performing all manner of public service. perform: 做 public service: 公共服务 为大众服务。
These men can learn the value of an honest day's labor and provide a service to the community... value: 价值 labor: 劳动 provide: 提供 community: 社会 他们会懂得劳动的价值,为社会服务的诚实劳动。
and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. And Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer. bare: 极少的 minimum: 最低限度的 taxpayer: 纳税人 在最低耗支情况下,来利用纳税人的金钱。
Of course he didn't tell the press that \of course: 当然 press: 新闻界 fairly: 相当地 loose: 不精确的 term: 术语 当然,Norton没有跟报界说,“最低耗支”其实是相当不确切的说法。
There are 100 different ways to skim off the top. Men, materials, you name it. And oh, my Lord, how the money rolled in!
skim off: 瞒报 materials: 原料 name it: 讲出来 roll in: 滚滚而来
-Contractor: At this rate, you'll put me out of business. With this pool of slave labor, you can underbid any contractor in town.
at this rate: 照这样下去(在这种情况下) put out of business: 迫使停业(导致生意失败) underbid: 出较低的价钱 contractor: 承包商
继续这样,我不用干了。有这些劳工,你可比这镇上的承包商出更低价。 -Warden: We're providing a valuable community service. valuable: 有价值的 community service: 社区服务 我们提供有用的社区劳务。
-Contractor: That's fine for the papers, but I've got a family to feed. 对报界来说很动听,但我要养家活口的。 We go back a long way. 我们走得太远。
I need this highway contract. I don't get it and I go under. That's a fact. highway: 公路 contract: 合约 go under: 破产 我需要这份公路的合同,如果拿不到我就完了。
You have some of this fine pie, my missus made for you. You think about that. missus: (已婚的)?夫人
-Warden: I wouldn't worry too much about this contract. I already got my boys committed elsewhere.
committed: 调拨
如果我是你对此合同并不担心,我已把人手派至别处。 You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie. Maisie: 梅齐(Margaret 的昵称) 谢谢你太太的糕饼。
-Red: And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned, there was Andy, keeping the books.
shady deal:见不得人的勾当 shady: 不光彩的 keep the books: 记账
-Andy: Two deposits. Maine National and New England First. Night drops as always, sir. deposit: 存款 as always: 一如既往
-Warden: Get my stuff to the laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot. stuff: 东西 laundry: 洗衣店 suit: 套装 whatnot: 放古董的架子 把我的东西拿到洗衣房,两套衣服要干洗的,还有架上的袋子。 If they over-starch my shirts again, they'll hear from me. How do I look? starch: 给?上浆
如果他们再把我的衬衫浆过了头,有他们好受的。我看上去怎么样? -Andy: Very Nice. 很不错。
-Warden: Big charity to-do up Portland way. Governor will be there. charity: 慈善机关 to-do: 要做的事 governor: 管理者 这是盛大的慈善晚会,州长也会出席。
You want the rest of this? Woman can't bake worth shit. bake: 烤
你要剩下的这些吗?烤的太难吃。 -Andy: Thank you, sir. 谢谢,长官。
-Red: He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. 我听说这样的派,他收了不少。
-Andy: He's got scams you haven't even dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. scam: 诡计 kickback: 回扣
他有你想象不到的手段,回扣、酬金。 A river of dirty money running through here. 黑钱像河一样流过这里。
-Red: Sooner or later, he'll have to explain where it came from. sooner or later: 迟早 explain: 解释 但他迟早得解释钱是从何而来的。
-Andy: That's where I come in. I channel it. Filter it. Funnel it. channel: 引导 filter: 过滤 funnel: 注入
这就是我牵涉其中的原因,我安排了一切来过滤。 Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals.
stocks: 股票 securities: 有价证券 tax-free: 免税的 municipals: 市政债券 股票、债券、市政免税。
I send it out into the real world, and when it comes back... 我把钱送到外面,等它们回来的时候?? -Red: Clean as a virgin's honey pot, huh? virgin: 处女 honey: 心爱的 纯洁得就像个处女?
- Andy: Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I'll have made him a millionaire. retire: 退休 millionaire: 百万富翁
-Red: If they ever catch on, he'll wind up in here wearing a number himself. wind up: 使卷入
如果被他们抓住的话,他将在自己的监狱穿上这样的号码服。 -Andy: I thought you had more faith in me than that. faith: 信任
-Red: I know you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. leave a trail: 留下痕迹
Now anybody gets curious, FBI, IRS, whatever. It'll lead to somebody. curious: 好奇的 FBI: 美国联邦调查局 IRS: 美国国税局
只要有人想细查,FBI,国税局,不管怎样,总会有人被牵扯。 -Andy: Sure it is, but not to me, and certainly not to the warden. certainly: 当然
是的,但不会是我,也不会是典狱长。 -Red: All right, who? 那会是谁?
-Andy: Randall Stevens. Randall Stevens。 -Red: Who? 谁?
-Andy: The \silent: 沉默的 partner: 搭档 guilty: 有罪的 bank accounts: 银行账户 从不出声的拍档,他是帐户的持有者,他才有罪。
It's where the filtering process starts. They trace anything, it'll just lead to him. filter: 过滤 process: 过程 trace: 追踪 lead to: 导致
他那里是过滤黑钱过程的起点,不管他们如何调查,都只会查到他。 -Red: But who is he? 他是什么人?
-Andy: He's a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. phantom: 幽灵 apparition: 幽灵
I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist, except on paper. conjure: 变戏法
我凭空造出他来,他只存在于文件中罢了。 -Red: You can't just make a person up. make up: 虚构
-Andy: Sure you can, if you know how the system works. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail.
system: 体制 amazing: 令人惊异的 accomplish: 完成 mail: 邮政
当然可以,如果你知道我们社会体制的漏洞。吃惊的是邮政就能帮你做到。 Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, driver's license, Social Security. certificate: 证明书 license: 执照 social security: 社会保障
Stevens先生有出生证明书,驾驶执照和社会编号。 -Red: You're shitting me. 你在说笑。
-Andy: If they trace any accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination. trace: 追踪 chase: 追捕 figment: 虚构的东西 imagination: 想象 他们追查帐户的话,只是在追查,我幻想出来的人。
-Red: Well, I'll be damned! Did I say you were good? Shit, you are Rembrandt. damn: 该死的 Rembrandt: 伦勃朗(1606~1669,荷兰画家) 喔,该死!我没说过你很能干吗?该死,你简直是伦勃朗。
-Andy: The funny thing is on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. straight: 正直的 arrow: 箭
有趣的是,在外面,我是个诚实的人,正直得像杆直箭。 I had to come to prison to be a crook. crook: 骗子
变成骗子就不得不到监狱里来。 -Red: Ever bother you? bother: 使担心 你担心过吗?
-Andy: I don't run the scams. I just process the profits .A fine line, maybe. scam: 诡计 process: 处理 profit: 利润
But I also built that library and used it to help guys get their high school diploma. guy: 家伙 diploma: 文凭
不过我也建起了图书馆,来帮助囚犯取得高中文凭。 Why do you think he lets me do all that? 你可知他会何会让我做所有这些?
-Red: Keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets. laundry: 洗衣 instead of: 而不是? sheets: 被单 让你开心,好帮他“清洗”,洗的是钱而非床单。 -Andy: Well, I work cheap. That's the tradeoff. tradeoff: 交易
-Red: “Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two-year stretch for B and E.” for B and E: 【breaking and entering】[Red的下一句话解释]
“Tommy Williams 1965年到肖申克监狱服刑,因非法入室行窃,被判两年监禁。” “That's breaking and entering to you.” “那是对私人的非法入侵。”
“Cops caught him sneaking TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney.” sneak: 偷偷摸摸
“警察在Penney家后门抓到,他在电视旁鬼鬼祟祟的。” “Young punk. Mr. Rock 'n' Roll cocky as hell.” punk: 朋克 cocky: 自大的 as hell: 非常地 “年轻的朋克, “摇滚”先生,过于自大。”
-Tommy: Come on, old boys. Moving like molasses! Making me look bad.