法官行为规范(中英文) 下载本文

adopted promptly accordingly to law.

第五十九条 被执行财产的查找


(二)应当积极依职权查找被执行人财产,并及时依法采取相应执行措施。 Article 60 The party subject to the enforcement requests for reconciliation

(1) The request for reconciliation shall be communicated to the other party promptly and the difficulty and risk of the enforcement shall be explained objectively through appropriate manner so as to facilitate the parties in reaching reconciliation.

(2) Where the party refuses to make settlement, the enforcement shall be carried on according to law.

(3) Where the enforcement applicant and the person subject to enforcement reaches reconciliation, a written reconciliation agreement shall be produced and archived or the content of reconciliation agreement reached orally shall be recorded in the transcript which shall be signed or affixed with seal by both parties. 第六十条 执行当事人请求和解




Article 61 Deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement

(1) The measures for deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement shall be adopted strictly according to the statutory conditions and procedures.

(2) Inform the enforcement applicant of the facts and the relevant provisions of law on which the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement are based and patiently provide the proper explanation.

(3) Inform the enforcement applicant of the conditions and procedures for resuming the enforcement after the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement.

(4) Where the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement is in fact a mistake, it shall be corrected promptly according to law.

第六十一条 执行中的暂缓、中止、终结



(三)告知申请执行人暂缓、中止执行后恢复执行的条件和程序; (四)暂缓、中止、终结执行确有错误的,应当及时依法纠正。

Article 62 The enforcement applicant raises objection to the jurisdiction of enforcement of the entrusted court

(1) Review whether the case meets the conditions of enforcement by entrustment. Where the conditions are not met, report to the leadership timely and adopt appropriate method to make correction.

(2) Where the conditions of enforcement by entrustment are met, inform the enforcement applicant the basis for the entrusted court to accept the enforcement and execute it according to


第六十二条 被执行人对受委托法院执行管辖提出异议


(二)符合委托执行条件的,告知被执行人受委托法院受理执行的依据并依法执行。 Article 63 If a third party raises objection to the enforcement

(1) Demand the third party to provide the relevant evidence materials relevant to the objection and carry out investigation timely.

(2) Depending on the specific circumstance, restrictive measures on the property subject to enforcement may be adopted and disposal may be suspended.

(3) Where the objection is confirmed, adopt appropriate approach to make correction. Where the objection is not confirmed, it shall be rejected according to law.

第六十三条 案外人对执行提出异议

(一)要求案外人提供有关异议的证据材料,并及时进行审查; (二)根据具体情况,可以对执行财产采取限制性措施,暂不处分; (三)异议成立的,采取适当方式纠正;异议不成立的,依法予以驳回。

Article 64 Adopting measures of sealing up, seizure, freezing, auction, selling off, etc of the property of the person subject to enforcement.

(1) Go through the formality strictly according to the provisions. The property of the person subject to enforcement shall not be sealed up, seized or frozen in excess of the limit or the amount.

(2) Conscientiously produce a list of properties against which measures have been taken. Record the type and quantity properly and have it signed or affixed with seal by the party as confirmation.

(3) Commission according to law the appraisal or the auction organization strictly according to the relevant provisions of auction and sell-off. Do not impair the legitimate rights and interest of the party.

第六十四条 对被执行人财产采取查封、扣押、冻结、拍卖、变卖等措施

(一)严格依照规定办理手续,不得超标的、超金额查封、扣押、冻结被执行人财产; (二)对采取措施的财产要认真制作清单,记录好种类、数量,并由当事人签字或者盖章予以确认;


Article 65 Collection of enforcement fund

(1) The enforcement fund shall be transferred directly into the special account for enforcement fund.

(2) Where the person subject to enforcement make payment in cash or bill on spot, the cash or bill shall be handed to the finance department of the court jointly with the person subject to enforcement and receipt shall be issued to the person subject to enforcement timely.

(3) For enforcement conducted at another location, through search and seizure, and for subject matter of small amount or in urgent situation, where the enforcement officer is required to collect cash or bill directly, the payer shall be issued a receipt immediately and the cash or bill handed over to the finance department of the court timely.

(4) Collection of fee from the enforcement applicant and person subject to enforcement in

violation of regulations is strictly prohibited.

第六十五条 执行款的收取



(三)异地执行、搜查扣押、小额标的执行或者因情况紧急确需执行人员直接代收现金或者票据的,应当即时向交款人出具收据,并及时移交法院财务部门; (四)严禁违规向申请执行人和被执行人收取费用。 Article 66 Transfer of enforcement fund

(1) The settlement for the enforcement fee and enforcement fund shall be processed within the stipulated period and the enforcement applicant shall be informed to go through the formality for receiving the fund.

(2) Where extension of time is required for the transfer, the reasons shall be explained in writing before the expiry of the time limit and submitted to the relevant leadership for review and approval.

(3) Where the enforcement applicant entrusts or appoints another person to collect the fund on his behalf, the entrustment formality shall be examined to determine whether it is complete and effective, at the same time, the payee shall be asked to issue legitimate and valid receipt. 第六十六条 执行款的划付




Article 67 Person subject to enforcement refuse to perform its obliagation due to substantive or procedural error in the legal document in force

(1) Where the legal document in force indeed has error, the party shall be informed that re-trial or correction by the relevant court may be applied for according to the trial supervision procedure according to law, at the same time, report the same to the leadership timely.

(2) Where the legal document in force does not have error, the explanation shall be given timely and the enforcement shall be carried on.

第六十七条 被执行人以生效法律文书在实体或者程序上存在错误而不履行



Article 68 Relevant department and personnel do not assist in enforcement

(1) They shall be informed of the relevant provisions of law and proper persuasion and education work shall be done.

(2) if they still refuse to assist, relevant mandatory measures shall be adopted according to law. 第六十八条 有关部门和人员不协助执行

(一)应当告知其相关法律规定,做好说服教育工作; (二)仍拒不协助的,依法采取有关强制措施。 7. Handling of Petition Letter involving the Legal Proceeding 七、涉诉信访处理

Article 69 Basic requirements

(1) Pay high attention to and conscientiously manage the work on petition letter involving the legal proceeding. Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interest of the person giving petition letter.

(2) Promptly handle the matter stated in the petition letter. Strive to entertain each visitor, deal with each incoming letter and reply to each complaint.

(3) Entertain the visitors in a civilized manner according to law. Maintain good image of the People's Court.

第六十九条 基本要求


(二)及时处理信访事项,努力做到来访有接待、来信有着落、申诉有回复; (三)依法文明接待,维护人民法院良好形象。 Article 70 Handling of incoming letters

(1) Read timely and register according to the provisions. Do not detain the letter without permission or delay in handling.

(2) Where it requires a reply or return of relevant materials, timely reply and return shall be made.

(3) Where it is required to be transferred to the relevant department and the court at lower level to handle, it shall be transferred timely for handling. 第七十条 对来信的处理

(一)及时审阅并按规定登记,不得私自扣押或者拖延不办; (二)需要回复和退回有关材料的,应当及时回复、退回; (三)需要向有关部门和下级法院转办的,应当及时转办。 Article 71 Reception of visitors

(1) Entertain the visitors timely and learn the view of the visitor patiently and record it properly. (2) Where answer can be provided on the spot, a reply shall be given immediately. Where answer cannot be provided on the spot, collect the materials and inform the visitor to wait for the outcome according to the agreed time limit. 第七十一条 对来访的接待



Article 72 The visitor is elderly, sick, disabled or pregnant (1) Receive in priority.

(2) Where the visitor is applying for assistance, assistance may be rendered in contacting the social assistance station depending on the situation.

(3) Where an accident takes place while receiving the visitor, appropriate first-aid measures shall be adopted immediately.

第七十二条 来访人系老弱病残孕者 (一)优先接待;


(三)在接待时来访人出现意外情况的,应当立即采取适当救护措施。 Article 73 Group visit

(1) Report to the leadership. Arrange to entertain timely and contact the relevant department to