2017-2018学年牛津译林版英语4B四年级下册全册教案(含教学反思) 下载本文

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 1 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun,playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 流程 学 习 内 容 Enjoy a rhyme:Let’s learn (学生二年级学过这首小诗,通过课前欣赏,激起学生记忆里的知识: We learn Maths, one, two, three. We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc. We learn Music , Do, re, mi. We learn Art, draw you and me.) Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Zhang. T:How are you? S:I’m fine, well,good? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 T:Nice to see you. 出示句子:Nice to see you. 提示学生回答:Nice to see you too. 渗透本课的教学目标3 出示句子:Welcome back to school. 语音渗透:bag chicken back (Welcome to的句型学生在三年级中Welcome to Toy Museum中接触过了,因此难度有所降低) T:We are learning English now. 出示单词:English,并且教读 What subject is it? It’s English. 出示subject,并且教读 T:Today we’ll talk about our subjects. 出示课题:Unit 1 Our school subjects 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S: We are/I’m at school. (出示We are/I’m at?,提示学生用at) 出示学校图片:our school T:We’re at school. This is our school. 读词组:our school T:Do you like our school? S:Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T:Welcome back to school. Step 2 Presentation 1.Watch and answer 句型新授:What subjects?? 出示课文插图 这一部分教学内容: 单词新授:timetable,English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science T:Can you find them out? 学生翻单词板A: Art T:What subject is it? S:It’s Art. 出示单词 Art. 同法教授单词: Chinese Science Maths mango Music Toy Museum 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:This is Miss Li. Here’s a timetable. 出示单词,并且板书:timetable 课程表,时间表 time+table+=timetable Timetable English A M2 C P M1 S 黑板出示翻板 What subjects do they have? They have English? 看动画,寻找问题的答案 在黑板上的翻板上翻,并且学习新单词 例如: car bar market park /a:/ T:What subjects do they have? S:They have English and Art. T:Good. Who can try now? What subject is it? P:PE S:It’s PE. T:What subjects do they have? S:They have English, Art and PE. 总结:T: Can you read them? 拼读单词:English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science T:They are all subjects.What subjects do they have? S:They have? 1.Watch and read A、师展示cards,review new words. B、Read together. C、Read in groups. 2.完成描红本上的单词描红. Step 4 Homework 一:Copy the new words four times 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思 二:翻译句子 1. 欢迎回到学校。你们的课程表在哪里? 2. 你喜欢什么课? 我喜欢音乐和科学。它有趣。 学生能够熟练掌握所学单词,并能听、说、做Let’s do。但是还要加强动词water、read、eat、hand in、play的读音。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 2 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun,playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?; 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Zhang. T:How are you? S:I’m fine, well,good? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 听录音,完成问题的回答提示内容 T:Nice to see you. S:Nice to see you,too. 2.Free talk T:Can you answer T:Where are you now? S: We are/I’m at school. the question now? T:What subjects do you like? S: I like... Step 2 Presentation 学生回答问题,并1.Listen and choose 且全班读句子,加教授内容: 深对新知的印象 单词新授:fun 教读新词:fun 乐句型新授:What subjects do you like? I like? 趣,快乐 un under What subjects do I like? uncle fun You like? 3.Read and answer What about me? 4.T:What about You like? It’s? Mike?What 出示learning tip:Underline the sentences. subjects does he 你是怎么知道的?请把线索用直线划出来。 like? 给学生时间自读课文,找出问题的答案 What subject is Please read Story time by yourself.And try to underline the it now? sentences. Me too. It’s time for PE. Mike likes Chinese and Maths. It’s PE now. 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:Good.The students are going to the playground now. 出示单词,并且拼读:playground Let’s go to the playground. T:I can say:Let’s go to the playground. What can you say? Let’s go to the zoo/park/? We can :play basketball/football? 3.Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调 T:Now let’s try to read after the tape. 逐句跟读,注意语音语调。 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 T:Now,show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read in roles read after one read together and so on?Let’s go! Let’s act T:Please stop reading.It’s show time now.Let’s dub for the cartoon.Who want to be?Let’s begin. 两组分角色 全班分角色 Step 3 Consolidation 1.看图完成课文句子填空 3.Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调 T:Now let’s try to read after the tape. 逐句跟读,注意语音语调。 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 例如: ? 质疑拓展 Check the answers. 2.Do a survey Finish it in groups (1) Finish your timetable 把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。 (2)Ask and answer What subjects do you like? I like? (2) Finish your timetable 把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。 (2)Ask and answer 检测与 小结 Step 4 Homework Recite Story time Copy the new words four times 学生能听懂、会说Let’s talk,并能再实际情景中进行^对面。但还要教学反思 加强对How many students are there in your classroom?的读音,这是发音难点。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 3 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S:We’re in class. T:I have a book.What do you have? S:I have? T:Do you have any?? S:Yes,I do./No, I don’t. T:How many?do you have? T:I like dogs.What do you like? S:I like? Step 2 Warm up 1.单词复习(提醒学生注意学科首字母大写) 游戏:一句话 游戏规则:用一句话来描述,让其他学生来猜是什么学科。 例如: I’m Mike. I can play basketball in class. It’s ( PE ). I like it very much./It’s fun. 2.Story time 出示课题,读课题。 T:Let’s open the books ,and turn to Unit 1. T: Now, let’s try to read it again. 1)Read after the tape 注意语音语调的纠正 (2)Read together (3)Act it. 让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music 3.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 4.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能初步理解句型:What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Meng. T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? (通过free talk 环节复习与本课相关的句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫) 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Fun time T:You know more about subjects now.Can you ask your friends?Try to finish Fun time. 1.Finish the form in class. S1:What subjects do you like? S2:I like English and Art. 2.Check it.----Ask and answer (通过这一部分的问答练习,帮助学生再次复习单词及句型,达到本课的教学目标1、2、3) Step 4 Cartoon 2.True or false. 小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 T:Now, you can read in groups ,and try to judge the sentences.You can underline the sentences. (1)Billy likes Music. 对:I like Music. (2)They have PE and Chinese this afternoon. 错:What lessons do we have this afternoon,Sam? We have PE and Science. (3)Sam doesn’t like PE.错:I like PE.It’s fun. 3.理解文中最后一句话 But I don’t like that. 3.理解课文 逐图讲解,出示课文图片 (1)理解词组this morning, this afternoon, this evening (2)渗透lesson 和subject的区别 Step 5 Consolidation 1.让学生讨论自己班级的星期一课程表 例句:Look at our timetable. What subjects do you like? I like? What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon? Step 6 Homework 背诵Cartoon time 分层作业: 1. 完成课时练习的所有题目 2.完成课时练习的翻译词组、选择题目 1.Watch the cartoon. T:Well done.Let’s have a rest.It’s time for cartoon. What lessons do Bobby and Billy have on Monday? 教读单词:lesson 教读单词:Monday monkey day ----Monday 星期一 on Monday Answer:They have Music and Maths. 4.Read---- Cartoon time (1)Read after the tape注意语音语调(2)Read by yourself (3)角色扮演 We have? It’s fun. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学 鼓励学生书写并记忆单词的同时,一定注意强调将中文意思一同记忆,否则记住英文拼写,而不知其意,同样达不到学以致用的目的。 反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 4 课时 课题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning,class. S:Good morning,Miss Zhang. 2.Say a rhyme 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school,subject,see, Chinese,Maths,Art, Music,timetable,PE,Science,fun, playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like?;What lessons do we have?及回答We have? 1.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/ 2.能会读小诗:Subjects 补充与调整 Let’s learn 3.Free talk T:What subjects do you have? S:We have? T:What subjects do you like? S:I like? T:What about ?? T:What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S:We have? Step 2 Reading time 自 学 预 习 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Sound time 1.Magic eyes 游戏规则:快速闪现单词,词组 Chinese,English, Science, Art,like Music, have Maths and PE,don’t skate, make a cake 出示词组don’t skate, make a cake skate,make,cake 让学生读单词,体会字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:I can say /ei/,/ei/,cake. What can you say? 让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母Aa的发音/ei/ T:How to read this word? 出示Kate /keit/ 2.Sound time T:I have a rhyme for you. Kate,Kate,don’t skate. Come and make a cake. 注意语音语调,以及节奏 Step 4 Rhyme time 1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Fill in the blanks Music,Music, they like Music. Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese. English,English, we all like English. 3.Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip:Change some words of the rhyme. See page 58 . 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 Step 5 Consolidation 完成课时练习。 Step 6 Homework 完成练习册。 学生能熟练掌握Read and write。但还要加强英语句子的书写,掌握书教学反思

写句子的三个要点以及英译汉要加标点符号。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 5 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today, go and?, come and ?, a football match; 学习目标 重点难点 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday, Wednesday, Saturday . 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;We don’t have?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;What a pity!;All right。 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:today, go and?, come and ?, a football match; Monday, Wednesday, Saturday . 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;We don’t have?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?;What a pity!;All right。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. T: Nice to see you. Ss:Nice to see you too. 2. Rhyme time----Subjects 3. Play a game----Fast response(快速反应,举一反三) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 (1)快速出现单词: 例如:Maths: Music, English, PE? park:home, school, market, snack bar? eat: drink, run, shout, swim, jump, skate? (2)快速出示词组: 例如:play football: play? 4. Free talk T: What do you have?S: I have? T: What do you like?S: I like? 出示课程表。 T: This is our time table. What subjects do you have?S: We have? T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I can?/ It’s interesting. Step Two: Presentation 1. 教授单词:Monday 教授句型:What day is it? It’s? 提示学生lessons课 2. Story time Learning tips:出示Monday缩写MON MON=Monday Learning tip:第三人称单数后使用动词的第三人称单数形式。 a.教读单词match 比赛 b.教读单词swimming 游泳 名词 c.变成句子,把have 变成has Monday-MON Saturday- SAT 小组讨论与 交流展示 (1)引出课题Unit 2 After school 引出课题Unit 2 After school,并且板书以及教读。教读after出示afternoon-after 在??之后after school 放学后 (2)Watch and answer T(出示问题):Good. What day is it today?教授单词today今天 播放动画A: What day is it today?S: It’s Wednesday. (3)Read and match. 自读课文,并且连线。 Mike have a swimming lesson Su Hai have a football match on Wednesday. Su Yang have a swimming lesson Step Three: Consolidation 1. Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调T:Now let’s try to read after the Wednesday -WED tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读We don’t have some lessons on 质疑拓展 一读课文。 2.T:Now, show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read Saturday. 看图in roles read after one read together and so on?Let’s go! Let’s act 两组分角色 全班分角色 3. Retella. Fill in the blanks. b. Read it together. Step Four: Do the exercise. Step Five: Homework 说句子。 He has? She has? 检测与 小结 1.放学后我去打篮球。 2.她有许多的好书。3.我们在星期六没有课。 ? a. Copy the phrases: after school, go and play table tennis, what day have a football match ? b.翻译句子 c. Recite Story time. 本单元的主要话题是“谈论课外活动”。重点内容是一周七天的名称以及与如何谈论课后活动教学反思 的相关句型。在教学中,我引导学生根据实际情况,谈论自己某一天的课后活动安排,并适当结合第一单元的语言知识。在教学中应该与学生之间的对话练习为主,辅以适当的练习题 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 6 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回学习目标 重点难点 答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week. 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1.Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Say rhymes and read Story time (1)Let’s learn (2)Subjects (3)Story time T: Can you say any rhymes about subjects. 补充与调整 3. Timetable T: What’s this? S: It’s our timetable. T: What subjects do you have? S: We have? T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I It’s interesting. T:We can? 自 学 预 习 Step Two: Presentation 1.教授What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? T: Good. On different days, we have some different lessons. 出示单词lesson-lessons 课(强调课程,某一节课) T: Now, let’s continue to look at the timetable. What day is it today? (指着星期一)S: It’s Monday. T: What lessons do you have?S: I have? Work in pairs.(Wednesday) 出示范例: A: What day is it today? B: It’s? A: What lessons do you have? B: I have?2.教授单词Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Play a game:根据课猜星期几 先猜星期一和星期三的课,接着讨论星期二的课。 have?What day is it?S: It’s? 教授Tuesday,并且板书(同法教授ThursdayFriday) 和 T: We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and?S: Sunday 教授Sunday, 并且板书:sun 太阳-日 Sunday 星期日-SUN 教师领读单词,或者学生领读,加深学生对单词的记忆。 S1: What day is it today? 小组讨论与 交流展示 T:Let’s read them together 3. Fun time----Play a game T: Look, here’s a big timetable. Let’s play the game now. 示范: T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday. T: What lessons do you have? S: I have Chinese and Maths S2: It’s? S1: What lessons T: Now, please talk about the timetable with your partners. do you have? 小组活动,讨论转盘上的每一天。 S2: I have? 老师点鼠标,学生喊:Stop.男女生问答。 4. Song time----Days of the week T: There are seven days on the timetable. Let’s read them together. 再次读单词,为接下来的歌曲学习打好基础。 (1) 欣赏歌曲,让学生掌握基本曲调 (2) 个别歌词教学:That 质疑拓展 T:It’s a week. 出示单词week 星期 Sunday is the first day of a week. Saturday is the last day of a week. T: How many days are there in a week? S: There are? T: You did a good job. Let’s enjoy a song now. The song’s name is Days of the week. Show time(这首歌曲里也有第三人称单数形式:makes) Step Three: Consolidation makes a week. (3) 集体唱,小组唱 Step Homework Four: 检测与 小结 1.归纳曾经出现的第三人称单数形式: looks, makes? 2.练习与测试: 注意听力题的完成,笔试题目要求学生独立完成,个别难题在学生做完后进行讲解。 1. 完成练习与测试。 2. Recite Fun time and song time after class. 本单元呈现的场景是在放学后,Liu Tao 想找同学一起打乒乓球,但是同学们都有自己的课教学反思 外活动,最后Liu Tao 和Su Hai 约定周六一起去打乒乓球。在教学中,我利用图片、转盘游戏等形式让他们说一说、做一做、猜一猜,有利于学生进行实际交流与练习。这些游戏并不花哨,很实用,紧贴课本内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学习的效果。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 7 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 学习目标 重点难点 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you??及回答I?at? 4.能明白Cartoon time的幽默之处。 1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:every day 2.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:get up 3.能初步地听懂、会说、会读句型:When do you??及回答I?at? 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Free talk T: What subjects do you have? S: We have? 补充与调整 Happy time 教师出示一个大T: What subjects do you like?S: I like?I can? It’s interesting. 转盘,让学生选择T: How many days are there in a week? S: Seven. 数字。每个数字后自 学 预 习 T: What are they? S: They’re? T: What lessons do you have on?? S: I/We have? T: Do you go to school on Saturday and Sunday? 面都有相应的任务,完成好的学生能得到奖励卡。 S: No, I/We don’t. I/We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and 3. Sing a song: Sunday. Days of the week Step Two: Presentation 1. Say a rhyme: Let’s learn We learn Maths, one two three.? 2. Say a rhyme: Subjects Music, Mucic, they like Music.? 4.Reading time:Story time T: Who can read it? 小组分角色扮演 a. Read after the tape 注意语音语调的纠正。 b. Read together 注意曲调,和makes的发音,让学生注意“s” 根据不同的难度(读、演、背)作出不同的奖励。 c. Act it. 让学生脱离书本,配上自己动作和表情把书本的对话分角色表演出来。 T: Who can recite it? T:小组讨论与 交流展示 What’s this? S: It’s a chicken. T: Yes, we can call him Mr Chicken. T: This is our old friend, Bobby. 5. Cartoon time——Watch and answer When do they get up every day? 出示句子,并且教读。when = what time 什么时候 every day 每天 every+单数 每个?T:We can say? 根据中文翻译: 每所学校,每个鸡蛋,每个女孩? T: Let’s watch the cartoon and try to do it. 出示句子,看动画:提示学生用第一人称完成句 小组活动:小组一起阅读,判断对错,在对话中划出线索。 Wrong: It’s Saturday today. I don’t have any lessons. 7. Reading time a. Read after the tape注意语音语调。 b. Read by yourself 8. Show time角色扮演。 I get up at? every day I get up at six every day 6. True or false : I have some today. lessons 质疑拓展 9.根据图片说出句子。 T:You are Su Yang now. You can describe it by this way. 出示句型:I? at?,并且板书at+时间 在??点 例句:I go to school at seven o’clock. I get up at six o’clock. 10.说出幽默点。 教育:合理安排自己的时间。 Step Three: Consolidation Step Homework Four: 检测与 小结 1. Work in pairs A:What day is it today?B: It’s? A: When do you?every day?B: I?at? A: What lessons do you have on??B: I have? 1.完成练习与测试上的部分练习题。 A: What subjects do you like?B: I like? I can?It’s interesting. 2.背诵Cartoon time。 2.做练习与测试。 在教学中,我利用图片、转盘游戏等形式让他们说一说、做一做、猜一猜,有利于学生进行实际交流与练习。教学反思 这些游戏并不花哨,很实用,紧贴课本内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学习的效果。Cartoon time 呈现的是小老鼠Bobby 在上学路上遇见公鸡先生,然后发现当天是星期六,不用上学。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 8 课时 课题 Unit 2 After school 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回学习目标 重点难点 答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.能总结归纳字母A a的发音/ ?/并完成Checkout time的练习。 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have?;He/She has?;What day is it today?及回答It’s?; 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have? 3.能总结归纳字母A a的发音/ ?/。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, class Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu 2. Free talk and work in pairs A:What day is it today? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 B: It’s? A: When do you?every day? B: I?at? A: What lessons do you have on?? B: I have? A: What subjects do you like? B: I like? I can?It’s interesting. Step Two: Revision. 1. Story time 2. Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵。 Step Three: Presentation Sound time 获得知识宝库的通关密语:完成提示,获得通关密语。 提示:把单词补充完整。 大声读出句子: bag cap hamburger sandwich snack 小组讨论与 交流展示 Dad, Dad, where’s the cat?Where’s my cap and where’s my bag? 教师让学生说出字母a的发音。 注意语音语调,培养学生语感。 (2)Checkout time ——Listen and tick 教师让学生先说出图片所表达的动词词组。 教师让学生说出缩写字母所代表的意思。 A:What day is it? B:It’s? (3)Ticking time 归纳之前学过的Aa发成/ ?/的单词 cat that? 1. 出示句子I can say the days 2. 出示句子 I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the of the week. lessons. 3. 出示句子”I know the sound of the letter “a”(我知道字母“a”的发音。) 让学生说一说哪些单词是这样发音的。学生自评。 (2)Checkout time——Listen and tick A:What day is it? B:It’s? 教师让学生先说出图片所表达的动词词组。 教师让学生说出 质疑拓展 (3)Ticking time 1. 出示句子I can say the days of the week. 2. 出示句子 I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the 缩写字母所代表lessons. 的意思。 3. 出示句子”I know the sound of the letter “a”(我知道字母“a” 的发音。)让学生说一说哪些单词是这样发音的。学生自评。 检测与 小结 Step Three: Do the exercises. Step Four: Homework 1.完成练习册的练习。 2.完成补充习题练习。 复习巩固了句型: What day is it today? It’s?和 I don’t have any lessons on Saturday.教学反思 故事很幽默,学生很感兴趣。在做练习题时,学生对单选题、匹配题做的较好,正确率高。但是对辨音题、英汉互译、按要求写单词等题型还要加强练习。少部分学生还要加强训练。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 9 课时 课题 Unit 3 My day(Story time) 1、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语go to school, usually, in the morning, have lunch, go 学习home, do my homework, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 2、能在情境中整体感知故事内容 目标 3、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型I?at?描述人物的日常活动。 1.能在情境中正确理解故事内容,并能准确朗读故事读准单词usually。 重点2.能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Greeting and warm up T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning. http://w w w. T: Do you like games? Let’s play a game: Yeah, yeah, yeah, or No, no ,no. 1. It’s Monday today. 2. We have 4 lessons in the morning. 3. We have a PE lesson in the afternoon. 4. I like Music. 5. I go to school every day. 6. It’s six o’clock. It’s time for English class. Step2 Presentation Guess: What do I usually do at 6:15 in the morning? Ss: get up/have breakfast? T: I usually get up at 6:15 板书:I(usually)?at? Teach: usually When do you get up? Ss: I get up at? 1. In the same way to teach: go to school at 7:05 have lunch at 11:45 go home at 5:00 have dinner at 6:20 go to bed at 10:00 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 2. Show six clocks, review the time 6:15 7:05 11:45 5:00 6:20 10:00 T: What time is it? It’s six fifteen in the morning?. (复习时间,并将钟面贴在黑板) 3. T: I do different things at different time. 揭题:Unit 3 My day 4. Talk in groups. Make a new chant, say something about your day. 小组Step3 Story time (Part1) 讨论Ss listen and then choose the pictures.(出示五幅图:起床、看电视、上学、睡觉、吃午饭,学生听第一段,根据Mike的介与 绍选出早上的活动) 1. Listen again and match(再听一遍介绍,出现三个钟面,交流将Mike的活动与时间配对) 2. T: What else does Mike do in the morning? 展示 Ss: have lessons T: Yes. And how many lessons does he have in the morning. Ss: Four. T: So Mike has four lessons in the morning. 3. Listen and read Part 1. (Part2) 1.T: How many lessons does Mike have in the afternoon? And what else does Mike do in the afternoon? Let’s listen again, and try to answer. 2.Listen and read Part 2 质疑(Part3) 1.Read Part3 by selves, try to fill in the blanks. 拓展 Activity Time Have dinner 7:00 2. Talk in groups: When does Mike do these things? Say like this:?at? Step 4 Consolidation 检测1.Read in three. 2.Act as Mike, choose one part and talk about your 与 activity.(三人一小组,扮演Mike,选择早、中、晚其中一个时间说说自己的活动) (Chant) I get up at six fifteen. I go to school at seven o five. I have lunch at eleven fifteen . I go home at five. I have dinner at six twenty. I go to bed at ten. So this is my day. Teach: go home do my homework In the afternoon: have lessons/play football/go 3.Listen and read Part3Listen and read the story, try to recite it. Describe your day to your family, then write it down. 小结 我先通过创设符合本单元主题的整体情景“My day”,通过向学生展示老师的一天活动,引教学反思 导学生理解、学习When do you?? I ?at?的句型,然后进入课文的学习。本着遵循语言学习循序渐进的规律,我把文本处理成Mike’s morning, Mike’s afternoon, Mike’s evening的三个时间段,设计了由易到难的不同任务。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 10 课时 课题 Unit 3 My day (Vocabulary & Fun time) 1、能听懂会说:When do you ...? I...at?并能在情境中熟练的运用。 学习2、能熟练说出有关日常活动和时间的短语have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night等。 目标 3、能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。 4、学会统筹的安排时间,合理的安排自己的日程表,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。 重点难点 1.掌握句型: When do you...? I usually ...at ... 并能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。 2.运用句型When do you...? I usually ...at ... 描述人物的日常活动 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Greeting and warm up T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning. 1.Review the time: T: What time is it now?(师拨时钟,学生迅速说出时间,最后拨时间8:00) 2.T: I watch TV at eight evening.(做看电视的动作) Now let’s play a game: Guess and say!(师做动作,学生快速说出表示的单词或短语) Swim/play football/play basketball/skate/run/get up/go to school/eat/drink/go to bed? Step 2 Presentation 1. (Show Mike.) Yesterday we learnt about Mike’s daily life. Now let’s look back again. 2. (出示钟面) What time is it? Ss: It’s seven o’clock. T: Yes, it’s seven o’clock in the morning. What does Mike do at seven o’clock?(出示图片剪影)Guess! Ss: He gets up at seven. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 1.Review the time: T: What time is it now?(师拨时钟,学生迅速说出时间,最后拨时间8:00) 2.T: I watch TV at eight evening.(做看电视的动作) Now let’s play a game: Guess and say!(师做动作,学生快速说出表示的单词或短语) 3. (出示另一个钟面) Teach:go to school in the same way. And what about this one? 小组Ss: go to school Teach: get up/ go to school 讨论3.T: What does Mike usually do in the afternoon? Show two pictures. 与 Ss: He ? 4:Show three pictures(have dinner/watch TV/go to bed) 交流How about in the evening or at night? Please talk in groups. Then teach these phrases according to their answers: 展示 Have dinner at six thirteen Watch TV at seven in the evening Go to bed at nine at night 4.Retell Mike’s day according to these pictures Step3 Fun time 1. Show a timetable and finish it. T: Do you want to know something about my day? You can ask me like this: Teach: When do you?? Ss: When do you get up? 质疑T: I get up at six in the morning. Ss ask ,T answers and draw the clocks. 拓展 2. T: Look ,this is my day.(Introduce the T’s day) How about yours? 3. Ss draw and write. 4. Ask and answer in pairs(同桌各自询问对方的timetable。并两人一组上台展示自己的完成情况:S1:When do you get up? S2: I get up at 6:30. ) Step4 Show time 检测Talk: My happy day Today is? 与 1. I?at?Copy the new words and phrases. 2. Introduce your day to your parents. 小结 Ask your friends about their days. Teach: play football at four/go home at four forty in the afternoon. 4.Ask and answer in pairs(同桌各自询问对方的timetable。并两人一组上台展示自己的完成情况:S1:When do you get up? S2: I get up at 6:30. ) 教学反思 我所上的Story time板块则通过呈现Mike一天的活动和时间安排,引导学生学习I ?at?的句型表达,并能结合自己的生活实际,正确表达自己一天的活动和时间安排。 我先通过创设符合本单元主题的整体情景“My day”,通过向学生展示老师的一天活动,引导学生理解、学习When do you?? I ?at?的句型,然后进入课文的学习。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 11 课时 课题 Unit 3 My day (Cartoon time& Rhyme time) 学习目标 重点难点 1、复习上节课所学的关于时间和日常活动的短语,能进一步熟练拼读。 2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。 3、会唱歌曲When do you get up? 4、能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 1.会唱歌曲When do you get up? 2.阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 3.熟练运用本单元的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Greeting and free talk 1.T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning. T: What day is it today? When do you get up this morning?... 2.Game:30 seconds none stop talking (以My Day为话题,学生四人一组互相配合, 向全班表述自己的作息时间。) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 Step2 Song time 1. Meet a new friend: Peter T: Do you want to know something about Peter’s day? How do you ask? Ss: When do you get up/?? T: Good questions. Let’s listen to the song, and try to answer: When does Peter get up/go to school? 2. Listen to the song and try to answer the questions. 3. T: Do you like the song? Let’s listen again, and you can follow the song. 4. T make a model, change the name, ask and sing. Then change the phrases, ask and sing. 5.Ss change the words and sing the song in groups. T: Do you want to know something about Peter’s day? How do you ask? Ss: When do you get up/?? T: Good questions. Let’s listen to the song, and try to answer: When does Peter get up/go to school? Step3 Cartoon time T: From the song, what do you think about Peter? Ss: He’s a good boy. T: Yes. He gets up at six thirty every day. And he goes to school at seven thirty every. He has good habits. I think you have good habits too, right? And so is Bobby. 1. (Show a picture of Bobby on page15. )Bobby gets up at six every day. Do you know when does Bobby have dinner every day? Guess. Ss: At five/six?? 2. T: Yes, he has dinner at six every day. Does he have dinner at six today? What happened? Where is Bobby? A. In the desert (在沙漠里) B. At home Let’s watch the cartoon and choose the correct one. Ss: B. 3.T: What can they see over there? And does Bobby eat it at last? Read the story and answer. Ss: They see a big cake over there. T: There’s a nice cake in the desert. But Bobby can not eat it. Because it’s a dream! Bobby is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream. 4. Good! Well, boys and girls, let’s learn the story together. Ss: Listen and repeat. T: 指导朗读。 Ss: Read together 5. Act in two. Ss: They see a big cake over there. T: There’s a nice cake in the desert. But Bobby can not eat it. Because it’s a dream! Bobby is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream. T: Yes. He gets up at six thirty every day. And he goes to school at seven thirty every. He has good habits. I think you have good habits too, right? And so is Bobby. 小组讨论与 交流展示 质疑拓展 检测与 Step4 Consolidation T: It’s just a dream. It’s in the morning now, Bobby should get up. And a new day begins. Imagine: Bobby’s new day 1. Make a story and act.Listen and sing the song. 2. Listen, read and recite Cartoon time. 小结 3. 课课练 按照Fun time上表格的设计时间和活动,同学进行小组问答,了解他人的一天。Song time.教学反思 从Peter人物引出歌曲,从听两个时间的选择入手,了解歌曲的大意。在读歌词的时候加上动作,加深理解,在熟悉旋律的基础上进行表演唱,最终达到能够跟着老师改编新的歌曲。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 12 课时 课题 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 补充与调整 Unit 3 My day(Sound time, Checkout time, Ticking time & Happy Reading) 1、 复习巩固本单元的知识点,在日常交际中熟练运用所学句型 2、 掌握字母e和字母组合ee在单词中的读音 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。 1.在日常交际中熟练运用所学句型 2.掌握字母e和字母组合ee在单词中的读音 自 学 预 习 Step1 Greeting and free talk 1. T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning. T: When do you get up this morning?... 2.Sing a song: When do you get up? Then change the words: When do you go home/go to bed?...at four forty/nine thirty. 4. Ticking time: I can use “when” to ask about daily T: Do you want activities. to know Miss Step2 Checkout time Li’s day? You 1. T: Do you want to know Miss Li’s day? You can ask her(把can ask her(把Miss Li 的时间表交给几位同学,请她们扮演Miss Li,回答问Miss Li 的时间题) 表交给几位同2. Show Miss Li’s day at Page23. 学,请她们扮演Ss:Read and write. Miss Li,回答I get up at six o’clock in the morning. 问题) I have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. I have lunch at 12:00. I go home at five in the afternoon. I have dinner at 6:30 in the afternoon. I go to bed at ten at night. 3. Check the answer and say Miss Li’s day life. Step3 Sound time T: Look, now Miss Li is here. She meets the boys. 1.Listen to sound time, and answer: When do they meet? At three. When do they 小组Who are the boys? meet? Tom, Jack and me. At three. 讨论Teach: who Who are the 3. Read and find boys? 与 Show the words: we, me, she Tom, Jack and meet, three, green, sleep me. 交流The letter ”e” and ”ee” have the same pronunciation /i:/ 4. Work in groups, and find some words and write down. Teach: who 展示 5. Try to read: be, bee, sweep, feet, need, free, week, beef, sheep 6. Ticking time :I know the sound of “e” and ”ee” Step 4 Happy reading 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 1. Listen and read Sound time. 2. Find more words and write down. Review Unit 3. 从刚学习的语音环节就开始总结,引出Ticking time的语音部分,由学生自己勾教学反思

出星星数。从黑板上的板书引出对于整节课句型的总结,大家自己进行自评打勾。表现比较好的,站起来拍照分享朋友圈。从家作的布置中,要求猜测Miss的一天,来和Miss Li 交流,从而为学习第三课时Miss Li的一天的生活作铺垫。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 13 课时 课题 Unit4 Drawing in the park (Story time) 学习目标 重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it‘s easy. It‘s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能初步用以下句型 What can you see? I can see …来对看到的事物进行交流;初步用句型Can you …? 询问交流会做的事。 4. 能正确理解课文内容。 5. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!Sure, it‘s easy. It‘s difficult, but I can try. 3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. T: Today, we will begin Unit 4. In this unit, we will go to some interesting places. Look! Here they are. (出示Park, Theatre, Amusement park, Zoo四个场景图) Which one we will go first? Let‘s listen to a song. 2. Enjoy the song: It‘s a beautiful day in the park. 3. T: Which one we will go first? Teach: park T: What parks in Nanjing do you know? S: Xuanwu Lake Park, Bailuzhou Park, Baima park, … Step 2. Presentation 1. Talk about the things in the park. T: We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it. 边画边问:What can you see in the park? S1: I can see a … T: Yes, it a tall tree. 2. Chant T: Is it a nice park? Let‘s chant about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声) Chant: In the park, I can see.See some trees, over there. 二次备课 In the park, I can see.See some flowers, under the tree. S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant. 4. T: What can you do in the park? I can row a boat. S: I can fly kites/ play football/ride bike/ 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step.3. Enjoy the story: 1. T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do? Let‘s have a look! (出示图1) 2. Watch and choose. T: What do they draw? (出示选项:a tree, some flowers, a boat, a river) Let‘s watch the story and choose. Check 3. Read in pairs 4. Read the story together Step 5. Act the story ★Read fluently 流利的朗读 ★★Read fluently and beautifully 流利、有感情地朗读 ★★★Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演 Step 6. Consolidation Make a new dialogue. Step 7. Summary T: Today, we go to the park. Do you like the park? From the learning of this lesson, what can you do now? 引导学生用I can …总结今天的学习。 家庭作业: 1. S: I can say/ read/ chant/ …听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。 2. 试着将课文复述并写下来。和同桌编一段在公园里的对话。 课堂作业: 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 本课是《译林版牛津小学英语》(4B)Unit 4 Drawing in the park的第一教时内容,主要学习Story time。本节课呈现的是Mike和弟弟Tim在公园里一边教学看风景,一边画画的情景。围绕“在公园里画画”这一话题展开教学活动。学习用“What can you see?? I can see?”交流看到的事物,用“Can you??”交反思 流会做的事。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 14课时 课题 Unit4 Drawing in the park (Vocabulary & Fun time) 学习目标 1. 能够熟练说出公园里的一些物品词汇tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake等。 2. 能用句型What can you see? I can see a …谈论所见。 3. 能用句型What can you do? I can … 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can …对他人进行描述。 4. 能编写完整小故事:Let‘s be friends.并试着表演。 重点难点 1. 能够熟练说出公园里的一些物品词汇tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake等。 2. 能用句型What can you do? I can … 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can …对他人进行描述。 3.能编写完整小故事:Let‘s be friends.并试着表演。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat 歌词: Row, row, row your boat, gently on the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is interesting. 2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park. Today, we will go to another interesting place – Dream Theatre. Let‘s go. 3. T: Look! They need some actors for the new play. Do you want to have a try? T: And we should pass four tests. T: Let‘s have a try. Step 2. Revision 1. Test 1-- Good performance ability. T: To be an actor, you should have good performance ability. T: Do you remember this story? Drawing in the park (课件出示课文图片) Can you act this story? First, let‘s dub for it. Dub in groups. 2. Act in pairs. 3. T: Good job. I think you have good performance ability. Let‘s go into the next test. 4. T: To be an actor, you should have good expression ability. Try to retell the story according. 小组讨论,试着复述该故事,看谁说得完整。 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 出示招聘演员条件: 1. 表演力测试关。 2. 表达力测试关。 3. 记忆力测试关。 4. 有一定的特长。 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3. Learn the vocabulary 1. Test 2 -- Good memory. T: To be an actor, you should have a good memory. Look, here is a picture. Look carefully. You have 15 seconds to remember what you can see? Are you ready? Go! (15秒的倒计时,记住图中的事物,越多越好!) 2. T: What can you see in the picture?S: I can see a … T: How many … can you see? What colour is it? Where is it? S: I can see … Check the answer. (热区出现学生所说的东西:boat, flower, tree, river, hill, lake, 补充:bridge, bench, fountain等) 3. T: Now, we know what‘s in the park? They are … (指图学生齐说词) T: But how to spell them? Look! How to remember them? Let‘s discuss in groups. (小组讨论记忆每个词的方法,教师可以举例,如river-over) T: 请同学来说说记忆的方法。 4. T: Can you remember these words? Let‘s play a game, Quick response. 课件快速闪现新学的单词或图片,学生要很快说出。 5. T: Good job. I think you have good memory. Let‘s go into the next test. Mike and Tim are in the . They can see , and a on the . Tim can draw very well, it‘s easy. But he can‘t draw , it‘s . 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 Step 4. Fun time -Do a survey. 1. T: Look!There are four characters in this play. You can choose one, but you should have the same speciality with the character. T: I can make a cake, but I can‘t play football. So I think I can act Role 3. T: Take out our Cindy. Which one can you act? survey table. Let‘s 2. T: Can you draw? S1: No, I can‘t. do a survey in T: What can you do?S1: I can play basketball. groups. T: S1 can play basketball, so he can act Role Ben. 要求:1. 同桌4. Report. T: So in your group, who can act Role Amy? Can he draw? 先互相问并完成。 请学生根据表格的内容来汇报。 2. 告诉组内其他Step 5. Writing and Act 同学同桌会做的1. T: I think we all have the right role to act. Now let‘s act the short play in 事情,请他们完成groups. The title is: Let‘s be friends. 请同学一次读一读,小组讨论将每幅表格。 图中的句子补充完整。 2. T: Act in groups. 四人一组上台表演时,其他同学一起说旁白。 Step 6. Summary 1. T: Today, we go to the Dream Theatre. Do you like the park? 引导学生用I can …总结今天的学习。S: I can say/ read/ act/ … 2. We can act a short play, we can be a good actor. And we can also be a good writer, too. 教学反思 学生学情分析本节课的教学对象是本校四(2)班的学生。在学习本课之前,学生在四年级上学期第四单元中已经学习了关于can的用法,会用“I can?”表达自己会做的事。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 15 课时 课题 Unit4 Drawing in the park (Cartoon time & Rhyme time) 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat (课前就可以播放继续让学生熟悉) 2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park and the theatre. Today, we will go to another interesting place – Amusement park. Let‘s go. 课件出示图片 3. T: If you can get stars when you‘re playing. Let‘s see which team can get more stars. (学生分成两组) Ready? Go! Step 2. Review the vocabulary 1. T: Look! It‘s a Fun house. We can play games in it. Let‘s play Finding Differences first. T: You should find the three differences in these two pictures. 大家来找茬游戏 课件出示规则:两图中有三处不同,十秒中之内必须找到并说出,才能获胜! 一共两组图片。复习词汇:hill, tree, river, lake, flowers, boat. 2. T: Let‘s play another game. Riddles: Things in the park 每组选择一个序号,如果猜对并准确拼出则可以得到相应的星数。 3. T: 得星,评价。 1. 复习上节课所学的关于公园物品的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。 2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。 3. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 4. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。 1. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 2. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 课件出示规则:两图中有三处不同,十秒中之内必须找到并说出,才能获胜! 一共两组图片。复习词汇:hill, tree, river, lake, flowers, boat. 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3. Review the sentences. 1. T: Let‘s go to the music bus. Listen! T: Which picture is the song about? (从四个图中来选一个:操场、公园、教室、厨房) 2. Sing with the recording. 3. T: Can you make a new song like this? Choose one, discuss and sing in groups. 3. 一组唱,其他组猜是哪个场景。猜对双方都加星。 Step 4. Cartoon time 1. T: Look! There is a big box. Sam, Bobby are looking at it. In fact, we call this big box:Peep show. 简单介绍西洋镜的一些知识。 (出示图4) Look, is Bobby happy? No, Bobby is frightened. Why? What‘s in this box? Let‘s guess. 学生猜的同时,老师说:Try again. Let‘s watch the cartoon and check. 2. T: What‘s in it? S: A boat, a tiger. 3. (出示图4) 指导阅读,It‘s a tiger! T: If you are Sam, What will you say? 4. Listen and repeat. 5. Try to read together emotionally. 6. Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs, you can add some new sentences. 根据表演情况,评价给星。 Step 5. Rewrite a new story 1. T: Sam is naughty, but bobby is naughty, too. He wants to make a joke with Sam too. Look! 课件出图:Bobby告诉Sam他在盒子里看见了鱼。Sam最喜欢鱼了,一听口水都要下来了,结果一看,是一条鲨鱼,吓了一大跳! 2. 你还有其他的创意吗?也可以编一编。 Tips:模仿书上的故事,小组内续编新故事,并把它演出来。 3. 根据表演情况,评价给星。 Step 6. Summary and Evaluate 1. Today, we are playing in the amusement park. How do you feel now? From the learning of this lesson, what can you do now? 引导学生用I can …总结今天的学习。S: I can say/ read/ chant/ … 布置作业: 1. 将你在音乐巴士上编的歌曲写下来,唱一唱。 2. 小组合作,将改编的新故事,配上图片和文字,并表演出来。 T: Look! There is a big box. Sam, Bobby are looking at it. In fact, we call this big box:Peep show. 简单介绍西洋镜的一些知识。 (出示图4) Look, is Bobby happy? No, Bobby is frightened. Why? What‘s in this box? Let‘s guess. 学生猜的同时,老师说:Try again. Let‘s watch the cartoon and check. 课件出图:Bobby告诉Sam他在盒子里看见了鱼。Sam最喜欢鱼了,一听口水都要下来了,结果一看,是一条鲨鱼,吓了一大跳! 1. 将你在音乐巴士上编的歌曲写下来,唱一唱。 2. 小组合作,将改编的新故事,配上图片和文字,并表演出来。 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思 在上一个单元的cartoon time中学生们已经初步感知了句型“What can you see??”及其回答“I can see?”。学生已经掌握了一定量有关的词汇和句型,并能运用这些词汇进行日常交际对话。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 16 课时 课题 学习目标 重点难点 Unit4 Drawing in the park (Sound time, Song time, Checkout time &Ticking time) 1. 能够熟练说出有关公园类的物品词。 2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。 3. 能够掌握元音字母e在单词中的读音。 4. 能够完成故事A new friend的阅读。s 5. 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。 1. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。 2. 学生能够掌握元音字母e在单词中的读音。 3. 能够完成故事A new friend的阅读。 1. 学生能够掌握元音字母e在开音节和闭音节单词中的不同发音。 2. 学生能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat (课前就可以播放继续让学生熟悉) 2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park, the theatre and the Amusement park. Today, we will go to another interesting place –Zoo. Let‘s go. Step 2. Revision T: In the zoo, what can you see? Let‘s play a game. Non-stop talking. 要求:10秒内小组轮流说:两个关键词:Animals in the zoo, the other things in the zoo. S: I can see… Step 3. Checkout time and song time 1. (和手偶互动) T: Look, this is a picture of a zoo. How beautiful! What can you see in this picture? K: I can see… T: Can you …? How many …can you see? K: Yes, I can. … T: Look at … K: How beautiful! ... 2. 结合所给句型,谈论图片。Pair work. 教师用手偶Ken给出评价:Good job! Well done! … 3. T: The picture is beautiful, but there is no animals. Let‘s draw some animals on the grass, in the river, in the sky or … 让学生拿出笔在图中添画一些动物. 4. 教师在树上画一只猴子。 What can you see in the tree now? S: I can see a monkey. T: Yes, and I can sing a song. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 Listen to the song: What can you see? 5. T: Can you sing the song? Let‘s try together. 6. T: Can you make a new song according to your picture? Let‘s try. 小组内编唱歌曲。一人根据自己的图片问,其他三人回答。 教师用手偶Ken给出评价:Good job! Well done! … 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 4. Reading time 1. T: Animals are very clever. They can do a lot of things. Let‘s enjoy some pictures. 课件出示一些动物做某事的图片。边欣赏,教师边带着学生说说: … can … 最后一图:They can help the others. 2. T: Now we‘ll read a interesting story. The animals in it can also help each other. Let‘s enjoy it. 出示图片,老师说,学生听。Who is the new friend? 3. Read and match. 组内读故事,将图片和文字匹配。 逐图呈现,校对答案。 教师用手偶Ken给出评价:Good job! Well done! … Step 5. Sound time 1. T: Ken, do you like the zoo? T: Oh, what‘s the time? (看表) Oh, Ken, it‘s ten to ten, go to bed before ten. K: OK. See you. 2 T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter ?e‘, what does ?e‘ pronounced as? S: /e/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. (根据Tips: P58的要求) S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence. 5. T: Last unit, we have learnt another pronunciation of ?e‘, what is it? /i:/ T: What‘s the difference between them? When is it pronounced as ?/e/‘, when is it pronounced as ?/i:/?‘ 出示:me, he, she, these bed, pen, red, ten, T: 教师讲解:开音节中,发/i:/, 重读闭音节中,发/e/。 6. Enjoy a song. E的发音 Step 6. Summary & Evaluation 1. T: What can we learn from this lesson? S: I can … 2. T: Good, we can do so many things. T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together? 作业设计: 1. 听录音,跟读复习Unit4的内容,模仿语音语调; 2. 寻找更多字母e发音为/e/的单词,记在书上; 3. 根据图片,把今天在课堂中学到的故事说给爸爸妈妈听。 4. Read and answer. Q. Who can see the Kitten on the top? Cow? Pig? Dog? Bird? Why? 5. Read the story in five. 4. T: Can you read these syllables? en, et, eg, es el T: Can you read these words? hen, wet, leg, nest, belt. (在读同时出图释意) 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思 本课的重点是语篇教学,需帮助他们感知交流看到的事物及会做的事的表达方式,并在练习与交流中自主掌握、接受语篇内容,并能运用一定的方法进行自主阅读、解题。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 17 课时

课题 Project 1 My school life ( Revies1~2 Project 2 A, 2) 3)) 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习1~2单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~2学习单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“subjects ”“timetable”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,目标 提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~2单元词句进行交流。 完成Project1 中的“My school subjects”和“My timetable”,并能运用所学重点词句进行话题交流。 通过复习,让学生能够运用所学词句进行话题交流,做到语言运用准确合理。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Warming up and revision 1. Greetings 2. Show the two topics of this lesson ”My subjects” “My timetable” 3. Brain storm T: When you see the two topics , that words can you think of ? Let’s play a game “Brain storm”. Ss: Playing the game in groups. Subjects: Chinese , Maths, English, PE, Art, Science’, Music. 拓展: Social Science Weeks: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday, Saturday 4. Competition Can you have a words spelling competition in groups: Rules: 组与组之间进行单词拼读大赛,两个组进行PK, 一个同学说单词的前3个字母,另一组的同学如果能正确拼出这个单词,获胜。 Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 Show the reading material: Dear ?, Hello, Mandy. This term , I have six subjects. They are, Maths, PE, Science, Social Science, Art, Music. I like Art and Science,. I go to school From Monday to Friday, This is my timetable. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 T: You can spell the word of subjects and weeks very well.. Today I’ve received an e-mail from my English friend “Roy”, It’s about weeks and subjects. Can you read it for me? Can you show me your time table this 讨论term? Yours , Roy 与 Ss: Read the e-mail in 交流groups 展示 3. Write an e-mail to Roy 1) How many 1) T; The e-mail should include : Your English time table. subjects do Your school subjects and the subjects you like. you have? 2) Finish the form and the timetable on page 2) What 3) Exchange the information in groups subject do you 质疑If you want to know what ‘s your partner’s e-mail about. like? What questions you can ask? Talk in groups 3) What lessons do you 拓展 学生可能会问到以下问题 4. Talk about the e-mail with your partner have on ?? ?ect Step3 Consolidation 检测Finish the e-mail with the sentences of Unit1~2 Step4 Homework 与 1. 熟背Unit1~2 2. 默写1~2单元四会词句 小结 3. 根据自己的课程表介绍本学期课程和自己喜欢的科目 小组Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Science Art Music PE Maths Maths Music PE Music Art Music PE Maths Art PE PE Social Science Maths Science Social Science Social Science Music Science Science Science 课堂教学是培养学生创新精神及实践能力的主阵地。英语教学作为一门语言的教学反思 教学,其主要是培养学生的言语技能,本设计能根据语言学习规律和学生实际情况来设计教学过程,从学生的兴趣和需要出发,创设了多种教学情景,引导学生通过体验——实践——参与——合作——交流等教学方式,为每一个学生提供参与教学全过程的机会。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 18 课时 课题 Project 1 My school life (Revies1~3 Project 2 A, 1) 2) 3)) 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习1~3单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~3学习单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“subjects ”“timetable” “My day”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话目标 题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~3单元词句进行交流。 重点完成Project1 中的“My day”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 1. 复习时间表达法 难点 2. 让学生能整合三个话题,综合运用所学词句进行话题交流。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. Show time 1) Sing or say a rhyme in groups Days of the weeks Subjects When do you get up? Ss: Choose a song or rhyme, sing or chant in groups, then have a performance 2. Read the e-mail. 1) Read the passage in pairs 2) According to the passage, try to ask and answer in pairs. You may ask these questions: a. How many subjects do you have? b What subject do you like? c. What lessons do you have on ?? d. Do you like?? e. Do you have?on ?? Step2 Presentation and practice 1) Review Unit3 T: In last e-mail from Roy, he talked about “timetable” and subjects. I’ve got a new letter from him, Look , what is he talking about? Show the form of P30 My day 2) try to guess something of the form 让学生根据书上所给表格,猜一猜表格内容. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 a. How many subjects do you have? b What subject do you like? c. What lessons do you have on ?? d. Do you like?? e. Do you have?on ?? 3) If you want to know Roy’s day, try to ask some questions. Listing some phrases we can use Review the sentences : When do you?? I ?at? 3) Can you act Roy , talk about your day in pairs 4) T: Do you want to know the real Roy’s day? 小组Show the e-mail. Dear ?, 讨论Hello, Mandy. It’s Friday today, I get up at 7:00 AM in the morning and have breakfast at 7:30 AM. At twenty to 与 eight I go to school. In the morning, I have three lessons. They are I have five lessons Maths , Art , PE. I like PE 交流best. I can play football and run with my friends. I have lunch at 12:00 PM . In the afternoon I only have two lessons. 展示 They are Science and Music. At about 4:40 P.M., I go home. At 5:30 PM, I do my homework. After dinner, at 7:30 PM, I watch cartoon. At 9:00. PM, I go to bed. This is my day. Can you show me your day? Yours, Roy 5) Write an e-mail to Roy a. Finish the form b. How to write 质疑Step1 ) What day is it today? Step2 ). What lessons do you have today? 拓展 Step3 )When do you?? 帮助学生总结一下如何完成e-mail, 应该包含哪些方面的内容 Listing some phrases we can use Review the sentences : When do you?? I ?at? Step1 ) What day is it today? Step2 ). What lessons do you have today? Step3 )When do you?? 检测与 小结 Step3 Homework 1. 熟背Unit1~3 2. 默写1~3单元四会词句 3. 根据自己的作息时间表介绍自己的一天。 教学反思 本节课采用了小组合作学习,让他们互相取长补短,朝着小组共同目标互相鼓励、提醒、帮助共同携手前进,及小组竞赛方式,让他们发挥聪明才智与合作精神,努力完成好每项任务,然后再进行小组合作结果互评。学生反应很好,大部分学生都能积极参与到课堂活动中来。但是本节课时间安排上不够紧凑,前松后紧,有待改进。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 19 课时 课题 Project 1 My school life (Project1 B) 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~4学习单元的单词和句型。 2. 以”My school”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用目标 的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~4单元词句进行交流。 重点难点 完成Project1 中的“My school”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 让学生能整合四个单元的话题,综合运用所学词句谈论自己的学校省学校图. 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Warming up 1. Brain storm: Give the key words, say some words or phrases 1) time 2) week 3) subjects 4) park 5) school 2.Show some topics and talk about what sentence we can use in these topics. 1) My day 2) My timetable 3) The subject I like 4) In the park Ss: Listing some sentences , then choose a topic to talk about. 重点讨论第四单元 In the park Use the sentences : What can you see? Can you see?? Step3 Presentation and practice 课件出现:You’ve got a new e-mail. 1) 呈现E-mail 的标题: My school life 2) 让学生先预测可能会在Roy的e-mail中出现哪些内容,talk about it in pairs.可能会出现这些内容: What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school? 3) 呈现P31的e-mail内容 a. Read the passage on P31 b. 对照讨论的希望了解的Roy的学校生活,对照进行回答 c. 根据Roy的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school? 1) 完成学校的图 a. cut b. stick c. colour 2) 根据讨论的希望了解的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍。 讨论What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? 与 What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school? 交流3) Write a passage about your school 4) Read it in your group 展示 小组Step4 Consolidation 质疑Design a dreaming park. Give the students some useful phrases and sentence, then introduce it in your group. 拓展 What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school? 检测与 小结 Step5 Homework 1. 熟背Unit1~4 2. 默写1~4单元四会词句 3. 根据完成的学校图介绍自己的学校,写一篇小短文。 教学反思

1.完成补充习题,课课练的相应习题 2. 针对习题中学生的错误资源,查缺补漏,综合复习1~4单元所学内容。 3. 给予学生一定的学习方法和策略指导,帮助学生整合各单元内容,加强单元间各话题的逻辑梳理,增强语言运用的逻辑性和准确性。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 20 课时 课题 Unit 5 Seasons (Story time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具体活动) 3. 会介绍每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。 4. 有感情地朗读课文诗歌并表演。 有感情地朗读课文诗歌并表演。 会介绍四季的气候特征并表达在每个季节里通常做的事情。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Greetings and Free talk 1. Greetings 2. Free talk T: What day is it today? Is it hot today? Yes, it is hot.It‘s hot. I eat watermelons. What do you do on hot days? S1: I … S2: I … T: Good! It is hot, you eat ice creams, drink ice juice and swim… 3. 出示天冷的图片 T: Look, is it hot? S: No, it‘s cold. T: What do you do on cold days? S1: I … S2: I … T: It‘s cold, we can skate. We can make a snowman and …. Step 2 Show the goals of this unit --Introduction of the Science Channel Presenters T: Boys and girls, the Science Channel needs some little television presenters. Would you like to be the little presenters? 中文字幕:同学们,科普电台需要招聘一批节目主持人。你愿意成为我们的小小主持人吗? 自 学 预 习 小组讨论与 交流展示 T: This month's Science Life focuses on Seasons. (teach: seasons 根据读音规律拼读sea -son - seasons) 本月“科普与生活”的主题是Seasons,那么就请一同挑战一下本期的魔鬼培训班吧。 T: Can you go through the four stages. Our slogan is Go, go, let’s go! Ss: Go, go, let’s go! T: Let‘s go to stage one today. PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务 第一阶段:基本气象知识与基本语言素质 1. I know some words about Seasons 2. I can say a rhyme about Seasons fluently. 培训课程: 第一阶段:基本气象知识与基本语言素质 第二阶段:语言表达能力和手脑并用能力 第三阶段:创造能力 质疑拓展 Step 3 Enjoy a song I like four seasons T: How many seasons are there in a year? S: Four. T: What are they? Let‘s enjoy a song and try to remember. (Play the song) T: What seasons are they? Can you tell me now? Ss: Spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Learn the four words: spring 提醒孩子注意ing的音节,让学生依次拼读ring-pring-spring summer 比较but,cup,subject,归纳u/ ?/,自己试着拼读sum-summer autumn 强调au/ ?:/和/?/,并补充T: It‘s autumn and we can also say fall.They are the same meaning. winter 提醒孩子注意in的音节,让学生依次拼读win- winter Step 4 Say a rhyme T:I like spring. Which season do you like? S1,2,3: I like … T: All the seasons are beautiful, here‘s a rhyme about Seasons: 1. Listen to the teacher 初步感受chant的节奏 2. Try to say each sentence and learn some new words: warm 强调ar/?:/, 让学生自己完成单词的拼读 cool 比较too, food, zoo,自主拼读 make snowmen (主要是词义的解释)给出一个雪人图片配以单词snowman, 几个雪人图片配以单词snowmen,提醒孩子红色标注的读音不同。 Spring, spring, warm spring. Summer, summer, hot everywhere. Autumn, autumn, cool autumn. Winter, winter, make snowmen together. 检测与 小结 3. Chant in groups 教学反思 课始,我利用网络动画《Four Seasons》引出今天的课题,自然过渡到四季的单词教学。然后由Spring为例,分别引出warm, fly kites和go boating等。然后再依次导入其他三个季节的教学。美中不足的是,这些都是由我来提问,由学生回答的,没有设计对话让学生来问答。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 21 课时 课题 Unit 5 Seasons (Vocabulary & Fun time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句子:We like spring/summer/autumn/winter. In …, it is warm/cool/hot/cold. We … (具体活动) 3. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。 4. 仿照书上Fun time 完成“我最喜欢的季节”的英文明信片制作。 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool, cold. 自由地表达每个季节的气候特征和在每个季节里通常做的事情。 仿照书上Fun time 完成“我最喜欢的季节”的英文明信片制作。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Review the story 1. Sing a song: I like four seasons 2. Recite and act the poem of story time with music (上节课没来得及展示的小组进行配乐诗朗诵) Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson Science Channel Presenters T: Boys and girls, I think you all past the first challenge. Let‘s go to the next stage-- 第二阶段:语言表达能力和手脑并用能力 T: Do you have confidence? Our slogan is ---- Ss: Go, go, let‘s go! PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务 Task One语言表达能力I can talk about the four seasons Task Two手脑并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons. Step 3 Task One -- I can talk about the four seasons 1.Read and guess (1)It is warm. We fly kites and have picnics. (2)It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming. (3)It is cold. We make snowmen and go skating. T: Can you guess this season? S: It‘s winter. T: Yes. (给出不完全单词_ in _ er ) 自 学 预 习 (4)It is cool. We eat fruit and go climbing. 此环节进行过程中完成板书 小组讨论与 交流展示 2. Brain storm T: Different seasons have different weather, colours, and we do different activities, eat different food and fruits, dress up in different clothes. Let‘s have a brain storm. Please think about all the related vocabularies, the more, the better. S: Discuss 在学生反馈过程中完成板书如下(当学生说到hot,cold, warm, cool这四个词,要求他们拼写,其他可根据实际情况适时调整) Step 4 Task Two -- I can make a postcard about seasons. PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务 Task One语言表达能力I can talk about the four seasons Task Two手脑并用能力I can make a postcard about seasons. 1. T: Look at this postcard. Is it nice? (呈现书上做好的postcard) Ss: Yes, how nice! T: It‘s Tommy‘s card. Let‘s listen to him. 2. T: Which season do you like? T: Can you introduce your favourite season like Tommy? Tips: Can you introduce(介绍) your favourite(最喜欢的) season? 给出提示语句: It is … It is … I … I … Too. I like … Tips: Check these sentences Step 5 Summary PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务 T: Have you finished your postcard? It‘s your Show Time T: The season is S: autumn. T: Great. (给出不完全单词_ u _ um _ ) How to spell? S1: … T: And we can also call it fall. Ss: Fall. Tips: 四人小组根据本组季节主题,说一说与此季节相关的词汇(包括weather气候, colours, activities活动, food, fruits, clothes等等) (播放书上Tommy介绍的音频) Which season does Tommy like? (如果学生听不明白does,教师可提示Spring? Winter?) Ss: winter 3. Talk in groups. Invite four Ss to show. 4. Make a postcard 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思 在进入文本教学后,我布置了各项任务,帮助学生明确学习目标。首先是Read and choose,让学生自读课文,找出各个季节相关的活动,并用一句话来描述一个季节。然后是Listen and imitate,请学生用心听录音并模仿,而且及时用红笔在书上作朗读标记。其次是Poem Recital Party,将学生分成四人一组表演课文。各项任务清晰明确,学生完成也得心应手。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 22 课时 课题 Unit 5 Seasons (Cartoon time & Song time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 学生能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容 2. 学生能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续写故事 3. 学生能够有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day 4. 学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。 1. 学生能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容 2. 学生能够有感情地演唱歌曲A sunny day,学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。 3. 学生能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续写故事 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Show your postcard, introduce and choose excellent postcards. (让上节课没完成postcard制作和介绍的同学展示) T: Your postcards are excellent, whose card are the most beautifully? Who can introduce the season with emotion? Ss: … Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson -- the Science Channel Presenters T: Boys and girls, I‘m happy that you come to the last challenge. PPT呈现本节课培训目标与任务 招聘富有创造力的小小科普主持人 I can create a new song I can create a new story and act it. T: Our slogan is … Ss: Go, go, let‘s go! Step 3 Song time 1. Show the picture of Song time, talk about the picture, learn the new words T: Look at the picture. What can they do? S: They can fly kites. T: Yes, they fly kites, because it‘s a sunny day. Learn: (sun 与son同音,图片释义—sunny - sunny day T: It‘s a funny rhyme and it‘s also a nice song, can you sing? Try to sing, please. 1) Listen and learn to sing by yourselves 2) Sing the song together 4. Creat a new song or rhyme T: We fly kites on a sunny day. What about hot day? Cold day? I have a nice rhyme, let me show you 自 学 预 习 2. Say a rhyme A sunny day It’s a sunny day. It’s a sunny day. Gu-li, gu- li. Let’s fly kites. Let’s fly kites. Gu-li, gu-li, on a sunny day. 1) Listen and chant 2) Chant in groups 3) Chant together 3. Sing the song 小组讨论与 交流展示 给出一些诗歌/歌曲题目供学生选择 A hot day, A cold day, A cool day, A warm day 评价第一项任务:歌曲创造的完成情况(屏幕出示笑脸和掌声,学生自己贴上过关贴画) T: Great! We can create a new song. Let‘s go on to the story. Step 4 Cartoon time 1. Show the picture of a bag with a fish T: Look! What‘ s this? S: It‘s a green bag. T: Today our story is about the bag. Whose bag is it? Learn: Whose (给出单词who, Chinese) 2. Watch the cartoon and get the answer T: Whose bag is this? S: It‘s dog‘s. 3. Show the picture of another bag with a fish T: Look at that bag in dog‘s hand. Whose bag is that? (Read the story) S: it‘s Sam‘s bag. T: How do you know? S: She has my bag! (Learn: has) 4. Dicuss: What do you think of Sam and the dog? S:(中文回答也可以)粗心,迷糊 出示最后一幅图,It’s my bag! She has my bag! T: How to read the two sentences? Discuss in two. S: (学生讨论揣摩语气并朗读) 5. Pracitse reading in pairs. 6. T: It‘s lucky they find their own bag at last. What will the story continues? Sam和little dog 归还彼此的包时会说什么呢?(让学生大胆想象,随便谈一谈 7. Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs Step 5 Create a new story 1. T: Sam is careless. But Bobby is careful. Look! 课件出图:Bobby和爸爸去坐在去park的bus上,捡到一个robot,在辛苦询问了Miss Panda, Mr Tiger之后,最终找到了失主Miss Bird… 2. 你还有其他的创意吗?也可以编一编。 Tips:模仿书上的故事,小组内改编新故事,并把它演出来。 3. 根据表演情况,评价给星。 Step 6 Summary A hot day It’s a hot day. It’s a hot day. Gu-li, gu- li. Let’s go swimming. Let’s go swimming Gu-li, gu-li, on a hot day. T: is it funny? It‘s your turn.. Choose a title and creat a new song or rhyme? Go, go, let‘s go! 质疑拓展 eg: I‘m sorry. Here your are. Your bag is nice. It‘s a fish on your bag. Our bags are green…) T: Boys and girls, I‘m very glad you have successfully passed all the challenges. 检测与 小结 评价:颁发科普主持人聘书 教学反思

在课文表演这一环节之后,我设计了写一写你最爱的季节的小诗这一环节,不仅可以帮助学生巩固新授的单词和句型,还可以抒发学生的情感。欠缺的是,学生的诗歌都是模仿文本来写,各个季节所做的活动也是和书上一模一样,比较单调。在学生预习和课上掌握情况良好的基础上,我应该多补充一些内容,比如冬天,除了堆雪人和溜冰以外,还可以补充go skiing, have snowball fights等等,扩展学生的知识面。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 23 课时

课题 Unit 5 Seasons (Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 能够熟练说出本单元有关季节的词汇。 2. 能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。 3. 能体会字母i的发音/ai/. 4. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。 能综合运用本单元学到的句型谈论四季。能体会字母i的发音/ai/. 学生能够掌握元音字母i在开音节中的发音。 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. T: Science Life is broadcasting. The title of it focuses on Seasons. Little presenters, are you ready? S: Yes, go, go, let‘s go! 屏幕显示:Science Life节目开播了,小主持人,你们准备好了吗?我们会在每个节目结束后进行评分,得到★最多的即将当选我们的“金话筒”奖! Step 2 Sing a song / Say a rhyme T: Well done, boys and girls. You have got so many vocabularies about seasons. I think you like all the seasons very much. And it‘s time to show your songs or rhymes about different seasons. Step 3 Play a game No NG in Thirty Seconds三十秒不NG Tips: 四人小组三十秒内说出有关季节的单词或词组,尽可能多,不要重复 评分规则:五个以下 ★ 五至七个 ★★ 八个以上 ★★★ Step 4 Talk show 1. 出示checkout time 所有图片 T: Boys and girls, let‘s have a talk show of seasons. But I‘m sorry these pictures are in a mess. Can you match relative ones in one minute? Ss: (Match) Feedback 自 学 预 习 S: A hot day It’s a hot day. It’s a hot day. Gu-li, gu- li. Let’s go swimming. Let’s go swimming Gu-li, gu-li, on a hot day. 评分规则: 能欢快演唱书上歌曲A sunny day ★ 能演唱或朗诵自创歌曲或小诗 ★★ 能加上表情和动作演唱或朗诵自创歌曲或小诗 ★★★ 小组讨论与 交流展示 2. OK, it‘s your show time. You can begin your talk show like It’s spring. It’s .. In spring, I … You can prepare in four. Tips: 四人小组,每人选择一个季节并根据图片提示来说一说。 Step 5 Have a rest - tongue twister T: Your talk show is excellent. I want to have a try too. Listen! T: I like spring. It‘s nice. I like to fly a kite. PPT显示句子I like spring. It‘s nice. I like to fly a kite. 红色标注字母i T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter ?i‘, what does ?i‘ pronounced as? S: /ai/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence. 4. T: Can you read these syllables? Chi, ki, li, ti, whi, mi T: Can you read these words? Chinese, kite, like, time, white. (在读同时出图释意) Tips:小组内比赛绕口令,选出口齿最伶俐的和别组PK一下吧! 6. 小结并给出评分标准 I know the sound of letter ―i‖, 我正确朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令 ★ I know the sound of letter ―i‖, 我流利朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令★★ I know the sound of letter ―i‖, 我正确大声快速朗读含有字母i的单词组成的绕口令★★★ Step 6 Summary T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together? Who can get the Golden Mike Award? T: Well done! Congratulations! Group…., it‘s your present today. 评分规则: 四位主持人分工明确,基本完成对介绍内容 ★ 四位主持人配合默契,介绍中基本无口语错误★★ 四位主持人配合默契,遣词造句无误,声情并茂地展开介绍★★★ 5. Say the tongue twister Tom, Mary and Mike. All like the kite. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 最后一个版块都是Ticking time,帮助学生自评。在课堂教学中,我们教师也应该注意对学生每一次的评价运用。评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信。每当学生得到老师由衷的赞美和同学的啧啧称赞都会迸发更多的学习热情。在课堂中,我更多地关注后进生和内向的学生,尽可能地给他们创造语言运用的机会,也尽可能地给予他们鼓励和掌声。 教学反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 24 课时 课题 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?(Story time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. 2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It‘s / They‘re my father‘s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。 3. 能正确理解课文内容。 4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. 2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It‘s / They‘re my father‘s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。 3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容。能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 师课前安排男女生各一名和教师一起盛装打扮进入教室。 T: Hello! Boys and girls!Ss: Hello! (兴奋) T: We dress up in beautiful clothes today. T: Look at my sweater. S1, 2, 3: It‘s… T: It‘s my mother‘s. Boy: Look at my cap. S4, 5, 6: It‘s … Boy: It‘s my father‘s. Girl: Look at my skirt. S7, 8, 9: It‘s … Girl: It‘s my sister‘s. T: Do you like our clothes today? Ss: Yes. How nice! It‘s great. T: We are going to a Fancy Dress Party Learn: Fancy Dress Party 齐读若干遍理解意思即可 T: Would you like to go to the Fancy Dress Party? Ss: Sure. T: Let‘s go to the shop to buy some clothes first. Step 2 Lead in – Sing a song The clothes shop 1. T: Here we are. 课件出示服装店图和音乐 Ss: OK. (Sing a song The clothes shop四上歌曲) Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks. They’re very cheap and they are very good. You can try them on. You can buy them all. Ha! Ha! 2. T: What clothes are in the shop? S: Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks. T: What other clothes in the shop? S: (简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词) T: Let‘s go and see. PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开: dress gloves trousers 补充与调整 1. 单词配以夸张的服饰图片学习 (1) gloves 根据拼读规律学习love-glove-gloves-a pair of gloves T: What are these? S: They‘re gloves. T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说) They‘re … Ss: Big. (2) trousers 按音节拼读tr – ou –sers ,强调ou/a?/的读音,a pair of trousers. T: What are those? S: They‘re trousers. T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说)The trousers are .. S: Long. 自 学 预 习 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Presentation (3) dress (在之前的Fancy Dress Party中已接触,这里强调它的两种不同含义)连衣裙;打扮/装扮 T: What is it? S: It‘ s a dress. T: The dress is …(通过动作和图片引导学生说) S: Short 2. Chant T: These clothes are fun. Let‘s chant about it. Listen to me, first. (节奏声) Learn: too太… 强调读音try this on 和try these on S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant. 课件显示:图片T-shirt-small, gloves-big Step 4 Enjoy the story 1. T: Good, some children are going to the Fancy Dress Party, too. Who are they? (出示图4) S: They‘re Yang Ling, Mike, Su Yang and Su Hai. 2. Listen and tick. T: They dress up in funny clothes at the party. What clothes are they talking about? Let‘s listen and tick. (出示图片选项:trousers, shoes, T-shirts, gloves, dress, socks, jacket, cap) Tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。 Ss: Listen and tick. Check Please find relative sentences and underline. Tips: 请把谈论gloves和dress主人的语句勾划出来。 3. Listen and repeat. 引导学生有感情地朗读:They’re so big. It’s so beautiful. 4. Read in groups of four T: You read very well. Let‘s read in four. (小组内按照一至四号的顺序朗读) 5. Read the story together Step 6 Consolidation Make a new dialogue. T: Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Tim are at the Fancy Dress party, too. Look! They dress up in funny clothes. What are they talking? Let‘s make a new dialogue according to the story time. Chant: Dress, dress, my dress is too short. Try on, try on, you can try this on. Trousers, trousers, your trousers are too long. Try on, try on, you can try these on. Ha! Ha! 2. Detail reading and underline T: Well done! You are read carefully. (屏幕将刚刚match图中Su Yang戴手套图和Helen穿裙子图放大) 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 Step 5 Act the story ★Read fluently 流利的朗读 ★★Read fluently and beautifully 流利、有感情地朗读 ★★★Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演 本节课的教学目标放在课的开始,让学生有一个了解,然后以ticking time的形式将目标分解,在每个部分学生达到目标之后都进行评价。我本来是觉得这样教学学生可以对自己已经掌握的内容比较清晰,知道本节课学习到了什么。不过听了徐老师的点评之后,发现这样做不进破坏了评价的整体性,而且也在教学流程中反思 显得比较突兀,不够衔接。今后在对ticking time的设计还要针对不同的课型,符合学生的认知发展规律,让评价真正落到实处。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 25 课时 课题 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?(Vocabulary & Fun time) 学习目标 重点难点 1.. 能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts. 2. 能用句型Whose … is this/that? It‘s …‘s. Whose … are these/those? They‘re …‘s.谈论物品的所属。 3. 能演唱课外歌曲I am a cowboy. 4. 小组内合作完成Fancy Clothes设计宣传海报 1. 能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts. 2. 能用句型Whose … is this/that? It‘s …‘s. Whose … are these/those? They‘re …‘s.谈论物品的所属。 3.小组内合作完成Fancy Clothes设计宣传海报。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Review the story 1.Greetings 2.Dub for the story(集体完成) Step 2 Show the goals of this lesson T: Helen, Mike, Su Hai and Su Yang are at the Fancy Dress Party. Would you like to go to the party? Ss: Sure. T: If you want to go to the party, you try to sing lovely song of the party. You should have some fancy clothes and show your clothes through the group‘s poster. Can you? 课件呈现Tips: 如果你想参加我们的Fancy Dress Party,你必须: 1.学会唱party上的song; 2.have a fancy clothe,并且通过海报宣传把小组内的服装设计图展示给大伙看。 歌曲和服装设计在得到大伙的一致认可后便可跟我们一同前往Fancy Dress party! Step 3 Task One: Sing a song I am a cowboy (歌曲下载网址http://v.pps.tv/play_377T9K.html) 1. Enjoy the song T: I would like to go to the party, too. And I want to dress up as a cowboy. 图片cowboy,学生自己通过旧知cow和boy,理解学习cowboy. T: The name of the song a I’m a cowboy. Are you ready for the song? Ss: Ready. T: Good! While you enjoy the song, please try to remember the clothes of the cowboy, the more, the better. Ss: Enjoy the song. 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 歌词: Look at my new shirt, shirt, shirt. Look at my new jeans, jeans, jeans. Look at my new hat, hat, hat. I am a cowboy. Look! Look at my new sweater, sweater, sweater. Look at my new jacket, jacket, jacket. Look at my new boots, boots, boots. I am a cowboy. Look! 小组讨论与 交流展示 2. Check and learn the new words: shirt, jeans, sweater,hat, boots (1)shirt 和T-shirt比较,重点通过图片展示词义; (2)jeans 通过和eat tea归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读jeans,并强调jeans和trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。 (3)sweater 通过和bread, breakfast, ready归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读sweater (4)hat和cat, mat 放在一起归纳自主拼读 (5)boots和too,zoo,room放在一起归纳自主拼读 T: What other clothes words do you know? S: 列举若干词 T: Can you read these two words: coat, shorts (6)coat 和boat比较,自读 (7)shorts 学生自己通过旧知short,容易掌握发音,强调shorts 和jeans, trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。 3. Listen and repeat all the words after the tape 4. Chant the song 以chant的形式诵读歌词 5. Sing the song together Step 4 Fun time: Guess and say T: Let‘s play another game: Guess and say. 1. 游戏准备: 3. Make an example (T, S1, S2, S3) T: Whose sweater is this? Guess! S1: Is it S4‘s? T: No. You‘re wrong. S1: Is it S5‘s? T: Yes. You‘re right. 猜出主人之后,由S1问S2, 接着由S2问S3,依次进行游戏。 4. Play the game in groups. 让我们比一比哪组得★最多,你们将得到最多的装饰sticker。 Step5 Task Two: Make a poster Our Fancy Clothes 1. T: Let‘s go on to the second challenge. Make our posters. How to make the animal poster? (展示若干成品图) Here are three steps: One:小组内四名同学各自为自己的图片配上英语文字说明: Two:写好后,将四张图片贴在一起,贴出漂亮的图案。 Three:不要忘记在醒目的地方配上我们的主题:Our Fancy Clothes 2. Introduce your poster Tips:介绍获得台下半数以上支持的小组即通过party入场资格。 6. T: (评价) Well done, boys and girls. You can sing the song of the Fancy Dress Party. You pass the first challenge. Congratulations! Here are your gifts—Two games for you. 7. Game : Puzzle 拼图游戏: 用英语告诉老师散乱的拼图是什么服饰。 2. Ss watch the cartoon, see how to play. Rules: 四人小组拆开信封,轮流展开问答 5.Summary (组织学生将图片放回信封归还给主人) S1,2, 3,4: Hello! / Good morning, boys and girls. Look at our fancy clothes! Step 6 Goodbye T: Let‘s meet at the Fancy Dress Party next class. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 本节课拓展部分的重点我把握得不是很到位。我本来是想将化妆舞会与购买服装联系起来,在用到描述衣服句子的同时可以复习买东西的用于,让学生学以教学致用。但是,这样简单的拓展是不够的,本单元的重点句型应该是Whose…is this?It‘s…‘s以及它的复数形式。我忽视了这一句型的操练,没有在拓展活动中体反思 现出来,是不恰当的。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 26课时 课题 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?(Rhyme time & Cartoon time) 学习目标 重点难点 1. 复习上节课所学的关于服饰的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。 2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。 3. 能够有感情地诵读歌谣Whose cake is this? 并能模仿改编新的歌谣。 4. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 5. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。 1. 能够有感情地诵读歌谣Whose cake is this? 2. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。 3. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1. Warming up & Free talk 1. Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls. You dress up in fancy clothes today. Hey, S1. Whose shirt is it? S1: It‘s my father‘s. T: Hello, S2. Whose trousers are they? S2: They‘re my mother‘s. T: Talk about your fancy clothes in groups.(可以谈论上节课制作的海报,也可以就今天的装扮谈论) 2. T: Welcome to the Fancy Dress Party. Are you ready? Ss: Ready! Go!. Let‘s go. 3. T: Stand up, boys and girls. Let‘s sing and dance together. T&Ss Sing the song I am a cowboy. 4. T: We will have some games and acting at the party today. If you can get stars when you‘re playing. Let‘s see which team can get more stars. (学生分成两组) Enjoy your party, go! Step 2 Game time 1. Game: No NG in Thirty Seconds三十秒不NG 评分规则:大声说出单词并拼写正确 ★★★ 大声说出单词 ★★ 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 Tips: 四人小组三十秒内说出有关服饰类的单词,尽可能多,不要重复 评分规则:八个以上 ★★★ 五至七个 ★★ 五个以下 ★ 2. Good memory Tips: 大声说出屏幕上闪过的图片或单词并拼写出来。 小组讨论与 交流展示 Step 3 Rhyme time 1. T: There is some delicious food at the party. Can you guess what is it? S: … T: Look! S: It‘s a cake. T: Yes. It‘s a birthday cake. Whose cake is this? Listen to the rhyme and then tell us. 2. Listen to the rhyme and find the answer T: Whose cake is this? S: It‘s Chris‘s. T: There are some other nice snacks at the party, let‘s go and see. Try to make some new rhymes about them. 课件出示hamburger, pie, egg, milk, juice 等图 Tips:注意单复数哦! 提醒学生如果选物品为复数,最后小诗一句应为: Let’s eat them by the lake. 3. Rewrite a new rhyme Oh, … Oh, … Whose … It‘s/ They‘re … Let‘s eat it / them by the … 5. Let‘s say the rhyme sentence by sentence. 6. Say the rhyme together 7. Say the rhyme in groups 8. Rewrite a new rhyme 4. T: Come to the blackboard it‘s your Show time Step 4 Cartoon time 1.课件出示cartoon time第一幅图的大刺球 Learn: hedgehog 2. Read the story, Get the answer to the question: Can Bobby play with the hedgehog? How do you know? 3. 提醒孩子们注意图三 (1) What‘s the matter? 标注出学生学过的mat,自主拼读matter.然后给出句子意思:怎么了? (2) My hand hurts. 标注出and,学生自主拼读hand, hurts强调ur的读音。 Practice in pairs Step 5 Rewrite a new story 1.课件出图:大自然中有很多像刺猬一样会自我保护的动物。 2. (蝴蝶的图片放大) Tips:模仿书上的故事,小组内续编新故事,并把它演出来。 有帮助的语句:Is it a leaf? It is flying. 3. 根据表演情况,评价给星。 Step 6 Summary and Evaluate 3. Listen and repeat. Learn the new word: (1) move /mu:v/ Who can move? 让学生做动作理解意思 (2) I think so. 语境中理解意思It means I think it‘s a ball. 1. We are having a good time at the Fancy Dress Party. Are you happy? 2. 总结得星的情况。 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 要创设情境,并在情境中教授一些课文中的难点或重点,可以是难读的单词或句子。我创设了本节课老师要带领大家在班级举办fancy dress party,并出示实教学物:skirt,cap,T- shirt, socks,通过出示这些已学物品让学生能正确评价:It’s /They’re nice/so big/too long.通过以旧带新的方法,我接着再出示了story 反思 time中的出现的衣服实物:dress, trousers,此时除了引导学生评价,还要引导孩子问Whose...is this/are these?以及回答:It’s /They’re ...’s.。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 27 课时 课题 学习目标 重点难点 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?(Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time) 1. 能够熟练说出有关服饰类词。 2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。 3. 能够掌握元音字母i在单词中的读音。 4. 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。 5. 掌握‘s的表示物主关系的用法,并理解区分名词所有格同其他缩写形式的不同意义。 1. 能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。 2. 学生能够掌握元音字母i在单词中的读音。 3. 学生能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Show the goals of this lesson Step 2 Revision 1. T: Are you ready for the class? Let‘s sing a happy song I’m a cowboy. Ss: Sing a song 2. Make a words card of Clothes Tips: 四人小组在规定时间内,在各自Clothes单词卡上尽可能多写下你所知道的服饰单词。写对最多组获胜。 Ss make a words card of Clothes T: (check) Times up! Let‘s see how many words can you write? Ss: T: Good job! You can draw some funny pictures beside these words, then stick them at the English Corner. 评价(Ticking time 内容) (1)I can say and write the names of some clothes. Step 3 Checkout time 1. Have a chant: Whose puppy? T: Whose puppy / hat/ dress/ doll is this? S: It‘s …‘s. 2. Show the pictures of checkout time T: Look at these clothes. Whose clothes are they? Can you discuss and guess in pairs. Pair work. 3. Open your books and fill in the blanks. 4. Invite Ss to write on the blackboard. Check and remind Ss: Don‘t forger ‘s 5. Summary: Note the ‘s 注意‘s的用法 1. 词组中is或us的缩写 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 (Ticking time 内容) (1)I can say and write the names of some clothes. (2)I can use “whose” to ask questions. (3)I know the sound of the letter “i”. (2)I can use “whose” to ask questions. Step 4 Sound time 1. Say a rhyme: Whose cake is this? 2. 标注小诗中部分单词中的i Oh, Chris! Oh, Chris! Whose cake is this? It’s my cake. Let’s eat it by the lake. T: Look at these words. They all have the letter ?i‘, what does ?i‘ pronounced as? S: /i/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. S: Read one by one. 3. Read the words and sentence of sound time 4. T: Can you read these syllables? ig, it, il, T: Can you read these words? big, sit, hill (在读同时出图释意) 5. T: Last unit, we have learnt another pronunciation of ?i‘, what is it? /ai/ T: What‘s the difference between them? When is it pronounced as ?/ai/‘, when is it pronounced as ?/i/?‘ 出示:Chinese, kite, like, time, white English, fish, him, music, pig T: 教师讲解:开音节中发/ai/,重读闭音节中发/i/。 5. Enjoy a song. i的发音 Step 5 Summary & Evaluation 1. T: What can we learn from this lesson? S: I can … 2. T: Good, we can do so many things. T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together? (1) She‘s = She is; He‘s = He is; It‘s = It is; What‘s = What is; Who‘s = Who is; Where‘s = Where is; How‘s = How is. (2) Let‘s = Let us 2. 在人名后加’s可以表示所属关系,如本单元中出现的 评价:(Ticking time 内容) 小组讨论与 交流展示 评价:(Ticking time 内容) (3)I know the sound of the letter “i”. 质疑拓展 检测与 小结 教学反思

课堂中我还有不少小的细节没有处理得当,例如课堂用于不够熟练和清晰,以至于部分学生不能快速理解我的意思,而我的示范做得也不到位,而这两点我都能从其他两位老师身上学习到很多。 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 28 课时 课题 Unit7 What’s the matter? (Story time) 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词ill, tired, water, happy, thirsty. 2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语What‘s the matter? I‘m... Come and have... 学习Good night. Can I have...? 3. 通过学习,学生能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 目标 4. 通过多种活动,激发学生的兴趣,使学生更加喜欢上英语课;并能在日常生活中学会经常关心、帮助他人,有一份爱心。 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词ill, tired, water, happy, thirsty. 重点2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语What‘s the matter? I‘m... Come and have... Good night. Can I have...? 难点 3. 通过学习,学生能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. T: What day is it today? What lessons do you have today? S1:It‘s ... We have .... T: Do you like PE. S: Yes, I do. T: OK. Please follow me. 3. Follow me. 组织学生做一个Follow me 的游戏。 Stand up—Run—Jump. Can you jump like this?(做高抬腿)多做几次,让学生累累。然后说:I‘m tired. What‘s the matter? Are you tired? 引导学生说:Yes, I am. I‘m tired. (师带读tired,开火车读) 4. T: Today we‘re going to learn Unit 7 What‘s the matter? 生齐读课题。 Step2 Presentation 1. Learn: hungry (1) T: Boys and girls, are you OK now? Let‘s listen to a rhyme: Whose cake is this? T: This is not Chris‘s cake. It‘s my cake. Now I‘m hungry.(手摸肚子做饥饿状)然后带读单词hungry,生开火车读并加上动作。 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 组织学生做一个Follow me 的游戏。 Stand up—Run—Jump. Can you jump like this?(做高抬腿)多做几次,让学生累累。然后说:I‘m tired. What‘s the matter? Are you tired? 引导学生说:Yes, I am. I‘m tired. (师带读tired,开火车读) 2. Learn: Come and have a pie. (1) 师边说:I‘m hungry.边做动作。学生跟着一起做,然后师问一生:Are you hungry? 若学生说:Yes, I am.师就边端出一个馅饼,边说Come and have a pie.请该生到台前。 小组(2) 领读:Come and have a pie. Chant: Come and have(右手招手,食指指着嘴唇。) Come and have(左手招手,食指指着嘴唇。)讨论Come and have a pie.(双手招手,食指指着嘴唇,然后在空中画一个大圈。)Ah...Yummy. 与 3. 整体感知对话 (1) T: We are hungry. How about Liu Tao? What‘s the matter with 交流Liu Tao? 课件出示刘涛的图片,让学生看图来猜一猜 展示 (2) Watch the carton and then answer the questions. ( ) ----What‘s the matter with Liu Tao? ----He‘s________. A. hungry B. ill C. thirsty D. tired 4. Watch again 让学生再次观看动画,并思考问题:Liu Tao wants to___________.生选一选 A. have a pie B. have some water C. go to bed 质疑5. 生跟读课文录音,注意让学生模仿正确的语音语调,师注意长、难句的朗读指导。 拓展 6. 生在小组内朗读对话,然后讨论并回答问题: a. Is Liu Tao ill? b. What‘s the matter with Liu Tao? Step3 Consolidation 检测1. 生自由朗读对话,可以自己读,可以在小组里读,也可以读给老师听。 与 2. 学生小组内分角色朗读、表演对话。评出“最佳表演奖”。 (2) 领读:Come and have a pie. Chant: Come and have(右手招手,食指指着嘴唇。) Come and have(左手招手,食指指着嘴唇。)Come and have a pie.(双手招手,食指指着嘴唇,然后在空中画一个大圈。)Ah...Yummy. 6. 生在小组内朗读对话,然后讨论并回答问题: a. Is Liu Tao ill? b. What‘s the matter with Liu Tao? 2. 学生小组内分角色朗读、表演对话。评出“最佳表演奖”。 小结 本课教授的是四年级下册第7单元的story time内容。要求学生掌握四个四会教学单词,能用贴切的用形容词以及can I have...?Here you are等句型进行对话,并能在生活中帮助他人。本节课中tired和thirsty比较难读,除了听录音跟读,教师可反思 以根据音标进行教学,教师在板书的时候也可以让学生拼写,提高学习效率。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 29 课时 课题 Unit7 What’s the matter? (Fun time & Cartoon time) 1. 通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词,能听懂、会说、会读thirsty, ill, tired, happy。 2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型What‘s the matter? 以及应答句学习I‘m…。 3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型What‘s the matter? 以及应目标 答句I‘m…并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助。 4. 能够理解Cartoon time故事内容并能生动表演。 1. 通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词,能听懂、会说、会读thirsty, ill, tired, happy。 重点2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型What‘s the matter? 以及应答句I‘m…。 难点 3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型What‘s the matter? 以及应答句I‘m…并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Greeting and free talk 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. I‘m very happy today. 2. Free talk T: I like English very much. How about you? What subjects do you like?(问2~3人) T: I‘m very happy to know all of you like English. In this lesson, let‘s talk about feelings、use ―What‘s the matter?‖ well and act out the Cartoon time. OK? Step2 Presentation 1. Revision T: Good. Let‘s play a game first, OK? (课件出示看单词、图片、句型,大声朗读,完成后进行Ticking) T: You did very good job. Are you happy now? What about Liu Tao ? What‘s the matter with him? Do you remember? Let‘s have a look. (课件出示,看图和句子进行判断)小组讨论后回答 2. Fun time T: Liu Tao is tired. And I‘m a little tired too. I want to play a game. Do you want to play with me? Let‘s look at the rules. Who wants to come here and play with me? 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 (课件出示看单词、图片、句型,大声朗读,完成后进行Ticking) T: You did very good job. Are you happy now? What about Liu Tao ? What‘s the matter with him? Do you remember? Let‘s have a look. (课件出示,看图和句子进行判断)小组讨论后回答 师生、生生示范一组。通过纸牌配对游戏进行练习。两人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings做表情或者肢体动作,另一人进小组行猜测并给予具体的帮助,最先全部完成的小组获胜。请几组进行表演,完成后进行Ticking 讨论3. Cartoon time T: You are great and you can guess well. What‘s the matter with 与 Bobby? Can you guess? Let‘s have a look.(出示第一幅图) T: Let‘s watch and try to find the answer.(观看动画,找出答案) 交流T: 一幅一幅跟读,重点模仿语音语调。 T: Read in 4.(根据角色全班朗读,读到自己角色起立大声读) 展示 T: Act in 4.(反馈3组,教师帮助学生站位及道具使用)Ticking Step3 Consolidation 【巩固提高、自我总结】 1. Summary T: We know Bobby is happy now. And I think that helping others 质疑can make you happy. But how? 引导学生思考不同的情况如何进行帮助Say this in a different way。 拓展 2. Show time We know how to help others now. Try to make a dialogue in 4. (课件出示相应情境的图片)示范一组。 2. Preview Sound Step4 Homework 检测1. Read Cartoon time three times. time、Rhyme time、师生、生生示范一组。通过纸牌配对游戏进行练习。两人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings做表情或者肢体动作,另一人进行猜测并给予具体的帮助,最先全部完成的小组获胜。请几组进行表演,完成后进行Ticking 引导学生思考不同的情况如何进行帮助Say this in a different way。 与 小结 2. Preview Sound time、Rhyme time、Checkout time and Ticking time after Checkout time and class. Ticking time after class. 教师可以根据音标进行教学,教师在板书的时候也可以让学生拼写,提高学教学习效率。由于条件的限制,给学生奖励时可以用卡片、贴纸代替实物,学生在角色表演时可以有针对性的奖励,例如,小组内选择表演最好的,各小组中选择表反思 现最好的,提高学生的学习兴趣。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 30 课时 课题 Unit7 What’s the matter? (Sound time) 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语What‘s the matter? I‘m … Can I 学习have …? Here you are. Come and have … I want to … Good night. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词thirsty, water, ill, tired, happy。 目标 3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词dear, Mrs, speak。 4. 学习字母o在单词中的读音/?u/,能听懂、会说、发音准确。 重点难点 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语What‘s the matter? I‘m … Can I have …? Here you are. Come and have … I want to … Good night. 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Review 1. 教师出示Story time多媒体视频。 全体同学跟读一遍。 2.What‘s the matter, Tao tao? 复习thirsty 和tired这两个单词的读法。 补充与调整 3. 请3名同学角色扮演。 4. 老师,男女生共同表演一次。要读准词语的发音。 自 学 预 习 同时利用What‘s the matter? I‘m…来操练6个新词。 3. 请3名同学角色扮演。 4. 老师,男女生共同表演一次。要读准词语的发音。 Step2 Sound time 小组讨论与 交流1. Show the words: go, home, no, nose, open T: Here we have two new friends. Can you read their name? 2. Read after the music. 3. T: Can you give me more words with letter ―o‖ pronounced / ?u /? Discuss in groups of four. I‘ll give you one minute. 引导学生试着找出含有相同音素的单词,让学生进一步体会读音。(T板书的引导学生试着找出含有相同音素的单词,让学生进一步体会读音。(T板书的时候注意分类) 展示 时候注意分类) 4. 读一读这出含有字母o的单词,根据o的不同发音将单词进(1) ( )close 行分类。 homework (2)( ) so 质疑拓展 5. 牛刀小试:读一读,想一想,判断划线部分读音是否相同。 (1) ( )close homework (2)( ) so coffee (3)( ) open coffee nose Step3 Homework 1. 听录音会读Rhyme time。 (3)( ) open nose 完成一起作业网上的作业。 检测与 2. 背诵Cartoon time,组长检查。 小结 完成一起作业网上的作业。 小组内选择表演最好的,各小组中选择表现最好的,提高学生的学习兴趣。教学反思

重点句型的操练。Come and have... Can I have...?用多种方法进行操练,最后可用连词成句的方式进行检测 备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 31 课时

课题 Unit7 What’s the matter? (Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time) 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语What‘s the matter? I‘m … Can I have …? Here you are. Come and have … I want to … Good night. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词thirsty, water, ill, tired, happy。 目标 3. 会唱歌谣Are you ill? 学习重点难点 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语What‘s the matter? I‘m … Can I have …? Here you are. Come and have … I want to … Good night. 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Greetings and free talk 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Step2 Reading time 【复习旧知】 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 1. Story time 2. Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵。 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵。 Step3 Rhyme time 小组讨论与 交流1. Enjoy a rhyme 2. Read and practice. 【自主探究、小组合作】 3. Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip: Change some words of the rhyme. 展示 Learning tip: Change some words of the rhyme. Step4 Checkout time 【自主探究、独立完成、当堂检测】 Read and write. 1. Listen and spell. 学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。 3. Check the answer. 4. Read it 质疑The teacher say the words, the students spell. 拓展 2. 完成 Read and write. 学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。 3. Check the answer. 4. Read it group by group. Step5 Homework group by group. Finish Ticking time with your deskmates. 检测与 Finish Ticking time with your deskmates. Have a dictation about the new words. Have a dictation 小结 about the new words. 在Chant部分,学生应该是对What‘s the matter? I‘m hungry/ thirsty/ tired/ ill.是朗朗上口的,但是发现学生对matter读音还不到位,所以应该加强学生读方面教学的训练。由于前面的操练不够到位,从而导致了后面学生读对话起来有些困难,所以在教学时应注意每一单词每一句型的全面操练。 反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 32 课时 课题 Unit 8 How are you ? 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词may, hear, take care. 学习2.能听懂、会说、会读come to school, cold, fever. 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型This is… speaking. May I speak to…? I‘m 目标 sorry to hear that. How are you? I‘m fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you. 4.能正确理解掌握对话内容,准确、流利地朗读课文。 重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,初步理解运用本课句型。 重点 2.能正确理解掌握对话的内容并能流利朗读对话。 难点:有感情的朗读对话并学会打电话用语并能适当拓展。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1吸引注意,积累语言 1. Free talk. T: Nice to see you. How are you? I‘m not OK. Yes, I am. I‘m ill. Today, we will learn Unit 8 How are you? 板书揭题 2. Ask your desk mates ―How are you?‖Nice to see you. I‘m fine. Thank you. And you? What‘s the matter?Are you ill? Work in pairs. Step2导出目标,生成结构 1.Show a picture of Yang Ling in Story time. T: Look at this girl. Who is she? Where is she? How is she now? Can you guess? 引导学生用Maybe she is...回答。 2. Another picture. Look, where is Miss Li? What is Miss Li doing? Can you guess? Yes, she‘s calling Yang Ling. But how can we begin a telephone call? Please watch the cartoon carefully. Underline key sentences and discuss in pairs.Class work. Ss: She is Yang Ling. At home. Maybe she is ... Maybe she is... Ss: She‘s at school. 打电话 Watch and say 3. Can you make a phone call to your desk mates? 补充与调整 师生、生生互动板书,复习旧知。继续追问与回答,引导学生用句型练习。 (Solo work) 随之生生对答,师评价。 师生问答。 自 学 预 习 学生猜测 师生、生生互动 学生边听边模仿打电话用语。学生模仿,教师板书。 (Pair work) Practice Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 1.How is Yang Ling? Let‘s watch cartoon and find out what‘s the 小组matter with Yang Ling. 教读cold,fever出示图片帮助理解。 讨论2.Can you read by yourselves and try to answer them. (1)What can‘t Yang Ling do? 与 (2)What does Miss Li say? Watch and answer 交流Read after the teacher. Step4呈现材料,活用结构 展示 1. Picture 2Look at another picture. Can you guess what happens next? Guess, read and underline.Guess, read and underline Step5Task3引发期待行为,强化结构 Reading time: 1.Let‘s read after the computer. Take care. See you tomorrow. ) 质疑2.read after the teacher. 拓展 3.read together. Read and learn Read and imitate Read together Step6Post –task提供反馈评价,巩固结构 1. If you are ill, can you make a call to your teacher and classmates? 检测Useful sentences: A:Hello, this is ... speaking. May I speak to...? 与 B:This is … A:.... 小结 2. Homework 师生问答中引出新单词,并在讨论中老师板书,提炼与总结,然后生生问答。 (Pair work Solo work) 通过让学生猜测事情发展,让学生自读课文。 学生通过不同方印象,便于理解掌握知识点。 (Class work Solo work Group work) (在跟读中体会语音语调语气,理解并学习I‘m sorry to hear that. 式朗读课文,加深 在学习课文的基础上,运用本课的重点句型,小组合作,模仿对话,练习巩固句型。 (Group work) Group work 通过本节课的学习,我较好地完成了教学目标和教学内容. 采用了灵活的教学方法,本节课,根据教学内容我恰当地选择了教学方法,如通过做动作表情让学生教学体会到“How are you?”及其回答;用Guessing game 引入新的单词。在区委操练中,我让学生“走近”“走远”中体会带记忆单词的乐趣,同时又以朗朗上口反思 的rhyme刺激学生的记忆。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 33 课时 课题 Unit 8 How are you ? 1.能熟练朗读、表演课文,复习课文。 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会用单词cough, headache; 句型How are you? Not so good.。 学习3.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用打电话用语。能根据fun time的道具和情境,有乐趣地进行小组对话。 目标 4.会朗诵诗歌《Doctor Wu》。 培养学生关心同学互相爱护的好品质。 重点:能让学生听懂会说会读会用新单词和新句型。 重点难点:学生能根据实际情况运用打电话用语打电话。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1吸引注意,积累语言 1. Listen to the rhyme and follow it. 2. Show pictures of Story time. The boy is making a telephone call. Yang Ling is calling Miss Li too. Can you tell me what she is talking about. Work in pair and act. 1. Listen and follow 2. Look and retell Step2导出目标,生成结构 1. If your desk mate is ill, what can you say to him/her? 2. If you are ill, how can you answer these questions? 新授单词cough,headache 句型How are you? Not so good.We can say: How are you? What‘s the matter? Are you ill? Do you have a cold? ....... We can answer: Yes, I‘m ill. /Not so good. I have a headache. ...... 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 节奏感强的诗歌,让学生回忆起打电话用语。 (Class work) 看图回忆第一课时内容,并同桌表演。 (Pair work) 师生、生生互动。复习问候身体健康的交际用语。 并新授单词和句型。 (Solo work Pair work) 同桌合作编对话,教师在旁小组Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 点拨,其他学生Make a dialogue with your desk mates, using the new words and 评价。讲一讲课讨论sentences we learned just now. 文中的语法点。 Work in pairs. (Pair work) 与 学生小组合作,Step4呈现材料,活用结构 利用自制电话We have home-made telephones, can you make a phone to your 交流表演对话,交流classmates? Work in groups. 运用重点句型。 展示 (Group work) Step5引发期待行为,强化结构 Say the rhyme again. 1. If your friend is ill, what can you do? 拓展 Take care of your friends. 1. Say the rhyme again. Talk about friendship. 回顾诗歌,提升情感 质疑 检测与 小结 小组合作交流Step6提供反馈评价,巩固结构 或者语段输出。 Homework Make a real phone call to your friend.You can write down your words. 通过本节课的学习,创设了语言交流的真实情景,因为本节课的我问候语是对前几单元的延续,学生虽然有了一定的感性认识,但是有的回答还比较抽象,学生不易理解,我以和的出现,加深学生对 的理解。学生在真实的语境中学习和运用语言,促使了他们综合语言运用能力的形成。 教学反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 34 课时 课题 Unit 8 How are you ? 学习目标 重点难点 流程 学 习 内 容 补充与调整 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组at school. 2.理解cartoon time的乐趣所在,趣味朗读并表演。 3.能熟练运用所学单词和句型打电话。 熟练朗读cartoon time的课文,体会其乐趣。 Step 1吸引注意,积累语言 Brain storm: How can we make a telephone call? 生生互动复习句型。 教师板书复习的句型。看图,猜测故事情节,激发兴趣。 (Class work Single work) 自 学 预 习 How can we answer a telephone call? 板书 Work in pairs and discuss. Step2导出目标,生成结构 Can you make a telephone call now? Look at the picture. What day is it today? What is Sam doing now? Guess who is Sam calling? How can Sam make a telephone call?Look at the picture and answer the question. 小组讨论与 交流Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 Listen to the computer and answer: 1. Who is Sam calling? 2. Who is answering the phone? 3. Why? 新授at school Listen and answer 展示 Step4呈现材料,活用结构 Reading time: 1.Let‘s read after the computer. 质疑2.read after the teacher. Read and learn 拓展 Read and imitate Read together 3.read together. 听课文,回答问题,整体了解文本。 在文章中理解新授词组 (Class work Solo work) 学生通过不同方式朗读课文,在理解的基础上体会cartoon time的乐趣 (Class work Solo work Group work) 同桌合作朗读Step5Task3 引发期待行为,强化结构Show time: you can read or perform this 或表演cartoon story in pairs time. 检测Work in pairs (Pair work) Step6提供反馈评价,巩固结构Make and act: 与 小组讨论,编写If you are Tina, you are answering Sam‘s telephone call, what will 一个新故事表小结 you say? Make a new dialogue and act it out. 演。 Useful sentences:(出示本单元重点句型) (Group work) Work in groups 通过本节课的学习,注重细节,引入竞争机制,在课堂上,我坚持从小处看事,关注每个细节,例如我做的bag 以及Let me open the bag.为今后的学习作铺教学垫,同时在课始就引入竞争机制,学习饶有兴味,以“趣”贯穿课的始终,以细节体悟出人文关怀,增强了交流的真实性。 反思

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 4 课时 总第 35 课时 课题 Unit 8 How are you ? 1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。 学习2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。 3.复习story time,进行小语段输出。 目标 4.能理解并且会读o的读音,能总结归纳过去所学单词 5.完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习。 能理解并且会读o的发音,能总结归纳过去所学单词 重点 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1吸引注意,积累语言 1. Brain storm about ―ill‖. Act out Story time in pairs. 1.Ss: cold, fever, cough, headache. 头脑风暴复习2. Act out Story time in pairs. 本单元新词。 Step2导出目标,生成结构 (Solo work) 生生互动,复习Yang Ling is ill, so Miss Li makes a call to Yang Ling. Someone is 第一课时课文,calling Yang Ling too. Who is she? Open your books and do 复习句型。 exercise on P55. Discuss the answers in pairs. 1. Check the answers.Finish exercise on P55 2. Answer who she is. Ss: She is Su Hai. 3. Discuss the answers in pairs. (Pair work)完成书上第55页练习 (Solo work Pair work) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 Step3回忆相关知识,初步运用结构 小组讨论与 交流Miss Li and Su Hai make calls to Yang Ling, because she is ill. 出示狐狸和小熊的图片Mr Fox is calling Mr Bear, because he wants to have lunch with Mr Bear. Can you make a telephone call with your desk mates? One acts as Mr Fox and the other acts as Mr Bear. 1. Mr Fox and Mr Bear are having a picnic now. Sound time图片。What can Mr Bear have for lunch? Does Mr Fox like it? But the hot dog is Mr Bear‘s lunch. 编写表演狐狸和小熊之间的的电话对话,复习运用句型 (Pair work) 设置情境,帮助理解小诗意思 在两人朗读的过程中找出共同读音。 1. 教读Sound timeMake a new dialogue Does Mr Fox like it? But the hot dog is Mr Bear‘s lunch. 教读Sound time 展示 a hot dog Yes. Step4呈现材料,活用结构 1. Watch the cartoon and read. 质疑2. Read with rhythem. Read after the teacher. Read together. 拓展 Pair workRead and find some words with o Read after the computer. Read after the teacher. Read together. Pair work Step5Task3 小组推荐一名引发期待行为,强化结构1.关于o还有一个不一样的读音,同学学生汇报,感受检测与 们能举例说明吗? 2.适当指导归纳笔记,并渗透开、闭音节知识。Work in groups Step6Post –tas提供反馈评价,巩固结构 发音规律,并对关于o的元音进行归类。 小结 1.完成练习 2.指导归纳笔记Practice 练习和笔记巩固了本单元的 重点教授内容。 课堂上会听很重要,只有在一定量语言的输入后才会有输出。学生首先要认真听老师说,这个没有什么太大问题。还要认真听自己的小伙伴说什么。为了防止教学学生在别人发言时有事不关己的心态,我会想法设法提问。譬如一组同学电话打完了,我会提问 Where do they want to go?/ What’s the matter with?那反思 么他们在听时就会思考,抓住一些关键词句。久而久之,学生都能够认真去听别人怎么说,说什么了。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 1 课时 总第 36 课时 课题 Projet2 A party 1. 1在情境中帮助学生复习unit6单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用学习unit6单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“Whose dress is this”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高目标 语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用unit6单元词句进行交流。 1. 复习5~8单元主要词句. 重点2. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用U5~8单元词句进行交流. 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Warm up 1、 Greeting 2、 Play a game:看到图片或文字,大声说出来;看到炸弹,大声说“Bomb”。 Step 2 Presentation 1、 T:Look at the calendar(日历).It is June 1st. What day is it? S: It is Sunday. T: Yes.It is a holiday.Do you know it? S: 儿童节。 T:Great!It’s Children’s Day.Happy Children’s Day! 2、 T:Our friend Tim want to organize a party to celebrate the Children’s Day.Now he ask you for help.Here are four tasks. If you can fulfill a task,you can get a sun. Can you help him? S:Yes. T:Great! Let’s go! Step 3 Tasks 1. Invite friends (1) T:Look,Tim calls his friend Amy.Let’s read after them. (a.跟读录音,学习对话 b.教师领读 c.学生自读) (2)T:Now,it’s your turn.Are you ready? S:Yes. (学生利用对话模板,与同学练习对话) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 T:Our friend Tim want to organize a party to celebrate the Children’s Day.Now he ask you for help.Here are four tasks. If you can fulfill a task,you can get a sun. Can you help him? S:Yes. T:Great! Let’s go! 2. Choose clothes 小组T:Now, open your books and turn to page 69.Choose your clothes for the party and clolur it. 讨论(学生挑选派对服装,上色并裁减下来。) 3. Guess the owners 与 (1)T: Tim and Amy are playing a game-Guess the owners.They put their clothes together and mix them.Then they guess the 交流owner of the clothes. (看图完成相关练习) 展示 (2)T:Do you understand the rules of the game? S:Yes. T:Good.Let’s play the game in a group (3~4 students). 质疑(学生以3~4人为小组,一起做游戏。) (3)choose several groups to act . 拓展 This is a ?/ These are ? That is a ?/ Those are ? Step4 Homework 检测1默写U6单元四会词句 2介绍My clothes。 (学生挑选派对服装,上色并裁减下来。) This is a ?/ These are ? That is a ?/ Those are ? 与 小结 本单元通过打电话邀请朋友参加时装派对来复习打电话用语。又通过制作服装教学反思 的手工活动,为派对做准备来寓教于乐,学生很感兴趣。再通过服装展示和介绍来复习句型:Whose? is this? It’s? 和 Whose? are these? They’re?

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 2 课时 总第 37 课时 课题 Projet2 A party 学习1. 在情境中帮助学生复习5~7单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用5~7单元的单词和句型。 目标 2.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用5~7单元词句进行交流。 重点难点 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习5~7单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用5~7单元的单词和句型。 2.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用5~7单元词句进行交流。 流程 学 习 内 容 Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. Show time 1) Sing or say a rhyme in groups Ss: Choose a song or rhyme, sing or chant in groups, then have a performance Step2 Presentation and practice 1.Introduce the clothes (1)T: Tim and Amy have already chosen their clothes.They are introducing their clothes to each other now. a.看图完成练习 b.跟读录音 c.教师领读 d.学生自读 (2)T: After reading, can you introduce your clothes for party to your friends now? And here are some sentences that you can use: 1、It’s spring / summer / autumn / winter. It’s warm / hot / cool / cold. 2、This is / These are my ? for the party. 3、This is a ?/ These are ?(用颜色描述服装) (学生利用所给句子,练习对话) 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 a.看图完成练习 b.跟读录音 c.教师领读 d.学生自读 小组讨论与 交流展示 4、Can you introduce your clothes for the party? (完成一项任务得一个小太阳) If you get 4 suns,I will say “Well done!”. 质疑If you get 3 suns,I will say “Great!”. If you get 2 suns,I will say “Good”. 拓展 If you get 1 suns,I will say “Not bad!”. (评评看,你能得到几颗星?) Step 4 Homework 检测1、 复习Unit 5 ~ Unit 7的单词。 2、 复习Unit 5 ~ Unit 7的日常交际用语。 Step 3 Ticking time T: 1、Can you invite your friends? 2、Can you choose the clothes for the party? 3、Can you guess the owners of the clothes? 1、Can you invite your friends? 2、Can you choose the clothes for the party? 3、Can you guess the owners of the clothes? (评评看,你能得到几颗星?) 与 小结 1、 复习Unit 5 ~ Unit 7的单词。 2、 复习Unit 5 ~ Unit 7的日常交际用语。 在作品展示环节,教师要求学生将自己选择剪下的衣服贴在一张A4纸上,同教学反思 时在衣服下面写出自己的名字。然后教师将所有衣物贴图收集到讲台上,进行展示。再让学生两人一组,练说句型。

备课日期 年 月 日 上课时间 年 月 日 第 3 课时 总第 38 课时 课题 Projet2 A party 1、创设情景,通过让学生组队进行情景对话的方式,复习“打电话”和“问候身学习体状况”时的交际用语。 2、用自由会话的形式复习6~8单元的内容,并让学生自己设计对话进行表演。 目标 1、创设情景,通过让学生组队进行情景对话的方式,复习“打电话”和“问候身重点体状况”时的交际用语。 2、用自由会话的形式复习6~8单元的内容,并让学生自己设计对话进行表演。 难点 流程 学 习 内 容 Step1 Warming up 1. Brain storm: Give the key words, say some words or phrases 2.Show some topics and talk about what sentence we can use in these topics. Ss: Listing some sentences , then choose a topic to talk about. Step2 Do some exercise A.Listen and circle. 1.指导学生观察每幅图片。并用所学句型师生问答。 2.听录音做题。 B Listen and match. 1.教师结合图片向学生提出相关问题,也可以带领学生根据答句猜测问题。 2.播放录音做题。 补充与调整 自 学 预 习 A.Listen and circle. 1.指导学生观察每幅图片。并用所学句型师生问答。 2.听录音做题。 B Listen and match. 1.教师结合图片向学生提出相关问题,也可以带领学生根据答句猜测问题。 2.播放录音做题。 小组讨论与 交流展示 E.Read and choose and write 1.带领学生讨论图片,然后逐句对话朗读,引导学生带着题目中的问题到文本中画答案。 2.读对话选答案。 质疑Step3 Consolidation Design a dreaming party. Give the students some useful 拓展 phrases and sentence, then introduce it in your group. Design a dreaming party. Give the students some useful phrases and sentence, then introduce it in your group. 1. 熟背Unit5~8 2. 默写5~8单元四会词句 C Look and say 1.教师带领学生谈论一下图片,提示一些注意点。 2.看图,根据提供的语言提示作出应答。 D Read and judge 教师引导学生仔细看图,理解图意并尝试根据所给句子进行口头表述。 教师引导学生仔细看图,理解图意并尝试根据所给句子进行口头表述。 检测与 小结 Step4 Homework 1. 熟背Unit5~8 2. 默写5~8单元四会词句 本单元通过活动培养学生对所学知识的综合运用能力,既激发培养了学生的兴教学反思
