(16份试卷合集)贵州省凯里市第一中学2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 下载本文

their independence.

After the revolution, the United States bought a large section of country from Napoleon of France. This purchase doubled(加倍)the size of the United States. 37 If he hadn’t needed that money, the United States might have stayed a small country. Texas and most of what is now the southwestern part of the United States belonged to Mexico. The people of Texas fought a revolution against Mexico. 38 Later, the United States and Mexico went to war. If Mexico had defeated the United States in that war, California and New Mexico would have been part of Mexico today.

The British and the Americans both claimed the northwestern part of the country. They settled their differences with a promise. South of the 49th parallel was the United States. North of the 49th parallel was Canada. In 1861 one half of the United States did go to war with the other half. 39 President Lincoln wanted to free slaves. He was supported by the North but opposed by the South. The South wanted to separate from the rest of the country and bee independent. 40

Following the Civil War, the United States bought Alaska from Russia. Today it is the largest state in the country and a very important one, too. A. This was the Civil War.

B. It was controlled by England then. C. It began little more than 200 years ago. D. After 4 years of war, the South was defeated. E. Napoleon needed money for his European wars.

F. They became independent and joined the United States. G. At that time many people didn’t think Alaska was important. 第三部分




Recently I was shopping in the local Walmart. There I 41 a former coworker. We started 42 about old times when we worked together at the store. Looking at her I could 43 that she was not in the best of health so I asked, “When are you going to 44 ?” She told me with tears in her eyes that she had 45 retired but had to e back to 46 because she couldn’t make ends meet with her retirement 47 . I told her how sorry I was and left the store.

A week later, I was 48 to have a little extra cash and I was looking for someone to 49 it with. It wasn’t a ton of money 50 it was more than what I had and I wanted to show my 51 by giving a bit of it to someone else. I was 52 at Walmart again and I noticed the same 53 I had talked to a week earlier.

As soon as I 54 her I thought she could be one of the people I share my blessing with. I walked up to her. I 55 her by name and asked her, “If 1 56 you something, will you keep it and not try to give it back?” She 57 at me, puzzled and said yes. At the same 58 I reached in my pocket and pulled out a $ 100 bill and put it in her hand. When she saw what it was she looked 59 and asked “Why me?” I saw her tears rolling down her face.

I walked away because I 60 myself about to cry. 41. A. ran into 42. A. plaining 43. A. debate 44. A. retire 45. A. exactly 46. A. wait 47. A. time 48. A. fancy 49. A. share 50. A. for

B. turned to

C. cared about

D. suffered from

B. talking

B. doubt

C. quarrelling

C. sense C. leave

D. thinking

D. consider D. improve

B. change B. honestly

C. hardly

D. actually

B. work B. offer

C. escape

C. cost

D. survive D. ine

D. fortunate

B. certain B. keep B. and

C. confident

C. count C. so

D. waste

D. but

D. congratulations D. applying

51. A. savings 52. A. wandering 53. A. stranger 54. A. saw

B. possession B. resting B. lady

C. blessing C. shopping

C. saleswoman C. ignored

D. customer D. encouraged

D. reminded

B. judged

55. A. praised 56. A. give

B. called

C. introduced

B. return

C. show

D. borrow

D. laughed

57. A. glared 58. A. hour

B. looked

C. shouted

B. day

C. store

D. moment

D. annoyed

59. A. terrified 60. A. calmed

B. entertained

C. shocked

B. limited C. felt D. admitted



Joris Hutchison, 10 years old, of Seattle, has worked hard all year to save cheetahs(猎

豹)from the very real threat of extinction. He has raised more than $14,000 to purchase GPS devices, 61 follow and protect the animals. He earns money by selling lemonade, flowers and T-shirts, and by 62 (organize) skating parties and a garage sale. What moved the public 63 (be) that Joris donated all that he raised to a wildlife conservation organization and shelter in Namibia where he and his mother have volunteered for 64 past three summers.

As the group’s 65 (young) of all the volunteers, Joris prepares food, cleans enclosures(围场), and creates improvement 66 (item) for the cheetahs that live there, all of whom 67 (injure) or raised by human beings in the past. The shelter protects cheetahs in the wild by convincing farmers not 68 (shoot) the animals and instead, to allow the ones accused 69 killing farm animals to be fixed with GPS devices. “I’ve learned that everyone can make a 70 (different), even if you’re just a kid!” Joris told Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. “You just have to start somewhere.” 第四部分


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My mother loves planting vegetables or she couldn’t do it without some land. Last month she bought the tiny piece of land for a peasant, who used to plant fruits and vegetables. Now he has divided his land into piece for sale, providing water for each piece of land. So it is very convenient grow vegetables. He also directs people how to farm.

My mother has already planted several vegetables. Various seeds came out, health and fast. I also love my mother’s garden. I often work with Mom, planting, watered and weeding, which bring much pleasure to us. We are sure to have safe vegetables to eat them this year. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 说明不去的理由;

2. 邀请他参加因特科技展览;

3. 参观时间地点。 注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





第一部分 第一节 1-5 CBBAB 第二部分 第一节 21-23 BAB 第二节 36-40 CEFAD 第三部分


24-27 DCCA

28-31 DBDA

32-35 DABC

6-10 CBABA

11-15 BBABC

16-20 ACACC



第一节 完形填空 41-45 ABCAD

46-50 BDDAD

51-55 CCBAB

56-60 ABDCC

第二节 语法填空 61. which 66.items


62. organizing 67. were injured

63. was

64. the

65. youngest

70. difference

68. to shoot 69. of


第一节 短文改错

My mother loves planting vegetables or she couldn’t do it without some land. Last month she bought the tiny




piece of land for a peasant, who used to plant fruits and vegetables. Now he has divided his land into piece for sale,