人教新目标(go for it!)八年级英语上册Unit10知识点大全 下载本文


It is best not to run away from our problems. 不要逃避我们的困难是最好的。(建议积累) 分析:该例句为it作形式主语。 小知识:

It + be + best + (for sb.) (not) to do (sth.) (对于某人来说)(不)做某事是最好的。

e.g. It is best for you not to swim in the river.

小知识:run away (from sb./sth.) 动词词组,意为“逃避···”。 e.g. I can’t run away. I must face my problems.

e.g. John ran away from all his problems. I think it’s bad for him to do that.

e.g. They made a mistake. So they tried to run away from their parents.

We should always try to solve them. 我们总是应该尝试去解决它们。 小知识:

solve the problem 动词词组,意为“解决困难”。 solve (the) problems 动词词组,意为“解决困难”。 He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. 他认为第一步是去找某个你信任的人去交流。(建议积累) 思考:试分析句子结构。 小知识:step n. 步骤。(可数)

常见用法:The first step is to do (sth.) 第一步是去做···。 e.g. The first step is to cut up the oranges. 小知识:trust v. 信任。

常见用法:trust sb./sth. 信任···,信赖···。 e.g. I trust you. 我信任你。 e.g. I always trust your ideas.

This person doesn’t need to be an expert like himself. 这个人不需要是一个像他自己那样的专家。

Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are always there to help them.


刻准备伸手帮助他们。(建议积累) 小知识:experience n. 经验(不可数)

e.g. I have more experience than you. 我比你有更多的经验。 In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 在英语中,我们说分享一个困难就好像是把困难分成了两半。(建议积累)

分析:“sharing a problem is like cutting it in half”做了主句谓语动词say的宾语。同时该句也为一个动词ing形式做主语的句子。小知识:cut sth. in half 动词词组,意为“把···切成两半,把···分成两半。”

e.g. First, you need to cut the apple in half.

So you’re half way to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.

因此,你只要和人聊聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半。(建议积累) 小知识:

be half way to doing (sth.) 完成了做某事的一半。

(说明:此处的to同样为介词,并非动词不定式中的to) e.g. I am half way to finishing my homework.

e.g. When the time was 3 p.m., John was half way to getting home. 回忆:by 介词,意为“在···旁边”。 小知识:by 介词,意为“通过···” 常见用法:

do (sth.) by doing (sth.) 动词词组,意为“通过做某事来做某事”。 e.g. I got good grades by working so hard. e.g. I went to Shanghai by taking the train. e.g. We can learn English by singing English songs. 知识点大全2e

Who else can you get advice from? 你还可以从谁那里获得建议?(建议积累) 小知识:else的用法。


e.g. Would you like anything else? 你还想要其他的吗?

e.g. I need to drink something else. 我需要喝点别的。

2)作副词,意为“另外的···,其他的···,别的···”。用于某些特殊疑问词之后。 e.g. Who else can you see? e.g. What else do you want to eat? e.g. Where else did she go?

What advice do you give? 你给了什么建议? 知识点大全4 重要的名词短语

old people’s home visit 老人之家/敬老院的探访 school clean-up 校园大扫除

children’s hospital visit 儿童医院的探访 学期末总结:所有反身代词 myself 我自己, ourselves 我们自己 yourself 你自己, yourselves 你们自己

himself 他自己, herself 她自己, itself 它自己, themselves 他/她/它们自己