人力0903徐晶毕业论文 下载本文


background and meaning of this topic, domestic and foreign research present situation and this research method and the main content of the paper; The second part is the tang dynasty imperial examination system and the basic overview of modern civil service system. Are described respectively, and the tang dynasty imperial examination system overview, civil servants KaoLu system introduction, The third part is the tang dynasty to the modern civil servants KaoLu history evolution. Tells the story of modern civil servants from the imperial system to see the changes of the test system. The fourth part try to talk about the current civil servant KaoLu system problems and reason analysis. The induction and generalization of the our country civil servants KaoLu system problems, and to our country civil servants KaoLu system the cause of the problems are analyzed; The fifth part put forward the system of tang dynasty to the improvement of the system of our country civil servants KaoLu countermeasures. Perfect our country's civil servants KaoLu system suggestion, respectively from the our country civil servants KaoLu system facing the actual problems and puts forward the perfect our country's civil servants KaoLu system strategy; The first six divided into conclusion. In a word, the construction and perfect our country's civil servants KaoLu system still shoulder heavy responsibilities, and the problems need to be solved and involves many aspects are still. The author hope this paper can from the historical point of view of the current civil servant in our country KaoLu system reform put forward some feasible advice and Suggestions.

Key words: Tang Dynasty imperial examination system civil servant

KaoLu system



目 录

前 言 ......................................................1 第1章 唐朝科举制视角下现代公务员考录制度的问题提出 .......... 4

第1.1节 研究目的与意义 .................................. 4 第1.2节 国内外研究现状 .................................. 6 第1.3节 研究方法 ....................................... 12 第2章 唐朝科举制度和现代公务员制度的基本概况 ............... 14

第2.1节 唐朝科举制概述 ................................. 14 第2.2节 现代公务员制度概述 ............................. 19 第2.2节 唐朝科举制和现代公务员制度的类比 ............... 21 第3章 唐朝科举制度到现代公务员考录的历史嬗变 ............... 24

第3.1节 科举考试到现行公务员考试的宏观、微观之洞见 ..... 24 第3.2节 从科举考试看现代公务员考试的变迁 ............... 25 第4章 我国现行公务员考录制度存在的问题及原因探析 ........... 26

第4.1节 我国现行公务员考录制度存在的主要问题 ........... 26 第4.2节 公务员考录制度面临的困境 ....................... 27 第4.2节 从科举制到公务员考录制度产生问题的原因 ......... 28 第5章 唐朝科举制度对当今公务员考录制度的完善对策 ........... 30

第5.1节 坚持科学用人观,创造良好的考录环境 ............. 30 第5.2节 实行考试制度正规化和科学化 ..................... 31



第5.3节 健全考试录用的监督保障机制 ..................... 32 第5.4节 建立公务员考录制度的法律体系并加强考试的权威性 ........................................................ 33 结 论 ..................................................... 35 附 录 ..................................................... 37 参考文献 ................................................... 38 致 谢 ..................................................... 40



前 言

我国的公务员考录制度,起源于古代的科举制度。公元587年,隋文帝开创的科举制度,唐朝时期进一步完善了科举制。科举制度是中华民族在行政领域中对世界的重大贡献。科举考试传至西方,后形成的公务员制度又从欧美传回中国。一定意义上可以说,科举制度是现今公务员制度的历史渊源,公务员制度是科举制度的继承和超越。 唐朝实行科举制度,为社会经济稳定,巩固封建统治达到了显著效果,满足了封建君主专制政治的要求。它是一项比较符合当时历史发展的制度,对当时社会的发展起到了积极的作用。不管是中国唐朝科举制度,还是当代公务员考试选拔制度,二者都是国家选拔人才的方法。本文通过对二者产生的时代背景、招考对象来源、考录形式、任用考核奖惩机制进行比较和更深层次的分析,本着“古为今用”的原则,有鉴别地汲取中国社会政治文明的成果,以期对完善当代我国公务员考录制度有所裨益。

