雅思听力分类题型专项练习2(学生) 下载本文



Practice 1

Which opinion does each person express about Box Telecom?

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 1-3. A its workers are motivated B it has too little investment C it will overcome its problems

D its marketing campaign needs improvement E it is old-fashioned F it has strong managers

1 Karin ________________ 2 Jason ________________ 3 the tutor ________________

Practice 2

What problems do the speakers identify for each experiment?

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-H next to questions 1-4.

Problems A too messy B too boring C too difficult

D too much equipment E too long F too easy ? G too noisy H too dangerous

Experiment 1: 1 ________________ Experiment 2: 2 ________________ Experiment 3: 3 ________________ Experiment 4: F Experiment 5: 4 ________________


Practice 3

What suggestions does Dr Bryson make? Complete the table as follows.

Write A if he says KEEP UNCHANGED Write B if he says REWRITE Example

Information on housing Interview data Chronology

1 ________________ 2 ________________ 3 ________________

Answer B Section headings Practice 4

What change has been made to each part of the theatre?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 1-6.


A B C D E F G Part of the theatre 1 box office 2 shop 3 ordinary seats 4 seats for wheelchair users 5 lifts 6 dressing rooms

doubled in number given separate entrance reduced in number increased in size replaced strengthened temporarily closed __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


Practice 5

Which team will do each of the following jobs?

Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D, next to questions 1-3.

1 checking entrance tickets 2 preparing refreshments 3 directing car-park traffic

Teams A the blue team B the yellow team C the green team D the red team ________ ________ ________