希望英语四大二下课后翻译答案 下载本文

《希望英语4》翻译练习答案 Unit 1 A

1. 顾客越是觉得回报多,他们回头光顾的机会就越大。

The more the customers feel rewarded, the greater the odds they will repeat their shopping. 2.生意成功的秘密就在于高质量的服务。

The secret for successful businesses lies in high quality services.


If the customers are not rewarded adequately, they may shop elsewhere.


We treat our customers well, and in turn they will reward us by bringing in more customers.

5.简而言之,在商业中采用双赢政策(win-win policy)我们就有机会赢得更多顾客。

To put it simple, we shall have better chance to win more customers by adopting a win-win policy in



B 掌握国际贸易的知识及其蕴藏的力量和实施的方法,不仅对那些直接从事国际贸易工作的管理人员,而且对所有的管理者都是十分必要的。国际贸易,即进出口贸易,常常是制造业、自然资源、能源以及农产品等方面的企业进行国际经营活动的首选形式。 UNIT 2

A 1.毕业以后,他曾雄心勃勃地想回家乡大干一番事业,然而却发现在那里将军无用武之地。

After graduation, he had thought with great ambition of working hard in his hometown, but he found himself just like a fish out of water there.


If active actions were not taken to solve the problems, constant complaints would make the simple issue more complex.

3.他说这项工作是专门为那些有闯劲的人设计的。 He said that the job was specially designed for aggressive people.4. 该国人民对战后残酷的经济形势不抱任何幻想。

People in that country have no illusion about the


harsh economic climate after the war.

5. 由于中国人的好客,他才有了宾至如归的感觉。 He has become comfortable with everything thanks to the Chinese people’s hospitability.

B普利茅斯殖民者获得第一个丰收后,在一个感恩的日子里,所有的殖民者和附近的印第安居民在盛大的宴会上共同祈祷.他们的感谢不仅仅是因为有了丰盛的食物,还因为印第安人教会他们如何种植,打猎,捕鱼,以及如何做那些他们曾不知名的菜.每年丰收后,用一天时间举办各种宴会来庆祝和感恩的传统在新英格兰盛行起来.许多年后,它变成了美国的节日.这或许是因为一个名叫萨拉.海尔的女士。为了能设立感恩节,在四十年里他一直给美国总统写信。最后,他终于成功的得到了亚伯拉罕.林肯的同意。如今人们以烤火鸡为主要菜肴的传统宴席来庆祝这一节日。 UNIT 3

1. 多年来,他的名字一直是最伟大的民族英雄的代名词。

For years his name has stood for national hero of the noblest kind.

2. 他关于世界经济发展的理论一直被人们争论至今,但没有得出任何结论。


The controversy over his theory on the world’s economic development rages to this day, but is still inconclusive.

3. 地球上有许多动物虽然思维简单,行动缓慢,但却比人类活得长。

Many animals on earth outlive human beings although they think simply and act slowly.

4. 有关能源问题的争论依然是这两国冲突的焦点。 The controversy over energy remains the focus of the conflict between the two countries. 5. 调查发现该公司没有欺诈的动机。

The investigation reveals that the company has no motive for cheating.

B 爱德华四世一死,他的弟弟格洛斯特公爵理查德打败所有可能反对他的人,质疑爱德华的儿子们继承王位的合法性,宣布自己是爱德华四世合法的王位继承人。他除掉了爱德华四世的两个儿子,这使他声誉扫地。所以,约翰· 冈特家族的最后一个男性后裔里奇蒙伯爵亨利· 都德一踏上英格兰的土地,就广受欢迎。经过一系列的混战,中世纪英格兰的贵族互相残杀,消灭殆尽。博思沃斯大战的结束为都德王朝的强权统治彻底扫清了障碍。玫瑰战争宣告结束,都德王朝的