17-18年下学期期末考试七年级英语测试卷 下载本文

Look! Bob and Jack are 50 the cake and milk. They are playing football. Now they are 51 ! Jack says, “I’m glad you live next door.” Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming for eggs.” Jack laughs and 52 Bob, “She doesn’t want the two eggs, 53 she wants to make friends with your mother.” Bob says, “That’s a(n) 54 way to make friends. It’s an easy way, too. It can work!”

So if you’re willing (乐意的) to make friends, you can always 55 some ways! 41. A. friendly 42. A. in

B. free B. on

C. lazy C. to

D. happy

D. with

43. A. morning 44. A. sister 45. A. put 46. A.do 47. A. girl 48. A. we

B. afternoon

C. evening C. doctor C. give C. order

D. noon

D. mother

B. teacher

B. borrow B. bring B. man

D. buy

D. make

C. boy D. woman

D. them D. Come out

D. drinking D. brothers

B. you B. Go away

C. us C. Get out

49. A. Come in 50. A. looking

B. eating B. members B. says

C. having C. friends

51. A. classmates 52. A. tells 53. A. but

C. talks

C. so

D. speaks D. or

D. cheap D. keep

B. and

B. poor

54. A. popular 55. A. see

C. interesting C. enjoy

B. find




Lost(遗失): I lost my keys in the school library. There is also a beautiful lele key ring(钥匙环). I must find it. Call me on Found(招领): A blue schoolbag is in Classroom 7A. An English book, a notebook and a pencil box are in it. E-mail: Amy2014@163.com. 第 5 页

Found: 56. Who lost

Daniel, Is this your basketball? Please come to the keys? . playground after class. Lost: My pencil box. A blue pen, two yellow pencils and a purple ruler are in it. My phone number is 5548-4439. 57. What’s in the schoolbag? There is in it.

A. a basketball B. a pencil box C. an English notebook D. a key ring 58. You can’t see a in the pencil box. A. pen

B. ruler

C. pencil

D. knife

A. Amy B. Jack C. Nick D. Tina

59. Tina wants to find her ________. A. keys

B. basketball

C. pencil box

D. schoolbag

60. Which is TRUE? .

A. You can e-mail Amy to find your schoolbag. B. Tina’s ruler is green.

C. Daniel found(发现) a basketball in the playground. D. You can call 5548-4439 to get the keys back.


Mr. Green is a good bus driver in a big city. All day he drives streets. He is always happy. And the people on his bus seem to be

One morning, Mr. Green starts his big yellow and blue bus. At many people get on the bus. When he drives on, he begins talking,

a bus through busy happy, too. the first bus stop “It is seven now.

The sky is blue. It will not rain today. We all like sunshine(阳光), don’t we?”

At NO. 5 Stop a very old man gets on, “This boy will be good to give you his seat,” Mr. Green says. The boy’s face turns red. He stands up at once(立刻).

“Most people want to be nice,” Mr. Green tells the old man. “They want to do the right things. But sometimes they need a push(推力). So I just give them one.” Mr. Green always sings his own song. “ I love you. Mr. Sunshine. I love you, Mr. Sun(太阳). In the world, I love you best. You are the only one.”

61. At NO. 5 Stop, __________gets on Mr. Green’s bus.. A. a boy

B. a girl C. an old man

D. an old woman

62. People on Mr. Green’s bus seem very happy because ______.

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A. Mr. Green is very good to people

B. Mr. Green’s bus is early and they talk on the bus

C. Mr. Green can tell them something about the weather(天气) D. Mr. Green always gives boys pushes when they get on the bus

63. What does Mr. Green think of(认为…怎么样?) most people? He thinks they are_______. A. right.

B. happy.

C. angry.

D. nice

64. Mr. Green 's song shows his love for________ . A. good weather B. his country

C. old people D. his bus

65. What is the main idea(主要意思) of the passage(这篇短文)? It tells us_______.

A. we should help old people C. a song about Mr. Sun


We talk to three students from around the world about different national(国家的) holidays. There are different customs (习俗) for each festival . Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China

“Chinese New Year is in January(一月份) or February. Before it, we clean the house and decorate(装饰) it for good luck. During(在……期间)the festival, every shop is closed for a few days and we go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We can go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival. ”

Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia(澳大利亚)

“Australia Day is on 26 January and it’s an important holiday here. We always have a day’s holiday on Monday, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach(海滩) parties or street parties and there’s lots of music and dancing. What fun!”

Amy, 14, New York, USA

“On the first Thanksgiving Day, Europeans(欧洲人)in America thanked God for his help. It’s still a very important day for families to be together. This year we’re going to visit my grandparents and we’ll eat a nice meal of turkey(火鸡). Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year. ”

66.How many festivals are mentioned in the passage? A. Two.


B. about a good driver D. most people need a push

B. Three. C. Four.

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D. Five.

67. During the Chinese New Year, we can ________.

A. do a lot of shopping B. eat turkeys

C. decorate the house for good luck D. see lion and dragon dances 68. What does the word countryside mean(意思为) in this passage(在这篇短文中)? A. 工厂 B. 城市 C. 乡村 D. 商场 69. On Australia day, families often ________.

A. have a meal in the countryside B. go to a swimming pool C. have a party at school

D. clean the house and dance

70. From the passage, we can learn that________.

A. Australia Day is an important day for family members to get together B. Different festivals have different customs

C. Many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year


D. On the first Thanksgiving Day, American people thanked God for his help.

五、阅读表达 请根据短文内容,回答下面问题,每题答案不超过5个单词。 (共5小题;每小


A 24-year-old boy seeing out from the train's window shouts(大声说) . . . “Dad, look …the trees are going behind!”

Dad smiles(微笑)and a young couple(夫妻俩), sitting nearby(附近), look at the 24-year-old childish(孩子气的)behavior(行为) with pity(同情心).

Suddenly the boy again shouts . . .“Dad, look …the clouds(云) are running with us!” The couple can't resist(忍住) and says to the old man, “Why don't you take your son to a good doctor?”

The old man smiles and says “I do and we are just coming back from the hospital(医院). My son can’t see from birth(出生). He shouts excitedly(激动地)because he can see now.”

Everyone in the world has a story. You can't judge(判断) people before you truly(真正地) know them. The truth(真相) might(可能) surprise(使……惊讶) you. 71.How old is the boy?

72.Where are the boy and his father now? 73.Who sits near the boy’s father? 74.Why does the boy shout excitedly?

75.What can’t you do before you truly know some people?

六、任务型阅读 阅读短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每空只填1个单词。(共10小题;每小题1分;满分10分)

Do you want to be a good student? If you do, here are some ideas.

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