17-18年下学期期末考试七年级英语测试卷 下载本文

Take notes(做笔记)when a teacher is giving a lesson. If you can't follow your teacher, put up your hand and ask questions. You'll learn a lot by asking. Don't copy notes or talk to friends in class.

Do homework carefully. Homework helps you review (复习) your lessons. You can find some questions when you are doing your homework. This is also an important part of your study. Remember that homework can also help you have good habits of study.

Make good plans. Bring all the things you need with you to class, such as books, pens, pencils and homework. Have a folder (文件夹) for each subject. Put your Maths papers(数学试卷) in your Maths folder, and put your History papers in your History folder.

Start to read more. When you read books, you can learn more about the world.

Some ___76___ about how to be a good student Put up your ___77__ and ask questions. Take notes Don’t copy notes or___78__ to friends in class. Homework helps you review. Do__79__carefully Find some ___80___when you are doing the homework. Homework helps you have good habits of ___81___. Bring everything you need with you to class. Have folders for all Make good __82___ ___83___. Read ___84___ Read more books, and you will learn more about the ___85___. 七、词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(每空限一词)

86. Most people wear (围巾)in winter.

87. She likes to be a (模特儿)when she grow up.

88. Mr. White is sitting (在……中)a few children, telling them a story. 89.Jay is one of my _______(偶像). Do you like him? 90.Lucy looks ______(苗条的) because she likes running. 91.We can’t (叫喊)in the reading room.

92.She (很少) goes shopping outside because she likes shopping on the Internet.


93. Look! The children are so happy .The film (seem) very interesting. 94. We play football (two) a week. It’s good for us.

95.一Tommy is too fat(胖的). 一That's because he (not exercise) at all. 96. There (be ) two cartons of milk and some candy on the table.

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97. Does she often practise (play) tennis on Sunday afternoon? 98. Tom, (not read) in the sun. It's bad for your eyes. 99. your brother (run ) on the playground now, Kitty? 100. Amy wants (buy ) the new cards.

八、缺词填空 请根据短文内容及首字母,填写单词,每空一词。(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)

We have a new English teacher this year. He is an American. His name is Mark Miller. His birthday is September 10th. It’s T__101__ Day in China that day. We all t___102___ it’s interesting. Mr. Miller is nice, and his l___103___ are always very interesting. We all like to l__104___ to him carefully. After class, he o__105__ learns to speak Chinese. He says, “I am y__106___ teacher in English class, but after class you are my Chinese teachers.” So he can speak a little Chinese now. Mr. Miller likes playing s___107___. He can play basketball a__108___ football. The b__109___ in our class usually play football with him after school. E__110__ in our class likes him.


寒假将至,你的同学Kate通常是这样度过寒假的,请你介绍一下她的寒假日常生活。 生活 1、早上8点起床;每天吃健康的食物,做运动; 2、常穿棉质衣服和运动鞋; 3、有时帮父母打扫房间。 学习 1、每天做2小时作业; 2、空余时间喜欢读书、画画。 活动 1、最喜欢春节,能和朋友一起举行聚会; 2、……(补充1-2点) 感受 她认为寒假(the winter holiday)……(补充完整) 注意:1.词数80左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;


Kate's winter holiday

Hello, I'm happy to tell you something about Kate's winter holiday. ____________________

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一、1-5 BACBC 6-10 BBCAA 11-15 CABBA 16-20 AACCC 二、21-25 DBAAC 26-30 BDBCB 31-35 CCDAC 36-40 AABDD 三、41-45 DDADB 46-50 DCBAC 51-55 CAACB 四、56-60 BBDCA 61-65 CADAB 66-70 BDCAB 五、71.(He is) 24( years old). /Twenty-four 72. (They are)On the train. 73. A young couple

74. Because he can see now. 75. We/I can't judge them.

六、76. ideas 77. hand 78. talk 79. homework 80. questions 81. study 82. plans 83. subjects 84. more 85. world

七、86.scarves 87.model 88 among 89.heroes 90.slim 91.shout 92.seldom 93.seems 94.twice 95.doesn’t exercise 96.are 97.playing 98.Don’t read 99.Is running 100.to buy

八、101.Teachers’ 102. think 103.lessons 104.listen 105.often 106.your 107.sports 108.and 109.boys 110.Everyone/Everybody 九、参考范文

Kate's winter holiday

Hello, I'm happy to tell you something about Kate's winter holiday. She gets up at 8.00 in the morning. She eats healthy food and exercises for half an hour every day. She often wears cotton clothes and trainers. Sometimes she helps her parents clean the room. It takes her about 2 hours to do her homework every day. In her free time, she likes drawing and reading books. She likes the Spring festival best because she can have a party with her friends. She likes to let off fireworks with her parents. She thinks the winter holiday is interesting.

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七年级英语期末试卷201801 听力材料


A) 根据听到的内容, 选择正确的图片或正确的答案,听两遍。 1. W: What do you like to do at the Chinese New Year? M: I like to watch lion dances.

2. W: I like bananas. How about you, Daniel? M: I like tomatoes. They are my favourite.

3. W: After class, Millie likes to read stories, but Kitty likes to play the piano. M: Oh, I see.

4. W: Is Miss Wang a policewoman?

M: No, she isn’t. She is an English teacher. 5.W: Is the clothes shop closed now?

M: No. It is closed at 6:00. We still have fifteen minutes. 6. W: Hello, Jack! What are you doing?

M: I am watching matches and Nancy is cooking. 7. W: What would you like to do after school, John? M: I usually listen to music. It makes me feel great.

8. W: Swimming is my favourite sport. I go swimming twice a week. M: I like football best. And I play it after school every day. 9. W: What day is it today?

M: It’s Wednesday. Oh, no, tomorrow is Wednesday. 10. W: Is that tall girl with glasses Sally?

M : Yes, she is my new classmate. She like drawing, but she doesn’t like reading or singing. B. 听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍)

听一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: I’d like to buy a hat for my daughter.

W: What about the yellow one? It’s made of cotton. It is $ 14. M: She likes yellow, but I think that’s too expensive.

W: How about the pink one? it’s $16, but it’s a woolen one M: It looks very nice. I’ll take this one.

听第一篇短文,回答第13~15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 To most Chinese people, supper is the most important meal of the day. How can we eat a healthy supper? First, it’s necessary to drink some soup before eating. Then, during the supper, you’d better eat some vegetables, meat and rice. They are good for your health and give you enough energy. After supper, you can take a walk for about half an hour and have some fruit. 听第二篇短文,回答第16~20小题。

I’m Sandy. Today is my birthday. I’m 13 years old now. There is a birthday party at my home at noon. There are some drinks, food, fruit and flowers on the table. There is a birthday cake too. My friends come to my party. They give a lot of presents to me, hairclips, CDs, cards, toys and storybooks. My uncle comes to the party too. He buys me some chocolate. They are my favourite. My parents buy me a music CD. We listen to music and chat with each other. At last, all of them sing the birthday song to me, then we eat the big cake. In the afternoon we go to fly kites in the park. We take some nice photos. I have a happy birthday.

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