英文标题大小写规则-英文命题大小写 下载本文

XXIV) This paper expresses views on…

XXV) This paper reports the latest information on…

XXVI) This paper provides an analysis of…

XXVII) This paper gives an account of…

XXVIII) The aim of this paper is to determine…

XXIX) The objective of this paper is to explore…

XXX) The purpose of this article is to review/ prove/ show/ present/ develop/ generalize/ investigate

4. 关键词

关键词是反映文章最主要内容的术语,对文献检索有重要作用。关键词一般用名词,而且从标题或摘要中选取,每篇文章可选 3 ~ 8 个关键词,文章题名中的人名、地名也可作为关键词标出。应标注中英文关键词。中、英文关键词应一一对应。中文关键词前应冠以“关键词:”,英文关键词前冠以“ Key words :”作为标识。多个关键词之间应以分号分隔,以便于计算机自动切分。将关键词扩展成词组 / 短语,毋用单一词汇,而是在单一词汇基础上进行扩展,如:营销→网络营销→网络营销管理。切记避免关键字堆砌。

5. 英文参考文献

英文参考文献的顺序按作者 ( 编者 ) 姓名的字母依次排列。作者 ( 编者 ) 为一人或多人中的第一作者,其姓写在前面,并用逗号与名字隔开;非第一作者的姓名仍然把名写在前,姓写在后面。同一作者的不同著作按照出版时间先后顺序排列,其著作一律排在论文前面。同一作者的其他著作,用横线代替作者名字。没有作者 ( 编写 ) 的按文献名称的字母顺序排列。著作的出版信息,如出版地、出版社不再用括号括起,出版时间写在作者 ( 编者 ) 姓名后,用括号括起来,用逗号与文献名称隔开。期刊杂志中的文章要标明起止页码,页码前不必加 p. 或 pp. 。首行顶格。当文献信息超过一行时,从第二行起,缩进两个字母的距离。例如:

Aron, Raymond (1966), Peace and War , New York: Doubleday. Baldwin, David (ed.) (1993), Neorealism and Neoliberalism : The Cotemporary Debate, New York: Columbia University Press.

Blechman, Barry M. and Stephen S. Kaplan (1978), Force without War , Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution.


The Rules of Word Capitalization in Headlines

Whether it’s an article, a sales letter, an ezine ad or just

the subject heading in an email, the objective of the headline is to get the reader to read more than just the headline. To read the next ‘bit’.

So what makes this headline an attention grabber?

Let’s look at 4 points within this headline that makes it “grab” the readers attention.

1. Ask a Question

If you ask a question in your headline then the reader is

inclined to want to answer the question themselves. The reader is intrigued. This prompts the reader to read on. Asking a question is one of the best ways to ‘grab’ the attention.

2. Use Inverted Commas

Use inverted commas around a single word as I have done, or around a group of words or the whole headline. The inverted commas themselves actually highlight something that the reader can latch on to. If you had 10 headlines and 1 had inverted commas around it, then it’s more likely it would be the most read headline.

There is another benefit to using inverted commas around the whole heading. It often means that in an alphabetical list of headlines you will be near the top. This is because inverted commas come before the letter “A”.

3. Capitalize the First Letter of Each Major Word in the Headline

Capitalizing each ‘major’ word in the headline grabs the

readers attention. However do not capitalize every word. Do not capitalize words such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘of’, ‘to’, ‘on’, ‘in’ and ‘an’ unless they are the first word of the headline. It’s just not necessary.

Take a look at the ‘headline’ above for point 3. The words ‘the’, ‘of’ and ‘in’ are not capitalized. Let’s see what this headline would look like if they were:

Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Major Word In The Headline

It just does not impress as much. There is no distinction

between the words. The ‘major’ words do not stand out as much.

However, in the headline under point 3 the following groups of words stand out more because they are separated by the not so important words: Capitalize First Letter Each Major Word Headline 4. Use powerful words “Grab” is a powerful word. So is “Free”. Even “Powerful” is a powerful word for that matter. Try and have at least 1 and maybe 2 powerful words in your headline. These powerful words will draw in the readers attention and prompt them to keep reading. Use these 4 techniques to help you write better headlines. Get the headline wrong and there is no use writing the article, the ezine ad or the sales letter. Get the headline right and you are half way to making the sale or obtaining a new ezine subscriber. Resource Box David McKenzie is the author of a new e-book titled “How To Write Free Articles and Market Them With a $0 Marketing Budget.” Get a Free 5 Day Email Course http://www.brisney.com/how-to-write-free-articles.htm If you would like a copy of this article emailed to you, click here 分享到微信 推荐 8人 30人 喜欢 喜欢 回应推荐喜欢 > 我来回应 云隐 (江西南昌) 他们说: 孤独的人最优雅,优雅的人都死了。 推荐这篇日记的豆列 · · · · · · ( 全部 ) ? ? ? ? ? 心灵手巧的人(?????)? 论文 逗逗逗 实用工具 (2人关注) 教育知与行