海商法单词 下载本文

不记名提单Bearer B/L,又称空白提单Blank B/L,Open B/L


交与持有人To Bearer

已装船提单Shipped B/L,On Board B/L

??上述货物已装于上列船上??Shipped on board the vessel named above…the goods specified herein…

收货待运提单Received for Shipment B/L 内陆站Inland Depot 清洁提单Clean B/L

货物的外表状态良好In apparent good order and condition 不清洁提单Unclean B/L,Foul B/L 清洁运输单证Clean Transport Document 大副收据Mate’s Receipt 批注Remarks,Reservations 内装货物外露Content Exposed 包破Bags Torn

锈蚀Rust Damage 污损Stained

保函Letter of Indemnity-LOI,Back Letter 直达提单Direct B/L

海上联运提单Ocean Through B/L 接运承运人On-carrier

纯海上联运提单Pure Ocean Through B/L 转船Transhipment(Transshipment) 转船条款Transhipment Clause

多式联运提单Combined Transport B/L,Multimodal Transport B/L,Intermodal Transport B/L 倒签提单Anti-dated B/L

预借提单Advanced B/L

租约提单B/L under C/P,又称租约下的提单、根据租船合同签发的提单B/L issued under C/P 并入条款Incorporation Clause

舱面货提单,甲板货提单On Deck B/L 舱面上On Deck

装于舱面上Stowed on Deck 包裹提单Parcel B/L

交换提单,转换提单Switch B/L 最低运费提单Minimum Freight B/L 合并提单Omnibus B/L 并装提单Combined B/L 分提单Separate B/L

简式提单Short Form B/L,Simple B/L 全式提单Long Form B/L

船名Name of Vessel 承运人Carrier


托运人Shipper 收货人Consignee 通知方Notify Party 装货港Port of Loading 卸货港Port of Discharge 选港货Optional Cargo

货物转运港Port of Transhipment

目的港Port of Destination

货物名称、标志、包件的数量与种类、重量或者体积Description,Marks,Number and Kind of Packages or Pieces,Weight or Measurement of Goods 由托运人提供的事项Particulars furnished by shipper 运费及其他费用Freight and Charge

提单的签发Issue of B/L

注明作为代理人为显明的承运人For and on behalf of the carrier … as agent签发 提单的签发地点Place of Issue 提单的签发日期Date of Issue

提单的签发份数Number of B/L 正本提单Original B/L 正本Original(第一份),Duplicate(第二份),Triplicate(Triplicate) 副本Copy


货物外表状态Cargo’s Apparent Order and Condition


托运人、发货人、收货人、受货人、提单持有人和货物所有人统称为货方Merchant 管辖权Jurisdiction

法律适用Applicable Law

首要条款Paramount Clause,Clause Paramount 承运人责任Carrier’s Responsibility条款 责任期间Period of Responsibility条款

运费及其他费用Freight and Other Charges条款

装货、卸货和交货Loading,Discharging and Delivery条款 在港内或者港外货物过驳费用Lighterage 留置权Lien条款

货物灭失或者损坏的通知、时效Notice of Loss or Damage,Time Bar 赔偿金额Amount of Compensation条款 危险货物Dangerous Goods条款


舱面货Deck Cargo、活动物Live Animal条款 集装箱货物Cargo in Container条款 冷藏货物Refrigerated Goods条款

选港Option条款,亦称选港交货Optional Delivery条款 转运、转船、联运与转船Forwarding,Subsitute of Vessel,Through Carriage and Transhipment条款


共同海损General Average条款

新杰森条款New Jason Clause

双方有责碰撞条款Both to Blame Collision Clause又称美国碰撞条款United States Collision Clause

地区条款Local Clause

海运单Sea Waybill-SWB,又称运单Waybill-W/B 不可流通的Non-negotiable单证 空运单Air Waybill

《国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例》ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit: UCP 500

《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms-INCOTERMS 2000 参照条款Reference Clause

承运人标准运输条件Carrier's Standard Conditions of Carriage 货物控制权Right of Control 纸面提单Paper Bill of Lading 电子提单Eletronic Bill of Lading 数据Data

纸面单证Paper Document 无纸单证Paperless Document

电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange-EDI 密码Private Code

电信Electronic Message 传递单位Unit of Despatch 订舱电信Booking Message 收货电信Receipt Message

公共承运人Common Carrier 私人承运人Private Carrier 天灾Act of God

公敌行为Queen's Enemies

《关于统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约》International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading,简称《海牙规则》Hague Rules-H.R. 与海上货物有关的任何类似的物权凭证所包含的Covered运输合同 主标志Leading Marks 钩到钩Tackle to Tackle

舷到舷Rail to Rail

装前卸后条款Before and After Clause 疏忽Neglect


实际Actual 私谋Priviy

海上或者其他可航水域的风险、危险或者意外事故Perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or


other navigable waters 天灾Act of God 战争行为Act of war

公敌行为Act of public enemies

君主、统治者或者人民的扣留、拘禁或者依法扣押Arrest or restraint of princes,rulers or people,or seizure under legal process 检疫限制Quarantine restrictions 不行为Omission

暴乱和明辨Riots and civil commotions 固有瑕疵Inherent Defect 潜在缺陷Latent Defect

自由绕航条款Liberty to Deviate Clause

有利于承运人保险利益Benefit of Insurance的条款,又称将货物保险利益转让给承运人的条款

代位求偿权Right of Subrogation

货物灭失或者损坏的通知Notice of Loss or Damage

《修改统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约的议定书》Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading,简称Visby Rules。经该议定书修订后的《海牙规则》称为《海牙-维斯比规则》Hague-Visby Rules-H.R. 金法郎Gold Franc

初步证据Prima Facie Evidence 绝对证据Conclusive Evidence 抗辩Defence

喜马拉雅条款Himalaya Clause

新喜马拉雅条款NEw Himalaya Clause

独立合同人Independent Contractor

《修订(经1968年议定书修订的)统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约的议定书》Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading (as Amended by the Protocol of 1968)。经该议定书修订的《海牙-维斯比规则》,仍称为《海牙-维斯比规则》。 特别提款权Special Drawing Right-SDR

《1978年联合国海上货物运输公约》United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea,1978,简称《汉堡规则》Hamburg Rules-HBR。 责任基础Basis of Liability 共同谅解Common Understanding 保函Letter of Indemnity

混合运输制度Hybrid Carriage Regimes 全部或者部分wholly or partly 内陆水路Inland waterway

海运之前或者之后的运输Carriage preceding or subsequent to sea carriage 电子记录Electronic record 履约方Performing party 承包人Contractor 分包人Subcontractor