Organizational Forms and Function in Banking
Organizational Forms:组织形式 External organizational structure internal organization structure
The Organization and Structure of the Commercial Bank Industry商业银行业的组织与结构
? Advancing Size and Concentration of Assets 不断增加的规模和资产的集中
? Is a Counter Trend Underway?反趋势正在进行吗
Internal Organization of the Banking Firm 银行业内部组织
? Community Banks and Other Community-Oriented Financial Firms 社区银行和其他以
? retail bank----devoted principally to the markets for smaller ,locally based deposits
and loans,is also often referred to as a retail bank零售银行主要涉及消费者和小企业的存贷款业务
? wholesale bank批发银行与之对应,主要集中服务于商业客户及在全球范围内
发放大额企业贷款。如纽约的摩根大通(J.P.Morgan Chase)及花旗银行(Citibank)。
? Larger Banks-Money Center, Wholesale and Retail 大型银行:货币中心,批发和零售 ? Trends in Organization 银行组织的最新发展趋势
The Array of Organizational Structures and Types In the Banking Industry银行业组织结构和类型概览
state charrterd州特许银行 national banks国民银行 Large member banks成员银行规模更大,持有公众存款更多
Unit Banking Organizations单元制银行组织结构
Unit Banks(单元制银行): p72(通过drive-up windows便利窗口,automated teller machines(ATM)自动柜员机)
Offer All Services From One Office通过一个营业部门提供全部服务
Branch Banking Organizations分支行制组织结构
? Branch Banks
Offer Full Range of Services from Several Locations
? Total management system(总管理处制)
Head office system(总行制)
? Branch Banking Proponents and Opponents利与弊
? Proponents
Greater Operating Efficiency提高操作效率
Availability and Convenience of Services服务更加便利 Fewer Failures更少破产 ? Opponents
Drives Out Smaller Competitors赶走较小的竞争者 Higher Service Fees更高的服务费
Drains Scarce Resources from Local Community从当地社区消耗稀缺资源
Electronic Branching-Websites and Electronic Networks: An Alternative and a Supplement to Traditional Bank Branch Offices?网站和电子网络:传统分支行的替代还是补充
? ? ? ?
internet banking services网络银行服务 ATM自动柜员机
point of sale (POS)terminal销售点终端机
virtual bank(虚拟银行):Operate Exclusively on the Internet只在互联网上操作
Bank Holding Company Organizations银行控股公司
? Bank Holding Company (BHC):银行控股公司的含义名词解释
A Corporation Chartered for the Purpose of Holding the Stock of One or More Banks持有至少一家银行的股份而获得特许经营的公司 ? one bank holding companies(单一银行控股公司)
eg:New Hope Group(东方、新希望集团) ? multibank holding companies(多银行控股公司)
Reasons for the Growth of BHCs
? ? ? ?
Geographic Diversification地理多样化可以跨洲跨国界拓展业务 Product Line Diversification
Tax Sheltering减税具有用内部利润补偿其他公司损失的税收优势 Source of Strength
? A Way Around Regulatory Restrictions绕过监管限制
Interstate Banking and the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994跨洲银行业及1994年的《瑞格尔——尼尔跨州银行和分行效率法案》
Alternative Types of Banking Organization Available as the 21st Century Opened :Financial Holding Companys(FHC)金融控股公司
可作为21世纪替换额银行组织p83全能银行(universal banking)
Banks Providing All of Their Services Across State Lines一站式金融服务
Efficiency and Size: Do Bigger Financial Firms Operate at Lower Cost? p87规模与效率:大型金融机构能够以更低的成本经营吗?
Economies of scale 规模经济 Economies of scope 范围经济
U shaped银行业的平均成本曲线(银行规模与每单位银行业务的成本) ? small bank ? large bank
1. Financial-service firms have changed dramatically over time,often moving from relatively
simple,single-office(unit)firms to more complex branching organizations with multiple offices to serve the public and ultimately financial holding complanies that acquire the stock of one or more finance-service businesses.金融机构随着时间流逝发生了巨大的变化,通常从相对简单的,单一(单元制)的公司变成拥有众多分行的分支型组织,并最终兼并一家或多家金融机构
2. When a financial firm starts out,it must secure a charter of incorporation from either state or
federal authorities.In the case of banks and their closest competitors a state charter may be