Unit 1 I. Put the following Chinese into English: ѯÅÌ ±¨ÅÌ ±¨¼Û ¶©µ¥ ´«Õæ µç×ÓÓʼþ µç×ÓÉÌÎñ »¥ÁªÍø ½»»õÆÚ Ä¿Â¼ Îĵµ Ö§¸¶ ½áÕÊ Óà¶î ¿Í»§ ¹úÃñ¾¼Ã Êг¡¾¼Ã ÓªÏú
II. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: economy trade market 1. Your home _____ is flourishing, and your foreign trade is expanding fast. 2. This is possible because of the continuous advance of our national _____. 3. They have been in the wool _____ for quite a number of years.
4. During the past few years the course of world _____ has been marked by a succession of dramatic developments. 5. The damaged goods are hardly _____.
6. The tourist _____ is the country¡®s main source of income. 7. We must make out a _____ research report in two weeks. 8. An increasing number of European firms are _____ with China. 9. They counted on imports to stimulate their _____.
III. Read the following introduction to general business letters: (1) ÐÅÍ·£¨Heading £© (2) ÈÕÆÚ(Date) (3) ÎÒ·½²Î¿¼ºÅÂ루Our Ref. No.£© ¶Ô·½²Î¿¼ºÅÂ루Your Ref. No.£© (4) ·âÄÚµØÖ·£¨Inside Address£© (5) ³Æºô£¨Salutation£© (6) ÊÂÓÉ£¨Subject£© (7) ÕýÎÄ £¨Body of the Letter£© (8) ½áβÌ×Óï £¨Complimentary Close£© (9) Ç©Ãû£¨Signature£© (10) ¾°ìÈË´úºÅ£¨Reference Notation£© (11) ¸½¼þ£¨Enclosure£© (12) ³ËÍ£¨Carbon Copy£© (13) ¸½ÑÔ£¨P.S.£© ÒÔÉÏÊÇÓ¢ÓïÉÌÒµÊéÐŵĻù±¾½á¹¹£¬ÆäÖеÚ1¡¢2¡¢4¡¢5¡¢7¡¢8¡¢9µÈÆ߸ö²¿·ÖÊÇ×î³£Óõġ£µ«¸÷Ðŵĸñʽ²»¾¡Ò»Ö£¬ÓÐЩÏîÄ¿ÊÇ·ñÒªÓÃÓ¦ÊÓ¾ßÌåÇé¿ö¶ø¶¨¡£
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µØÖ·ÏÂÃæд·¢ÐÅÈÕÆÚ£¬´ÎÐòÊÇÔ¡¢ÈÕ¡¢Ä꣬ÈçFeb.27£¬2005£»»òÈÕ¡¢Ô¡¢Ä꣬Èç27 Feb.£¬2005 £¨3£©Ðź¯±àºÅ£¨Reference Number£©
Ðź¯±àºÅÊÇΪÁËÐżþ¹éµµ¡¢²éÕÒÖ®Óã¬Í¨³£ÓÐÎÒ·½±àºÅ£¨Our Ref.£©ºÍ¶Ô·½±àºÅ£¨Your Ref.£©×é³É£¬È磺 Our Ref.£ºCS 49/77005 Your Ref.£º2005/IB318
£¨4£©ÐÅÄÚµØÖ· ( Inside Address)
ÈçÊÕÐÅÈËΪij¹«Ë¾£¬¶ø¼ÄÐÅÈËÒªÇó¸Ã¹«Ë¾Ä³Ìض¨ÈËÊÕÔĺ;°ì£¬Ôò¿ÉдÉÏAttention (ËõдΪAttn.)£¬¸ñʽÈçÏ£º Pacific Marine Insurance Company 643 Powell St.
San Francisco, Ca. 94108 Attention£ºMr. H. S. Kennedy £¨5£©³Æºô (Salutation)
³£¼ûµÄÕýʽ³ÆºôÓУºDear Mr Smith, Dear Mrs Black, Dear Miss Brown, Dear Ms. White¡£Ms.ÓÃÓÚ²»ÖªÊÇ·ñÒѽá»éµÄÅ®×ÓÐÕÃû֮ǰ¡£Èô³Æºô¶à¸öÄÐÐÔ£¬ÔòÔÚÐÕÃûÇ°ÓÃMr.µÄ¸´ÊýÐÎʽMessrs¡£MrsûÓи´ÊýÐÎʽ£¬Èô³Æºô¶à¸öÅ®ÐÔ£¬ÔòÔÚÐÕÃûÇ°ÓÃMmes.£¬ÈçMmes. White and Gray¡£
д¸øÒ»¸ö¹«Ë¾Ê±£¬¿ÉÒÔÓÃDear Sirs, Ò²¿ÉÒÔÓÃGentlemen, ÃÀ¹úÈËÒ»°ãÓÃGentlemen¡£³ÆºôºóÓÃðºÅ»ò¶ººÅ¾ù¿É£¬µ«Ç°ÕßÏԵøüÕýʽ¡£Gentlemenºó³£ÓÃðºÅ¡£
£¨6£©ÊÂÓÉ (Subject)
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ÕýÎĵÄÿһ¶Î¿ªÍ·¿ÉÒÔÓÃËõÐÐʽ£¨Indented Form£©£¬Ò²¿ÉÓò¢ÁÐʽ£¨blocked form£©£¬ÓÉÓÚµçÄÔÆÕ¼°£¬ÎªÁË·½±ã£¬²¢ÁÐʽ±»¹ã·ºÊ¹Óã¬ÕâÒ²°üÀ¨Ðź¯µÄÆäËüËùÓÐÏîÄ¿£¬ÈçÈÕÆÚ¡¢ÊÂÓÉ¡¢½áβÌ×Óï??µÈ¶¼½ôÌùÐÅÖ½×ó±ß¿ªÊ¼¡£ÎªÇå³þÆð¼û£¬²ÉÓò¢ÁÐʽµÄ¸÷ÏîÄ¿Ö®¼ä£¬Í¨³£¿ÕÒ»ÐУ¬ÕýÎĵĸ÷¶ÎÖ®¼äÒ²¿ÕÒ»ÐС£
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Collins Telecom Company, ¡ª2¡ª March 24, 2005¡£ £¨8£©½áβÌ×Óï £¨Complimentary Close£©
ÔÚÉÌÒµÊéÐÅÖУ¬×î³£¼ûµÄ½áβÌ×ÓïÓУºYours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours truly, Truly yours£¬Ò²¿ÉÓÃYours sincerely, Sincerely yours. £¨9£©Ç©Ãû£¨Signature£©
Truly yours, (Signature)
Alfred Johnson, Office Manager South Philadelphia Mobiles Company £¨10£©¾°ìÈË´úºÅ£¨Reference Notation£©
¾°ìÈË´úºÅÊÇÓÉÐżþ¿ÚÊÚÕß(dictator)ºÍÃØÊ飨»ò´ò×ÖÔ±£©µÄÐÕÃûµÄÊ×д×Öĸ×é³É£¬ÓÃðºÅ»òбÏߺŷֿª£¬È磺FCM/HL, FCM:HL, FCM/hl, fcm:hl¡£ Ðżþ´òÉϾ°ìÈË´úºÅÊÇΪÁËÌṩ´ËÐżþ²úÉúµÄÐÅÏ¢×ÊÁÏ£¬±ãÓÚ±ØҪʱ²é¶ÔÖ®Óᣠ£¨11£©¸½¼þ£¨Enclosure£©
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Encls£º1. Annual Report 2 copies
2. List of Major Accounts 3. Profit and Loss Statement £¨12£©³ËÍ£¨Carbon Copy£©
Èç±¾ÐÅÓг¼þ¼ÄµÚÈýÕߣ¬Ôò´òÉÏC.C.»òcc×ÖÑù£¬È»ºóдÉϵÚÈýÕßµÄÃû³ÆºÍµØÖ·£¨ÓеÄֻдÃû³Æ£¬²»Ð´µØÖ·£©¡£ÀýÈ磺 C.C£º Rotic Co.
341 Queen Avenue Yakima Wa. 98902
cc to£ºCEO
cc£º Mr Carl Mason Copy to£º Sales Manager Copies to£º directors (13) ¸½ÑÔ£¨P.S.£©
IV. Make corrections in the format of the following business letter: INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Rm 808,Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea 35-2 Yeoido Young Dung Po Seoul South Korea Tel: 822-782-4641 Fax: 822-785-4245 16 June 2004 KJ: rh Enclosures 2 Cc: Kim Sang-Chul Moon Young-Seung Subject: Integrated Circuit Boards Dear Dr Brenda Yeoh We have just received your order for 400 integrated circuit boards (item No. KR10779) Unfortunately, these circuit boards are no longer produced as they have been replaced by our model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With this in mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change your order. The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are as follows: KR2000 integrated circuit board: @US$23,200 KT200X ?Toolkit¡®: @US$15,500 KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) @US$10,000 I should be grateful if you could contact me to tell me what you wish us to do about your order. Yours faithfully Kim Jungsup for INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Attention Dr Brenda Yeoh, PhD ATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd. 88 Kitchener Road,#02-15 Jalan Besar Plaza Singapore 208512 PS Forgot to mention it, but there are lots of bargains in the brochure and price list which I am sending you.
V. Address the following envelope in English£º ÃÀ¹úŦԼ°ÙÀÏ»ã´ó½Ö20ºÅAUTOS¹«Ë¾ Óʱࣺ10027 ÍþÁ®¡¤Ê·ÃÜ˹ÏÈÉúÊÕ Öйú±±¾©¹ã°²ÃÅÄϽÖ12ºÅ Öйú±±·½¹¤Òµ¹«Ë¾ Óʱà 100053
Unit 2 I. Put the following Chinese into English: ¹«Ë¾
Óë¡£¡£¡£½¨Á¢ÒµÎñ¹Øϵ С²á×Ó Äã´¦£¨µØ£© ¹©Äã²Î¿¼ ÒÔ¡£¡£¡£ÎªÄ¿µÄ Óë´Ëͬʱ °´ÕÕ ´ï³É½»Ò× ÔÚ¡£¡£¡£ÒµÎñ·½Ãæ һϵÁÐ