孔子3(2) 下载本文

子路曰:“愿闻子之志。” 子曰:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之。”

Zi Lu said to Confucius, “I should like to hear about your aspiration.” Confucius said, “My aspiration is that the aged live an easy life, friends have faith in me, and the youth cherish the memory of me.”



Confucius said, “When the ruler deals generously with his own

kinsmen, the common people will be incited to benevolence. If he does not discard his old friends and colleagues, the common people will not be cold and indifferent.”



Confucius said, “When those at the top love rites, the common people won?t fail to be respectful; when justice is observed at the top, the common people will be submissive; when faith and reliability reign at the top, the common people will be sincere.”



Confucius said, “Good government lies in having talented and virtuous people. The selection of people depends on one?s

self-cultivation, self-cultivation depends on the principles people follow, and the principles people follow depend on benevolence. ”