精品 精通人教版小学六年级英语下册第五单元测试 下载本文

人教精通版六年级下册Unit5 练习及答案





______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、根据图片,选择正确的字母填空。

三、找出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属于同一类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. rooster B. grapes C. owl D. lion ( ) 2. A. six B. ten C. three D. kangaroo ( ) 3. A. elephant B. parrot C. lion D. tiger ( ) 4. A. mango B. apple C. nest D. banana ( ) 5. A. aunt B. quail C. uncle D. daughter 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. It’s ________ elephant. A. a B. an C. some ( ) 2. I don’t like ________. A. tiger B. an tiger C. tigers ( ) 3. I like bread ________ eggs. A. and B. or C. to

( ) 4. ---Do you like chicken? ---No, I ________. A. do B. don’t C. not ( ) 5. Show ________ your cat. A. I B. my C. me

( ) 6. ---What this? ---________ a parrot. A.It B. Is C. It’s

( ) 7. ---________ is it? ---It’s five o’clock. A. What B. Who C. What time

( ) 8. ---Welcome, boys and girls. ---________ A. You’re welcome. B. Thank you. C. Hello.

( ) 9. ---Who’s that? ---________ A. That’s a bird. B. That’s my dad. C. This is my aunt.

( ) 10. ---Look at my rabbit. ---________

A. Sure. Here you are. B. Give me your panda. C. Wow! How nice!


六、我会组句。(只填序号) 1. ①this ②Who ③is

___________________________________________________________? 2. ①pandas ②you ③Do ④like

____________________________________________________________? 3. ①like ②quails ③and ④rabbits ⑤I ___________________________________________________________. 4. ①look ②your ③parrot ④Can ⑤I ⑥at ___________________________________________________________? 七、选择正确的答语。 A. Oh, it’s big! B. It’s a monkey. C. He’s my brother. D. Yes, I do.

E. I’m fine, thank you. F. Thank you.

( ) (1) Do you like pandas? ( ) (2) Who’s he?

( ) (3) Here are some grapes for you. ( ) (4) What’s that? ( ) (5) How are you? ( ) (6) Look, it’s a tiger! 八、情景交际。

( ) 1. 你想知道远处笼子里的那个动物是什么,应这样问: A. What s this? B. What’s that? ( ) 2. 你想知道几点了,应这样问: A. What time is it? B. What’s in it? ( ) 3. 称赞别人时,你应该说:

A. Very good. B. Excuse me.

( ) 4. 你想向你的父母介绍你的好朋友Peter,应这样说: A. Peter, this is my father and mother. B. This is my good friend, Peter. 九、阅读并判断正“√”误“×”。

Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to our zoo. We are Kaikai and Xinxin. We are pandas. We are brother and sister. We are new here.

I’m three and my sister is one. We each (每个) have two small ears, two small eyes, a small nose and a short (短的) tail. We are black and white. We are fat (胖的). Many people (许多人) love us very much. ( ) (1) Kaikai and Xinxin are sisters. ( ) (2) Kaikai and Xinxin are pandas.

( ) (3) The two pandas are new animals in the zoo. ( ) (4) Kaikai has two big ears and two big eyes. ( ) (5) Many people love the two pandas.

参考答案 一、Aa; Bb; Cc; Dd; Ee; Ff; Gg; Hh; Ii; Jj; Kk; Ll; Mm; Nn; Oo; Pp; Qq; Rr 二、1-5 AAAAB 三、1-5 BDBCB

四、1-5 BCABC 6-10 CCBBC 五、(1)-(5) EABCD 六、 1. ②③① 2. ③②④① 3. ⑤①②③④ 4. ④⑤①⑥②③ 七、(1)-(7) DCFBEA 八、1-4 BAAB 九、(1)-(5) ×√√×√