次头发? How often 是频度副词,用来询问多长时间做一次(某事) How often does your brother go home? 一、单词拼写

1._________ (广告)might give you all sorts of information. 2. it’s dangerous for a little boy to play with ________.(剪刀)

3. I’m really sorry to ________ (取消)our appointment, as I’m too busy today.

4. I have something important to tell your mother. Ask her to ______ (打电话)me up when she comes back.

5. if you feel _______(难受的), I will recommend you a specialist. 二、选词填空

1. --- lily failed in her final exam. --- ____? It’s unbelievable.

2. Though she is an American, she can speak Chinese _____. 3. I’m confident enough to ______.

4. If you go to visit Jim, bring my congratulations to him, _____.

5. Our teacher is _____ shanghai now. He will attend an important meeting. 三、完成句子


________ ________ do you have your hair cut? 2.你介意把我们的约会定在星期天吗?

Would you mind _______ _______ ______ on Sunday? 3.在回家的路上,他顺便买了一些水果。

_____ ______ ______ _____, he bought some fruit by the way. 4.我平均每个月剪一次头发。

I _____ ______ ______ once a month on average. 四、写作指导

【要求】你因故不能如约去丹尼(Danny)家玩,请写一封60—80词的邮件告诉他。 【内容】1。你明天不能去好朋友丹尼家玩; 2.你爸爸要出差,妈妈要上班,你要照顾小妹妹。


By the way really as well do a good job on one’s way to 卓越个性化教学讲义


【提示】注意用委婉的语气。 【范文赏析】 Dear Danny,

I’m writing to tell you that I cannot go to your home tomorrow. I’m so sorry.

My father has been away for business. He will not return until next week. My mother has to work this weekend. Therefore, I have to stay home and take care of my little sister. Shall we make it next Friday? I think I’ll be free at that time. Please tell me if it’s convenient for you. Regards David Key:

一、1. Advertisements 2. scissors 3. cancel 4. ring 5. comfortable 二、1.really 2. as well 3. do a good job 4. by the way 5. on his way to

三、1. how often 2. making an appointment 3. on his way home 4. do my hair



1. it is + adj. + for + 代词 +不定式

这是个很有用的句型,在这个句型中,it作形式主语,代替for sb. to do…。如: It’s important for us to learn English well. 我们学好英语是很重要的。

It’s difficult for me to finish the work in two days. 要我在两天内完成这项工作是很困难的。

2. it is + adj. + of+ 代词 +不定式

此句型的形容词和A句型的形容词有所不同。祠举行的形容词可以表示人的本质特征,通常有以下的形容词:good, kind, fine, brave, clever, careful, careless, cruel, rude, silly, bad, generous, wise, wrong等。

A句型的形容词不能用来表示人得本质特征。通常有以下的形容词。 Important, necessary, possible, impossible, hard, difficult, easy等。 3. adj. + enough + 不定式


He is old enough to go to school. 他已经到了上学的年龄了。