2019届高3人教版英?轮复习练习案:选修8 Unit Word版含答案 (2) - 百度文库 ر



Thanksgiving is an important festival in North America.We interviewed several students from the US and Canada.Here is what they have told us about their Thanksgiving experiences.

Josie from New YorkUSA

In AmericaThanksgiving is celebrated every year at the end of November.It is to remember the first group of people from Europe to live in America.When they first arrivedthey found the environment strange.But they learned to survive after some native American friends showed them how to grow and find food.Thanksgiving is meant to be a traditional celebration.

Todd from CaliforniaUSA

Thanksgiving is the first day of Christmas shopping.That means we have four weeks to buy Christmas presents for our families and friends.For me and my friendsthe most important part of the festival is the big football game on TV.The match is watched by millions of people all over America.Thanksgiving is seen as an exciting day for football

Ian from SaskatoonCanada

In CanadaThanksgiving is held on the second Monday in October.On the Sunday before Thanksgiving Daymany people go to church.Thanks are given for all the good things that happened to them during the year.I always give thanks for the nice big turkey I'm going to have at the family dinner! Like all festivalsThanksgiving is about food

Katie from MaritimesCanada

On Thanksgiving Daywe have dinner with all our cousinsaunts and uncles.It is always very busy.Sometimes we have two Thanksgiving dinners because we go to both our grandparents' houses.The dinner is usually attended by more than twenty people at each house! My mother and my aunts do all the cooking but the washing-up is done by me and my cousins.And that's not an easy job! But I don't mind because Thanksgiving is meant to be a time to give thanks.

[ƪ] һƪӦģҪͼôһЩѧڸжڵIJͬ

1People in the USA and Canada ________ . Ahave the same opinion of Thanksgiving Bhave different opinions of Thanksgiving Cfeel that Thanksgiving is about food Dhave no interest in Thanksgiving

B [ж⡣ɷõĸѧݿ֪˺ͼô˶ԸжڳֲͬĹ۵ͿԴѡB]

2When is Thanksgiving celebrated every year in Canada?

AOn the second Monday in October. BOn the second Monday in November. CAt the end of October. DAt the end of November.

A [ϸ⡣ӵɷáIan from SaskatoonCanadaеġIn CanadaThanksgiving is held on the second Monday in October.֪ΪA]

3Where does the person who thinks that Thanksgiving is a traditional celebration come from?

ANew York. CSaskatoon

BCalifornia. DMaritimes.

A [ϸ⡣ӵһɷáJosie from New YorkUSAеġThanksgiving is meant to be a traditional celebration.֪ѡA]

4What is the main idea of this passage?

AStudents learn to give thanks on Thanksgiving. BMany students like spending Thanksgiving at home.

CStudents have different experiences on Thanksgiving. DThanksgiving is an important festival in North America.

C [ּ⡣ҪͼôһЩѧڸжڲͬľѡC]



Fun Halloween Activities for a Family

Halloween is a special time for families. __1__ It is also a great opportunity for adults to develop the relationship with their children.Here are a few Halloween activities for the whole family.

Prepare some mysterious gifts for your neighbors.

Halloween is a festival with pranks ()when you can quickly get people in the spirit of the holiday. __2__ When I was a childmy parents prepared a full bag of various treats and goodies and sent them to our neighbors.


Change any room of your house into a dressing room and let your children perform an improvised(˵) show with their creative and beautiful costumes.Don't forget to capture those fun moments with a camera.

Go to pumpkin farmland.

4__ Before the adventureset rules with your children like no going out of your sight and no fights.Most probably your kids will be curious to learn interesting facts about how to grow and choose pumpkins.

When you need a pumpkin for a pie you should pay attention to the texture and tastebut if you choose a pumpkin for carvingpay attention to its sizeshape and ripeness.Always pick pumpkins with dry stems () __5__ Take plenty of photos and have fun!

ATeach your kids some simple rules. BArrange a Halloween fashion show.

CThis can be another way to celebrate Halloween. DChange your house into a haunted (ֹ)house. EJust make sure they are harmless to anyone's health. FIt's all about unique family traditionsfun and interesting.

GGet your children involved in planting pumpkin seeds and making tasty desserts. [ƪ] ˵ģһͥιʥڣеȤ 1F [ݿǰHalloween is a special time for families.պIt is also a great opportunity for adults to develop the relationship with their children.֪ǶʥڵһֽͣѡF]

2E [ݿǰHalloween is a festival with pranks()֪ȷʥڵĶ粻Ҫ˵Ľ˺ѡE]

3B [ݴ˶Change any room of your house into a dressing room and let your children perform an improvised(˵) show with their creative and beautiful costumes.֪˴ᵽʥڿ԰һʱװݣѡB]

4C [СȥϹϵؿ֪ףʥڵһַʽѡC] 5A [ݿǰĹؼpay attention tochoose֪ᵽ̸һЩѡϹϵļɣѡA]


(2018ɽұһСһСٷһСѧһ)My husband and I were paying a visit 1. ________ my parents in Tucson.We went to a fast-food restaurant for dinner together.My husband went to the counter 2. ________ (order)dishes and I stood with my parents.

My dad is 90 years old.He can hardly see very well and walks with a stick.I was scanning the restaurant,3. ________ (wait) to sit at the first table that was 4. ________ (convenient)than others.A woman who was sitting with her son made eye contact with me and asked me to come to her.With a 5. ________ (puzzle)look on my face.I pointed to myself and saidMeShe 6. ________ (nod)and saidYesyou.I walked to the table and she said

Bring your family here.I can finish eating at the counter.My son is in 7. ________ hurry to leave anyway.My eyes 8. ________ (fill) with tears as she wiped down the table and guided my dad to the seat.

I always believe that there are 9. ________ (nature)kind people in this world.This woman has set a good example to her son,10. ________ is a really lucky guy.


1to 2.to order 3.waiting 4.more convenient 5.puzzled 6.nodded 7.a 8.were filled 9.naturally 10.who

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