新视野大学英语第三版B4U2教案 下载本文

Irresistible: 1 being impossible to refuse, not want 无法抗拒的2 being strong or powerful and impossible to control Irresistible force

2)If, at the end of his four-minute allotment of time for grooming, a man has managed to wipe most of the shaving cream out of the strands of his hair and isn’t bleeding too badly, he feels he’s done all he can. (Para.4)

groom:vt. 1 梳妆;打扮 2擦洗,刷洗(动物,尤指马匹)

E.g. Every time before she goes out to a party, she spends hours and hours grooming herself. 她每次外出参加聚会前,都花好几个小时梳妆打扮。

What his eight-year-old son likes best is to feed and groom the pony. 他八岁的儿子最喜欢做的事就是给马驹喂食和刷洗。

3) 3. No matter how attractive a woman may be, her perception of herself is eclipsed by the beauty industry.( Para. 5

Eclipse: vt. 1(usu. Passive) become more important, powerful, famous than sb. or sth. else, so that they are no longer noticed 使黯然失色;使相形见绌;光芒盖过

E.g. The space program has been eclipsed by other pressing needs. 这项太空计划和其他的紧迫需要相比已经黯然失色了。

2 make the sun or moon become partly or completely dark because of the position of the sun, moon and earth in relation to each other出现(日食、月食等);遮住…的光an eclipse of the sun 一次日食

4)She has trouble thinking “ I’m beautiful.” She magnifies the smallest imperfections in her body and imagines them as glaring flaws the whole world will notice and ridicule. (Para.5)

Magnify: vt.make sth. appear more important 夸大,夸张 magnify oneself against someone 抬高自己贬低某人,轻视,看不起

E.g. She is inclined to magnify her troubles. 她喜欢夸大她的困难。

He tried to magnify the part he acted in the play. 他试图夸大他在剧中扮演的角色。 He is exposed to the ridicule of the public. 他受到公众的嘲弄。


Functional patterns 5)no amount of sth. will do …

对于她的这一问题,无论你事先练习多少次,都不会找到正确答案。 No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer.

6)Sth. happens, especially when…用于表达“事物的普遍性或严重性”。 出国留学会是一次艰难的经历,特别是当你不得不离开所爱的人,独自面对全新的环境。

Studying abroad can be a difficult experience, especially when you have to leave your beloved ones and face the new environment all alone.

Essay writing: How to write aHow to write a college essay:

Introduction: The introduction part is usually one short paragraph that introduces the topic to be discussed and the thesis statement. A thesis statement can be an opinion, an attitude or a stand about the topic.

Body: The body is the main part of an essay. It may contain several short paragraphs that use the development methods of examples, narrative, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classification, argumentation, etc.

Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the discussion of a certain topic. It can briefly summarize the main points discussed and can also restate the thesis statement by using different words and structures. At the end of the conclusion, the writer’s final thoughts on the topic may be added such as a predication, a suggestion, or a warning.

Sample essay:

Topic:What kind of graduate education would you choose, to study in China or overseas?

Task: essay writing:

Directions: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outline you can follow.


Part III Reflection Critical Thinking: 1. 1. How do most people perceive their appearances according to the video?

They are not satisfied with their looks.

? They focus more on the imperfections of their physical appearances.

? They think they are less pretty than they really are.

2. What message do you get from the video clip?

We are more beautiful than we thought we should be. Therefore, we should spend more time appreciating the things we do like instead of wasting time trying to fix the imperfections of our physical appearance.

Part IV Assignment

1. Speaking: Part I. General introduction 1. What is beauty;

2. People’ pursuit of beauty.

Part II. Your understanding of physical beauty 1. Importance of physical beauty;

2. Popularity of cosmetic surgery and its disadvantages.

3. Writing: Please write an essay of no less than 150 words on the topic. How do women and men groom themselves?