2015年初一下册英语 Unit2 what time do you go to school知识点 练习和答案 下载本文



新课知识 ◆短语归纳

1. what time 几点 4. take a shower 洗淋浴

2. go to school 去上学 5. brush teeth 刷牙

3. get up 起床

6. get to 到达

7. do homework 做家庭作业 8. go to work 去上班 10. have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 11. get dressed 穿上衣服 13. either…or… 要么…要么… 14. go to bed 上床睡觉

9.go home 回家 12.get home 到家 15.get dressed 穿上衣服

16.go to school 去上学 17.radio station 广播电视台 18. take a walk 散步 19. lots of=a lot of 许多,大量 20. at night 在晚上 21. be late for=arrive late for 迟到 22.go shopping 去购物 23.go on 继续 24.go back 返回

25.go over 仔细检查 25. go away 离开26. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在上午/下午/晚上


1. at + 具体时间点 2. eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner 在几点(几分) 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

3. thirty\\half past +基数词 ……点半 4. fifteen\\a quarter to +基数词 差一刻到……点 5. take a/an +名词 从事??活动 6. from …to … 从……到…… 7. need to do sth 需要做某事


1. —What time do you usually get up? 你一般什么时候起床? —I usually get up at six thirty. 我通常6:30分起床。

2. That’s a funny time for breakfast. 这是一个可笑的早餐时间。 3. —When do students usually eat dinner?


—They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. 他们经常离七点还有一刻钟(即六点四十五)吃晚饭。

4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上,我不是看电视就是玩电脑游戏。

5. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch. 在中午12点,她吃很多水果和蔬菜。


开设 同步提高班、特色精英班、VIP一对一



6. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good. 她知道这对她的身体不好,但它很好吃。 7. Here are your clothes. 这些是你的衣服。 ◆知识点归纳

1.what time和when引导的特殊疑问句。

(1)对时间提问用what time,也可以用when。询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。

(2)询问做某事的时间时,两者可以互换。 (3)其他询问时间的句子: What's the time? =What time is it? 现在几点了? 2.时刻表达法:整点法、顺读法和逆读法。 分类 整点法 用法 只能用在表示整点的时间后面,也可省略。 数词来读。遇到数字0,读字母o的读音//. 举例 现在五点整。 2:58读作two fifty-eight 4:05读作four o//five. a.分钟数小于30,用“分钟数+pass+整点数”表示; 8:10读作ten pass eight b.分钟数为30时,用“half past+整点数”表示; 1:30读作half past one 逆读法 c.分钟数超过30,用“60减去分数+to+下一个整5:56读作four pass six 数点”表示。 d.分钟数是15时,可用a quarter表示。 3、always 总是>usually 通常>often常常>sometime 有时 4、watch+TV、球赛 “观看,观赏”,特指长时间注视。 see+电影、医生 “看见”,强调看的结果。

look “看”,强调看的动作,look后接宾语时要用介词at。 read+书刊、杂志 “阅读” 5、listen to +宾语

6、go to +地点名词 如:go to school go+地点副词 如:go home 7、第三人称单数 人称代词 指示代词或不定代词 单个人名、地名、称呼语 单数可数名词 不可数名词

时间为整点,可用“整点数+o’clock”表示。o’clockIt’s five o’ clock./It’s five. “先时后分”,先读整点数,再读分钟数,都用基6:30读作six thirty 顺读法 10:15读作a quarter pass ten 5:45读作a quarter to six he 他 she 她 it 它 this这;这个 that那;那个 something某事物 Sarah 萨拉 my father 我爸爸 Miss Li李小姐 a pen 一支钢笔 a girl 一个女孩 the water 水 some money一些钱 报名热线:0759-6658626

开设 同步提高班、特色精英班、VIP一对一





stop-stops ; make-makes read-reads ; play-plays


fly-flies; carry-carries study-studies worry-worries (3)以元音字母加”y”结尾的,直接在词尾加“s” play—plays say—says (4)以“s,o, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”, 如: teach-teaches ; watch-watches

(5)be动词的第三人称单数是is, have的第三人称单数是has. 例1. He________ TV every evening. (watch) 例2. We always ________ to school on foot. (go)

例3. Tom, with his classmates, often ______ football after school. (play) 例4. Your shoes _______ under the bed. (be) 例5. His uncle usually _________ to work by bus. (go)

8.what time和when引导的特殊疑问句。 What time do you usually get up, Rick?

解析:本句是用来询问时间的特殊疑问句,由“What time+一般疑问句?”构成。What time意为“几点;什么时候”。

(1)对时间提问用what time,也可以用when。询问钟点时用what time,用于询问具体的时间点,表示的时间比较精确;询问日期、月份、年份时用en。



My School Day

I am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at twelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed.



1.6:30分_____________ 2.7:30分_________________ 3.9:15分_______________ 4.9:50分_____________ 5.3:00___________________ 6.4:24分________________ 7.7:00________________ 8.3:40分________________ 9. 3:15分________________

考点预测 / 历年真题


开设 同步提高班、特色精英班、VIP一对一




1. The accident happened______a cold winter early morning.

A.in B.at C.on D.for 2. —_______did you visit the Science Museum(科学博物馆)? —Three months ago.

A.When B.Where C.What D.Which 3. He is one of my ______friends.

A.good B.better C.best D.well 4. He _______up at six o’clock.

A.get usually B.usually goes C.usually get D.usually gets 5. My father always goes to bed_______10 o’clock at night.

A.at B.in C.on D.up 6. They often _____at home.

A.have a breakfast B.has the breakfast C.have breakfast D.has breakfast



1.The two boys often do _______at 5:30 in the afternoon.

A.homework B.homeworks C.worked D.works 2.I get up at seven o’clock ______I have breakfast at ten past seven. A.and B.about C.on D./ 3.When does your brother ________home every day?

A.go to B.come to C.go D.run to 4.—_________?

—Sorry, I don’t have a watch.

A.What’s that B.What time is it C.What is it D.How are you 5.She______ two or three times a week, so she is very healthy.

A.walks B.takes a shower C.brushes her teeth D.exercises 6.I have a good habit(习惯). I usually ______run______have a walk before breakfast.. A.either...or... B.either ...nor C.both...and... D.Neither...nor... 7.Let’s _______.

A.take a shower B.have a shower C.take the shower D.A and B 8.My brother _______TV every day.

A.watch B.see C.watches D.sees 9.—_______does Wang Nan usually go to bed? —.At six.

A.What time B.How time C.Who D.How 10.Jiang Min usually gets up________.

A.on six thirty B.at thirty six C.at six thirty D.on thirty six 11.—______do you have geography? —On Wednesday.

A.Where B.What C.When D.How 12.—When do you often leave home_______the morning? —________half past seven.

A.at; At B.in; In C.in; At D.on;At 13.She has ______friends at school.


开设 同步提高班、特色精英班、VIP一对一
