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in/under no circumstances 无论如何不,决不 113 cite vt. 引证

114 claim n. / vt.声称;索赔 claim responsibility for sth 声称对某事负责; claim damage 索赔损失费

115 clarity n. 清晰,清楚 clarify vt.澄清, 阐明 名词 clarification

116 clash vi. / n.冲突 cultural clash 文化冲突; clash of interests 利益的冲突

117 classify vt. 把?分类 classified ads 分类广告 classification ?n.分类

118 clumsy adj.粗陋的, 不得体的 a clumsy dog 笨拙的狗;

a clumsy speech 不得体的言辞

119 coarse adj. 粗糙的,粗俗的 a coarse joke 粗俗的玩笑; the coarse surface 粗糙的表面 120 code n.准则;代码 secret code 密码;

codes of behavior 行为准则; postal code/zip code 邮编

121 coincide vi .巧合,同时发生 coincide with sth. 与??巧合 122 collapse n / vi.崩溃,倒塌 The dollar’s collapse 美元暴跌; a nervous collapse 精神崩溃 123 collide vi.碰撞,冲突 collide with 与?发生冲突 collision n.碰撞,冲突 come into collision (with)

(跟??)冲撞或产生冲突; in collision 相撞,在冲突中

124 combine ? vt.结合,联合 名词combination

combine sth. with sth. else

把某事(物)与另外一事(物)结合起来 in combination with


125 command n.指挥,运用能力

vt. 命令,指挥 at one’s command 任由某人使用或支配; under the command of 由??指挥; have a command of 掌握

126 comment vi.评论 n.评论, 意见 make comments on/upon sth. 评论某事;发表看法 comment on/upon sth.


127 commerce n.商业, 贸易

形容词commercial 商业的,商务的; 动词commercialize 使商业化

128 commission n.佣金,委托 vt.委托 on commission被授权,被委托

129 commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等);把?托付给 commit an crime犯罪; commit an error犯错误;

commit sth. to sb.把?托付给某人 commitment n. (to)承诺,信奉

130 commodity n.商品

131 communicate ?vt. 传达,传播 vi. 交流, 交际 communicate with sb与某人交流; communicate sth. to sb把传达给某人 communication n. 交流, 交际, 通讯

means of communication通讯手段; communications交通 132 community n.社区,社会 international community国际社会;

the European Economic Community欧共体; the academic community学术界; community of interests利益的一致; community college社区学院; community medicine普通医疗;

community spirit团体精神

133 compact adj.紧凑的,压缩的 134 company n.公司;陪伴

in company(with sb.有某人陪同; keep company with sb. 与某人为伍; keep/bear sb. company陪伴某人 135 compare vt.比较,比作

compare sth. with sth. else把某物与另一物作比较;compare sth. to sth.else把某物比作另一物(美英同compare sth. with sth. else) comparison n. 比较

in comparison with sth.与某物相比之下 comparable adj.可比较的;比得上的 be comparable with可与?相比较的; be comparable to比得上?,与?相比美 136 compatible adj.兼容的,能和睦相处的 be compatible to / with与?兼容的

137 compel vt.强迫, 迫使(比force语气略弱)

138 compensate v. 补偿,抵消 compensate for sth.对?弥补;

compensate sb. for sth.就某事给某人以补偿 139 compete vi.竞争,比赛 compete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人竞争以得到某物

competent adj.有能力的, 能胜任的 名词competence.

be competent in/for one’s work工作称职 competitive adj.竞争性的,求胜心切的 a competitive examination择优录取考试; competitive sports竞技性体育项目

140 compliment n.恭维(话) vt.赞美, 恭维

141 compose vt.组成;使镇静

be composed of由??组成;get oneself composed / compose oneself 使某人自己镇静下来 142 comprehensive adj.广泛的, 综合性的 comprehensible“能被理解的”。 143 compress vt. 压缩

compress sth. into a smaller size 压缩某物的体积

144 comprise vt.由组成, 构成(不用于被动语态)

145 compromise n./ vi.妥协 compromise to sb.向某人妥协;

reach a compromise over sth.就某事达成妥协 146 conceal vt. 掩盖, 隐瞒

conceal sth. from sb.对某人隐瞒某事; conceal sth. with sth. Else 用另外一物来掩饰某物

147 concession n. 让步, 妥协 make a concession to sb.对某人让步

148 conceive v.(构)想出,设想 conceive of 设想出

149 concern vt 关于 n. 关注

as far as ? (be) concerned就??而言; give concern to sth.对??表示关注

150 condemn vt.谴责,宣告?有罪 Vocabulary for CET-4 Episode IV

Nothing is difficult to the man who will try 151 condense v.(使)浓缩,(使)冷凝 condense sth. into a smaller size 把某物体积缩小; a condensed speech 压缩了的讲话

152 confess v. 坦白,供认(名词或动名词作宾语) confess to = confess

153 confident adj.有信心的,确信的 be confident of 深信;

be confident in对??有信心 confidence n. 信任,信心

break one’s confidence辜负某人的信任; build confidence in oneself树立自信心; in confidence 私下

154 confine vt. 使局限, 使不外出 be confined to (局)限于, (被)限制在

155 confirm vt. 确认, 核实 confirm one’s reservation 核实某人的预订;

confirm sb. in his suspicion / belief 证实某人的怀疑/信仰 156 conflict n / vi.冲突 in conflict (with sth.)