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Word pronunciation property explanation a /? strong e?/ /?'b?nd?n/ /?'b?nd?n/ /?'b?nd?n/ /'?bd?m?n, ?b'd?u- US -'dou-/ /?'ba?d/ /?'ba?d/ /?'b?l?ti/ /?'b?l?ti/ /'e?b?l/ /'e?b?l/ /?b'n??m?l US -'n??r-/ /?'b??d US ?'b??rd/ /?'b?l?? US ?'bɑ?-/ /?'baut/ /?'baut/ indefinite article verb verb verb noun verb verb noun noun adj adj adj adv,prep verb adv adv,prep adverb, preposition, adjectiabandon abandon abandon abdomen abide abide ability ability able able abnormal used to show that you are talking about someone or something that has not been mentioned before, or that your listener does not know about to go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stay to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for to stop doing an activity before you have finished it the part of your body between your chest and legs which contains your stomach, bowels etc used to say that someone dislikes something or someone very much to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it the state of being able to do something someone's level of skill at doing something have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill to do something clever or good at what you do very different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerous on or onto a ship, plane, or train to officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time a little more or less than the stated number or amount; approximately in many different directions within a particular place,around positioned or moving in or near a place, often without a clear direction, purpose or order aboard abolish about about about /?'baut/ ve about above above abroad absence absence absent absent absolute absolute absorb /?'baut/ /?'b?v/ /?'b?v/ /?'br??d US ?'br??d/ /'?bs?ns/ /'?bs?ns/ /'?bs?nt/ /'?bs?nt/ /'?bs?lu?t/ /'?bs?lu?t/ /?b's??b, ?b'z??b US -??rb/ /?b's??b, ?b'z??b US -??rb/ /?b's??b, ?b'z??b US -??rb/ /'?bstr?kt/ /'?bstr?kt/ /'?bstr?kt/ /?b's??d, -'z??d US -??rd/ /?'b?nd?nsprep adj adv, prep adv noun noun adj adj adj adj verb on the subject of; connected with refer to something mentioned in an earlier part of the same piece of writing in a higher position than something else in or to a foreign country the lack of something or the fact that it does not exist when you are not in the place where people expect you to be, or the time that you are away a look etc that shows you are not paying attention to or thinking about what is happening not in the place where you are expected to be, especially at school or work complete or total not restricted or limited to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things take something in, especially gradually understand facts or ideas completely and remember them existing only as an idea or quality rather than as something real that you can see or touch a short written statement containing only the most important ideas in a speech, article etc based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events,= theoretical completely stupid or unreasonable,= ridiculous a large quantity of something absorb verb absorb abstract abstract abstract absurd abundance verb adj,noun noun adj adj noun / abundant abuse abuse academic academic academy academy accelerate accelerate accent /?'b?nd?nt/ /?'bju?s/ /?'bju?s/ /,?k?'dem?k/ /,?k?'dem?k/ /?'k?d?mi/ /?'k?d?mi/ /?k'sel?re?t/ /?k'sel?re?t/ /'?ks?nt US '?ksent/ /'?ks?nt US '?ksent/ /?k'sept/ /?k'sept?ns/ /?k'sept?ns/ /'?kses/ /'?kses/ /?k'ses?ri/ /?k'ses?ri/ adj verb,noun verb,noun adj adj noun noun verb verb noun something that is abundant exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough to treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage relating to education, especially at college or university level concerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical work a college where students are taught a particular subject or skill a secondary school in Scotland or a private school in the US if a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expect if a vehicle or someone who is driving it accelerates, it starts to go faster the part of a word that you should emphasize when you say it the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from agree to take something when you officially agree to take something that you have been offered the process of allowing someone to become part of a group or a society and of treating them in the same way as the other members how easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building, to reach a place, or talk to someone the right to enter a place, use something, see someone etc someone who helps a criminal, especially by helping them hide from the police something added to a machine or to clothing, which has a useful or decorative purpose accent accept acceptance acceptance access access accessory accessory noun verb noun noun noun noun noun noun accident accident accommodate /'?ks?d?nt/ /'?ks?d?nt/ /?'k?m?de?t US ?'kɑ?-/ /?'k?m?de?t US ?'kɑ?-/ /?,k?m?'de???n US ?,kɑ?-/ /?'k?mp?ni/ /?'k?mp?ni/ /?'k?mpl?? US ?'kɑ?m-/ /?'k??d US -??rd/ /?'k??d US -??rd/ /?'k??d US -??rd/ /?'k??d?ns US ?'k??r-/ /?'k??d??li US ?'k??r-/ /?'k??d??li US ?'k??r-/ noun noun verb something which happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, and which often damages something or injures someone something that happens without anyone planning or intending it to provide someone with a place to stay, live, or work if a room, building etc can accommodate a particular number of people or things, it has enough space for them a place for someone to stay, live, or work to play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tune to go somewhere with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard a formal agreement between countries or groups a situation in which two people, ideas, or statements agree with each other to give someone or something special attention or a particular type of treatment formal according to a rule, system etc in a way that is suitable for a particular situation or that is based on what someone has done or said as a result of something,= therefore as shown by something or stated by someone in a way that depends on differences in situations or amounts an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out a written or spoken description of an event accommodate accommodation accompany accompany accomplish accord accord accord accordance verb noun verb verb verb noun noun verb noun accordingly adv accordingly according to according to account account adv 0 prep 0 prep /?'kaunt/ /?'kaunt/ noun noun accountant accumulate accumulate accuracy accuracy accurate accuse accustom accustomed ache achieve acid acid acknowledge acquaint acquaintance acquaintance acquire /?'kaunt?nt/ /?'kju?mj?le?t/ /?'kju?mj?le?t/ /'?k?r?si/ /'?k?r?si/ /'?kj?r?t/ /?'kju?z/ noun verb verb noun noun adj verb someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts, calculate taxes etc to gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time the quality of being correct or true the ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake correct, exact and without any mistakes to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad to make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place to be familiar with something and accept it as normal continuous, but not very sharp pain there successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard having a sharp sour taste,= bitter a chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7. Strong acids can burn holes in material or damage your skin to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists to cause to come to know personally or learn about something knowledge or experience of a particular subject someone you know, but who is not a close friend to gain knowledge or learn a skill formal to obtain something by buying it or being given it a unit for measuring area, equal to 4840 square yards or 4047 square metres /?'k?st?m/ verb /?'k?st?md/ /e?k/ /?'t?i?v/ /'?s?d/ /'?s?d/ adj noun,verb verb adj noun /?k'n?l?d? verb US -'nɑ?-/ /?'kwe?nt/ verb /?'kwe?nt?ns/ /?'kwe?nt?ns/ /?'kwa?? US ?'kwa?r/ /?'kwa?? US ?'kwa?r/ /'e?k? US -?r/ noun noun verb acquire acre verb noun acrobat /'?kr?b?t/ noun adverb, preposition verb,noun noun verb,noun noun noun noun adj adj someone who entertains people by doing difficult physical actions such as walking on their hands or balancing on a high rope, especially at a circus from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as a road or river do something for a particular purpose, or to behave in the stated way law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress play a part; to perform in a film, play, etc something that you the process of doing something, especially when dealing with a problem or difficulty the effect something has on another thing always busy doing things, especially physical activities involved in an organization or activity and doing lots of practical things to achieve your aims something that is done for enjoyment, especially an organized event when a lot of things are happening or people are moving around the work of a group or organization to achieve an aim someone who performs in a play or film a woman who performs in a play or film real; existing in fact describes an angle that is less than 90 degrees acute senses such as hearing, taste, touch etc are very good and sensitive an acute problem is very serious to change something to suit different conditions or uses across /?'kr?s US ?'kr??s/ /?kt/ /?kt/ /?kt/ /'?k??n/ /'?k??n/ /'?k??n/ /'?kt?v/ /'?kt?v/ act act act action action action active active activity activity activity actor actress actual acute acute acute adapt /?k't?v?ti/ noun /?k't?v?ti/ noun /?k't?v?ti/ noun /'?kt? US -?r/ /'?ktr?s/ /'?kt?u?l/ /?'kju?t/ /?'kju?t/ /?'kju?t/ /?'d?pt/ noun noun adj adj adj adj verb adapt add addition addition additional address /?'d?pt/ /?d/ /?'d???n/ /?'d???n/ /?'d???n?l/ /?'dres US ?'dres, '?dres/ /?'dres US ?'dres, '?dres/ verb verb noun noun adj noun,verb noun to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole the act of adding something to something else,often in order to improve it the process of adding numbers or amounts to make a total more than what was agreed or expected,= extra the details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people fairly good but not excellent enough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purpose to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief to stick firmly to something a room, building, piece of land etc that is adjacent to something is next to or near it a word that describes a noun or pronoun.In the phrase 'black hat', 'black' is an adjective a room, building, or piece of land that adjoins something is next to it and connected to it to gradually become familiar with a new situation,= adapt to change or move something slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose the activities that are involved in managing the work of a company or organization the government of a country at a particular time respect and approve of someone or their behaviour, or to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at address adequate adequate adhere adhere adjacent adjective adjoin adjust adjust administration /'?d?kw?t/ adj /'?d?kw?t/ adj /?d'h?? US -'h?r/ /?d'h?? US -'h?r/ /?'d?e?s?nt/ /'?d??kt?v/ /?'d???n/ /?'d??st/ /?'d??st/ verb verb adj noun,adj verb verb verb noun noun verb /?d,m?n?'stre???n/ /?d,m?n?'sadministration tre???n/ admire /?d'ma?? US -'ma?r/ admission admission admit admit adopt adopt adopt adore adore adult advance /?d'm???n/ /?d'm???n/ /?d'm?t/ /?d'm?t/ /?'d?pt US ?'dɑ?pt/ /?'d?pt US ?'dɑ?pt/ /?'d?pt US ?'dɑ?pt/ /?'d?? US ?'d??r/ /?'d?? US ?'d??r/ /'?d?lt, ?'d?lt/ /?d'vɑ?ns US ?d'v?ns/ /?d'vɑ?nst US ?d'v?nst/ /?d'vɑ?nst US ?d'v?nst/ /?d'vɑ?nt?d? US ?d'v?n-/ /?d'vɑ?nt?d? US ?d'v?n-/ /?d'vent?? US -?r/ /'?dv??b US -v??rb/ /'?dv?ta?z US -?r-/ noun noun verb verb verb verb verb verb verb noun,adj noun,verb adj when you agree that something is true, especially unwillingly permission given to someone to enter a building or place, or to become a member of a school, club etc agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right allow someone to enter a public place,join an organization, club etc to choose a new name, country, custom etc, especially to replace a previous one to accept or start to use something new take another person's child into your own family and legally raise him or her as your own child informal to like something very much to love someone very much and feel very proud of them a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something studying or dealing with a school subject at a difficult level having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc a good or useful quality or condition that something has something that helps you to be more successful than others,or a good or useful quality or condition an unusual, exciting and possibly dangerous activity such as a journey or experience a word which describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb or phrase make something known generally or in public, especially to sell it advanced advanced adj advantage noun advantage adventure adverb advertise noun noun noun verb advice advisable advise advise advocate advocate aerial aeroplane affair affect affect affection affirm affirm afford afford afraid afraid after after /?d'va?s/ /?d'va?z?b?l/ /?d'va?z/ /?d'va?z/ /'?dv?ke?t/ /'?dv?ke?t/ /'e?ri?l US 'er-/ /'e?r?ple?n US 'er?-/ /?'fe? US ?'fer/ /?'fekt/ /?'fekt/ /?'fek??n/ /?'f??m US -??rm/ /?'f??m US -??rm/ /?'f??d US -??rd/ /?'f??d US -??rd/ /?'fre?d/ /?'fre?d/ noun adj verb verb noun verb adj noun noun verb verb noun verb verb verb verb adj adj an opinion you give someone about what they should do If something is advisable, it will avoid problems or risks if you do it. to be employed to give advice on a subject about which you have special knowledge or skill tell someone what you think they should do, especially when you know more than they do about something someone who publicly supports someone or something to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something in or from the air, especially from an aircraft a flying vehicle with wings and at least one engine public or political events and activities make someone feel strong emotions, especially sadness or pity have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change a feeling of liking or love and caring to state publicly that something is true,= confirm to strengthen a feeling, belief, or idea have enough money&have enough time to do something provide something or allow something to happen feeling fear, or feeling anxiety about the possible results of a particular situation worried about what might happen, or that something bad will happen following in time, place or order later than someone or something else prep, /'ɑ?ft? US conj, '?ft?r/ adv /'ɑ?ft? US adv '?ft?r/ after afternoon again again against against age age agency agent aggressive aggressive ago agony agree agree agreeable agreeable agreement /'ɑ?ft? US '?ft?r/ /,ɑ?ft?'nu?n US ,?ft?r-/ /?'gen, ?'ge?n US ?'gen/ /?'gen, ?'ge?n US ?'gen/ /?'genst, ?'ge?nst US ?'genst/ /?'genst, ?'ge?nst US ?'genst/ /e?d?/ /e?d?/ conj noun at a time which is later than another event the part of the day after the morning and before the evening back to the same state or situation that you were in before one more time - used when something has happened or been done before in opposition or opposition direction to adv adv prep prep noun noun as a protection or defence from the bad effects of the number of years someone has lived or something has existed one of the particular periods of someone's life or history a business that provides a particular service for people or organizations a person or company that represents another person or company, especially in business behaving in an angry, threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone very determined to succeed or get what you want used to show how far back in the past something happened extreme physical or mental pain or suffering have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea or something two or more statements, ideas, they are the same or very similar able to be accepted by everyone, or willing to do or accept something written or old-fashioned:pleasant; pleasing an arrangement or promise or document to do something, made by two or more people, companies, organizations etc /'e?d??nsi/ noun /'e?d??nt/ /?'gres?v/ /?'gres?v/ /?'g?u US ?'gou/ /'?g?ni/ /?'gri?/ /?'gri?/ /?'gri??b?l/ /?'gri??b?l/ /?'gri?m?nt/ noun adj adj adv noun verb verb adj adj noun agreement agriculture ahead aid aid aid aim aim aim air aircraft airline airport aisle alarm /?'gri?m?nt/ /'?gr?,k?lt?? US -?r/ /?'hed/ /e?d/ /e?d/ /e?d/ /e?m/ /e?m/ /e?m/ /e??/ US /er/ /'e?krɑ?ft US 'erkr?ft/ /'e?la?n US 'er-/ /'e?p??t US 'erp??rt/ /a?l/ /?'lɑ?m US ?'lɑ?rm/ /?'lɑ?m US ?'lɑ?rm/ /'?lb?m/ /'?lk?h?l US -h??l/ noun noun adv noun noun noun noun verb noun,verb noun noun noun noun noun noun official document people sign to show that they have agreed to something the practice or science of farming in front or in or into the future a piece of equipment that helps you to do something help in the form of food, money, medical supplies or weapons that is given by a richer country to a poorer country help or support something you hope to achieve by doing something try or intend to achieve something point a gun or weapon at someone or something you want to shoot the mixture of gases around the Earth, that we breathe a plane or other vehicle that can fly a company that takes passengers and goods to different places by plane a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in a long narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema or church a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise to warn you of danger a feeling of fear or worry because something bad or dangerous might happen a book that you put photographs, stamps etc in a colourless liquid which can make you drunk, and which is also used as a solvent (= a substance that dissolves another) and in fuel and medicines alarm album alcohol noun noun noun alert alert alien alien alive all /?'l??t US adj -??rt/ /?'l??t US adj -??rt/ noun,a/'e?li?n/ dj /'e?li?n/ /?'la?v/ /??l US ??l/ noun,adj adj adv giving all your attention to what is happening, being said etc able to think quickly and clearly in stories, a creature from another world or another planet LEGAL a foreigner, usually someone who lives in a country of which they are not a legal citizen living; having life; not dead or continues to exist completely all /??l US ??l/ determiner, predetthe whole of an amount, thing or every one of a erminnumber er, pron verb verb noun noun admit or agree that something is true make it possible for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening; permit an amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special purpose a metal that consists of two or more metals mixed together a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one, especially during a war someone who helps and supports someone else allow allow allowance alloy /?'lau/ /?'lau/ /?'lau?ns/ /'?l?? US '?l??, ?'l??/ /'?la? US '?la?, ?'la?/ /'?la? US '?la?, ?'la?/ /'??lm?ust US '??lmoust, ??l'moust/ /?'l?un US ?'loun/ /?'l?? US ?'l???/ /?'l?? US ?'l???/ ally noun ally noun almost adv nearly, but not completely or not quite alone along along adj, adv adv prep without any friends or people or only going forward from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of it alongside aloud alphabet already already also alter alter /?,l??'sa?d adv, US ?,l???-prep / /?'laud/ /'?lf?bet/ /??l'redi US ??l-/ /??l'redi US ??l-/ /'??ls?u US '??lsou/ /'??lt? US '??lt?r/ /'??lt? US '??lt?r/ /??l't??n?t US '??lt?r-, '?l-/ /??l't??n?t?v US ??l't??r-, ?l-/ /??l'e?u US ??l'eou/ /??l'e?u US ??l'eou/ /'?lt?tju?d US -tu?d/ /,??lt?'gee? US ,??lt?'gee?r/ /?'lu?.m?.n?m/ /'??lw?z, -we?z US adv noun adv adv adv verb verb adj,verb next to the side of something if you read, laugh, say something etc aloud, you read etc so that people can hear you a set of letters, arranged in a particular order, and used in writing before the present time or earlier than the time expected used to say something has been done before and not need doing again in addition to something else that you have mentioned to change, or to make someone or something change to make a piece of clothing longer, wider etc so that it fits two alternate things are placed one after the other in a regular pattern alternate alternative noun something you can choose to do or use instead of something else although conj but & despite the fact that although conj despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that altitude noun the height of an object or place above the sea altogether adv completely or in total a light metallic element which is silver in colour and used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts,US aluminum for ever aluminum always noun adv '??l-/ /'??lw?z, -we?z US '??l-/ /'??lw?z, -we?z US '??l-/ /'am?t?, -t?u?, -t??, ,?m?'t?? US '?m?t?ur, -t?r/ /?'me?z/ /?m'b?s?d? US -?r/ /?m'b?gju?s/ /?m'b???n/ /?m'b???s/ /?m'b???s/ /'?mbj?l?ns/ /?'m??/ /?'maunt/ /'?mp?l/ /'?mp?l/ /'?mpl?fa?/ /'?mpl?fa?/ /?'mju?z/ always adv all the time, at all times, or every time,for ever always adv for a very long time amateur adj,noun someone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job amaze ambassador ambiguous ambition ambitious ambitious ambulance among amount ample ample amplify amplify amuse verb noun adj noun adj adj noun prep noun adj adj verb verb verb to surprise someone very much,astonish an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country something that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can be understood in more than one way a strong desire for success, achievement, power or wealth an ambitious plan, idea etc shows a desire to do something good but difficult determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc a special vehicle that is used to take people who are ill or injured to hospital in or through the middle of a group of people or things a collection or mass especially of something which cannot be counted literary large in a way that is attractive or pleasant(the shape of someone's body or part of their body) more than enough,= sufficient formal to increase the effects or strength of something to make sound louder, especially musical sound to make someone laugh or smile or enjoyable analogue analogue analogy analyse analysis ancestor anchor anchor ancient and angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce /'?n?l?g US -l??g, -lɑ?g/ /'?n?l?g US -l??g, -lɑ?g/ /?'n?l?d?i/ noun technical analogue technology uses changing physical quantities such as voltage to store data something which is similar to or can be used instead of something else a comparison between things which have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea to study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it a careful examination of something in order to understand it better or explain it a member of your family or animal who lived a long time ago a piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, lake etc to prevent a ship or boat moving to lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one place belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago used to join two words, phrases etc referring to things that are related in some way a spirit who is God's servant in heaven, and who is often shown as a person dressed in white with wings a strong feeling of wanting to hurt or criticize someone because they have done something bad to you or been unkind to you the space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degrees feeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at or hurt someone a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect the joint between your foot and your leg a date on which something special or important happened in a previous year officially tell people about something, especially about a plan or a decision noun noun /'?n?l-a?z/ verb /?'n?l?s?snoun / /'?ns?st?, -ses- US -noun sest?r/ /'??k? US -noun ?r/ /'??k? US -verb ?r/ /'e?n??nt/ /?nd, ?n strong ?nd/ /'e?nd??l/ adj conj noun /'??g? US -noun,v?r/ erb /'??g?l/ /'??gri/ /'?n?m?l/ n /'??k?l/ /,?n?'v??s?ri US -??r-/ /?'nauns/ noun adj noun,adj noun noun verb annoy annual annual another answer answer answer ant antenna anticipate /?'n??/ /'?nju?l/ /'?nju?l/ verb noun adj make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something a book or magazine published once a year, especially for children, with the same title and style but different contents happening once every year, or relating to a period of one year deterone more person or thing of the same type or a /?'n?e? US miner, different one -?r/ pron /'ɑ?ns? verb write a letter to the person who has written it US '?ns?r/ /'ɑ?ns? US '?ns?r/ /'ɑ?ns? US '?ns?r/ /?nt/ /?n'ten?/ /?n't?s?pe?t/ /,?n'ti?k/ noun,verb noun noun noun verb noun,adj something you say when you reply to a question that someone has asked you a way of dealing with a problem a small insect that lives in large groups a wire rod etc used for receiving radio and television signals,= aerial to imagine or expect that something will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening something made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is beautiful, rare, old or of high quality the feeling of being very worried about something a feeling of wanting to do something very much worried about something or strongly want to do something antique anxiety anxiety anxious any /??'za??ti/ noun /??'za??ti/ noun /'??k??s/ /'eni/ adj detersome, or even the smallest amount or number of or miner, one of or each pron refer to any person, when it is not important to say exactly who whatever else is happening; not considering other things used in questions and negatives to mean 'a person or people' any event, act or object whatever, or (especially in questions or negatives) something anybody anyhow anyone anything /'eni,b?di, 'enib?di US pron -,bɑ?di/ /'enihau/ /'eniw?n/ /'eniθ??/ adv pron pron anyway anywhere apart apart apartment ape apology /'eniwe?/ /'eniwe? US -wer/ /?'pɑ?t US -ɑ?rt/ /?'pɑ?t US -ɑ?rt/ /?'pɑ?tm?nt US -ɑ?r-/ /e?p/ /?'p?l?d?i US ?'pɑ?-/ /,?p?'re?t?s US -'r?-/ adv adv adv adv noun noun noun whatever else is happening; not considering other things in, to or at any place or (especially in questions or negatives) some place into smaller pieces separated by a distance, of space or time AmE a set of rooms on one floor of a large building an animal like a large monkey which has no tail and uses its arms to swing through trees something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong the set of tools and machines that you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose,= equipment easy to notice,able to be seen or understood seeming to have a particular feeling or attitude, although this may not be true to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc to make a formal request to a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed start to be seen, to arrive, or to exist in a place, especially suddenly the way someone or something looks to other people an occasion when someone appears in public a part at the end of a book containing additional information a small organ near your bowel, which has little or no use a desire or liking for a particular activity a desire for food or to eat to hit your open hands together to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc = clap apparatus apparent apparent appeal appeal appear appearance appearance appendix appendix appetite appetite applaud noun /?'p?r?nt/ adj /?'p?r?nt/ adj /?'pi?l/ /?'pi?l/ /?'p?? US ?'p?r/ /?'p??r?ns US ?'p?r-/ /?'p??r?ns US ?'p?r-/ /?'pend?ks/ /?'pend?ks/ /'?p?ta?t/ /'?p?ta?t/ /?'pl??d US verb verb verb noun noun noun noun noun noun verb ?'pl??d/ /?'pl??d US ?'pl??d/ /?'pl??z US ?'pl??z/ /'?p?l/ applaud verb to express strong approval of an idea, plan etc the sound of many people hitting their hands together and shouting, to show that they have enjoyed something a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside a device, machine or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house such as a cooker or washing machine a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as a cooker or washing machine, used in people's homes if something is applicable to a particular person, group, or situation, it affects them or is related to them a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do something practical purpose for which a machine, idea etc can be used, or a situation when this is used request something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form to use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular situation, activity, or process formal to arrange or decide a time or place for something to happen to choose someone for a position or a job an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose when someone is chosen for a position or job used to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone's feelings are to ask someone for something, or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them for applause apple appliance noun noun /?'pla??ns/ noun appliance /?'pla??ns/ noun /?'pl?k?b?l, '?pl?k?b?l/ /,?pl?'ke???n/ /,?pl?'ke???n/ /?'pla?/ /?'pla?/ /?'p??nt/ /?'p??nt/ /?'p??ntm?nt/ /?'p??ntm?nt/ /?'pri??ie?t/ /?'pri??ie?t/ /?'pr?ut? US applicable adj application application apply apply appoint appoint appointment appointment appreciate appreciate approach noun noun noun verb verb verb noun noun verb verb verb,noun ?'prout?/ /?'pr?ut? US ?'prout?/ /?'pr?upri-?t US ?'prou-/ /?'pr?upri-?t US ?'prou-/ /?'pru?v?l/ verb,noun verb the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it to move towards or nearer to someone or something to take something for yourself when you do not have the right to do this,= steal correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose when a plan, decision, or person is officially accepted when someone likes something or someone and thinks that they are good to officially accept a plan, proposal etc to think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable the fourth month of the year, between March and May having a natural ability or skill; clever suitable or right for a particular situation decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly to form or make something form a curved shape a structure with a curved top and straight sides that supports the weight of a bridge or building someone whose job is to design buildings the art and practice of planning and designing buildings approach appropriate appropriate approval approval approve approve April apt apt adj noun /?'pru?v?lnoun / /?'pru?v/ /?'pru?v/ /'e?pr?l/ /?pt/ /?pt/ /'ɑ?b?tr?ri, -tri US 'ɑ?rb?treri/ /ɑ?t? US ɑ?rt?/ /ɑ?t? US ɑ?rt?/ /'ɑ?k?tekt US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?k?tekt?? US 'ɑ?rk?tekt??r/ /'ɑ?k?tekt?? US 'ɑ?rk?tekt??r/ verb verb noun adj adj arbitrary adj arch arch architect verb noun noun architecture noun architecture noun the style and design of a building or buildings area area area area argue argue argument /'e?ri? US 'eri?/ /'e?ri? US 'eri?/ /'e?ri? US 'eri?/ /'e?ri? US 'eri?/ /'ɑ?gju? US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?gju? US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?gj?m?nt US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?gj?m?nt US 'ɑ?r-/ /?'ra?z/ /?'ra?z/ /?'r?θm?t?k/ /ɑ?m US ɑ?rm/ /ɑ?m US ɑ?rm/ /'ɑ?mi US 'ɑ?r-/ /?'raund/ /?'raund/ /?'rauz/ /?'rauz/ /?'re?nd?/ /?'re?nd?/ noun noun noun noun verb verb noun the size of a flat surface calculated by multiplying its length by its width a particular part of a country, a house, office, garden etc the amount of space that a flat surface or shape covers a subject or activity, or a part of it disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc a situation in which two or more people disagree, often angrily a reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea or suggestion, or the process of explaining them literary to get out of bed, or stand up if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen or start the science of numbers involving adding, multiplying etc one of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands provide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in order to prepare for a fight or a war a country's military force that is trained to fight on land in a war about,used when guessing a number, amount, time etc, without being exact surrounding or on all sides of something or someone or near cause someone to have a particular feeling literary to wake someone from sleep plan or prepare for; to organize to put a group of things or people in a particular order or position argument arise arise arithmetic arm arm army around around arouse arouse arrange arrange noun verb verb noun,adj noun verb,noun noun adv adv, prep verb verb verb verb array array arrest arrest arrival arrival arrive arrive arrive arrow arrow art art art artery article article article artificial /?'re?/ /?'re?/ /?'rest/ /?'rest/ /?'ra?v?l/ /?'ra?v?l/ /?'ra?v/ /?'ra?v/ /?'ra?v/ /'?r?u US '?rou/ /'?r?u US '?rou/ /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ /'ɑ?t?ri US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?t?k?l US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?t?k?l US 'ɑ?r-/ /'ɑ?t?k?l US 'ɑ?r-/ /,ɑ?t?'f???l US ,ɑ?r-/ /,ɑ?t?'f???l US ,ɑ?r-/ verb noun verb verb noun noun verb verb verb noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun noun adj a group of people or things, especially one that is large or impressive literary to wear particular clothes, especially clothes of good quality formal to stop something happening or to make it happen more slowly if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station because the police think they have done something illegal The reaching of a goal or objective as a result of effort or a process someone who has just arrived in a place if something arrives, it is brought or delivered to you if an event or particular period of time arrives, it happens reach a place, especially at the end of a journey a sign in the shape of an arrow, used to show direction a weapon that is like a long thin stick with a sharp point at one end the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent things or express ideas paintings, drawings and or relating to object or skill e skill of drawing or painting one of the tubes that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body any of the English words 'a', 'an' and 'the' or words in other languages a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine a thing, especially one of a group of things not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural artificial behaviour is not sincere(honest and true) - used to show disapproval artificial adj artist artistic as as as as ascend ascend ascertain ash ashamed ashore aside ask ask ask asleep aspect aspect /'ɑ?t?st US 'ɑ?r-/ noun n /ɑ?'t?st?k adj US ɑ?r-/ /?z strong conj ?z/ /?z strong ?z/ /?z strong ?z/ /?z strong ?z/ /?'send/ /?'send/ adv conj prep verb verb someone who produces art, especially paintings or drawings or a singer, dancer relating to art or culture because used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something like,in the same way describe the purpose or quality of someone or something to rise to a position of higher rank move up or climb something or move to a higher position to discover; to make certain or correct information about sth the soft grey powder that remains after something has been burned or completely destroyed feeling embarrassed and guilty because of something you have done towards, onto or on land, having come from an area of water such as the sea or a river moved to one side or away from you expect or demand something request or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to come to your home put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone sleeping or not awake the appearance or visual effect of a place, or the expression on a person's face one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc to murder an important or famous person, especially for political reasons /,?s?'te?n verb US ,?s?r-/ /??/ /?'?e?md/ /?'??? US ?'???r/ /?'sa?d/ /ɑ?sk US ?sk/ /ɑ?sk US ?sk/ /ɑ?sk US ?sk/ /?'sli?p/ /'?spekt/ /'?spekt/ /?'s?s?ne?t US -s?ne?t/ noun adj adv adv verb verb verb adj noun noun assassinate verb assault assemble assembly assert assert assess assign assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate /?'s??lt US ?'s??lt/ /?'semb?l/ /?'sembli/ verb,noun verb noun to attack someone in a violent way to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group the process of putting the parts of something together to do something to show that you have power to state firmly that something is true to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something to give money, equipment etc to someone to use to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job The army arrived to assist in the search. help or support someone who helps someone else in their work, especially by doing the less important jobs to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion, friend or business partner a connection or relationship between two events, ideas, situations etc /?'s??t US verb -??rt/ /?'s??t US verb -??rt/ /?'ses/ /?'sa?n/ /?'sa?n/ /?'sa?nm?nt/ /?'s?st/ verb verb verb noun noun /?'s?st?ns/ noun /?'s?st?nt/ /?'s?u?ie?t, ?'s?usi- US ?'sou-/ /?'s?u?ie?t, ?'s?usi- US ?'sou-/ /?,s?usi'e???n, ?,s?u?i- US ?,sou-/ /?,s?usi'e???n, ?,s?u?i- US ?,sou-/ /?'sju?m US ?'su?m/ noun,adj verb associate noun association noun association noun an organization that consists of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work etc to accept that something is true, although you do not have definite proof assume verb assume assume assumption assumption assurance /?'sju?m US ?'su?m/ /?'sju?m US ?'su?m/ /?'s?mp??n/ /?'s?mp??n/ verb verb noun noun formal to behave in a way that does not show how you really feel, especially in order to seem more confident, happy etc than you are to take or claim responsibility or control, sometimes without the right to do so, or to begin to possess a characteristic when someone starts to have control or power something that you think is true although you have no definite proof BrE a type of insurance in which money is paid out when sb dies or after an agreed period of time,American Equivalent: insurance a promise that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, made especially to make someone less worried to make something certain to happen or to be achieved,= ensure to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true so that they are less worried surprise someone very much,amaze the scientific study of the universe and of objects which exist naturally in space, such as the moon, the sun, planets and stars show place or time or feeling or condition or price someone who competes in sports competitions, especially running, jumping, and throwing the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth or the air inside a room the feeling that an event or place gives you or interesting the smallest part of an element that can exist alone, very small amount to fasten, join or connect; to place or fix in position to join a file (= a collection of electronic information), such as a document, picture or computer program, to an email an act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place /?'?u?r?ns noun US ?'?ur-/ /?'?u?r?ns noun US ?'?ur-/ /?'?u? US ?'?ur/ /?'?u? US ?'?ur/ /?'st?n?? US ?'stɑ?-/ /?'str?n?mi US ?'strɑ?-/ /at strong ?t/ /'?θli?t/ verb verb verb assurance assure assure astonish astronomy at athlete atmosphere atmosphere atom attach attach attack noun perp noun /'?tm?sf?? noun US -f?r/ /'?tm?sf?? noun US -f?r/ /'?t?m/ /?'t?t?/ /?'t?t?/ /?'t?k/ noun verb verb verb,noun attain attempt attend attend attendant attendant attention attention attitude /?'te?n/ /?'tempt/ /?'tend/ /?'tend/ /?'tend?nt/ /?'tend?nt/ /?'ten??n/ /?'ten??n/ /'?t?tju?d US -tu?d/ /'?t?tju?d US -tu?d/ /'?t?tju?d US -tu?d/ /?'t??ni US -??r-/ /?'tr?kt/ verb verb,noun verb verb noun noun noun noun noun to reach or succeed in getting something; to achieve try to do something, especially something difficult go to a meeting or a class or go regularly to a school, church etc look after someone, especially because they are ill someone who looks after a very important person, for example a king or queen someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place interest in someone or something or listen/look/think carefully when you carefully listen to, look at, or think about someone or something the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something (formal) a position of the body the way that you behave towards someone or in a particular situation, especially when this shows how you feel (especially AmE) a lawyer, especially one who can act for sb in a court of law make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something very pleasing in appearance or sound, or causing interest or pleasure to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or useful a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public a formal meeting with a very important person relating to sound that is recorded or broadcast attitude noun attitude attorney attract attractive attribute attribute audience noun noun verb /?'tr?kt?v/ adj /'?tr?bju?t/ /'?tr?bju?t/ /'??di?ns US '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'??di?ns US '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'??di?u US verb noun noun audience audio noun adj '??diou/ adj auditorium August aunt aural author author /,??d?'t??ri?m US ,??-/ /'??g?st US '??-/ /ɑ?nt US ?nt/ /'??r?l/ /'??θ? US '??θ?r/ /'??θ? US '??θ?r/ /??'θ?r?ti, ?- US ?'θɑ?-, ?'θ??-/ /??'θ?r?ti, ?- US ?'θɑ?-, ?'θ??-/ /'??t?u US '??tou/ /,??t?'m?t?k US ,??-/ /,??t?'m?t?k US ,??-/ /,??t?'m?t?k US ,??-/ /,??t?'me???n US ,??-/ /'??t?m US '??-/ /??g'z?lj?ri, ??k- US ??g'z?lj?ri, -'z?l?ri/ noun noun noun adj noun noun,verb noun the part of a theatre where people sit when watching a play, concert etc the eighth month of the year, between July and September e sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of someone's uncle relating to the sense of hearing, or someone's ability to understand sounds formal the person who starts a plan or idea the writer of a book, article, play, etc or a person who begins or creates something an official organization or a government department that has the power to make decisions, and has particular responsibilities the power to give orders to people because of your official position authority authority noun auto noun (AmE) a car an automatic machine is designed to work without needing someone to operate it for each part of a process a car with a system of gears that operate themselves without the driver needing to change them done without thinking, especially because you have done the same thing many times before the use of computers and machines instead of people to do a job the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler auxiliary workers provide additional help for another group of workers automatic adj automatic noun automatic adj automation autumn noun noun auxiliary adj auxiliary avail available available avenue average average /??g'z?lj?ri, ??k- US adj ??g'z?lj?ri, -'z?l?ri/ verb,n/?'ve?l/ oun /?'ve?l?b?l/ adj an auxiliary motor, piece of equipment etc is kept ready to be used if the main one stops working properly (formal or old-fashioned) to be helpful or useful to sb,especially an opportunity or offer not busy and has enough time able to be used or can easily be bought or found used in the names of streets in a town or city the result obtained by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts a standard or level which is considered to be typical or usual the activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing and maintaining them prevent something bad from happening stay away from someone or something, or not use something to wait for, or be waiting for something stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping give money or a prize following an official decision knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or person at a distance (of or from here) extremely bad or unpleasant emphasize very great or how good, bad etc something is difficult to use, do, or deal with /?'ve?l?b?ladj / /'?v?nju? noun US -nu?/ adj,no/'?v?r?d?/ un /'?v?r?d?/ adj /,e?vi'e???n US ,e?-, ,?-/ /?'v??d/ /?'v??d/ /?'we?t/ /?'we?k/ /?'w??d US -??rd/ /?'we? US ?'wer/ /?'we?/ /?'we?/ /'??f?l US '??-/ /'??f?l US '??-/ /'??kw?d US aviation noun avoid avoid await awake award aware away away awful awful awkward verb verb verb verb noun,verb adj adv adv adv adv adj '??kw?rd/ /'??kw?d US adj '??kw?rd/ /'?ks?s/ /'be?bi/ /'b?t??l? US -?r/ /'b?t??l? US -?r/ /b?k/ /b?k/ /b?k/ /'b?kgraund/ /'b?kgraund/ /'b?kw?d US -w?rd/ /'be?k?n/ noun noun,verb noun noun noun noun adv noun noun adj noun causing inconvenience, anxiety or embarrassment or nervous an imaginary line through the centre of an object, around which the object turns very young child or animal or treat baby a first university degree in an arts subject, a science subject etc a man who has never been married the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulders to your bottom the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the front in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time the things that can be seen or heard behind other things your family and your experience of education, living conditions, wealth, etc looking or facing in the direction that is behind you salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig, often served in narrow thin type of very small organism that lives in air, often one which causes a disease harmful to eat because of being decayed (of people or actions) evil or morally unacceptable low quality; not acceptable causing or experiencing pain unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm a small piece of metal, fabric or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to show that they belong to an organization, support sth, have a particular rank, etc awkward axis baby bachelor bachelor back back back background background backward bacon bacterium bad bad bad bad bad /b?k't??.ri.noun ?m/ /b?d/ /b?d/ /b?d/ /b?d/ /b?d/ adj adj adj adj adj badge /b?d?/ noun badly badly badminton bag baggage bait bake balance balance balcony balcony bald ball ball ballet /'b?dli/ /'b?dli/ /'b?dm?nt?n/ /b?g/ /'b?g?d?/ /be?t/ /be?k/ /'b?l?ns/ /'b?l?ns/ /'b?lk?ni/ /'b?lk?ni/ /b??ld US b??ld/ /b??l US b??l/ /b??l US b??l/ /'b?le? US b?'le?, 'b?le?/ /b?'lu?n/ /b?n/ /b?n/ adv adv noun noun,verb noun verb,noun verb a great or serious degree in an unsatisfactory or unsuccessful way a game like tennis played by two or four people, usually indoors a container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the top especially AmE the cases, bags, boxes etc carried by someone who is travelling,luggage to put food on a hook or in a special device to attract and catch a fish or animal cook something using dry heat, in an oven noun,va state where things are of equal weight or force or erb,adj weighing device to arrange a system that relates to money so that the verb amount of money spent is not more than the amount received structure that you can stand on, that is attached to noun the outside wall of a building, above ground level noun adj noun noun noun noun,verb verb noun an area of seats at an upper level in a theatre having little or no hair on your head a large formal occasion where people dance any object in the shape of a sphere,such as tennis and football a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking a small, very thin rubber bag that you blow air into or fill with a light gas until it is round in shape, used for decoration at parties or as a children's toy forbid, especially officially,say that something must not be done, seen, used etc an official order that prevents something from being used or done a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin a flat, narrow piece of something with one end joined to the other to form a circle balloon ban ban banana band /b?'nɑ?n? noun US -'n?-/ /b?nd/ noun band bandage bang bank bank bankrupt /b?nd/ /'b?nd?d?/ /b??/ /b??k/ /b??k/ /'b??kr?pt/ /'b?n? US -?r/ /'b??kw?t/ /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ /'bɑ?b?kju? US 'bɑ?r-/ /'bɑ?b?kju? US 'bɑ?r-/ /'bɑ?b? US 'bɑ?rb?r/ /be? US ber/ /'be?li US 'berli/ adv noun noun,verb verb,noun verb,noun verb,noun verb,adj,noun noun a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body (cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or noises a business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services land along the side of a river or lake without enough money to pay what you owe,= insolvent a long piece of cloth, often stretched between two poles, with a sign written on it, usually carried by people taking part in a march a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are often made a counter where alcoholic drinks or food are served a place where especially alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out to cook food on a metal frame over a fire outdoors BBQ a meal or party during which food is cooked on a metal frame over a fire and eaten outdoors a man whose job is cutting men's hair without any clothes or not covered by anything by the smallest amount; almost not discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement etc, for example to try and get a lower price banner banquet bar bar bar bar barbecue noun noun noun noun noun verb barbecue noun barber bare barely bargain noun adj,verb adv /'bɑ?g?n noun,vUS 'bɑ?r-/ erb bargain bark barn barrel barrel barren barren barrier barrier base base base baseball basement basic basic basin basin basis basket /'bɑ?g?n US 'bɑ?r-/ /bɑ?k/ US /bɑ?rk/ /bɑ?n US bɑ?rn/ /'b?r?l/ /'b?r?l/ /'b?r?n/ /'b?r?n/ /'b?ri? US -?r/ /'b?ri? US -?r/ /be?s/ /be?s/ /be?s/ noun noun,verb noun noun noun adj adj noun noun noun noun noun something on sale at a lower price than its true value the loud, rough noise that a dog and some other animals make a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animals in a large curved container with a flat top and bottom, made of wood or metal, and used for storing beer, wine etc the part of a gun like a tube through which the bullets are fired old-fashioned unable to produce children or baby animals - used of a woman or of female animals,infertile land or soil that is barren has no plants growing on it a type of fence or gate that prevents people from moving in a particular direction a rule, problem etc that prevents people from doing something, or limits what they can do the bottom part of an object,or the lowest part of something the main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business from one of the four places that a player must touch in order to get a point in games such as baseball an outdoor game in which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running around four bases a room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground basic rights, needs etc are ones that everyone needs or should have at the simplest or least developed level BrE a round container attached to the wall in a bathroom, where you wash your hands and face an area of land that is lower at the centre than at the edges, especially one from which water runs down into a river the most important facts, ideas, etc. from which something is developed a container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, used to carry things or put /'be?sb??l noun US -b??l/ /'be?sm?ntnoun / /'be?s?k/ /'be?s?k/ /'be?s?n/ /'be?s?n/ /'be?s?s/ /'bɑ?sk?t US 'b?-/ adj adj noun noun noun noun things in /'bɑ?sk?tb??l US 'b?sk?tb??l/ /b?t/ /b?t/ /bɑ?θ US b?θ/ /bɑ?θ US b?θ/ /bɑ?θ US b?θ/ /be?e/ /be?e/ /'bɑ?θrum, -ru?m US 'b?θ-/ /'b?t?ri/ /'b?t?ri/ /'b?t?ri/ /'b?tl/ /'b?tl/ /be?/ /be?/ /bi strong bi?/ /bi strong bi?/ basketball noun a game played indoors ,each team tries to win points by throwing a ball through a net or ball in this game a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night a specially shaped piece of wood used for hitting the ball in many games or to hit a ball with a bat a bathroom, used especially in advertising a large long container that you fill with water and sit or lie in to wash yourself or wash someone in a bath if you take a bath, you wash your body in a bath BrE old-fashioned to swim in the sea, a river, or a lake wash yourself or someone else in a bath a room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and sometimes a toilet a device that produces electricity to provide power for radios, cars, etc a group of many things of the same type several large guns used together try hard to achieve something in a difficult situation a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger war a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land a partly enclosed or marked space exist or live or say something used with a present participle to form the continuous tenses of verbs(being, was were, been) bat bat bath bath bath bathe bathe noun noun,verb noun noun,verb noun verb verb bathroom noun battery battery battery battle battle bay bay be be noun noun noun noun,verb noun,verb noun noun verb verb beach beam beam beam bean bear bear bear bear beard beast beast beat beat beat beautiful beauty beauty /bi?t?/ /bi?m/ /bi?m/ /bi?m/ /bi?n/ /be? US ber/ /be? US ber/ /be? US ber/ /be? US ber/ /b??d US b?rd/ /bi?st/ /bi?st/ /bi?t/ /bi?t/ /bi?t/ /'bju?t?f?l/ /'bju?ti/ /'bju?ti/ /b?'k?z, b?'k?z US b?'k??z, b?'k?z/ /b?'k?m/ noun,verb noun noun noun noun verb noun verb verb noun noun noun verb verb verb adj noun noun an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake a line of light that shines from a bright object a wide happy smile a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses, bridges etc a seed or a pod (=case containing seeds) , that comes from a climbing plant and is cooked as food accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant a large, strong wild mammal with a thick furry coat that lives formal to give birth to a baby to carry and move something to a place hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeks written an animal, especially a large or dangerous one old-fashioned someone who is cruel or unpleasant get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or competition hit someone or something many times with your hand, a stick etc to (cause to) make a regular movement or sound extremely attractive to look at or very good or giving you great pleasure a quality that people, places which very attractive to look at or gives you pleasure or joy a woman who is very beautiful because conj used when you are giving the reason for something begin to be something, or to develop in a particular way become Verb become bed bee beef beer before before beforehand begin beginning behalf behalf behave behavior behind being belief belief believe bell /b?'k?m/ /bed/ /bi?/ /bi?f/ /b?? US b?r/ Verb noun,verb noun noun noun to be suitable for someone or to look attractive on them a large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, which is used for sleeping on a yellow and black flying insect which makes honey and can sting you the flesh of cattle which is eaten,the meat from a cow an alcoholic drink made from grain at or during a time earlier than (the thing mentioned) in front of before something else happens or is done start to be, do, etc the start or first part of an event, story, period of time etc because of or for someone instead of someone, or as their representative act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society's approval the things that a person or animal does at the back of or responsible for or the cause of a person or thing that exists or the state of existing the feeling of certainty that something exists or is true an idea that you believe to be true, especially one that forms part of a system of ideas think that something is true, correct or real a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which makes a ringing sound when hit perp,a/b?'f?? US dv,con-'f??r/ j /b?'f?? US prep -'f??r/ /b?'f??h?nd US -adv 'f??r-/ /b?'g?n/ /b?'g?n??/ /b?'hɑ?f US b?'h?f/ /b?'hɑ?f US b?'h?f/ /b?'he?v/ /b?'he?vj? US -?r/ /b?'ha?nd/ /'bi???/ /b?'li?f/ /b?'li?f/ /b?'li?v/ /bel/ verb noun noun noun verb noun adv,prep noun noun noun verb noun belly belong beloved below belt belt bench bench bend bend beneath beneath beneficial benefit benefit beside besides best best best /'beli/ /b?'l?? US b?'l???/ /b?'l?v?d/ noun verb adj,noun the stomach or the front part of body between chest and legs something belongs somewhere, that is the right place or situation for it literary or humorous loved very much by someone in a lower position (than), under a strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration a large area of land that has particular features or where particular people live a long, usually hard, seat for two or more people, often found in public places, or a long table for working on a long heavy table used for working on with tools or equipment to unwillingly accept the opinions or decisions of other people move part of your body so that it is not straight or so that you are not upright in or to a lower position than, under,below not good enough or suitable for someone having a good effect an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something extra money or other advantages that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have at the side of, next to or compared to another person or thing in addition to; also the most excellent in a group of things or people of the highest quality, or being the most suitable, pleasing or effective type of thing or person in the most suitable, pleasing or satisfactory way, or to the greatest degree /b?'l?u US -adv,prep 'lou/ /belt/ /belt/ /bent?/ /bent?/ /bend/ /bend/ /b?'ni?θ/ /b?'ni?θ/ /,ben?'f???l/ /'ben?f?t/ /'ben?f?t/ /b?'sa?d/ /b?'sa?dz/ /best/ /best/ /best/ noun noun noun noun verb verb,noun adv, prep adv, prep adj noun noun perp adv,prep noun adj adv bet betray betray betray better better between between beverage beware bewilder beyond beyond Bible bicycle bid bid big bill bill /bet/ /b?'tre?/ /b?'tre?/ /b?'tre?/ /'bet? US -?r/ /'bet? US -?r/ /b?'twi?n/ /b?'twi?n/ /'bev?r?d?/ n /b?'we? US -'wer/ /b?'w?ld? US -?r/ /b?'j?nd US -'jɑ?nd/ /b?'j?nd US -'jɑ?nd/ /'ba?b?l/ /'ba?s?k?l/ /b?d/ /b?d/ /b?g/ /b?l/ /b?l/ verb,noun verb verb verb verb,noun adj,adv perp perp,adv noun verb verb prep, adv prep, adv noun noun,verb verb verb,noun adj noun noun to risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race, in the hope of winning more money to be disloyal to your country, company etc, for example by giving secret information to its enemies to show feelings that you are trying to hide,= give away to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset improve a situation,to a higher standard or quality of a higher standard, or more suitable or more suitable among two or more people or things in or into the space which separates two places, people or objects formal a hot or cold drink,any type of drink except water used to warn someone to be careful because something is dangerous to confuse someone further away in the distance (than something) outside or after (a stated limit) the holy book of the Christian religion, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament a vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing its pedals with your feet to give a greeting to someone, or to ask someone to do something to offer to pay a particular price for goods, especially in an auction large in size or amount,older or more like an adult a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed before being voted on a piece of paper money bill billion bin bind bind biography biology bird birth birth birthday biscuit bite bitter bitter bitter black /b?l/ /'b?lj?n/ /b?n/ /ba?nd/ /ba?nd/ noun,verb noun noun verb verb a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written the number 1,000,000,000 or an extremely large number of things or people BrE a container for putting waste in to fasten the pages of a book together and put them in a cover to tie tightly or to fasten a book that tells what has happened in someone's life, written by someone else the scientific study of the natural processes of living things a creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. a child which is born or the time when a baby comes out of its mother's body the time when something new starts to exist the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a person was born a small thin dry cake that is usually sweet and made for one person to eat or a type of soft bread use your teeth to cut into something or interest in buying something feeling angry, jealous, and upset because you think you have been treated unfairly describes weather that is extremely cold, especially in a way that causes physical pain with an unpleasantly sharp taste the darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black substance on something a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing on with chalk the flat cutting part of a tool or weapon say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad /ba?'?gr?fi noun US -'ɑ?g-/ /ba?'?l?d?i noun US -'ɑ?l-/ /b??d US b??rd/ noun /b??θ US noun b??rθ/ /b??θ US noun b??rθ/ /'b??θde? noun US 'b??r-/ /'b?sk?t/ /ba?t/ /'b?t? US -?r/ /'b?t? US -?r/ /'b?t? US -?r/ /bl?k/ /'bl?kb??d US -b??rd/ /ble?d/ /ble?m/ noun verb,noun adj adj adj adj,noun,verb noun noun verb,noun blackboard blade blame happening blank blank blanket blast blast blast blaze blaze bleed blend bless blind blind blind block block block blood bloody /bl??k/ /bl??k/ /'bl??k?t/ adj,noun adj noun,verb empty or clear, or containing no information or mark showing no understanding or no emotion in your facial expression a flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, usually used on a bed or cover something completely with a thick layer an exciting or enjoyable experience or event, often a party to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force to make a very loud and unpleasant noise, especially one made by a whistle or horn to burn very brightly and strongly to shine with a very bright light lose blood, especially injury,remove to mix or combine together different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result ask for God's help and protection for someone or something a covering, especially one made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down to cover a window inside a building, unable to see make someone unable to understand something prevent movement through something, or to prevent something from happening or succeeding a solid straight-sided lump of hard material or a group of things the distance along a city street from where one street crosses it to the next the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart covered in blood, or bleeding /blɑ?st US noun bl?st/ /blɑ?st US verb,noun bl?st/ /blɑ?st US verb,noun bl?st/ /ble?z/ /ble?z/ /bli?d/ /blend/ /bles/ /bla?nd/ /bla?nd/ /bla?nd/ /bl?k US blɑ?k/ /bl?k US blɑ?k/ /bl?k US blɑ?k/ /bl?d/ /'bl?di/ verb,noun verb,noun verb verb,noun verb noun adj verb,adj noun,verb noun noun noun adj bloom blossom blouse blow blow blow blow blue blue blueprint blunder blush board board board board boast boat body body /blu?m/ /'bl?s?m US 'blɑ?-/ /blauz US blaus/ /bl?u US blou/ /bl?u US blou/ /bl?u US blou/ /bl?u US blou/ /blu?/ /blu?/ noun verb,noun noun verb noun noun verb adj,noun adj a flower or flowers on a plant a flower or the flowers on a tree or bush a shirt for a woman or girl move and make currents of air or make a sound by forcing air out of your mouth an action or event that causes difficulty or sadness for someone a hard hit with someone's hand, a tool, or a weapon move or to move something by the force of the wind or a current of air having the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day feeling or showing sadness a photographic print of a plan for a building, machine etc on special blue paper to make a big mistake, especially because you have been careless or stupid to become red in the face, usually because you are embarrassed get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train or aircraft the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization a flat wide piece of wood, plastic etc that you can use to show information a thin flat piece of cut wood or other hard material used for a particular purpose to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own a small vehicle for travelling on water,a ship the dead body of a person a group of people who have joined together or a large amount of something /'blu?,pr?noun nt/ /'bl?nd? US verb,noun -?r/ /bl??/ /b??d US b??rd/ /b??d US b??rd/ /b??d US b??rd/ /b??d US b??rd/ /b?ust US boust/ /b?ut US bout/ /'b?di US 'bɑ?di/ /'b?di US 'bɑ?di/ verb,noun verb noun noun noun verb,noun noun noun noun body body boil boil bold bold bold bolt bolt bolt bolt bomb bomb bond bond bone book book boot booth /'b?di US 'bɑ?di/ /'b?di US 'bɑ?di/ /b??l/ /b??l/ /b?uld US bould/ /b?uld US bould/ /b?uld US bould/ /b?ult US boult/ /b?ult US boult/ /b?ult US boult/ /b?ult US boult/ /b?m US bɑ?m/ /b?m US bɑ?m/ /b?nd US bɑ?nd/ /b?nd US bɑ?nd/ /b?un US boun/ /buk/ /buk/ /bu?t/ /bu?e US bu?θ/ noun noun verb verb adj adj adj noun verb verb noun verb noun noun noun noun noun verb noun noun the main, central, or most important part of something the whole physical structure that forms a person or anima,the main part ,a dead person to cook something in boiling water when a liquid boils, or when you boil it, it becomes hot enough to turn into gas brave; not fearing danger not shy, especially in a way that shows a lack of respect strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye a metal bar on a door or window that slides across to lock it closed fasten two things together using a bolt to suddenly run somewhere very quickly, especially in order to escape or because you are frightened a screw with a flat head and no point, for fastening things together attack a place by leaving a bomb there, or by dropping bombs on it from a plane a weapon made of material that will explode an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea one of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human, animal set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read them arrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a particular time in the future a type of shoe that covers your whole foot and the lower part of your leg a small partly enclosed place where one person can do something privately, such as use the telephone or vote border border bore bore born borrow borrow bosom bosom boss botany both bother bother bottle bottom bottom bounce /'b??d? US 'b??rd?r/ /'b??d? US 'b??rd?r/ /b?? US b??r/ /b?? US b??r/ /b??n US b??rn/ /'b?r?u US 'bɑ?rou, 'b??-/ /'b?r?u US 'bɑ?rou, 'b??-/ /'buz?m/ /'buz?m/ noun a narrow strip of ground around a garden or along the edge of something the line that divides one country from another to make a hole in something using a tool to talk or act in a way that makes someone lose interest and become tired When a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and start to exist take or copy someone's ideas, words etc and use them in your own work,ect take that belongs to someone else and that you must give back to later the front part of a woman's chest a word meaning someone's feelings and emotions, used especially when these are bad or unpleasant the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work or tell people to do things the scientific study of plants and their structure (referring to) two people or things together to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something especially BrE trouble or difficulty that has been caused by small problems and that usually only continues for a short time a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neck the lowest inner surface of something such as a container the lowest part of something to move up and down, especially because you are hitting a surface that is made of rubber, has springs etc noun verb verb,noun adj verb verb noun noun /b?s US noun,verb b??s/ /'b?t?ni US noun 'bɑ?-/ pron,d/b?uθ US etermibouθ/ ner /'b?e? US verb 'bɑ?e?r/ /'b?e? US 'bɑ?e?r/ /'b?tl US 'bɑ?tl/ /'b?t?m US 'bɑ?-/ /'b?t?m US 'bɑ?-/ /bauns/ noun noun,verb noun noun verb bounce bound bound bound /bauns/ /baund/ /baund/ /baund/ verb adj adj verb,noun,adj if a ball or other object bounces, or you bounce it, it immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it past participle of bind(tie tightly or to fasten) having a moral or legal duty to do something move quickly with large jumping movements,going to the real or imaginary line that marks the edge of a state, country etc, or the edge of an area of land that belongs to someone bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone important, or as a way of thanking an audience a knot of cloth or string with a curved part on either side, and two loose ends, worn in the hair as decoration or for tying shoelaces a wide round container that is open at the top, used to hold liquids, food, flowers etc a wide round container that is open at the top an indoor game in which you roll a large heavy ball along a wooden track in order to knock down a group of pins (=wooden objects shaped like bottles) a small building or structure used for a particular purpose,=booth a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and sometimes a lid to fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your closed hands inside big leather gloves a male child or, more generally, a male of any age to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen to push part of your body against something solid in order to make yourself more steady something that is used to strengthen or support something, or to make it stiff the ability to think clearly and learn quickly boundary /'baund?ri/ noun bow /bau/ verb bow bowl bowl bowling box box box boy boycott brace brace brace brain /bau/ /b?ul US boul/ /b?ul US boul/ noun noun noun /'b?ul?? US noun 'bou-/ /b?ks US bɑ?ks/ /b?ks US bɑ?ks/ /b?ks US bɑ?ks/ /b??/ noun noun verb noun /'b??k?t US verb,noun -kɑ?t/ /bre?s/ /bre?s/ /bre?s/ /bre?n/ verb verb noun noun brain brake branch brand brand brand brandy brass brass brave bread breadth breadth break break break break break breakdown breakdown breakdown /bre?n/ /bre?k/ noun noun,verb the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings and activity a device which makes a vehicle go slower or stop a part of something,such as a tree,larger,organization,a river or road to describe someone or something as a very bad type of person or thing, often unfairly to burn a mark onto something, especially a farm animal, in order to show who it belongs to a type of product made by a particular company, that has a particular name or design a strong alcoholic drink made from wine, or a glass of this drink a very hard bright yellow metal that is a mixture of copper and zinc musical instruments that are made of metal, such as the trumpet and the trombone dealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence food made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed together and baked the distance from one side of something to the other,= width when something includes many different items, features, subjects or qualities to damage a bone in your body by making it crack or split to disobey a rule or law or promise force damange, divide into,move,end interrupt or to stop something for a brief period if something breaks, it separates into two or more pieces a list of all the separate parts of something the failure of a relationship or system a serious medical condition in which someone becomes mentally ill and is unable to work or deal /brɑ?nt? noun,vUS br?nt?/ erb /br?nd/ /br?nd/ /br?nd/ /'br?ndi/ /brɑ?s US br?s/ /brɑ?s US br?s/ /bre?v/ /bri?t?/ /bredθ, bretθ/ /bredθ, bretθ/ /bre?k/ /bre?k/ /bre?k/ /bre?k/ /bre?k/ /'bre?kdaun/ /'bre?kdaun/ /'bre?kdaun/ verb verb,noun noun noun noun noun adj noun noun noun verb verb verb,noun verb,noun verb noun noun noun with ordinary situations in life breakfast breast breast breathe breed breed breeze bribe brick bride bridge brief briefcase bright bright bright brilliant brilliant brilliant /'brekf?st/ /brest/ /brest/ /bri?e/ /bri?d/ /bri?d/ /bri?z/ /bra?b/ /br?k/ /bra?d/ /br?d?/ /bri?f/ /'bri?fke?s/ /bra?t/ /bra?t/ /bra?t/ /'br?lj?nt/ /'br?lj?nt/ /'br?lj?nt/ noun noun noun verb noun verb noun verb,noun noun noun noun adj,noun noun adj adj adj adj adj adj the meal you have in the morning one of the two round raised parts on a woman's chest that produce milk when she has a baby meat that comes from the front part of the body of a bird such as a chicken take air into your lungs and send it out again a type of animal that is kept as a pet or on a farm to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants, especially ones with particular qualities a gentle, light and pleasant wind to illegally give someone, especially a public official, money or a gift in order to persuade them to do something for you a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses a woman who is about to get married or has just got married a structure built over a river, road etc that allows people or vehicles or connect something short in time,word,length a flat case used especially by business people for carrying papers or documents (of a person) clever and quick to learn strong in colour full of light, shining full of light or colour is very bright and strong extremely clever or skilful or or highly skilled excellent,very good brim brim bring bring brisk brittle broad /br?m/ /br?m/ /br??/ /br??/ /br?sk/ /'br?tl/ /br??d US br??d/ /'br??dkɑ?st US 'br??dk?st/ /'br??dkɑ?st US 'br??dk?st/ /br?nz US brɑ?nz/ /br?nz US brɑ?nz/ /bruk/ /bru?m, brum/ /'br?e? US -?r/ /brau/ /braun/ noun noun verb verb adj adj adj the bottom part of a hat that sticks out to protect you from sun and rain the top edge of a container take or carry someone or something to a place or a person, or in the direction of the person speaking cause, result in or produce a state or condition quick and full of energy and active hard but easily broken,easily damaged or destroyed a road, river, or part of someone's body etc that is broad is very wide a programme on the radio or on television broadcast noun broadcast verb to send out a programme on television or radio bronze bronze brook broom brother brow brown noun noun noun noun noun noun adj,noun,verb verb the dark reddish brown colour of bronze a hard metal that is a mixture of copper and tin a small stream a brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the floor a male who has the same parents as you or a male member of a group literary the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair,= forehead the colour of chocolate or earth or make food brown by cooking it to look through the pages of a book, magazine etc without a particular purpose, just looking at the most interesting parts an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something browse /brauz/ bruise /bru?z/ noun brush brush bubble bucket bucket bud budget buffet buffet buffet bug build build bulb bulb bulk bull bull bullet bulletin /br??/ /br??/ /'b?b?l/ /'b?k?t/ /'b?k?t/ /b?d/ /'b?d??t/ /'bufe? US b?'fe?/ /'bufe? US b?'fe?/ /'bufe? US b?'fe?/ /b?g/ /b?ld/ /b?ld/ /b?lb/ /b?lb/ /b?lk/ /bul/ /bul/ /'bul?t/ /'bul?t?n/ verb noun verb noun noun noun noun noun verb noun noun verb verb noun noun noun noun noun noun noun clean something or make something smooth with a brush an object that you use for cleaning, painting, making your hair tidy etc, made with a lot of hairs produce bubbles(a ball of air or gas in liquid) a container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying liquids a part of a machine shaped like a large bucket and used for moving earth, water etc a young tightly rolled up flower or leaf before it opens the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent AmE a piece of furniture in which you keep the things you use to serve and eat a meal,British Equivalent: sideboard (of wind, rain, etc.) to hit something repeatedly and with great force a meal at a party or other occasion, in which people serve themselves at a table and then move away to eat especially AmE a small insect make something develop or form make something by putting bricks or other materials together or create and develop something the glass part of an electric light, that the light shines from,= light bulb a root shaped like a ball that grows into a flower or plant a large size or mass of something or someone a male cow, or the male of particular animals such as the elephant or the whale a person who buys shares in companies hoping the price will rise, so that they can be sold later at a profit a small piece of metal that you fire from a gun a short news programme on television or radio often about something that has just happened bump bump bunch bundle bundle bundle burden /b?mp/ /b?mp/ /b?nt?/ /'b?ndl/ /'b?ndl/ /'b?ndl/ /'b??dn US 'b??rdn/ /'b??dn US 'b??rdn/ /'bju?r?u US 'bjurou/ /'bju?r?u US 'bjurou/ /bju?'r?kr?si US bju'rɑ?-/ /'b??gl? US 'b??rgl?r/ /b??n US b??rn/ /b??n US b??rn/ /b??st US b??rst/ /b??st US b??rst/ /'beri/ /'beri/ /b?s/ verb noun noun noun verb verb noun,verb noun noun noun noun to hit or knock against something with force a round, raised area on a surface or on the body a group of things that are fastened, held, or growing together to quickly push someone or something somewhere because you are in a hurry or you want to hide them to include computer software or other services with a new computer at no extra cost a number of things that have been fastened or are held together something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about a heavy load that you carry AmE a piece of furniture with several drawers, used to keep clothes in,British Equivalent: chest of drawers an office or organization that collects or provides information a complicated official system which is annoying or confusing because it has a lot of rules, processes etc someone who goes into houses, shops etc to steal things to be on fire, or to produce flames or hot or damaged or destroyed by fire an injury caused by fire, heat, the light of the sun, or acid feel a strong emotion, or strong desire to do something break open or apart suddenly, or to make something do this intentionally forget an unpleasant experience put a dead body into the ground, or to put something into a hole in the ground and cover it a large vehicle that people pay to travel on or take by bus burden bureau bureau bureaucracy burglar burn burn burst burst bury bury bus noun verb noun verb verb verb verb noun,verb bush business business business busy but but butcher butcher butter butterfly button button buy buzz by by by by by /bu?/ /'b?zn?s/ /'b?zn?s/ /'b?zn?s/ /'b?zi/ noun noun noun noun adj a plant with many thin branches growing up from the ground or amount if it is someone's business to do something, it is their duty or responsibility to do it work that you do as part of your job the activity of making money by producing or buying and selling goods, or providing services working hard and have a lot of things to do or full of work something used to introduce an added statement, usually something that it different from what you have said before except kill someone in a very violent way someone who owns or works in a shop that sells meat a solid yellow food made from milk or cream that you spread on bread or use in cooking a type of insect that has large wings, often with beautiful colours fasten clothes with buttons or to be fastened with buttons a small round flat object on your shirt, coat etc which you pass through a hole to fasten it obtain something by paying money for it to make a continuous sound, like the sound of a bee according to a particular rule, method, or way of doing things not later than; at or before show or describe the person or thing that does something show how something is done near, beside or (in distance or time) past,during /b?t strong conj b?t/ /b?t strong conj,prep b?t/ /'but?? US -?r/ /'but?? US -?r/ /'b?t? US -?r/ /'b?t?fla? US -?r-/ /'b?tn/ /'b?tn/ /ba?/ /b?z/ /ba?/ /ba?/ /ba?/ /ba?/ /ba?/ verb,noun noun noun,verb noun verb noun verb noun,verb prep prep prep prep prep,prep bypass cab cabbage cabin cabin cabinet cable cable /'ba?pɑ?s noun,verb US -p?s/ /k?b/ /'k?b?d?/ /'k?b?n/ /'k?b?n/ noun noun noun noun to go around a town or other busy place rather than through it a taxi or the part of a bus, train, or truck in which the driver sits a large round vegetable with thick green or purple leaves a small house, especially one built of wood in an area of forest or mountains a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep a piece of furniture with doors and shelves or drawers, used for storing or showing things a system of broadcasting television by using cables, paid for by the person watching it a plastic or rubber tube containing wires that carry telephone messages, electronic signals, television pictures etc a restaurant, often in a factory, college etc, where you choose from foods that have already been cooked and carry your own food to a table a structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept or keey animal in it a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and sugar or cake shape to judge the number or amount of something by using the information that you already have, and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers a set of pages that show the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, that you usually hang on a wall ask someone to come to you or consider give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name say something in a loud voice, especially in order to attract someone's attention telephone someone stop someone feeling upset, angry or excited peaceful and quiet; without hurried movement, anxiety or noise /'k?b?n?t/ noun /'ke?b?l/ /'ke?b?l/ noun noun cafeteria cage cake calculate calendar call call call call calm /,k?f?'t??rinoun ? US -'t?r-/ /ke?d?/ /ke?k/ /'k?lkj?le?t/ /'k?l?nd? US -?r/ n /k??l US k??l/ /k??l US k??l/ /k??l US k??l/ /k??l US k??l/ /kɑ?m US kɑ?m, kɑ?lm/ /kɑ?m US kɑ?m, kɑ?lm/ noun,verb noun verb noun verb verb verb verb verb calm adj