冀教版英语七年级下册教案(全册) 下载本文

1.There are over 20 people swimming. (同意) There are ________________20 people swimming.

2.You can go there, too. (同意句) You______ _________go there. 【作 业】1、预习下一课;2、复习本课。


Lesson 4 A Visit to Lanzhou

【教学目标】掌握单词、短语及重要句型。 【教学重点】1、with的用法; 2、over的用法 【教学难点】同上 【教学过程】 一、词汇学习

1. Look, they _____________________(过) the street. 2. There are two ________________(桥) over the river. 3. The ______________(团体) takes a train to Lanzhou. 4. She likes to eat________________(奶酪) very much. 5. How_____________(宽) is the river? 二、听力训练

课本 P9 Let’s Do It. Part 1. 三、任务阅读

课本 P9 Let’s Do It. Part 2. 四、课文讲解

1. The group takes a train to Lanzhou. 这个团体乘火车去兰州。


Eg. The groups is a good one. / The group are having a meeting. 2.It was the first bridge over the Yellow River.它是黄河上的第一座桥。 over ①在…上(指垂直的正上方) 重点例句:There is a bridge over the river.

② “越过” 重点例句:I can jump over the wall.

③ be over 结束。Eg. Class is over. ④ over and over 反复地,一再地 3.A mother with a baby.一位带着婴儿的母亲。 with 重点掌握① “和”, eg. be with sb. 和…一起;

②“有”,eg. Here is a girl with long hair. ③“带着”, eg. I didn’t take money with me.

④“用”+ 工具。Eg. Write with a pen. 五、短语汇总

1.散步 go for a walk=go out for a walk = take a walk 2.黄河 the Yellow River

3.好的 all right 4.在交通灯处左拐 turn left at the traffic lights 5.河上有座桥。There is a bridge over the river. 6.在…前面(范围外)in front of

7.反复地;一再地 over and over 8. 结束 be over 9.一组 a group of 10.过马路cross the road 11. 左右看 look right and left 12. 跳过 jump over


1、听读课文;2、诵读课文。 七、处理Let’s Do It 练习。 八、笔头操练 I、词汇运用

1.They repeated(重复) the same story _________________________(一再地). 2.He invites me______________________________(散步) with him. 3.Be careful when_________________(穿过) the street. 4.We bought a big house_____________(有) a swimming pool. II、选择

( )1.There is a big tree ___the classroom.

A. in front B. in the front of C. at the front of D. in front of ( )2.The teacher let everyone______ “cheese”. A. to say B. to speak C. say D. speak

( )3.A bridge is ___the river. A. on B. in C. over D. above

( )4.Mr. Wang came in_____a book in his hand. A. on B. hold C. with D. carry III、按要求做题

1.The group takes a train to Lanzhou. (同意句)

The group ________to Lanzhou ________ _________. 2.The Yellow River is about 5400 kilometers long. (提问) _________________________the Yellow River? 【作 业】1、预习下一课;2、复习本课。


Lesson 5 Another Stop along the Silk Road


【教学重点】1、believe和believe in; 2、fall off 3、It’s + adj. +for/of sb. to do sth.

【教学难点】重点3 【教学过程】 一、词汇学习

1. I don’t _______________(相信) him.

2. Is it ________________(安全) to cross the street? 3. _________________(骆驼) live in deserts(沙漠). 4. Can you jump_____________(到…上) the big stone?

5. My little brother likes __________________________(玩沙子) very much. 二、听力训练

课本 P11 Let’s Do It. Part 1. 三、任务阅读

课本 P11 Let’s Do It. Part 2. 四、课文讲解

1. I can’t believe it. 我不相信它。

①believe sb. / sth. 相信 eg. I don’t believe what you said. ②believe in sb. / sth. 信任;信仰 eg. He believes in God(上帝).

③believe 和think一样,当主语为第一人称I 或 we时,把宾从变否定句,把否定词放于believe或think前。

Eg. I believe you are right. –否定—I don’t believe you are right. 2.You will not fall off.

fall off ①跌落 eg. Don't fall off.

②从…跌落/掉落 eg. Don’t fall off the bike. = Don’t fall down from the bike. ③减少 eg. Don't fall off my delicious food. 不要减少我的美味食物. 3.It’s not safe for children to play on the road. 对孩子来说在马路上玩耍不安全。 重点掌握这两个万能句式:

①It’s + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 此处的形容词与sth.有关。 Eg. It’s easy for me to fly a kite. (easy是指放风筝这件事) ②It’s + adj. + of sb. + to do sth. 此处的形容词与sb.有关。

Eg. It’s kind of you to help me. 相当于 You are kind to help me (kind是指“你”). 跟踪练习——用of或for 填空

①It’s dangerous(危险)____us to cross the street.

②It’s brave(勇敢) ______the solider(战士) to save the child from the fire. ③It’s clever(聪明)______you to work out the math problem(解出这道数学题). ④It’s impossible(不可能)_____him to finish the work in an hour(一小时内完成). 五、短语汇总

1.环游… take a tour around…. 2.主要站点之一 one of the main stops 3.作为…出名be famous as 4.因…出名 be famous for 5.莫高窟the Mogao Caves

6.相信某人 believe sb. 7.信任… believe in 8.和…一样 the same…as 9.骑骆驼 ride a camel 10.掉下;从…掉下 fall off 11.跳到…上 jump onto…

12.在去…的路上 on the way to… 六、课文诵读

1、听读课文;2、诵读课文。 七、处理Let’s Do It 练习。