法官行为规范(中英文) 下载本文

handle jointly.

(2) Depending on the situation, inform that 1 to 5 representatives to be assigned to explain the purpose and reason for the visit.

(3) Stabilize the emotion of the visitor and carry out proper persuasion work.

第七十三条 集体来访

(一)向领导报告,及时安排接待并联系有关部门共同处理; (二)视情况告知选派1至5名代表说明来访目的和理由; (三)稳定来访人情绪,并做好劝导工作。

Article 74 Petition matter does not fall under the scope of the court's jurisdiction

Inform that the court has no authority to handle and explain the reason. Specify the organ that has the authority to handle based on the content of the petition matter. 第七十四条 信访事项不属于法院职权范围


Article 75 The petition matter involves the State's secret, trade secret or personal privacy (1) Safekeeping of the materials involving secret and personal privacy.

(2) Conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions. Do not divulge or use the state secret, trade secret or personal privacy obtained in the course of petition work.

第七十五条 信访事项涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私 (一)妥善保管涉及秘密和个人隐私的材料;


Article 76 The petitioner reports on issues such as unfair court judgment, poor enforcement, trial style, etc pertaining to the court (1) Earnestly record what the petitioner reports.

(2) Where there is refusal to accept the court judgment, inform that appeal, complaint or application for retrial may be made according to law.

(3) Where other issue is reported, transfer the materials timely to the relevant department of the court for handling.

第七十六条 信访人反映辖区法院裁判不公、执行不力、审判作风等问题 (一)认真记录信访人所反映的情况;

(二)对法院裁判不服的,告知其可以依法上诉、申诉或者申请再审; (三)反映其他问题的,及时将材料转交法院有关部门处理。

Article 77 The petitioner repeatedly sends letters or makes a visit to press for the outcome of handling.

(1) Inform the stipulated time frame and advise him to wait for the outcome patiently.

(2) Where the situation is urgent, inform the person or the department in charge of such matter timely.

(3) Where the time limit expires, inform the reason for exceeding the time limit. 第七十七条 信访人反复来信来访催促办理结果 (一)告知规定的办理期限,劝其耐心等待处理结果; (二)情况紧急的,及时告知承办人或者承办部门; (三)超过办理期限的,应当告知超期的理由。

Article 78 The petitioner is not satisfied with the outcome and asks for re-disposal

(1) Where disposal is improper, report to the leadership timely and carry out correction according

to the provisions.

(2) Where disposal is proper, relevant explanation shall be given and the procedure and basis shall be explained in details.

第七十八条 信访人对处理结果不满,要求重新处理 (一)处理确实不当的,及时报告领导,按规定进行纠正;


Article 79 The petitioner indicates that he will stay in court or adopt other extreme approach if the issue is not resolved

(1) Carry out persuasion and education timely. Avoid using improper words or deeds that irritate the visitor.

(2) Report to the leadership immediately. Actively adopt appropriate measures and prevent accident from happening.

第七十九条 来访人表示不解决问题就要滞留法院或者采取其他极端方式 (一)及时进行规劝和教育,避免使用不当言行刺激来访人; (二)立即向领导报告,积极采取适当措施,防止意外发生。 8. Activities outside the work


Article 80 Basic requirements

(1) Abide by the social ethics. Observe discipline and abide by the law. (2) Strengthen self-cultivation. Observe strict self-discipline.

(3) Constrain words and deeds outside work. Do not addict in undesirable hobbies and behaviors incompatible with the image of judge, and which may affect the impartial performance of duties. Conscientiously safeguard the image of judge. 第八十条 基本要求

(一)遵守社会公德,遵纪守法; (二)加强修养,严格自律;


Article 81 Invitation to participate in activities in symposium and seminars

(1) Invitations from organs, enterprises and public institutions, law firms, and intermediaries which are interested parties in the cases shall be declined.

(2) In respect of invitations from Party, government, military organs, academic groups, community organizations which are not interested parties in the cases, participation is allowed after approval is granted upon referral to the organization. 第八十一条 受邀请参加座谈、研讨活动



Article 82 Invitation to join various social organizations or social activities

(1) Where it is required to join the social organization registered with the civil affair departments at various levels, it shall be reported to the court where the judge works for review and approval according to the administrative power and duties of the judge. (2) Do not join profit-making social organizations.

(3) Do not accept invitation to meals, gifts and cash gift which are in violation of the requirement of honesty and integrity.

第八十二条 受邀请参加各类社团组织或者联谊活动




Article 83 Engaging in activities such as writing and teaching.

(1) subject to not affecting the trial work, spare time may be utilized in engaging in activities such as writing, teaching, etc.

(2) In the course of writing and teaching, avoid making commentary on specific cases and parties concerned. Do not divulge or use the State's secret, trade secret and personal privacy as well as other non-public information obtained from the work.

(3) In respect of legitimate compensation received from participating in the activities outside the judicial duties, it shall be subject to tax according to law. 第八十三条 从事写作、授课等活动


(二)在写作、授课过程中,应当避免对具体案件和有关当事人进行评论,不披露或者使用在工作中获得的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私及其他非公开信息; (三)对于参加司法职务外活动获得的合法报酬,应当依法纳税。

Article 84 Accepting interviews related to court work of the news media

(1) Accepting interviews of news media must be arranged or approved by the organization.

(2) During the interview, comments which are detrimental to the judicial justice shall not be made. Commentary on cases currently under trial and the parties concerned shall not be made. The State's secret, trade secret and personal privacy as well as other non-public information obtained in the course of work shall not be divulged.

第八十四条 接受新闻媒体与法院工作有关的采访 (一)接受新闻媒体采访必须经组织安排或者批准;

(二)在接受采访时,不发表有损司法公正的言论,不对正在审理中的案件和有关当事人进行评论,不披露在工作中获得的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私及其他非公开信息。 Article 85 Conflicts between the judge, his relatives or friends and other people (1) Stay calm and restrained. Resolve it through proper and legitimate means.

(2) Do not exploit the status of judge to seek special favor. Do not obstruct the resolution of issue by the relevant department.

第八十五条 本人或者亲友与他人发生矛盾 (一)保持冷静、克制,通过正当、合法途径解决;


Article 86 The judge and family members encounter dispute which requires to be resolved through legal proceeding

(1) In respect of his own case or a case he is involved as the attorney for an immediate family member, the involvement in the legal proceeding shall be on an equal basis according to the relevant legal provisions.

(2) In the course of the legal proceeding, do not seek special favor in the capacity of a judge and do not exploit his power to collect the evidence required.

(3) In respect of other legal proceeding case of other non-immediate family member, the family member shall, in general, engage the attorney for legal proceeding on his own accord. It is not appropriate for the judge himself to be the attorney for the legal proceeding and get involved in the legal proceeding.

第八十六条 本人及家庭成员遇到纠纷需通过诉讼方式解决




Article 87 Matters of attention for social activities

(1) Conscientiously safeguard the image of a judge when participating in social activities.

(2) Going to commercial entertainment places by taking police car or in work uniform is strictly prohibited.

第八十七条 出入社交场所注意事项 (一)参加社交活动要自觉维护法官形象;


Article 88 Invitation by family member or friend to take part in feudal and superstitious activities

(1) Do not participate in cult organization or involve in feudal and superstitious activities.

(2) Advocate science to the family members and friends. Guide them into belief in science and opposition to feudalism and superstition.

(3) Where feudal or superstitious activity has been used to violate law and commit crime, it shall be reported to the relevant organization and public security department immediately.

第八十八条 家人或者朋友约请参与封建迷信活动 (一)不得参加邪教组织或者参与封建迷信活动;


(三)对利用封建迷信活动违法犯罪的,应当立即向有关组织和公安部门反映。 Article 89 Going Abroad privately for visiting relatives or travelling

(1) Truthfully declare to the organization the country or region to which one will go to and the time of return. The travel should obtain the prior consent from the organization. (2) Return to work punctually.

(3) Abide by the local law. Observe the local customs and tradition, and the religious practice. (4) Pay attention to personal image and safeguard the dignity of the country. 第八十九条 因私出国(境)探亲、旅游

(一)如实向组织申报所去的国家、地区及返回的时间,经组织同意后方可出行; (二)准时返回工作岗位;

(三)遵守当地法律,尊重当地民风民俗和宗教习惯; (四)注意个人形象,维护国家尊严。 9. Supervision and Disciplinary Action 九、监督和惩戒

Article 90 People's Court at all levels shall require and supervise their own judges strictly in complying with these Codes of Conduct. The political departments and disciplinary and supervisory departments of the courts at all levels shall take direct responsibility.

第九十条 各级人民法院要严格要求并督促本院法官遵守本规范,具体由各级法院的政治部门和纪检监察部门负责。

Article 91 The People's Court at higher level shall guide and supervise the People's Court at lower level in implementation of these Codes of Conduct. The Supreme People's Court shall guide and supervise the local People's Courts at all levels in the implementation of these Codes of Conduct.

第九十一条 上级人民法院指导、监督下级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行,最高人民法院指导和监督地方各级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行。

Article 92 The local People's Courts at all levels shall incorporate the practice of their own courts, study and formulate the specific detailed rules on implementation or measures on implementation, and effectively strengthen the training and the assessment on these Codes of Conduct.

第九十二条 地方各级人民法院应当结合本院实际,研究制定具体的实施细则或实施办法,切实加强本规范的培训与考核。

Article 93 The People's Court at all levels and all the judges shall conscientiously comply and execute these Codes of Conduct. In respect of personnel in violation of these Codes of Conduct, where the circumstance is relatively mild and there is no harmful consequence, admonition and education through criticism shall be carried out. Where it constitutes violation of discipline, it shall be dealt with according to the relevant provisions of disciplinary sanction of the People's Court. Where it constitutes violation of law, it shall be dealt with sternly according to the provisions of the law.

第九十三条 各级人民法院广大法官要自觉遵守和执行本规范,对违反本规范的人员,情节较轻且没有危害后果的,进行诫勉谈话和批评教育;构成违纪的,根据人民法院有关纪律处分的规定进行处理;构成违法的,根据法律规定严肃处理。 10. Supplementary Provisions


Article 94 The people's jury as well as other working staff of the People's Court shall use these Codes of Conduct as reference in implementation. Retired judges shall refer to the relevant requirements on restriction of words and deeds in these Codes of Conduct.

第九十四条 人民陪审员以及人民法院其他工作人员参照本规范执行,法官退休后应当参照本规范有关要求约束言行。

Article 95 The Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Codes of Conduct.

第九十五条 本规范由最高人民法院负责解释。

Article 96 These Codes of Conduct shall take effect on the day it is promulgated. The Codes of Conduct for Judges (Trial) promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on November 4, 2005 shall be abolished concurrently.

第九十六条 本规范自发布之日起施行,最高人民法院2005年11月4日发布的《法官行为规范(试行)》同时废止。 TOP

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