2011年职称英语理工类新增文章及解析WWW 下载本文

10. A Bose一筹莫展,只好求助于爱因斯坦,后者通过计算证实了Bose的理论。本题选


11. D本段的第二句的前半句与后半句是因果关系,连词要选so。

12. B本句的主旬中的谓语动词用的是过去时helped,根据“主句为过去时态,宾语从句一


13. D Comell and Wieman荣获诺贝尔物理奖,是因为他们成功地将气体的温度降到接近绝

对零度。本文最后两段以实际例子说明他们的成就推动了科学的发展。因此,ultra-small,ultra—fast和ultra.hot都与Cornell and Wieman的研究无关联,不会是答案。只有ultra—cold才是合乎逻辑的选择 。

14. C从句子“These clocks are so accurate today they would only lose one second six

million推断,原子钟如此精确,每隔600万年才慢l秒。“每隔”的英语用词是every。 15. A从地球飞向其他星球的宇宙航程很长,计时越精确,测算宇宙飞行器的即时距离就越

精确。本段讲的是精确计时对宇宙航行的重要性。所以,选travel是正确的。本题不能选walk,因为space walk是“太空行走”,指的是宇航员离开飞船在宇宙空间中活动,与space travel是两个不同的概念。



Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in Teens

While some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to \against the blues,scientists at the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal have found that smoking may actually —1— depressive symptoms in some teens.

“This observational study is one of the few to examine the perceived —2— benefits of smoking among teens,” says lead researcher Michael Chaiton,a research associate at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit of the University of Toronto.“—3— cigarettes may appear to have self-medicating —4— or to improve mood,in the long term we found that teens who started to smoke reported higher depressive symptoms.”

As part of the study,some 662 high school teenagers completed up to 20 questionnaires —5— their use of cigarettes to affect mood.Secondary schools were selected to provide a mix of French and English participants,urban and rural schools,and schools —6— in high, moderate and low socioeconomic neighbourhoods. Participants were divided into three —7—: never smokers;smokers who did not use cigarettes to self-medicate,improve mood or physical —8—;smokers who used cigarettes to self-medicate.Depressive symptoms were measured using a scale that asked how felt too fired to do things:had —9— going to sleep or staying —10—;felt unhappy,sad,or depressed;felt hopeless about the future;felt vexed,antsy or tense;and worried too much about things.

\who used cigarettes as mood —11— had higher risks of elevated depressive symptoms than teens who had never smoked,\0’Loughlin,a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine.\benefits from smoking are at higher risk of —12— depressive symptoms.\ The —13— between depression and smoking exists —14— 一among teens that use cigarettes to feel better.\s —15— to emphasize that depressive symptom scores8 were higher among teenagers who reported emotional benefits from smoking after they began to smoke,\.Chaiton.









词汇: Puff v.遇到

self-medicate v.自我治疗 vexed adj.烦虑的

antsy adj.坐立不安的,烦躁的 blues n.抑郁 注释:

1.the University of Toront0:(加拿大)多伦多大学 2.the University of Montreal:(加拿大)蒙特利尔大学 3.research associate:助理研究员 4.in the long term:从长远看


6.high,moderate and low socioeconomic neighbourhoods:高档、中档和低档社区 7.the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine:蒙特利尔大学社会和预防医学系。此处the University of Montreal是定语,修饰Department of Social and Preventive Medicine。 8.scores:得分。指问卷的统计数字。 练习:

1.A examine B increase C decrease D diagnose 2.A social B financial C emotional D political 3.A Whatever B Although C Whenever D what 4.A effects B methods C steps D directions 5.A beside B beyond C in D about 6.A exposed B expanded C located D detected 7.A groups B sets C species D versions 8.A world B activity C state D beauty


9.A time B courage C energy D trouble 10.A asleep B awake C still D silent 11.A reducers B improvers C creators D removers 12.A changing B identifying C developing D overcoming 13.A difference B association C cooperation D agreement 14.A occasionally B scarcely C probably D principally 15.A illogical B unscientific C meaningless D important


1.B 本文的重点是介绍借抽烟缓解抑郁情绪的青少年到后来他们的depressive symptoms (抑郁症状)反而加重了。第二、第五、第六段都明确提到这一点。所以B(increase)是答案。其他三个选项的词义与上下文的意思搭不上。


3.B空格所在的句子虽然缺字,意思还是清楚的,前半旬的意思与后半句的意思是相反的。前半句说香烟看上去有助于改善心情,后半句说从长远角度看,depressive symptoms的风险反而会增加。四个选项中只有选项8的Although能将前半句和后半句连接起来,并赋 予“让步\的意思。

4.A句中的or是“即”,也就是说,to have self-medicatin9加上填入的词之后的意思相当于to improve mood。四个选项中只有选项A的effects(效果)是填入空格的最合适的词。toimprove mood是自我治疗的效果。其他三个选项methods、steps、directions与self-medicatin9连用,意思分别为“自我治疗的方法”、“自我治疗的步骤\、“自我治疗的指导\,与句子的意思不相配。

5.D 本题要填入的词是介词。分析下来,their use of cigarettes to affect mood应该是questionnaire(问卷)所要了解的内容。所以,about是正确的选择。

6.C科学家在选择问卷对象时注意了代表性,入选的青少年既有讲法语的,也有讲英语的,他们就读的学校有城市的,也有农村的。接下来的问题是:在schools和in high,moderateand low socioeconomic neighbourhoods(高档社区、中档社区和低档社区)之间选哪个词才符合上下文的意思呢?很明显,这些学校有位于高档社区的,也有位于中档和低档社区的。所以选项C的located是答案o