华南农业大学新视野大学英语第三版第三册复习资料 下载本文

强烈求生欲望之下,我想起了在救生课上所学到的知识:永远不要与裂流相对而游!要顺其方向朝侧边游,慢慢地靠向岸边。 这个办法尽管看上去很荒谬,但却管用。 朝侧边游,浮起休息。 朝侧边游,浮起休息。 我们重复着这个方法,慢慢地游到了安全区。 “贾森,你能行的!”我听到站在防波堤上的马特对我说。 我甚至没有注意到我们离防波堤这么的近,只剩下大约7英尺的距离了。

And, as we made our way to safety I realized something incredible: I was no longer afraid. That absence of fear was a moment of triumph!

后来我们到达安全水域时,我觉得有些不可思议:我不再怕水了。 恐惧没了,这一刻我胜利了!

Matt jumped into the water. I tossed the boy to him. Just as I let go, a big wave picked him up and carried him all the way to Matt.

马特跳进水里。 我把男孩抛给他。 我刚一松手,一个大浪托起他直接把他送到了马特身边。

On the brink of collapse, I stopped fighting, just letting myself go. My hand hit the jetty. It was like an electric shock that brought me back to my senses. Someone grabbed for me.

我全身都快虚脱了,我不再划水,就这样放松自己顺水而漂。 我的手碰上了防波堤,仿佛触电一般,我重新恢复了神志。 有人抓住了我。

I felt strong arms lift me. I ascended not only from the sea onto the secure rocks of

the jetty — but also to my salvation, leaving behind the terrible fear that had gripped me for so long. I turned my head and saw the boy was hugged tightly by his mother. I looked out to the sea. Weary as I was, the water had never looked so beautiful.

我感觉到强壮有力的手臂将我托起。 我不仅从海里爬上防波堤的磐石,而且完成了自我拯救,摆脱了困扰已久的恐惧。 我扭过头看见小男孩被母亲紧紧拥入怀中。 虽已疲惫不堪,但放眼大海,我感觉海水比任何时候看起来都更美。

(二)Word Bank

Social anxiety symptoms often begin during adolescence. It's a developmental process that is 1) characterized by profound psychological changes, especially in terms of how we relate to others. One of the most frustrating 2) aspects of the adolescent years is the tendency for self-focus and a decrease in the 3) amount of focus we have for the feelings and needs of others.

While these changes are fairly universal, those of us who were born with a shy temperament (性格) can carry the adolescent fears, which may never 4) recede , into adulthood. An anxious temperament causes our brains to react forcibly when 5) exposed to the stress of sudden awareness of our peers and gradually we become more and more vulnerable. Our brains label the fear of exposure or embarrassment as highly dangerous. This may result in a(n) 6) vicious circle for many years: excessive self-consciousness and inhibition when you feel you are being observed.

To cope with the problem, I would like to 7) challenge you to strive for increased focus on other people, in place of your 8) excessive focus on yourself. Yes, I know, this is easier said than done. The fear may cause you to feel that you will lose control or make a fool of yourself when you are in the spotlight (聚光灯). But if you begin to build a new response, in 9) reaction to your fears, you will gradually build up a stronger and more positive response. Remember, don't let self-consciousness 10) paralyze you! Be courageous!



Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modern times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese.

Unit 4 Let’s go

(一)Text A:The surprising purpose of travel 令人惊奇的旅行目的

It's 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. I almost return back to sleep before my eye catches my packed suitcase and I groan, remembering that I'm going to the airport. The taxi is late and then lost, and I'm getting increasingly nervous that I'll miss my flight. I run in when we arrive, stagger through security and finally get to my gate. After all the trouble of this morning, my flight is canceled and I'm stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes, and my only consolation is a cup of complimentary airport coffee. This is traveling, a burdensome series of running and waiting, and after countless hours, finally getting there.

早晨四点一刻,闹钟把我从美梦中惊醒,要不是突然看见早已收拾好的行李箱,我几乎又要睡着。想起来还要去机场,我叹了口气。 出租车来晚了,并且在途中迷了路,我越来越担心会赶不上飞机。 出租车一到机场我就冲进去,跌跌撞撞通过安检处,终于,我来到了登机口。 经历这一早所有的麻烦事,我乘坐的航班却被取消了。在接下来的218分钟里,我被困在了机场,唯一觉得安慰的是机场提供的一杯免费咖啡。 这就是旅行,让人心烦的跑跑停停。最终,在不知经过多少小时之后,终于到达要去的地方。

Why do we travel? I don't mind the actual flying, the wonder of being airborne in a dense metal bird. The rest of the journey, however, can feel like a tedious lesson in the ills of modernity, from the predawn x-ray screening to the sad airport malls selling clusters of keepsakes. It's the result of a globalized world, and it sucks.

我们为什么要旅行? 其实,我并不介意飞行本身,在这样一个密实的金属大鸟中飞行,让我感到很奇妙。 然而,旅程其余的部分,从一大早X光检查到出售大堆纪念品的糟糕的机