高考英语单词联想记忆 - 图文 下载本文

divide v 分 ; 划分; 隔开dive潜水; 助记(对称地把e分开)

connect ; contact ; 联接;联系touch

section n 部分 压抑;part ; region地区/区域 ;area; zone 地区;区域;department 部分 分支shuttle n 航天飞机;穿梭机; spaceship (航天飞机) shut 关闭;

butterfly n 蝴蝶 ;形近字butter 黄油 flies 苍蝇;injury n. 伤害;受伤 injure v. hurt; damage;wound; harm

rocket n 火箭;形近字rock 岩石;摇滚;jacket 夹克;helicopter n 直升飞机 carve v 雕刻 n carving ;; figure雕塑,塑像;

achievement n. 成绩;成就 ;

形近字achieve ; v. 取得ache 疼痛 ; eve 除夕;助记取得成绩不是一朝一夕eve之事;需要痛苦/疼痛;

civilization n. 文明;开化;形近字civil adj. 内部的;公民的divide分开 Civilize; 使开化;教化civilization文明;开化;

prevent v. 妨碍;阻止 ;保护;twist n. v. 弯曲;扭曲 ;

形近字twister 绕口令; imagine v. 想象(力);imagination n. ;endless 无穷的;无止境的 limitless darkness n. 黑暗;漆黑 dark adj. ; dawn 黎明;开端;

一 册 下phrases and idiom 短语和习语归纳 make a choice 做出选择 keep up with 跟上 赶上 keep pace with 与……同步 plenty of \\a number of 大量 roll up 变成卷形 ; 卷起 dress up 打扮;装饰;盛装

in one‘s opinion 按……看法;依……的观点; have faith in = believe in

play a trick on 开……玩笑;欺骗某人 to one‘s joy\\delight 使 某人高兴 take in 摄取;欺骗 call on 访问;号召;邀请 bring back 拿回;使恢复 day and night 日日夜夜 pay off 还清;付清 earn\\make money 挣、赚钱 act out 表演;付出行动

a great deal of (修饰不可数)大量;许多 test on 在……上做实验try on around the corner 即使来临;在拐角处

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die down (声音)变弱;平息;消失 come to terms with 甘心忍受 take possession of 占有;占领 make up 组成;构成;占…… turn to 开始干;求助于;转向 go sailing 驾船航行;帆船运动 go camping 宿营 depend on 依赖;依靠 and soon = etc 等等 make fun of 取笑;嘲笑 make use of 利用

date back to\\from 回溯;追溯到 be on good terms with 与……关系好 look on… as 把……看作\\当作

regard…as , consider…as….think of… as… ahead of 在……前;更早in advance get through 通过;度过;到达 tear down 拆除;推倒pull down hold up 举起;拿出 make a face 做鬼脸

in order 整齐;按顺序= tidy divide… into… 把……分成 部分 focus…on 以……为中心

prevent…from… 使…...不……,保护……不受危险 威胁危害keep….from stop … from protect …from manage to… 努力做成try to do





众说周知,得阅读、完形者得天下! 文章看没看懂不重要,关键是要选对! 高考英语阅读的核心暗示点:词和短语! 题目(或题干)有暗示,秘笈为你精准导航! 选项与出题点之间存在逻辑关系,3天帮您梳理! 速度比完美更重要,思路比题海要有效!

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2013高考英语阅读3天提分秘术, 既不是神人的牛B押题,也不是最牛高考班的密卷!而是沈阳高分英语家教吴军老师从2000-2012年2700多篇高考英语阅读真题答案内幕规律衍生出的迅捷提分秘诀!





一、2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征 二、2013阅读吴军暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词 三、擒贼先擒王:主旨题、写作目的题吴军答题密码 四、阅读出题点与细节题吴军答题法则

五、阅读文章结构、题材与推论题吴军突破秘诀 六、阅读词汇、文章及作者态度题吴军破解规律

2013阅读吴军猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征(10条秘诀) 秘诀一:被动结构是备选项高频答案特征!

【2010辽宁卷B篇】I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I'm in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New 35 / 124

York. There, '“I‘m having a dinner party' means: \we'll be sharing the checque evenly, no matter what you eat.\leaves before the bill arrives. They'll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don‘t drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: \And it's not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go.

But in London, dinner parties are in people's homes.(转折对比,说明前面New Yorkers 评价是Self-centred.) Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations in New York. The mix is less striking. It's like a gathering at Bloomingdale's, a well-known department store.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61. What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New York? A There is a strange mix of people. B. The restaurants are expensive. C. The bill is not fairly shared. D. People have to pay cash 63. What is the author's opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience? A. Easy-going. B. Self-centred. C. Generous. D. Conservative.

【2012四川卷E篇】So far, efforts to cut emissions(排放)of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃ this century — a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world’s temperature? A. It has risen nearly 0.2℃ since 1979. B. Its change will lead to weather extremes. C. It is 0.8℃ higher in 1979 than that of 1990. D. It needs to be controlled within 2℃ in this century.

【2012四川卷A篇】The seasons change just outside the door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars‘(杨树)putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean? A. The change of seasons is easily felt. B. The seasons make the scenes change. C. The weather often changes in the forest.

D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

【2012陕西卷C篇】The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is

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