【高考冲刺】2020届高考英语全国卷书面表达专项整合--读后续写 下载本文


Phil and his wife Molly lived in this neighbourhood for almost three decades. The families here all knew and trusted one another. Youngsters bounced from home to home looking for friends and entertainment. In the school holidays, Molly and Phil had been known to take children at a time to the local cinema to give some of the parents a break. Having taken him to the living room and had him seated, Phil asked the boy, “Philip, what’s happened?”

The boy seemed genuinely upset by the inquiry. “Sorry, Mr. Radcliffe,’’ he sobbed, ‘‘my dad’s just left home. He’s not going to live with us any more. Mum’s crying. It’s made me cry. I don’t think I’m going to see him again.”

Phil sat down next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulders, trying to reassure the youngster, \your father again very soon, Philip. You’re a lovely boy and he’ll want to see you a lot. And your teachers will understand if sometimes you’re a bit sad. ”

The boy wiped away his tears with the back of a hand.

“Let me get something for us,’’ Phil suggested. He went into the kitchen, and then returned with an orange juice for the boy, a coffee for himself and a selection of biscuits for them. However upset he might have been, young Philip was obviously happy with the drink and concentrated on the chocolate samples among the biscuits.

Once the boy seemed more settled, Phil proposed, Perhaps you should call your mum and tell her where you are, so that she doesn’t worry.” “It's OK, Mr Radcliffe,” he insisted. “I’ll go home in a few minutes. But I like talking to you.”

“You can stay as long as you want, Philip. I just don’t want your mother to think that she’s lost you.” 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;



2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

The response surprised and troubled Philip.


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

On the doorstep, young Philip looked up at his friendly neighbour. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Jenny was a pretty eight-year-old


One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace, by which she was totally defeated. How eagerly she wanted it! But when he saw the price, her heart sank a little. She gathered up her courage and asked her mother if she would buy it for her, her mother said, “Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it costs an awful lot of money. I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home



we should make up a list of housework that you can do to pay for the necklace.” Jenny agreed immediately, feeling a burst of joy. So her mother bought the pearl necklace for her. Jenny worked on her housework determinedly and earnestly every day. Soon Jenny had paid off the pearls.

Jenny had a very loving daddy. When Jenny went to bed, he would read Jenny her favorite story. One night when he finished the story, he said, “Jenny, do you love me?” “Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you,” the little girl said delightedly, with a broad smile on her face. “Well, then, give me your pearls.” Hearing that, Jenny froze there, an anxious expression twisting her face. “Oh! Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Rosy, my favorite doll. Remember her? You gave her to me last year for my birthday. Okay?” “Oh no, darling, that's okay.” Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss, gently and calmly. “Good night, little one.”

A week later, her father once again asked Jenny after her story, “Do you love me?” “Oh yes, Daddy, you know I love you.” the little girl murmured softly, trying to escape from her father’s eyes. “Well, then, give me your pearls.” “Oh, Daddy, not my pearls! But you can have Ribbons, my toy horse. Do you remember her? She's my favorite.” The little girl begged. “No, that's okay,” her father said, smiling broadly and sweetly and brushed her cheek again with a kiss. “God bless you, little one. Sweet dreams.” 注意:


2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语: 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph1:

Several days later, when Jenny's father came in to read her a story, Jenny __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph2:

Holding the plastic pearl his daughter offered, the father dragged out a blue box.



Sam Watts was a 37-year-old fisherman living and Working in Canada. One day, Sam planned to head out into the Pacific at 9 am and work straight through until 5pm the next day. Joining Sam would be his crewman, 24-year-old Tom Buck.

Although Sam had been warned that a storm was coming, there was little that would keep him from going. As he sailed through the waves some 120 kilometers from land, Sam let out his three-kilometer-long fishing line. The storm was gaining strength on land but had yet to reach the men far offshore. That changed around 1 am. Waves rocked the small boat, which began to turn sideways like an amusement park ride. “Get us out of here!” Tom screamed to Sam. “Let’s go back!”

With the winds and waves kicking up, the boat began to fill with water. Sam and Tom tried to pull in the fishing line together, but the high waves filled the boat with water, forcing Sam to make a hard decision. He cut the line, losing thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment and fish in
