版号:A/0 JS - 06 – 2013 第 21 页 共 72 页
统一英制螺纹 561 Unified Inch Screw Threads(UNS Thread Form) ASME B1.15-1995 PiPe Threads,General Purpose(Inch) ANSI/ASMEB1.20.562 通用管螺纹(英制) 1-1983(R2001) Dryseal Pipe Threads(Inch)干密封管螺纹(英制) ASME 563 B1.20.3-1976 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B16.1-1998 564 Classes 25,125,and250 铸铁管法兰和法兰管件(25,125和250磅级) Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings classes 150 ASME B16.3-1998 565 and 300 可锻铸铁螺纹管件(150和300磅级) Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitings 566 ASME B16.5-2009 管法兰及法兰管件 Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding, Fittings 567 ASME B16.9-2007 工厂制造的锻轧制对焊管配件 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of ASME 568 Valves B16.10-2009 阀的面对面和端对端尺寸 Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded ASME 569 承插焊和螺纹连接的锻钢管件 B16.11-2009 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges Ring ASME 570 -Joint,Spiral-Wound,and Jacketed B16.20-2007 管法兰用环垫式、螺纹缠绕式和夹层式金属垫片 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 管ASME 571 法兰用非金属平面垫片 B16.21-2005 Buttwelding Ends ASME 572 对接焊接端头 B16.25-2007 Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows ASME 573 and Returns B16.28-1994 锻钢对接焊短半径弯头和回弯头 Valves-Flanged,Threaded, and Welding End ASME/ANSIB16.34574 法兰、螺纹和焊接连接的阀门 -2009 Orifice flanges 孔板法兰 ASME 575 B16.36-1996 Large Diameter Steel Flanges ASME 576 大直径钢法兰 B16.47-2006 Square, Hex,Heary Hex,and Askew Head Bolts and ASME 577 Hex,Heary Hex,Hex Flange,Lobed Head,and Las B18.2.1a-1999 Screws(Inch Series)方头及六角头螺栓和螺钉 Nuts for General Applications:Machine Screw ASME 578 Nuts,Hex,Square,Hex Flange,and Coupling B18.2.2-2010 Nuts(Inch Series)方螺母和六角螺母(英制系列) 579 Power Piping 动力管道 ASME B31.1-2010 Process Piping 580 ASME B31.3-2010 工艺管道 R2008 版号:A/0 JS - 06 – 2013 第 22 页 共 72 页
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid ASME B31.4-2006 581 Hydrocarbons and other Liquids 液态烃和其他液体管道输送系统 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping ASME B31.8-2007 582 Systems 输气和配气管道系统 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ASME 583 焊接和无缝锻钢管 B36.10M-2004 Stainless Steel Pipe ANSI/ASMEB36.19584 不锈钢管道 M-2004 Surface Texture (Surface ASME B46.1-2009 585 Roughness,Warsness,and Lay)表面结构特征(表面粗糙度,波浪度及形态) Standard Specification for Pipe,Steel,Black ASTM and Hot-Dipped,Zine-Coated,Welded and A53/A53M-2005 586 Seamless 无镀层及热浸镀锌焊接与无缝公称钢管标准技术条件 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel ASTM 587 Forgings for Piping Applications 管道部件用A105/A105M-2005 碳钢锻件 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon ASTM 588 Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service高温A106/A106M-2006 用无缝碳钢公称管规范 Standard Specificaeion for Forged or Rolled ASTM Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges,Forged A182/A182M-2009589 Fittings and Valves and Parts for a High-Temperature Service 高温用锻制或轧制合金钢和不锈钢管法兰、锻制配件及阀门和部件 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and ASTM Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature A193/A193M-2008590 or High Pressure Service and Other Special b Purpose Applications 高温或高压及其他特殊目的用合金钢和不锈钢栓接材料标准规范 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy ASTM Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High A194/A194M-2009 591 Temperature Service,or Both 高温或高压或高温高压螺栓用碳钢及合金钢螺母标准规范 Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of ASTM Wroughe Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for A234/A234M-2004 592 Moderate and High Temperature Service 中、高温用锻制碳钢和合金管道配件 Standard Specification for Seamless,Welded ASTM and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless A312/A312M-2005 593 Steel Pipes 无缝和焊接的以及重度冷加工奥式体不锈钢公称管标准技术条件 594 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic ASTM A335-2003 版号:A/0 JS - 06 – 2013 第 23 页 共 72 页
Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service 高温设备用无缝铁素体合金钢管标准规范 Standard Specification for ASTM Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic A358/A358M-2008Chromium-Nickel Stainless Alloy Steel Pipe a 595 for Hige Temperature Service and General Applications 高温作业用电熔焊奥式体铬镍合金钢钢管 Standard Specification for Wroughe Austenitic ASTM 596 Stainless Steel Piping Fittings 锻制奥式体不A403/A403M-2002 锈钢管配件的标准规范 Standard Specification for Welded Large ASTE Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive A409/A409M-2009 597 or High-Temperature Service 在腐蚀介质中或在高温下使用的大直径奥式体钢焊接钢管 Standard Specification for ASTM Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for A672/A672M-2009 598 High-Pressure at Moderate Temperatures 中温高压作业用电熔焊钢管 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy ASTM Steel Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for A691/A691M-2009 599 High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures 高压高温作业用碳素钢和合金钢电熔焊钢管 Steel Cheek Valves (Flanged and Butt-welding BS 1868-1975 600 Ends)for the Petroleum,Petrochemical and Allied Industries Steel Globe,and Globe Stop and Cheek Valves BS 1873-1975 (Flanged and Butt-welding Ends)for the 601 Petroleum,Petrochemical and Allied Industries Standard Finishes for Contact Faces Of Pipe MSS SP-6-2001 602 Flanges 管法兰及阀门和管件端法兰的接触面标准精度 Standard Marking System for MSS SP-25-1998 603 Valves,Fitting,Flanges and Unions阀门、管件、法兰和管接头的标准标记方法 Corrosion Resistant Gate,Globe,Angle and MSS SP-42-1991 Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld 604 Ends(Classes 150,300&600)法兰端和对焊端耐腐蚀的闸阀、截止阀、角阀和止回阀(150磅级,300&600) Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fitting MSS SP-43-1991 605 Low-Pressure,Corrosion Resistant Applications 锻制不锈钢对焊管件 606 Steel Pipeline Flanges 钢制管道法兰 MSS SP-44-2006 版号:A/0 JS - 06 – 2013 第 24 页 共 72 页
Class 300 Steel Pipe Unions,Socket Welding and MSS SP-83-2006 Threaded 3000磅级承插焊和螺纹连接钢管活接头 Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs 模锻螺纹管MSS SP-95-2006 608 接头与大管塞 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet MSS SP-97-2001 Fittings-Socked-welding,Threaded and 609 Buttwelding Ends 整体加强锻制分支引出端管件-承插焊式、螺纹式与对焊式端头 610 Steam Turbines for Mechanical Drive Service NEMA SM23-1991 第二卷 材料 A篇-铁基材料(上) B篇-铁基材料(下) 非铁基材料 ASMEME-Ⅱ611 C篇-焊条、焊丝及填充金属 -A-2007年版 D篇-性能 第八卷 第一册 压力容器建造规则 第二册 压力容器建造另一规则 612 压力容器压力管道设计许可规则 TSG R1001-2008 613 压力管道安全技术监察规程-工业管道 TSG D0001-2009 614 安全阀安全技术监察规程 TSG ZF001-2006 卫监发(1994)第 615 工业企业建设项目卫生预评价规范 28号 中石化[1996]建 616 中国石油化工总公司工厂设计若干规定 字38号 劳字96 617 建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生监察规定 第3号令 618 锅炉安全技术监察规程 TSG G0001-2012 2013.6.1实施 劳部发[1996] 619 压力管道安全管理与监察规定 140号 620 固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程 TSG R0004-2009 质技监锅字 621 关于压力容器的设计制造应采用中国标准的通知 [1999]50号 石化股份炼 622 加工高含硫原油储罐防腐蚀技术管理规定(试行) [2001]89号 加工高含硫原油装置设备及管道测厚管理规定(试石化股份炼 623 行) [2001]89号 加工高含硫原油部分装置在用设备及管道选材指石化股份炼 624 导意见(试行) [2001]89号 关于加强炼油装置腐蚀检查工作的管理规定(试石化股份炼 625 行) [2001]89号 卫法监发 626 高毒物品目录 [2003]142号 627 石油化工配管术语 YL-A01-2012 628 压力管道设计CAD统一标准 YL-A02-2012 629 工艺专业校审细则 YLY-A01-2012 607