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-Red: I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. locate: 找出 我能搞到。

-Andy: I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer. hammer: 槌


-Red: A rock hammer. What Is it and why? 鹤嘴槌,要干什么? -Andy: What do You care? 你关心这个干吗?

-Red: For a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask. I'd quote a price. toothbrush:牙刷 quote: 报?的价

如果是牙刷我就不会问你,我会开个价钱。 But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it? non-lethal: 不致死的


-Andy: Fair enough. A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long. inch: 英寸

有道理,一个鹤嘴槌有六至七英寸长, Looks Like a miniature pickax. miniature:小型的 pickax: 鹤嘴锄 看起来像个小锄子。

-Red: Pickax? For rocks. Quartz? quartz: 石英


-Andy: And some mica, shale... limestone. mica: 云母 shale: 页岩 limestone: 石灰岩 还有云母、页岩??石灰岩?? -Red: So? 这么说吧。

-Andy: So I'm a rock hound. At least I was in my old life. I'd like to be again. hound: 有?嗜好的人


-Red: Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull. sink:塞进 toy: 小玩意儿 skull: 头骨 或许你想用它们攻击某人。

-Andy: No, I have no enemies here. 不,我在这里没有敌人。

-Red: No? Wait a while. Word gets around. 不会?等着瞧吧,话说回来。

The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. especially Bogs. liking: 喜欢,喜爱


-Andy: Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.

homosexual: 同性恋


-Red: Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify. neither: 皆不 qualify:合格


Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand. bull: 粗汉,彪形大汉 queer: 同性恋者 畜牲只知道用暴力,不管他人喜不喜欢。

If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head. 如果我是你,我会加倍小心。 -Andy: Thanks for the advice. 谢谢你的忠告。

-Red: Well, that's free. You understand my concern. concern: 关切的事,忧虑


-Andy: If there's trouble, I won't use the rock hammer. 就算我有麻烦也不会用鹤嘴槌的。

-Red: Then I'd guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, 那我猜你想挖个洞逃出去,

maybe. What did I miss? What's so funny? tunnel: 挖隧道


-Andy: You'll understand when you see the rock hammer. What's an item like this usually go for? 等你看见鹤嘴槌你就明白了。 item:项目 go for:以?价格卖出 买这个东西一般要多少钱?

-Red: Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop. My normal markup's 20 percent. gem:玉石 markup: 利润


But this is a specialty item. Risk goes up, price goes up. 但这东西很特殊,风险越大,价钱越高, Let's make it an even 10 bucks. buck: 元

一口价,10元吧。 -Andy: Ten it is. 就10元吧。

-Red: Waste of money, if you ask me. 你那是浪费钱。 -Andy: Why's that? 为什么?

-Red: Folks around this joint love surprise inspections. They find it, you're going to lose it. folk: 特定阶级(或集团)的人 inspection: 检查,视察 joint: [俚语]监狱 这里的人喜欢突击检查,他们找到鹤嘴槌就会被充公。

If they catch you, you don't know me. Mention my name, we never do business again. mention: 提及,说起

被他们发现的话,你别把我供出来,否则的话就别想再和我做生意了,你明白了吗? Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that? 哪怕是一根鞋带或一根口香糖,明白了? shoelaces: 鞋带 a stick of gum: 一块口香糖 -Andy: I understand. Thank you, Mr... 我知道了。谢谢你,你叫?? -Red: Red. Name's Red. Red 都叫我Red

-Andy: Why do they call you that? 这名字怎么来的?

-Red: Maybe it's because I'm Irish. Irish: 爱尔兰人 snobby: 势利的 可能因为我是半个爱尔兰人吧。

“I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.” “我现在明白他们为何看中他了。”

“He had a quiet way about him... a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here.” “他不太说话,一举一动都不像普通的人。”

“He strolled... like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.” stroll: 闲逛,漫步


“Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. “ invisible: 隐形的 shield:遮蔽 像穿了件隐形的外套。

“I think it'd be fair to say... I liked Andy from the start.” fair: 公平的


-All: Let's go! Some of us got a schedule to keep. Move it! schedule: 时间


Come on, move it! How you doing? How's the wife treating you? 快点。你太太对你好吗?

-Red: Andy was right. I finally got the joke. joke: 笑柄,笑料


It would take a man about 600 years... to tunnel under the wall with one of these. 用这东西来挖隧道,起码要花六百年。 -Brooks: Book? 要书吗?

-All: Not today. 今天不用了。 -Brooks: Book? 要书吗?

-Red: Delivery for Dufresne. 送到Dufresne那里去。 -Brooks: Here's your book. Dufresne,这是你要的书。 -Andy: Thanks. 谢谢。

-Man: We're running low on hexite. Get on back and fetch us up some. hexite: 【己糖醇】 fetch: 取来

漂白粉不够用了,你再去后面拿点来。 -Andy: This will blind you. blind: 使失明


-Bogs: Honey, hush. That's it. You fight! Better that way. hush: 安静


-Red: “I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight... and the Sisters let him be.” “我很想说安迪打赢了。或者姐妹花放过了他。”

“I wish I could tell you that... but prison is no fairy-tale world. “ fairy-tale: 童话式的

“我希望能这么说,但是监狱不是童话世界。” “He never said who did it. but we all knew.” “他从没提起是谁,但我们都很清楚。” “Things went on like that for a while. “ “事情就这样持续了一段时间。”

“Prison life consists of routine... and then more routine.” consist of: 由...组成 routine: 常规


“Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. “ bruise: 瘀伤,擦伤


“The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off.” fight off: 排斥


“Sometimes not. And that's how it went for Andy. That was his routine. “ 但有时不能,对Andy来说,这已经成了他的常规。” “I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.” “我相信最初的两年是最糟糕的。”

“And I also believe that if things had gone on that way... “我也相信事情再继续这样下去,

this place would have got the best of him.” 这个地方会夺去他的精神。“

“But then, in the spring of 1949... the powers that be decided:” “但是,在1949年的春天,上头决定:”

-Norton: The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.