孔子3(2) 下载本文



On Administration


Confucius Said, “In governing a state of one thousand war-chariots, a ruler should approach his duties with reverence, be trustworthy in what he says, avoid excesses in expenditure, love his fellow men, and employ the labor of the common people only in the right seasons.”



Confucius said, “If you guide the people by regulations, keep order among them by punishments, they may avoid doing what is wrong, but they will also lose the sense. If you guide the people by virtue, and keep order among them by rites, they will keep a sense of shame and come to you of their own accord. ”


哀公问曰: “何为则民服?”孔子对曰:“举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服。”

Duke Ai asked, “What shall I do that the common people may be submissive?” Confucius replied, “If you raise the straight and set them over the crooked, they will be submissive; if you raise the crooked and set them over the straight, they will not be submissive.”