外研版七年级英语上册 Module 9 People and places教学设计 下载本文

2. I enjoy (visit)the Great Wall a lot. 3. —It’s hot today. What about (swim)? —That’s a good idea.

4. —Come on! It’s time (have)lunch now. —OK! I’m coming.

5. Tom is (eat)an ice cream now. 6. Wang Hui is _________(take) lots of photos. 7. Lingling is ______(buy) a few presents.

8. Daming is ________(have) lunch and _________(lie) in the sun. 9. We’re ___________(enjoy) the school trip a lot.

Unit 2 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot.

自主学习(15 minutes)多层阅读。

1、复述uint1 内容,并说出现在进行时态的句子。 2、背景知识。

Afternoon tea意思是下午茶,午后茶点。喝下午茶是英国人的传统,也是英国人生活中的一部分,英国人习惯三餐两茶。每天,人们工作、学习一段时间后,需要停下来休息一刻钟左右,喝杯茶,吃点东西(点心三明治等),这段时间叫tea break (茶休)。茶休一般为一天两次:morning tea (上午茶) afternoon tea (下午茶)。上午茶一般在10点半左右,下午茶一般在4点到5点之间。 3、多层阅读。


(1)In London a) people aren’t leaving work. b) people are going home.

(2)In Moscow a) people aren’t going to the opera. b) people are having dinner.

(3)In Beijing a) people are getting dressed. b) people are sleeping.

(4)In Los Angeles a) people are working. b) people are getting up.

(5)In New York a) people are getting up. b) people are having lunch.


Place London 5pm Moscow Beijing 1am Time Activities Los Angeles New York (4)动手发现问题:

1) 此时此刻,世界不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。 ______________________________________________

2)他们正下班回家,他们有的在等公共汽车,有的正跑去乘火车。 ______________________________________________ 3)在莫斯科,时间是八点钟。人们没在喝下午茶。 ______________________________________________ 4)在北京,人们不在吃晚饭,他们在睡觉。

______________________________________________ 5)人们不是在起床、洗漱或穿衣服。他们在工作,孩子们正开始上课。

______________________________________________ 6) 他们在看望朋友、给家里打电话或买东西。 ______________________________________________ 独立完成上面的句子,与课本原句对照,你发现了那些没有预料到的细节错误?

(5)朗读课文, 写出下列重点词组。

(6)1)此时此刻________________2)不同的地方________________ 3)不同的事情________________ 4)下班 ________________

5)等车________________ 6)喝下午茶 ______________

7)在餐馆吃晚饭________________ 8)去听歌剧-________________

9)看芭蕾舞________________ 10)穿衣服 ________________

11)吃汉堡________________ 12)喝咖啡 ________________

( ) 1. The girl is ______ in bed and reading a story book. A. leaving B. waiting C. shopping D. lying ( ) 2. --- Where’s your dad, Tony?

--- He’s watching TV in the living room ______.

A. at the moment B. for the moment C. for a moment D. in a moment

( ) 3. We ______ our lessons at 8 a.m. from Monday and Friday. A. finish B. start C. drink D. write

( ) 4. Daming is ___ for his friend, Wang Hui. They want to go to the
