2017美赛B题O奖论文56731中英对照版 下载本文

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据我们了解,新泽西州的高速公路里程已经超过321公里,在美国排名第五。同时,新泽西收费站的ETC使用率已经超过了80%。未来,随着ETC设备的普及,收费站ETC的使用可能会进一步增加。虽然自主车辆的商业布局正在加速,但未来20年内道路上可能会有大量的自动驾驶车辆,从而加快了通过收费站的速度。因此,您的问题可能是:“如何保证收费站的通行能力?”,“如何引导交通流在出口汇合?”,“如何保证车辆的安全? \\

我们想出了一个蜂窝式收费站的设计,其概念模型如上所示。 这个设计有四个主要的优点:


(2)使用PTV-VISSIM模拟大量的实际情况。仿真结果表明理想蜂窝分布式收费站与传统收费站相比具有更好的性能,特别是当交通流量大时。平均出行时间减少了约55%,每条车道的平均延误时间减少了约70%。 (3)根据PTV-VISSIM模拟:完整的ETC收费站比完整的MTC收费站快8倍。

(4)模拟不同业务吞吐量下蜂窝收费广场的性能。仿真结果表明,在0?2000的不同吞吐量下,平均通过时间约为11秒(单位:Veh / h)。我们可以推断出这个模型对交通流量变化不敏感,具有很强的鲁棒性,适用于实际建设。


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make a comparison diagram for you,The black part shown below is our design with 8 toll gates, while the blue par is the traditional design.

Furthermore, in order to make you understand the advantages of the cellular toll station with more ETC lanes. We make the diagram shown below, where the blue solid line stands for the performance of the traditional design and the red dashed line is our design. From the diagram, we can learn that the time cost passing through the cellular toll station is lower than the traditional one under the heavy traffic flow.

Thank you again for taking the time to read our suggestions. We sincerely hope that the cellular toll station can solve the problem of congestion!

Best Regards, Sincerely

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此外,为了让您了解更多ETC车道的蜂窝收费站的优势。 我们制作如下图,蓝色实线表示传统设计的性能,红色虚线表示我们的设计。 从图中可以看出,在交通繁忙的情况下,通过蜂窝收费站的时间成本低于传统的收费站。

再次感谢您花时间阅读我们的建议。 我们衷心希望蜂窝收费站能够解决拥堵问题!


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VII. References

[1]Wang Dianhai. Traffic flow theory [M].Beijing: China Communications Press.2002.

[2]Wu Xiaowu. Study on Traffic Safety of Toll Station of Expressway [D].Chang’an Universi ty,2004.

[3] Honeycomb.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeycomb.

[4] Queueing theory, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queueing_theory.

[5] Gross D. Fundamentals of queueing theory[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

[6] The Washington State Department of Transportation design manual, chapter 1210, Geometric Plan Elements.

[7] Manual H C. Highway capacity manual[J]. Washington, DC, 2000.

[8] Hock, Ng Chee, Queueing Modeling Fundamentals, Wiley, New York, 1996.

[9] Cheng J, Jiang P. Design of Toll Collection Station for Quanzhou to Xiamen Freeway[J]. Journal of Highway & Transportation Reseach Andk Development, 1995.

[10] Pratelli A, Schoen F. Multi-Toll-Type Motorway Stations Optimal Layout[C]// Urban Transport XII. Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century. 2006.

[11] Sivak M, Schoettle B. Road safety with self-driving vehicles: General limitations and road sharing with conventional vehicles[J]. 2015.

[12] PTV Vissim. http://vision-traffic.ptvgroup.com/en-us/products/ptv-vissim/.

[13] Liu L, Weng J, Rong J. Simulation Based Mixed ETC/MTC Freeway Toll Station Capacity[C]// 19th ITS World Congress. 2012.

[14] Ding Chuangxin. Study on Capacity of High - grade Highway Toll Station [D]. Kunming University of Science and Technology,2005.