法官行为规范(中英文) 下载本文

Codes of Conduct for Judges


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court Document Number: Fa Fa [2010] No. 54 Promulgating Date: 12/06/2010 Effective Date: 12/06/2010 Validity Status: Valid 颁布机关: 最高人民法院 文 号: 法发[2010]54号 颁布时间: 12/06/2010 实施时间: 12/06/2010 效力状态: 有效 Text


(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on November 4, 2005 for trial implementation. Promulgated and officially implemented on December 6, 2010 after revision)

These codes have been formulated pursuant to the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China and the Civil Servant Law of the Republic of China for the purposes of further promoting the judicial core value of \integrity and serving the people\standardizing the basic conduct of judges and establishing good image of the judicial profession. 1. General Provisions

(最高人民法院2005年11月4日发布试行,2010年12月6日修订后发布正式施行) 为大力弘扬“公正、廉洁、为民”的司法核心价值观,规范法官基本行为,树立良好的司法职业形象,根据《中华人民共和国法官法》和《中华人民共和国公务员法》等法律,制定本规范。 一、一般规定

Article 1 Loyalty and steadfastness. Insist on the surpreme position of the Party's cause, the interests of the people, and the constitutional laws. Maintain consistency of thoughts and actions with those of the Party Central Committee. The words and behaviourss shall not be in contravention with the basic policies of the Party and the State as well as the socialist legal system.

第一条 忠诚坚定。坚持党的事业至上、人民利益至上、宪法法律至上,在思想上和行动上与党中央保持一致,不得有违背党和国家基本政策以及社会主义司法制度的言行。 Article 2 Judicial justice. Insist on taking the facts as the basis and using law as the criterion. Treat all parties fairly. Ensure justice in criteria and results, in procedures and in images. Strive to realize organic integration of legal effect and social effect of case handling. Do not abuse the power and abuse the law in making judgment. 第二条 公正司法。坚持以事实为根据、以法律为准绳,平等对待各方当事人,确保实体公正、程序公正和形象公正,努力实现办案法律效果和社会效果的有机统一,不得滥用职权、枉法裁判。

Article 3 Efficient handling of cases. Establish awareness of efficiency. Scientifically and rationally organize the work. Perform duties within the statutory time limit. Strive to enhance the efficiency in handling cases. Do not cause undue delay, make a bungle and waste the judicial resources.

第三条 高效办案。树立效率意识,科学合理安排工作,在法定期限内及时履行职责,努力提高办案效率,不得无故拖延、贻误工作、浪费司法资源。

Article 4 Honest and upright. Comply with the provisions for incorrupt government. Do not exploit the power and status of a judge to seek improper gain. Do not make recommendation of attorneys, defense counsels and intermediary agencies to the parties. Do not introduce case sources to the lawyers and other personnel or offer other inappropriate assistance. 第四条 清正廉洁。遵守各项廉政规定,不得利用法官职务和身份谋取不正当利益,不得为当事人介绍代理人、辩护人以及中介机构,不得为律师、其他人员介绍案源或者给予其他不当协助。

Article 5 Serving the people wholeheartedly. Implement the provisions and requirements of upholding justice for the people. Learn what the people say, what the people feel and what the people think. Adhere to active judicial enforcement. Establish service awareness. Make proper proceeding guidance, risk warning, legal interpretation and other services for the convenience of the people. Avoid undesirable work style such as being indifferent and tyrannizing.

第五条 一心为民。落实司法为民的各项规定和要求,做到听民声、察民情、知民意,坚持能动司法,树立服务意识,做好诉讼指导、风险提示、法律释明等便民服务,避免“冷硬横推”等不良作风。

Article 6 Observe the discipline strictly. Observe the disciplines and regulations. Do not divulge the secret of the State, trade secret, personal privacy obtained in the course of the trial work. Do not interfere, intervene and influence the cases currently being tried by other people. Do not freely make comments that is damaging to the solemnity and authority of judgments that has come into force.

第六条 严守纪律。遵守各项纪律规定,不得泄露在审判工作中获取的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私等,不得过问、干预和影响他人正在审理的案件,不得随意发表有损生效裁判严肃性和权威性的言论。

Article 7 Dedication and devotion to work. Be passionate about the people's judicial career. Strengthen the sense of mission and sense of honor for the profession. Enhance professional learning. Enhance judicial competence. Fulfill one's duties. Contribute selflessly. Do not become sluggish and neglect one's duties.

第七条 敬业奉献。热爱人民司法事业,增强职业使命感和荣誉感,加强业务学习,提高司法能力,恪尽职守,任劳任怨,无私奉献,不得麻痹懈怠、玩忽职守。

Article 8 Enhance self cultivation. Insist on learning and keep improving oneself. Observe the judicial etiquette. Implement the dress code. Speak in civilized manner and behave in decent manner. Do not wear heavy makeup and put on accessories which are incompatible with the status of judge. Do not participate in activities which are damaging to the image of judicial profession.

第八条 加强修养。坚持学习,不断提高自身素质;遵守司法礼仪,执行着装规定,言语文明,举止得体,不得浓妆艳抹,不得佩带与法官身份不相称的饰物,不得参加有损司法职业形象的活动。 2. Case Filing 二、立案

Article 9 Basic requirements.

(1) Protect the parties in exercising the right to taking legal action lawfully, particularly the needs of groups such as women, children, elderly people and handicapped people in taking legal action.

(2) Facilitate the people in taking legal action. Reduce litigation troubles for the parties; and (3) Ensure quality of case filing. Enhance the efficiency in case filing. 第九条 基本要求

(一)保障当事人依法行使诉权,特别关注妇女、儿童、老年人、残疾人等群体的诉讼需求; (二)便利人民群众诉讼,减少当事人诉累; (三)确保立案质量,提高立案效率。

Article 10 If a party institutes a legal proceeding at the court,

(1) Strengthen the guidance on legal proceeding. Provide guidance materials for legal proceeding; (2) Where conditions for instituting a legal proceeding are met, case shall be filed within the statutory period;

(3) Where conditions for instituting a legal proceeding are not met, the case shall not be accepted and the party shall be notified of the reasons. Where the party insists on instituting a legal proceeding, it shall be ruled as not accepted;

(4) Where the case has been filed, the party may not be coerced to withdraw the legal proceeding;

(5) Where the party voluntarily gives up the legal proceeding, unless otherwise provided by law, it shall be permitted.

第十条 当事人来法院起诉



(三)不符合起诉条件的,不予受理并告知理由,当事人坚持起诉的,裁定不予受理; (四)已经立案的,不得强迫当事人撤诉;

(五)当事人自愿放弃起诉的,除法律另有规定外,应当准许。 Article 11 If a party institutes a legal proceeding orally, (1) Inform the party that a written complaint must be submitted;

(2) Where the party is unable to write the complaint and has difficulty in entrusting another person to write on his behalf, he may be requested to state the claim clearly, provide the information of the case and the method of contact accurately, which shall be transcribed in record and read out to such party. Upon confirmation that it is error free, the record shall be handed to the party for signature or put on his fingerprint.

第十一条 当事人口头起诉 (一)告知应当递交书面诉状;


Article 12 If a party requests for a visit to file a case or file a case remotely

(1) Where the party is unable to institute a legal proceeding at the court and not able to entrust an attorney due to reasons such as restricted mobility as a result of physical handicap or serious disease causing him to be bedridden, depending on the actual circumstance, the materials for legal proceeding may be accepted by making a visit;

(2) Where the location of the party is a long distance away from the case accepting court and the facts are clear, the legal relationship is explicit and it is not controversial, the materials for legal proceeding may be received through internet or by post.

(3) Where the party does not meet the aforesaid conditions, he shall be informed to institute the legal proceeding at the court.

第十二条 当事人要求上门立案或者远程立案




Article 13 If a party institutes a legal proceeding at the People's Court

Where the People's Court has the jurisdiction to accept, it shall accept the materials for the suit and may not demand the party to file the legal proceeding at the case filing chamber of the grass-root People's Court.

第十三条 当事人到人民法庭起诉


Article 14 If the case is not within the duty of this court or under the jurisdiction of this court

(1) Inform the party of the reasons that the court is not in charge of the case or this court has no jurisdiction;

(2) Specify the competent authority or the court with jurisdiction based on the actual situation of the case;

(3) Where the party insists on instituting the legal proceeding, the case shall be ruled to be not accepted, and shall not be accepted in violation of the provisions of jurisdiction. 第十四条 案件不属于法院主管或者本院管辖

(一)告知当事人不属于法院主管或者本院没有管辖权的理由; (二)根据案件实际情况,指明主管机关或者有管辖权的法院;


Article 15 If a private litigation is filed where public prosecution shall be instituted according to law,

(1) It shall be transferred to the competent organ to handle after acceptance and the party shall be informed;

(2) Where the situation is urgent, urgent measures shall be adopted first, followed by transferring it to the competent organ and informing the party. 第十五条 依法应当公诉的案件提起自诉


(二)情况紧急的,应当先采取紧急措施,然后移送主管机关并告知当事人。 Article 16 If the content and form of the complaint do not meet the regulations

(1) Inform the party to make correction according to the relevant regulations. The demand shall be clearly explained in one occasion;

(2) The case filing may not be rejected due to defect other than those essentials required for instituting a legal proceeding.

第十六条 诉状内容和形式不符合规定

(一)告知按照有关规定进行更正,做到一次讲清要求; (二)不得因法定起诉要件以外的瑕疵拒绝立案。

Article 17 If the evidences in the legal proceeding materials are not sufficient,

In principle, a case filing may not be rejected by the reason of insufficient evidence in supporting