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obtained from a state board or commission,whereas at the federal level charters are issued for national (federal)banks from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC)or,in the case of savings associations and credit unions,from the Office of Thrift Supervision(OTS)or the National Credit Union Administration(NCUA).成立金融机构时,首先必须获得州或联邦政府的经营许可。在银行及其最接近竞争者(如信贷联盟和储蓄协会)的例子中,州许可证可以在州理事会获得,而联邦级别的许可则由货币监理署(OCC)授予全国性(联邦)银行,或者储蓄协会和信贷联盟,其许可单位为储蓄机构监理局(OTS)或国家信贷联盟管理委员会(NCUA)

3. Each organizational form adopted by a financial firm is usually a response to competitive

pressures,the demands of customers for better service,the need to diversify geographically and by product line in order to reduce risk exposure,and the pressure of goverment regulation.每个金融机构所采取的组织形式,都是以下因素的结果:竞争压力,客户对于更好服务的要求,地理多元化的需要,为了减少产品线的风险敞口以及政府监管的压力。


The Importance of Convenience and Timely Access to Customers客户对便利的理解正在发生变化



Chartering a New Financial Service Institution特许设立新金融服务机构

? state charter ? national banks


The Bank Chartering Process in the United States美国银行特许程序

? Benefits of Applying for a National Charter-P101申请国民银行许可证的好处




? Benefits of Applying for a State Charter申请州立银行许可证的好处

申请比较容易且成本较低 银行无须加入联邦储备系统

许多州允许银行向单个借款人提供占有银行自有资本较大比例的贷款 可以提供一些联邦许可的银行不允许提供的贷款和服务,如:向为耕种土地者提供贷款和房地产经济服务

Questions Regulators Usually Ask the Organizers of a New Bank监管机构经常向新设银行的创建者提出的问题

? ? ? ? ?

population and geographic主要服务地区人口和地理状况

competing bank 新设金融机构所处的服务区有多少家竞争银行

number,types,and sizes of business in the area该服务地区的企业数量,种类,规模 traffic patterns in the area新设服务地区的交通情况

population growth,incomes,types of occupation,educational levels该地区的人口增长,收入水平,职业种类,教育水平

? financial history of the community当地金融状况的历史

Factors Weighing on the Decision to Seek a New Bank Charter决定申请银行许可证的主要考虑因素

? External Factors外部因素

? Level of Economic Activity当地经济水平

? Growth of Local Economic Activity当地经济的增长情况 ? The Need for a New Bank对新设金融机构的需求

? Strength and Character of Local Competition in Supplying Financial Services当地


? Internal Factors内部因素

? Qualifications and Contacts of the Organizers创建者的资格和能力 ? Management Quality管理质量

? Pledging of Capital and Funds to Cover the Cost of Filing a Charter Application and

Getting Underway提供资金用于申请和获得许可证的保证

Establishing Full-Service Branch Offices: Choosing Locations and Designing New Branches


? The location,design,and services offered by a branch office depend


? upon the preference of customer取决于客户的偏好

? on the preference of management and empolyees管理者和雇员的意愿

Desirable Sites for New Branches 新分支机构的理想选址

? ? ? ? ? ?

heavy traffic count交通流量大

large numbers of retail stores有大量的零售店和商场

population that are of above-average age当地人口应以中老年人居多 above-average age population growth人口增长加快 above-average population density人口密度较大

A relatively high target ratio of population per branch:较高的人口与分支数目比率 population per branch office=total population in the area to be served/number of branch office present in the area




1. The principal types of deposits offered by depository institutions today include如今存款机


(1) transaction(or payments) accounts,which customers use primarily to pay for purchases of goods and services;交易(或支付)账户,客户可以用它来支付商品和服务

(2) nontransaction (savings or thrift) deposits,which are held primarily as savings to prepare

for future emergencies and for the expected yield they promise.Transaction deposits include regular checking accounts,which often bear no interest return,and interest-bearing transaction deposits (such as NOWs),which plays a low yield and,in some cases,limit the number of checks or other drafts that can be written against the account.Nontransaction deposits include certificates of deposit(CDs),savings accounts,and money market accounts.非交易(储蓄或节约)存款,客户开立这种账户主要是为了应付未来可能出现的困难情况及存款机构向其许诺的预期收益。交易存款账户通常包括普通活期账户和有息活期账户(NOW)。普通活期账户通常不付利息,而有息活期账户至少支付较低的利息,在某些情况下还可能限制账户开出支票的数目。非交易存款包括存单(CD),存款账户和货币市场账户。

2. Transaction deposits often are among the most profitable deposit services because of their

nonexistent or low interest rates and the higher service fees these accounts usually carry.In contrast,nontransaction,or thrift,deposits generally have the advantage of a more stable funding base that allows a depository institution to reach for longer-term and higher-yielding assets.交易存款通常是存款机构最赚钱的存款,因为存款机构不用对交易存款付息或支付较低的利息,并且还要收取服务费。非交易(储蓄)存款的优势在于其通常是存款较为稳定的资金基础,从而使存款机构可以购买长期和高收益的资产,但是,许多非交易存款的利息成本较高,从而威胁到其利润。

3. Recent goverment deregulation of the financial-services industry has encouraged

financial-service managers to think creatively about their deposit pricing policies.The key deposit-pricing models in use today fall into four broad categories:近几年金融监管日趋放松,从而金融机构管理者可以创造性的考虑存款的定价政策。目前,存款定价模型主要有四大类

(1) cost-plus deposit pricing成本加利润定价 (2) marginal cost pricing边际成本定价 (3) conditional pricing价格表定价 (4) relationship pricing关系定价



1. The use of nondeposit borrowings as a key source of funds was given a boost by the

emergency of the customer relationship doctrine.This managerial strategy calls for putting the goal of satisfying the credit requests of all quality customers at the top of management’s list.If deposits are inadequate to fund all quality loan requests,other sources of funds,including borrowings in the money and capital markets,should be used.Thus,the lending decision comes first,followed by the funding decision.客户关系原则的出现推动了非存款资金成为金融机构的一种重要资金来源。这一管理战略要求管理者将满足优质客户的信贷要求摆在首位。如果存款无法满足优质客户的资金需求,那么管理者应当尽可能运用其他资金来源,包括到货币和资本市场借款。因此,一旦金融机构决定满足客户的贷款需求,那么它必须做出融资决策

2. Other key funds sources include selling negotiable jumbo($100,000+)CDs(mainly to

corporate customers),borrowing Eurocurrency deposits from international firms offshore,issuing commercial paper in the open market through an affiliated corporation,executing repurchase agreements where loans collateralized by top-quality assets are made avaliable for a few hours or days,and longer-term borrowings in the capital markets through the issuance of subordinated debentures and other forms of longer-term debt.其他重要的非存款资金来源还包括:可转让大额(10万美元以上)定期存单(主要针对公司客户),从离岸国际银行借入欧洲货币存款,通过附属机构或分支机构公开发行商业票据,基于高质量资产(通常为政府债券)作为抵押品的回购协议。这些都是借款机构的短期资金来源,通常时限为几小时或几天。通过发行次级债券在资本市场上的长期借款或其他形式的长期债务也是金融机构重要的非存款资金来源。

3. Before tapping nondeposit borrowings,however,the managers of financial firms must

estimate their funding requirements.One such estimate for a depository institution comes from the available funds gap,which is the spread between the current and expected volume of loans and investments and the current and expected volume of deposits and other funds sources.金融机构在利用这些非存款资金来源时,首先必须估计出其总资金需求。一个常用的方法是衡量资金缺口——目前和预期的贷款及投资与目前和预期的存款流入之间的差额。

4. The particular nondeposit funds source(s) chosen by management will rest upon such factors