贵州大学研究生英语期末考试-翻译及部分答案 - 图文 下载本文

标准来评估快乐感受, 能更有效地预测生产率。

7. But at the very least, businesses could do better just by paying attention to what their employees want and need. Then more of us could find a measure of fulfillment in what we do. And once in a while, we might hope to transcend it all. It can happen on the basketball court, in front of a roaring crowd, or in a classroom, in front of just one grateful student.

但通过关心员工的需求, 至少企业可能发展得更好。那样, 我们更多的人就会在工作中找到一定程度的满足感。而且偶尔我们可能还希望获得最大程度的满足。这种情况可能发生在篮球场上喧闹欢呼的人群前, 也可能发生在教室里, 在仅仅一个充满感激的学生面前。


1. Big surprise, I thought ,tossing the balled-up clipping over my shoulder. That’s up there with “money eases stress\ liars make good writers” and “philanderers make even better liars”. (line 3, para.1)

1. 我认为这个结论太让人吃惊了,然后就把报告团成一团扔在脑后了。以前还有人说:”金钱可以缓解紧张情绪“,”说谎的人能成为好作家“以及”爱情不专一的男人更会说谎。“

2.Last year, she sadly got her wish, far too soon, living just over half as long as the womam who bore her .


3.His main character, Enid Lambert, suffers from a depression that acts as a kind of invisible force field, unconsciously repelling everyone away from her fragile core. Enid complains and sulks, mainipu;ates and cajoles, in order to assuage her fundamental dissatisfaction. 3. 他小说中的主人公艾妮德· 兰伯特所患的抑郁症形成了一个看不见的气场,潜意识中她不准任何人接触那颗脆弱的心灵。艾妮德抱怨、生气、利用别人,并以甜言蜜语来哄骗别人,为的就是缓解自己的不满。

4.She remains intact because her depression protects her from ever truly suffering, the way those around her must. What doesn’t kill you, it seems, moves on to more stubborn quarry. 4. 她能完好无损地活下来,就是因为她的抑郁症保护了她不至经受真正的痛苦,而这种痛苦则是她周围的人所必须承受的。看来击不垮你的东西会成为更棘手的猎物。看来,经常的顽固的打击是不会打垮你的。

5. So, hit the snooze, the bottle or the skids. Resume bitching, chin down, carry the hatchet, under rug nothing. Life is hard and then you…sigh.Heavily.

5. 你可以睡觉,可以酗酒,可以不求进取。你还可以接着抱怨,可以心情不爽,也可以拿起你的武器来反击,不用躲躲藏藏。生活是艰难的,那么你可以叹息,重重地叹息。



1. Every war has had its songs that whipped up patriotic fervor or, in the case of the Vietnam War that encouraged protest against it.


2. The idea is to take a song that people like or that has particular meaning or emotional association for them and use it with new words, hoping that some of the liking, meaning, or emotional associations will transfer to the new ideas being communicated. And it often works.


3 As a result, a number of community and national groups have applied pressure on stations to keep these songs and performers off the air. These charges also stimulated investigations by the Federal Communications Commission, the regulatory agency charged with overseeing broadcast practices.


4. Does it mean a station should permit no language or ideas in a song that it would not permit on the news or in a sports program? Or does it mean the station should recognize that different forms of communication or entertainment, or programs designed for different kinds of audiences, should have different standards concerning language and ideas?

4. 这是否意味着在广播电台或电视台播放的歌曲中不允许出现那些在新闻或体育节目中禁止出现的语言和观念?或者这是否意味着电台或电视台应该承认不同的交流或娱乐形式,或是为不同听众设计的节目,在语言和观念上应该具有不同的标准?

5. One author has suggested that popular music also serves a \function for young girls. The teenage singing idols may serve as non-threatening substitutes for actual boys until boys' maturation catches up with that of girls and some semblance of easy boy-girl relationships can be established. 5.一位作者指出流行音乐也成了年轻子们成熟的标志。在同龄男孩子成长为像女孩子那样成熟并能较容易地与女孩子建立朋友关系之前,少年歌星可能会成为不会对女孩子形成威胁的男友的替身


1. A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their No. 1 priority. If we hope to find love, we must first find (spare, vt.) time for loving.



2. Unfortunately ,current psychology rests on the model of the independent ego. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. We must go beyond what psychologist Abraham Maslow called”self-actualization’ to “us-actualization”.We have to learn to put time where love is.


3.How we see our partners often depends more on how we are than how they are. Husbands and wives are not audience, but participant observers in each other's lives.


4.This argument illustrates (show) how some people spend their marriages struggling to change a spouse's mind. People in lasting-love marriages begin with the premise that there are many realities. They learn to accept different points of view.


5.As one husband told me, \old saying was look out for No. 1. But we've learned to look out for No. 2. If you fight for yourself, only you can win. When you fight for your marriage, you both win.\

6. There is a powerful healing energy that emanates from loving. Lasting love can learn to sense (feel) it, send (give) it and make it grow. We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.


7.Marriage is designed primarily for giving rather than taking. It is meant to be a permanent union of two unselfish people.

7. 婚姻的本质是给予而不是索取。它应该是两个无私的人之间永久的结合。




1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C B.

1. for good or ill 2. laid at the door of 3. endanger 4. descent

5. points up 6. taking in 7. by and large 8. leave aside

9. crystal clear 10.die out



1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D B.

1. roll on 2. lived through 3. figure out 4. signing off 5. let down 6. fell out

7. dawned on 8. buttoned up 9. screwed…up 10. in a row


A. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D

B. 1. on paper 2. once in a while 3. variables 4. within the framework 5. take heart 6. takes away from 7. it turned out 8. make sense 9. in control of 10. traded … for


A. 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D

B. 1.tunes out 2.ball up 3.throw up 4.stamina 5.cajoled 6.wind up 7.assuage 8.buried 9.embark on 10.props up



A. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. D

B. 1. gaze at 2. break free 3. spring from 4. verdict 5. perspective 6. marital 7. rests on 8. permanent 9. ego 10. fulfillin