【冀教版】七年级英语下册:Unit 6 Seasons全单元教案 (2) 下载本文

1.Some structures:

(1) I’m going to take swimming lessons.

(2) I am going to take summer classes at Beijing University. (3) I want to keep learning. 2.Never stop learning. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

What activities can you do during the summer? Write down your ideas and share with your classmates.

2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1) What will Wang Mei do? (2) What is Li Ming going to do? (3) What is Ms. Liu going to do? Why? 3.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks on P123. (二) Showing and exchange

1.take lessons / classes, have lessons / classes He will takes four lessons this afternoon. 2.go to university

He hopes he can go to university. 3.keep doing sth. They kept smiling.

(三) Expansion

stop doing sth. stop to do sth.

1.We stopped talking when Mr. Wang came in. 2.We stopped to talk when we met on the street. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 对于即将到来的寒假,你有一些计划吗?

Do you have ______ ______ ______ the coming winter holiday? (2) 我今天晚上会给你打电话。 I ______ call you ______ ______. (3) 托尼打算参加英语俱乐部。

Tony ______ ______ ______ ______ the English club. (4) 他们因篮球赛而感到兴奋。

They were ______ ______ the basketball match. (5) 甚至老师也需要不断学习。 Even the teachers need to ______ ______. 2.Self—challenge German, Germany 1.They are ________. 2.They come from ________. (五)Blackboard design (六)Feedback

Lesson 48: Li Ming’s Summer Holiday

Ⅰ.Learning aims

1.Language goals: camp, share, organize, summer camp, share … with …

2.Make a detailed plan for your summer holiday. 3.Cultivate a good habbit and learn to be yourself. Ⅱ.Learning important points

1.The important vocabulary.

2.Write a passage about your summer plan. Ⅲ.Learning difficult points

1.Use “ will ” and “ be going to ”correctly. 2.Some structures:

(1) I did well in my exams, too. (2) I am really looking forward to it!

(3) I am going to write down all of my experience and share them with you. Ⅳ.Learning guide

(一)Self—learning 1.Warming up

Share your summer plan with your partners. Write down some good ideas.

2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (1) Where will Li Ming go? (2) What will he do there? (3) How long will he stay there?

3.Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F) on P125. (二) Showing and exchange 1.share … with

She always shares good things with her friends. 2.do well in sth. / doing sth. She does well in gardening. 3.look forward to doing sth.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon. (三) Expansion

organize, organization

1.They are going to organize a basketball match. 2.The Red Cross is a famous organization. (四)Task in class 1.Self—check

(1) 他们准备组织一次演唱会。 (2) 你想参加夏令营吗?